int Weather::getProperty(const char* str) { int count = 0; int value = 0; //Parsing information, just there to get the condition code and temp. Takes in a char*, spits out the requested information it gets from parsing pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("query"); pugi::xml_node channel = node.first_child().first_child(); pugi::xml_node weath = channel.last_child().first_child().next_sibling(); for(pugi::xml_node weathernode = weath; weathernode; weathernode = weathernode.next_sibling()){ if(weathernode.attribute("date")){ if(day + 1 == count){ value = weathernode.attribute(str).as_int(); //std::cout << weathernode.attribute(str).as_int(); //std::cout << "Value"<< value; } count++; } } return value; }
bool program_data::read(const pugi::xml_document & doc) { pugi::xml_node root_node = doc.child("program"); if(root_node.empty()) return false; pugi::xml_node vertex_node = root_node.child("shaders").child("vertex"); if(vertex_node.text().empty()) return false; pugi::xml_node fragment_node = root_node.child("shaders").child("fragment"); if(fragment_node.text().empty()) return false; v_shader_ = vertex_node.text().get(); f_shader_ = fragment_node.text().get(); pugi::xml_node a_locations_node = root_node.child("a_locations"); for(const auto & value : a_locations_node.children("location")) { attribute_locations_.emplace_back(value.attribute("name").value(), value.attribute("index").as_int()); } pugi::xml_node u_locations_node = root_node.child("u_locations"); for(const auto & value : u_locations_node.children("location")) { uniform_locations_.emplace_back(value.attribute("name").value(), value.attribute("index").as_int()); } return true; }
void Patent::_init(const pugi::xml_document& doc, const bool& loadAbstract, const bool& loadDescription) { pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("patent"); text.clear(); source_tfvec.clear(); target_tfvec.clear(); // walk through nodes below the root node to collect abstracts and descriptions for (pugi::xml_node node = root.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) { if ( strcmp(, "ucid") == 0 ) ucid = node.text().as_string(); else if ( strcmp(, "lang") == 0 ) lang = node.text().as_string(); else if ( loadAbstract && strcmp(, "abstract") == 0 ) this->loadText(node); else if ( loadDescription && strcmp(, "description") == 0 ) this->loadText(node); } s_count = text.size(); isParsed = true; }
void CDatabase::loadParsedDatabase(const pugi::xml_document &doc) { LOG4CPLUS_TRACE_METHOD(msLogger, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); mApplications.clear(); pugi::xml_node appMan = doc.child("app-man"); pugi::xml_node applications = appMan.child("applications"); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator it = applications.begin(); it != applications.end(); ++it) { LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "it->name : " + std::string(it->name())); if (strcmp(it->name(), "app")) { continue; } LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "it->child_value(launch-info) : " + std::string(it->child_value("launch-info"))); std::string trimmedLaunchInfo = mLaunchInfoProcessor->trimLaunchInfo(it->child_value("launch-info")); CApplication app(trimmedLaunchInfo); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "launch-info : " + trimmedLaunchInfo); if (hasAppWithNoLocks(app.launchInfo())) { LOG4CPLUS_WARN(msLogger, "!!! Application launch info repetition !!!"); continue; } if (!mLaunchInfoProcessor->isLaunchInfoValid(app.launchInfo())) { LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(msLogger, "!!! LAUNCHINFO IS NOT VALID !!!"); continue; } else { LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "launchinfo is valid: " + app.launchInfo()); } int id = genId(); mApplications[id] = app; pugi::xml_node services = it->child("services"); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator srv = services.begin(); services.end() != srv; ++srv) { if (strcmp(srv->name(),"service") || !strcmp(srv->name(), "")) { continue; } std::string uid(srv->attribute("uid").value()); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "service UID: " + uid); mApplications[id].addService(Service::Uid(uid)); } } }
