Esempio n. 1
void fix_single::process (Archive* archive)
  if ( !buffer_filled )
    nbin = archive->get_nbin ();
    nchan = archive->get_nchan ();
    npol = archive->get_npol ();

  input_name = basename ( archive->get_filename () );
  inss << input_name.substr( input_name.length() - 14, 11 );
  inss >> input_count;
  inss.str ("");

   if ( archive->get_nsubint() != 1 )
    throw Error ( InvalidState, "fix_single::process", "multiple subints not supported" ) ;

  if ( input_count != previous_count + 1 )
    buffer_filled = false;
  if ( buffer_filled )
    output = archive->clone ();

  if ( amps_old_second == NULL )
    amps_old_second = new float [ nbin * nchan * npol / 2 ];

  //currently only one subint input supported
  unsigned i_subint = 0;
  // read two subints at a time, get the amps, rotate etc
    for (unsigned i_chan = 0; i_chan < nchan; i_chan++ )
      for (unsigned i_pol = 0; i_pol < npol; i_pol++ )
	// index of the element containing the i_subint, i_pol, i_chan
	unsigned index = i_subint * nbin * nchan * npol + i_chan * nbin * npol + i_pol * nbin;
	if (buffer_filled)
	  // copy half of one profile into beginning of the output profile and fill the other half with data from the next profile. To preserve alignement of pulsar peak with zero phase the two halfs are swapped.
	  memcpy ( (void *) (output->get_Profile(i_subint, i_pol, i_chan)->get_amps() ), (void *) (archive->get_Profile(i_subint, i_pol, i_chan)->get_amps() ), nbin / 2 * sizeof ( float ) );
	  memcpy ( (void *) ( output->get_Profile(i_subint, i_pol, i_chan)->get_amps() + nbin / 2 ), (void *) ( amps_old_second + index / 2 ), nbin / 2 * sizeof ( float ) );
	//fill the "previous archive" buffer
	memcpy ( (void *) ( amps_old_second + index / 2 ), (void *) ( archive->get_Profile (i_subint, i_pol, i_chan)->get_amps() + nbin / 2), nbin / 2 * sizeof ( float ) );
	previous_count = input_count;
    //save output after adjusting MJD by half a turn
    if ( buffer_filled == true )
      MJD epoch = archive->get_Integration(i_subint)->get_epoch() ;
      epoch -= archive->get_Integration(i_subint)->get_folding_period() / 2;
      outss << "pulse_" << input_count << "." << ext;
      out_name = outss.str();
      outss.str ("");
      output->unload ( out_name );
    buffer_filled = true;
  catch (Error& error)
    cerr << "fix_single::process Problem occured with " << archive->get_filename() << endl;
    cerr << error << endl;
    buffer_filled = false;

Esempio n. 2
int main (int argc, char** argv) try
  // the multiple component model
  ComponentModel model;

  string model_filename_in;
  string model_filename_out = "paas.m";
  string details_filename   = "paas.txt";
  string std_filename       = "paas.std";

  bool fit = false;
  vector<string> new_components;
  string fit_flags;

  int bscrunch = 1;

  string pgdev;

  bool line_plot=false;
  bool interactive = false;
  bool centre_model = false, rotate_peak=false;
  float rotate_amount = 0.0;
  bool align = false;

  const char* args = "hb:r:w:c:fF:it:d:Dl:j:Ws:CpR:a";
  int c;

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, args)) != -1)
    switch (c) {

    case 'h':
      usage ();
      return 0;

    case 'r':
      model_filename_in = optarg;
    case 'w':
      model_filename_out = optarg;
    case 'f':
      fit = true;

    case 'W':
      model.set_fit_derivative (true);

    case 'c':

    case 'F':
      fit_flags = optarg;

    case 'b':
      bscrunch = atoi (optarg);

    case 't':
      model.set_threshold( atof(optarg) );

    case 'd':
      pgdev = optarg;

    case 'i':
      interactive = true;
    case 'D':
      pgdev = "/xs";
    case 'l':
      line_plot = true;

    case 's':
      std_filename = optarg;

    case 'C':
      centre_model = true;

    case 'p':
      rotate_peak = true;

    case 'R':
      rotate_amount = atof(optarg);

    case 'a':
      align = true;

    case 'j':
      details_filename = optarg;

      cerr << "invalid param '" << c << "'" << endl;

  if (!pgdev.empty())
    cpgsvp(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9);
  Reference::To<Archive> archive = Archive::load (argv[optind]);

