Esempio n. 1
 * Parse the runinfo file to find the names of the neutron event files.
 * @param runinfo Runinfo file with full path.
 * @param dataDir Directory where the runinfo file lives.
 * @param eventFilenames vector of all possible event files. This is filled by
 *the algorithm.
void LoadPreNexus::parseRuninfo(const string &runinfo, string &dataDir,
                                vector<string> &eventFilenames) {

  // Create a Poco Path object for runinfo filename
  Poco::Path runinfoPath(runinfo, Poco::Path::PATH_GUESS);
  // Now lets get the directory
  Poco::Path dirPath(runinfoPath.parent());
  dataDir = dirPath.absolute().toString();
  g_log.debug() << "Data directory \"" << dataDir << "\"\n";

  std::ifstream in(runinfo.c_str());
  Poco::XML::InputSource src(in);

  Poco::XML::DOMParser parser;
  Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document> pDoc = parser.parse(&src);

  Poco::XML::NodeIterator it(pDoc, Poco::XML::NodeFilter::SHOW_ELEMENT);
  Poco::XML::Node *pNode = it.nextNode(); // root node
  while (pNode) {
    if (pNode->nodeName() == "RunInfo") // standard name for this type
      pNode = pNode->firstChild();
      while (pNode) {
        if (pNode->nodeName() == "FileList") {
          pNode = pNode->firstChild();
          while (pNode) {
            if (pNode->nodeName() == "DataList") {
              pNode = pNode->firstChild();
              while (pNode) {
                if (pNode->nodeName() == "scattering") {
                  Poco::XML::Element *element =
                      static_cast<Poco::XML::Element *>(pNode);
                pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
            } else // search for DataList
              pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
        } else // search for FileList
          pNode = pNode->nextSibling();
    } else // search for RunInfo
      pNode = pNode->nextSibling();

  // report the results to the log
  if (eventFilenames.size() == 1) {
    g_log.debug() << "Found 1 event file: \"" << eventFilenames[0] << "\"\n";
  } else {
    g_log.debug() << "Found " << eventFilenames.size() << " event files:";
    for (auto &eventFilename : eventFilenames) {
      g_log.debug() << "\"" << eventFilename << "\" ";
    g_log.debug() << "\n";
void XMLConfiguration::setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
	std::string::const_iterator it = key.begin();
	Poco::XML::Node* pNode = findNode(it, key.end(), _pRoot, true);
	if (pNode)
        unsigned short nodeType = pNode->nodeType();
        if (Poco::XML::Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE == nodeType)
        else if (Poco::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType)
            Poco::XML::Node* pChildNode = pNode->firstChild();
            if (pChildNode)
                if (Poco::XML::Node::TEXT_NODE == pChildNode->nodeType())
				Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Node> pText = _pDocument->createTextNode(value);
    else throw NotFoundException("Node not found in XMLConfiguration", key);