bool ProfileDatabase::loadParsedDatabase(const pugi::xml_document &doc) { LOG4CPLUS_TRACE_METHOD(msLogger, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); if (EDB_NORMAL_OK != mDbState) { LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(msLogger, "parsing state error"); return false; } pugi::xml_node profs = doc.child("profiles"); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator it = profs.begin(); it != profs.end(); ++it) { LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "Profile adding"); Profile::Uid profileUid = Profile::Uid(it->child_value("uid")); Profile::ApiUid apiUid = Profile::ApiUid(it->child_value("api-uid")); std::string name = it->child_value("name"); Profile::Uid complement = Profile::Uid(it->child_value("complement")); if ("" == profileUid.value() || "" == apiUid.value() || "" == complement.value() || "" == name) { LOG4CPLUS_WARN(msLogger, "Profile adding error\nProfile UID: " + profileUid.value() + ", API UID: " + apiUid.value() + ", Complement UID: " + complement.value() + ", name: " + name); continue; } ProfileInfo profile(profileUid, apiUid, complement, name); pugi::xml_node libs = it->child("libs"); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator sit = libs.begin(); sit != libs.end(); ++sit) { std::string pathToLib = mRootFolderPath + (std::string)sit->attribute("path").value(); UInt32 version = atoi(sit->attribute("version").value()); std::string platform = sit->attribute("platform").value(); profile.addLib(ProfileLibInfo(version, pathToLib, platform)); } ProfileInfoMap::iterator mit = mProfiles.find(profile.uid()); if (mProfiles.end() == mit) { mProfiles.insert(std::make_pair(profile.uid(), profile)); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "Added profile into profiles map, profile UID: " + profile.uid().value()); } else { LOG4CPLUS_WARN(msLogger, "Error: UID repetition: " + profile.uid().value()); } } return true; }
// --------------------------------------------- pugi::xml_node j1App::LoadConfig(pugi::xml_document& config_file) const { pugi::xml_node ret; char* buf; int size = App->fs->Load("config.xml", &buf); pugi::xml_parse_result result = config_file.load_buffer(buf, size); RELEASE(buf); if(result == NULL) LOG("Could not load map xml file config.xml. pugi error: %s", result.description()); else ret = config_file.child("config"); return ret; }
// TODO: Fix up the format of the config file so it's all process oriented // rather than plugin oriented. i.e. You should specify your process, and then // attach your config for plugins/gui/etc to that (and also have some sort of // 'global' config which applies for cases where there is no process-specific // override). That way you can override the GUI on a per-process basis so it // matches the plugins you're trying to load. void Config::LoadImpl(pugi::xml_document const& doc) { auto const hadesmem_root = doc.child(L"HadesMem"); if (!hadesmem_root) { HADESMEM_DETAIL_THROW_EXCEPTION(hadesmem::Error{} << hadesmem::ErrorString{ "Failed to find 'HadesMem' root node."}); } auto const cerberus_node = hadesmem_root.child(L"Cerberus"); if (!cerberus_node) { HADESMEM_DETAIL_TRACE_A("No Cerberus node."); return; } for (auto const& plugin_node : cerberus_node.children(L"Plugin")) { auto const path = hadesmem::detail::pugixml::GetAttributeValue(plugin_node, L"Path"); auto const process = hadesmem::detail::pugixml::GetOptionalAttributeValue( plugin_node, L"Process"); HADESMEM_DETAIL_TRACE_FORMAT_A( "Got Plugin entry. Path: [%s]. Process: [%s].", path.c_str(), process.c_str()); plugins_.emplace_back(Plugin{path, process}); } // TODO: Find a better way to do this. auto const gui = hadesmem::detail::pugixml::GetOptionalAttributeValue(cerberus_node, L"GUI"); if (hadesmem::detail::ToUpperOrdinal(gui) == L"ANTTWEAKBAR") { HADESMEM_DETAIL_TRACE_A("AntTweakBar enabled."); ant_tweak_bar_enabled_ = true; } else if (hadesmem::detail::ToUpperOrdinal(gui) == L"GWEN") { HADESMEM_DETAIL_TRACE_A("GWEN enabled."); gwen_enabled_ = true; } else { ant_tweak_bar_enabled_ = false; } }