  // preprocess

  // phase up as requested
  if (centre_model)
  else if (rotate_peak)
  if (rotate_amount != 0.0)

  // load from file if specified
  if (!model_filename_in.empty())
    cerr << "paas: loading model from " << model_filename_in << endl;
    // align to profile first if asked
    if (align)

  // add any new components specified
  unsigned ic, nc=new_components.size();
  double centre, concentration, height;
  int name_start;
  for (ic=0; ic < nc; ic++)
    if (sscanf(new_components[ic].c_str(), 
	       "%lf %lf %lf %n", &centre, &concentration, &height,
      cerr << "Could not parse component " << ic << endl;
      return -1;

    model.add_component(centre, concentration, height, 

  bool iterate = true;

  while (iterate)
    iterate = false;

    // fit if specified
    if (fit)
      // set fit flags
      // fit>get_Integration(0)->get_Profile(0,0));
    // plot
    if (!pgdev.empty())
      Reference::To<Pulsar::Archive> scrunched;
      scrunched = archive->clone();
      if (bscrunch > 1)


      Profile *prof = scrunched->get_Integration(0)->get_Profile(0,0);
      float ymin = prof->min();
      float ymax = prof->max();
      float extra = 0.05*(ymax-ymin);

      ymin -= extra;
      ymax += extra;
      cpgswin(0.0, 1.0, ymin, ymax);
      cpgbox("bcnst", 0, 0, "bcnst", 0, 0);
      cpglab("Pulse phase", "Intensity", "");
      unsigned i, npts=prof->get_nbin();
      for (ic=0; ic < model.get_ncomponents(); ic++)
	plot(model, npts, true, ic);
      vector<float> xvals(npts);
      for (i=0; i < npts; i++)
	xvals[i] = i/((double)npts);
      if (line_plot)
	cpgline(npts, &xvals[0], prof->get_amps());
	cpgbin(npts, &xvals[0], prof->get_amps(), 0);
      plot_difference(model, prof, line_plot);
      plot(model, npts, true);
    while (interactive)
      iterate = true;
      fit = false;

      cerr << "Enter command ('h' for help)" << endl;

      float curs_x=0, curs_y=0;
      char key = ' ';
      if (cpgband(6,0,0,0,&curs_x, &curs_y, &key) != 1 || key == 'q')
	cerr << "Quitting ..." << endl;
	iterate = false;

      if (key == 'h')
	cerr << 
	  "left click - add a component at cursor position\n"
	  "f key      - fit current set of components\n"
	  "q key      - quit\n"
	  "After left click:\n"
	  "   1) any key    - select width of new component, then \n"
	  "   2) any key    - select height of new component \n"
	  "   right click or <Escape> to abort addition of new component \n"
	     << endl;
      if (key == 'f')
	cerr << "Fitting components" << endl;
	fit = true;
      if (key == 'a' || key == 65)
	cerr << "Adding component centred at pulse phase " << curs_x << endl;
	double centre = curs_x;

	cerr << "Select width and hit any key" << endl;
	if (cpgband(4, 1, curs_x, curs_y, &curs_x, &curs_y, &key) != 1) {
	  cerr << "paas: cpgband error" << endl;
	  return -1;
	// right click or escape to abort
	if (key == 88 || key == 27)
	double width = fabs(centre - curs_x);
	cerr << "Select height and hit any key" << endl;
	if (cpgband(5,0,0,0,&curs_x, &curs_y, &key) != 1) {
	  cerr << "paas: cpgband error" << endl;
	  return -1;
	// right click or escape to abort
	if (key == 88 || key == 27)
	double height = curs_y;
	model.add_component (centre, 0.25/(width*width), height, "");
      cerr << "Unrecognized command" << endl;
  // write out if specified
  if (!model_filename_out.empty())
    cerr << "paas: writing model to " << model_filename_out << endl;
    model.unload (model_filename_out.c_str());
  Reference::To<Pulsar::Archive> copy = archive->clone();

  // write out standard
  model.evaluate (archive->get_Integration(0)->get_Profile(0,0)->get_amps(),

  write_details_to_file (model, copy, archive, details_filename);
  cerr << "paas: writing standard to " << std_filename << endl;
  archive->unload (std_filename);

  if (!pgdev.empty())

  return 0;
catch (Error& error)
  cerr << error << endl;
  return -1;
Esempio n. 3
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try {
    bool verbose = false;
    char* metafile = 0;
    string ulpath;

    bool save = false;
    string ext;
    bool tscr = false;
    int tscr_fac = 0;

    bool fscr = false;
    int fscr_fac = 0;

    bool bscr = false;
    int bscr_fac = 0;

    bool newdm = false;
    double dm = 0.0;

    bool scattered_power_correction = false;

    bool defaraday = false;

    bool newrm = false;
    double rm = 0.0;

    bool reset_weights = false;
    float new_weight = 1.0;

    float smear_dc = 0.0;

    bool rotate = false;
    double rphase = 0.0;

    bool dedisperse = false;
    bool dededisperse = false;

    bool pscr = false;

    bool invint = false;

    bool stokesify = false;
    bool unstokesify = false;

    bool flipsb = false;
    bool flip_freq = false;
    double flip_freq_mhz = 0.0;

    Pulsar::Parameters* new_eph = 0;

    string command = "pam";

    char* archive_class = 0;

    int new_nchn = 0;
    int new_nsub = 0;
    int new_nbin = 0;

    float tsub = 0.0;

    bool circ = false;
    bool lin = false;

    unsigned ronsub = 0;
    bool cbppo = false;
    bool cbpao = false;
    bool cblpo = false;
    bool cblao = false;

    int subint_extract_start = -1;
    int subint_extract_end = -1;

    bool new_cfreq = false;
    double new_fr = 0.0;
    Signal::Source new_type = Signal::Unknown;
    string instrument;
    bool reverse_freqs = false;
    string site;
    string name;
    float mult = -1.0;
    double new_folding_period = -1.0;

    bool update_dm_from_eph = false;
    double aux_rm = 0.0;

    Reference::To<Pulsar::IntegrationOrder> myio;
    Reference::To<Pulsar::Receiver> install_receiver;

    Pulsar::ReflectStokes reflections;

    int c = 0;

    const int TYPE = 1208;
    const int INST = 1209;
    const int REVERSE_FREQS = 1210;
    const int SITE = 1211;
    const int NAME = 1212;
    const int DD   = 1213;
    const int RR   = 1214;
    const int SPC  = 1215;
    const int RM   = 1216;
    const int MULT = 1218;
    const int PERIOD=1219;
    const int SS   = 1220;
    const int FLIP = 1221;
    const int UPDATE_DM = 1222;
    const int AUX_RM = 1223;

    while (1) {

      int options_index = 0;

      static struct option long_options[] = {
	{"setnchn",    1, 0, 200},
	{"setnsub",    1, 0, 201},
	{"setnbin",    1, 0, 202},
	{"binphsperi", 1, 0, 203},
	{"binphsasc",  1, 0, 204},
	{"binlngperi", 1, 0, 205},
	{"binlngasc",  1, 0, 206},
	{"receiver",   1, 0, 207},
	{"settsub",    1, 0, 208},
	{"type",       1, 0, TYPE},
	{"inst",       1, 0, INST},
	{"flip",       1 ,0, FLIP},
	{"site",       1, 0, SITE},
	{"name",       1, 0, NAME},
	{"DD",         no_argument,      0,DD},
	{"RR",         no_argument,      0,RR},
	{"RM",         required_argument,0,RM},
	{"spc",        no_argument,      0,SPC},
	{"mult",       required_argument,0,MULT},
	{"period",     required_argument,0,PERIOD},
	{"SS",         no_argument,      0,SS},
	{"update_dm",   no_argument,      0,UPDATE_DM},
	{"aux_rm",    required_argument,0,AUX_RM},
	{0, 0, 0, 0}