bool CProfileDatabase::loadParsedDatabase(const pugi::xml_document &doc) { LOG4CPLUS_TRACE_METHOD(msLogger, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); if (EDB_NORMAL_OK != mDBState) { return false; } pugi::xml_node profs = doc.child("profiles"); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator it = profs.begin(); it != profs.end(); ++it) { CProfileInfo info(std::string(it->child_value("manifest-path"))); if (info.failed()) { LOG4CPLUS_WARN(msLogger, "Failed loading of XML Manifest"); continue; } std::map<UID,CProfileInfo>::iterator mit = mProfiles.find(info.uid()); if (mProfiles.end() == mit) { mProfiles[info.uid()] = info; pugi::xml_node libs = it->child("libs"); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator sit = libs.begin(); sit != libs.end(); ++sit) { mProfiles[info.uid()].addLib(sit->attribute("platform").value(), sit->attribute("path").value()); } } else if ( 0 != it->child_value("uid")) { LOG4CPLUS_WARN(msLogger, "Error: UID repetition: " + std::string(it->child_value("uid"))); } else { LOG4CPLUS_WARN(msLogger, "Error: UID repetition"); } } return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void X3DFile::write_vertices(pugi::xml_document& xml_doc, const Mesh& mesh, const std::vector<std::size_t> vecindex) { std::size_t offset = MPI::global_offset(vecindex.size(), true); const std::size_t process_number = MPI::process_number(); const std::size_t num_processes = MPI::num_processes(); const std::size_t tdim = mesh.topology().dim(); const std::size_t gdim = mesh.geometry().dim(); std::stringstream local_output; if (facet_type == "IndexedLineSet") { for (EdgeIterator e(mesh); !e.end(); ++e) { bool allow_edge = (tdim == 2); // If one of the faces connected to this edge is external, then // output the edge if (!allow_edge) { for (FaceIterator f(*e); !f.end(); ++f) { if (f->num_global_entities(tdim) == 1) allow_edge = true; } } if (allow_edge) { for (VertexIterator v(*e); !v.end(); ++v) { std::size_t index_it = std::find(vecindex.begin(), vecindex.end(), v->index()) - vecindex.begin(); local_output << index_it + offset << " " ; } local_output << "-1 "; } } } else if (facet_type == "IndexedFaceSet") { // Output faces for (FaceIterator f(mesh); !f.end(); ++f) { if (tdim == 2 || f->num_global_entities(tdim) == 1) { for (VertexIterator v(*f); !v.end(); ++v) { std::size_t index_it = std::find(vecindex.begin(), vecindex.end(), v->index()) - vecindex.begin(); local_output << index_it + offset << " " ; } local_output << "-1 "; } } } std::vector<std::string> gathered_output; MPI::gather(local_output.str(), gathered_output); if (process_number == 0) { pugi::xml_node indexed_face_set = xml_doc.child("X3D").child("Scene").child("Shape").child(facet_type.c_str()); std::stringstream str_output; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_processes; ++i) str_output << gathered_output[i]; indexed_face_set.append_attribute("coordIndex") = str_output.str().c_str(); } local_output.str(""); // Now fill in the geometry for (std::vector<std::size_t>::const_iterator index = vecindex.begin(); index != vecindex.end(); ++index) { Vertex v(mesh, *index); local_output << v.x(0) << " " << v.x(1) << " "; if (gdim == 2) local_output << "0 "; else local_output << v.x(2) << " "; } MPI::gather(local_output.str(), gathered_output); // Finally, close off with the XML footer on process zero if (process_number == 0) { pugi::xml_node indexed_face_set = xml_doc.child("X3D").child("Scene").child("Shape").child(facet_type.c_str()); pugi::xml_node coordinate = indexed_face_set.append_child("Coordinate"); std::stringstream str_output; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_processes; ++i) str_output << gathered_output[i]; coordinate.append_attribute("point") = str_output.str().c_str(); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void