      c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hqvViM:mn:a:e:E:TFpIt:f:b:d:o:s:r:u:w:DSBLCx:R:",
		      long_options, &options_index);

      if (c == -1)

      switch (c) {
      case 'h':
	return (0);
      case 'q':
      case 'v':
	verbose = true;
      case 'V':
	verbose = true;
      case 'i':
	cout << "$Id: pam.C,v 1.101 2010/10/05 23:59:50 jonathan_khoo Exp $" << endl;
	return 0;
      case 'm':
	save = true;
      case 'M':
        metafile = optarg;
      case 'L':
	lin = true;
      case 'C':
	circ = true;
      case 'a':
	archive_class = optarg;
      case 'e':
	ext = optarg;
	if( !ext.empty() )
	  save = true;
      case 'E':

	try {
	  new_eph = factory<Pulsar::Parameters> (optarg);
	catch (Error& error) {
	  cerr << "Could not load new ephemeris from " << optarg << endl;
	  return -1;

	command += " -E";
      case 'T':
	tscr = true;
	command += " -T";
      case 'F':
	fscr = true;
	command += " -F";
      case 'p':
	pscr = true;
	command += " -p";
      case 'I':
	invint = true;
	pscr = false;
	command += " -I";
      case 'f':
	fscr = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &fscr_fac) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid fscrunch factor" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -f ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'n':

	reflections.add_reflection( optarg[0] );

	command += " -n ";
	command += optarg;

      case 'o':
	new_cfreq = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &new_fr) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid centre frequency" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -o ";
	command += optarg;
      case 't':
	tscr = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &tscr_fac) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid tscrunch factor" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -t ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'b':
	bscr = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &bscr_fac) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid bscrunch factor" << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (bscr_fac <= 0) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid bscrunch factor" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -b ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'd':
	newdm = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &dm) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid dispersion measure" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -d ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'D':
	dedisperse = true;
	command += " -D ";
      case 'R':
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &rm) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid rotation measure" << endl;
	  return -1;
	newrm = true;
	defaraday = true;
	command += " -R ";
	command += optarg;
      case 's':
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%f", &smear_dc) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid smearing duty cycle" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -s ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'r':
	rotate = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &rphase) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid rotation phase" << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (rphase <= -1.0 || rphase >= 1.0) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid rotation phase" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -r ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'u':
	ulpath = optarg;
	if( !ulpath.empty() )
	  save = true;
	  if (ulpath.substr(ulpath.length()-1,1) != "/")
	    ulpath += "/";
      case 'w':
	reset_weights = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%f", &new_weight) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid weight" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " -w ";
	command += optarg;
      case 'S':
	stokesify = true;
      case SS:
        unstokesify = true;
      case 'B':
	flipsb = true;
      case 'x' :
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d %d", 
		   &subint_extract_start, &subint_extract_end) !=2 ) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid subint range" << endl;
	  return -1;
      case 200:
	fscr = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &new_nchn) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid number of channels" << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (new_nchn <= 0) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid number of channels" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " --setnchn ";
	command += optarg;
      case 201:
	tscr = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &new_nsub) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid number of subints" << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (new_nsub <= 0) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid number of subints" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " --setnsub ";
	command += optarg;
      case 202:
	bscr = true;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &new_nbin) != 1) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid number of bins" << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (new_nbin <= 0) {
	  cout << "That is not a valid number of bins" << endl;
	  return -1;
	command += " --setnbin ";
	command += optarg;
      case 203: {
	if (cbpao || cblpo || cblao) {
	  cerr << "You can only specify one re-ordering scheme!"
	       << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%ud", &ronsub) != 1) {
	  cerr << "Invalid nsub given" << endl;
	  return -1;
	cbppo = true;
      case 204: {
	if (cbppo || cblpo || cblao) {
	  cerr << "You can only specify one re-ordering scheme!"
	       << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%ud", &ronsub) != 1) {
	  cerr << "Invalid nsub given" << endl;
	  return -1;
	cbpao = true;
      case 205: {
	if (cblao || cbppo || cbpao) {
	  cerr << "You can only specify one re-ordering scheme!"
	       << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%ud", &ronsub) != 1) {
	  cerr << "Invalid nsub given" << endl;
	  return -1;
	cblpo = true;
      case 206: {
	if (cblpo || cbppo || cbpao) {
	  cerr << "You can only specify one re-ordering scheme!"
	       << endl;
	  return -1;
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%ud", &ronsub) != 1) {
	  cerr << "Invalid nsub given" << endl;
	  return -1;
	cblao = true;

      case 207: try {
	install_receiver = Pulsar::Receiver::load (optarg);
      catch (Error& error) {
	cerr << "pam: Error loading Receiver from " << optarg << endl
	     << error.get_message() << endl;
	return -1;

      case 208: {
	if (sscanf(optarg, "%f", &tsub) != 1) {
	  cerr << "Invalid tsub given" << endl;
	  return -1;
	tscr = true;

      case TYPE:
	  string s = optarg;
	  if(s=="Pulsar")     new_type = Signal::Pulsar;
	  else if(s=="PolnCal")    new_type = Signal::PolnCal;
	  else if(s=="FluxCalOn")  new_type = Signal::FluxCalOn;
	  else if(s=="FluxCalOff") new_type = Signal::FluxCalOff;
	  else if(s=="Calibrator") new_type = Signal::Calibrator;
	    fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognised argument to --type: '%s'\n",optarg);
	  command += " --type " + s;

      case INST: instrument = optarg; break;

      case REVERSE_FREQS: reverse_freqs = true; break;

      case SITE: site = optarg; break;

      case NAME: name = optarg; break;

      case DD: dededisperse = true; break;

      case RM:
        aux_rm = fromstring<double>(optarg);
        newrm = true;
        command += " --RM ";
        command += optarg;

      case SPC: scattered_power_correction = true; break;
      case MULT: mult = atof(optarg); break;

      case PERIOD: new_folding_period = fromstring<double>(optarg); break;

      case FLIP: flip_freq = true; flip_freq_mhz = atof(optarg); break;

      case UPDATE_DM: update_dm_from_eph = true; break;

      case AUX_RM:
        aux_rm = fromstring<double>(optarg);
        command += " --aux_rm ";
        command += optarg;

	cout << "Unrecognised option" << endl;

   if (verbose)
     cerr << "pam: parsing filenames" << endl;
   vector <string> filenames;

    if (metafile)
      stringfload (&filenames, metafile);
      for (int ai=optind; ai<argc; ai++)
        dirglob (&filenames, argv[ai]);
    if (filenames.empty())
      cerr << "pam: no filenames were specified" << endl;
    Reference::To<Pulsar::Archive> arch;

    if (!save)
      cout << "Changes will not be saved. Use -m, -u or -e to write results to disk"
	   << endl;

    if (stokesify && unstokesify)
      cerr << "pam: Both -S and --SS options were given.  Poln state will not be changed!" << endl;
      stokesify = false;
      unstokesify = false;

    int flip_option_count=0;
    if (flipsb) flip_option_count++;
    if (flip_freq) flip_option_count++;
    if (reverse_freqs) flip_option_count++;
    if (flip_option_count > 1) {
      cerr << "pam: More than one band-flip option was given, exiting." << endl;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) try
      if (verbose)
	cerr << "Loading " << filenames[i] << endl;
      arch = Pulsar::Archive::load(filenames[i]);

      if( mult > 0.0 ){
	for( unsigned isub=0; isub<arch->get_nsubint();isub++)
	  for( unsigned ichan=0; ichan<arch->get_nchan();ichan++)
	    for( unsigned ipol=0; ipol<arch->get_npol();ipol++)
	      arch->get_Profile(isub,ipol,ichan)->scale( mult );