X3DFile::write_values(pugi::xml_document& xml_doc, const Mesh& mesh, const std::vector<std::size_t> vecindex, const std::vector<double> data_values) { const std::size_t tdim = mesh.topology().dim(); double minval = *std::min_element(data_values.begin(), data_values.end()); minval = MPI::min(minval); double maxval = *std::max_element(data_values.begin(), data_values.end()); maxval = MPI::max(maxval); double scale = 0.0; if (maxval == minval) scale = 1.0; else scale = 255.0/(maxval - minval); std::stringstream local_output; if (facet_type == "IndexedLineSet") { for (EdgeIterator e(mesh); !e.end(); ++e) { bool allow_edge = (tdim == 2); // If one of the faces connected to this edge is external, then // output the edge if (!allow_edge) { for (FaceIterator f(*e); !f.end(); ++f) { if (f->num_global_entities(tdim) == 1) allow_edge = true; } } if (allow_edge) { for (VertexIterator v(*e); !v.end(); ++v) { local_output << (int)((data_values[v->index()] - minval)*scale) << " " ; } local_output << "-1 "; } } } else if (facet_type == "IndexedFaceSet") { // Output faces for (FaceIterator f(mesh); !f.end(); ++f) { if (tdim == 2 || f->num_global_entities(tdim) == 1) { for (VertexIterator v(*f); !v.end(); ++v) { local_output << (int)((data_values[v->index()] - minval)*scale) << " " ; } local_output << "-1 "; } } } // Gather up on zero std::vector<std::string> gathered_output; MPI::gather(local_output.str(), gathered_output); if (MPI::process_number() == 0) { pugi::xml_node indexed_face_set = xml_doc.child("X3D") .child("Scene").child("Shape").child(facet_type.c_str()); indexed_face_set.append_attribute("colorPerVertex") = "true"; std::stringstream str_output; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < MPI::num_processes(); ++i) str_output << gathered_output[i]; indexed_face_set.append_attribute("colorIndex") = str_output.str().c_str(); // Output colour palette const int palette = 2; pugi::xml_node color = indexed_face_set.append_child("Color"); color.append_attribute("color") = color_palette(palette).c_str(); } }
void PhysicBodyManager::loadDefinitions(const pugi::xml_document& doc) { Logger log("PhysicBodyManager::loadDefinitions"); pugi::xml_node config = doc.child("physics").child("world"); myGravity = config.attribute("gravity").as_float(); log << "gravity : "<< myGravity; for (pugi::xml_node body = doc.child("physics").child("body"); body; body = body.next_sibling("body")) { //<body... log << "\t new body found ..."; b2BodyDef bodyDef; std::string type = body.attribute("type").value(); std::string name = body.attribute("name").value(); log << "\t attributes : name -> " << name << " type -> " << type; if("dynamic") == 0) { bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody; bodyDef.allowSleep = true; bodyDef.awake = false; } //for(pugi::xml_node fixture = body.child("fixture"); fixture; fixture = body.next_sibling("fixture")) { pugi::xml_node fixture = body.child("fixture"); b2FixtureDef fixtureDef; float density, friction, restitution = 0.0f; density = fixture.attribute("density").as_float(); friction = fixture.attribute("friction").as_float(); restitution = fixture.attribute("restitution").as_float(); fixtureDef.density = density; fixtureDef.friction = friction; fixtureDef.restitution = restitution; log << "\t\t Fixture : density ->" << density << " friction -> " << friction << " restitution -> " << restitution; pugi::xml_node shape = fixture.child("shape"); std::string shapeType = shape.attribute("type").value(); if("box") == 0) { b2PolygonShape* boxShape = new b2PolygonShape(); pugi::xml_node point = shape.child("point"); float pX, pY = 0.0f; pX = Utils::pixelsToMeters(point.attribute("x").as_float())/2; pY = Utils::pixelsToMeters(point.attribute("y").as_float())/2; log << "\t\t\t Box : x -> " << pX << " y -> " << pY; boxShape->SetAsBox(pX,pY); fixtureDef.shape = boxShape; myBodyDef[name] = std::make_tuple(bodyDef,fixtureDef,boxShape); } } } }
const pugi::char_t* GetValue(const char* name) { return m_system_doc.child(name).child_value(); }