      if( new_folding_period > 0.0 ){
	Pulsar::counter_drift( arch, new_folding_period, 0.0);
	for( unsigned isub=0; isub<arch->get_nsubint();isub++)
	  arch->get_Integration(isub)->set_folding_period( new_folding_period );

      if (install_receiver) {
	if (verbose)
	  cerr << "pam: Installing receiver: " << install_receiver->get_name()
	       << " in archive" << endl;

	arch->add_extension (install_receiver);

      if (lin || circ) {
	Pulsar::Receiver* receiver = arch->get<Pulsar::Receiver>();

	if (!receiver)
	  cerr << "No Receiver Extension in " << filenames[i] << endl;
	else {
	  if (lin) {
	    receiver->set_basis (Signal::Linear);
	    cout << "Feed basis set to Linear" << endl;

	  if (circ) {
	    receiver->set_basis (Signal::Circular);
	    cout << "Feed basis set to Circular" << endl;

      reflections.transform( arch );

      if (new_cfreq)
	double nc = arch->get_nchan();
	double bw = arch->get_bandwidth();
	double cw = bw / nc;

	double fr = new_fr - (bw / 2.0) + (cw / 2.0);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < arch->get_nsubint(); i++) {
	  for (unsigned j = 0; j < arch->get_nchan(); j++) {
	    arch->get_Integration(i)->set_centre_frequency(j,(fr + (j*cw)));

      if( new_type != Signal::Unknown )
	arch->set_type( new_type );

      if( instrument != string() ){
	Pulsar::Backend* b = arch->get<Pulsar::Backend>();
	if( !b )
	  fprintf(stderr,"Could not change instrument name- archive does not have Backend extension\n");

      if( site != string() )
	arch->set_telescope( site );

      if( name != string() )
	arch->set_source( name );

      if (new_eph) try

        if (update_dm_from_eph) {
      catch (Error& error)
	cerr << "Error while installing new ephemeris: " 
	     << error.get_message() << endl;

      if (flipsb) {
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < arch->get_nsubint(); i++) {
	  vector<double> labels;
	  for (unsigned j = 0; j < arch->get_nchan(); j++) {
	    labels[j] = arch->get_Integration(i)->get_centre_frequency(j);
	  for (unsigned j = 0; j < arch->get_nchan(); j++) {
	    double new_frequency = labels[labels.size()-1-j];
	arch->set_bandwidth(-1.0 * arch->get_bandwidth());

      if (flip_freq) {
        for (unsigned isub = 0; isub < arch->get_nsubint(); isub++) {
            subint = arch->get_Integration(isub);
          for (unsigned ichan = 0; ichan < arch->get_nchan(); ichan++) {
            double new_freq = flip_freq_mhz 
              - (subint->get_centre_frequency(ichan) - flip_freq_mhz);
            subint->set_centre_frequency(ichan, new_freq);
        arch->set_bandwidth(-1.0 * arch->get_bandwidth());

      if( reverse_freqs ) {
	// Of course it would be nice to do this with pointers.... but oh well I guess copying will have to do HSK 27/8/04

	unsigned nchan = arch->get_nchan();

	for( unsigned isub=0; isub<arch->get_nsubint(); isub++){
	  for( unsigned ipol =0; ipol<arch->get_npol(); ipol++){
	    for( unsigned ichan=0; ichan<nchan/2; ichan++){
	      Reference::To<Pulsar::Profile> lo = arch->get_Profile(isub,ipol,ichan);	      
	      Reference::To<Pulsar::Profile> tmp = lo->clone();

	      Reference::To<Pulsar::Profile> hi = arch->get_Profile(isub,ipol,nchan-1-ichan);

	arch->set_bandwidth( -1.0 * arch->get_bandwidth() );

      if (reset_weights) {
	if (verbose)
	  cout << "All profile weights set to " << new_weight << endl;
      if (rotate)
	arch->rotate_phase (rphase);

      if (scattered_power_correction) {

	Pulsar::ScatteredPowerCorrection spc;
	if (arch->get_state() == Signal::Stokes)

	spc.correct (arch);


      if (newdm)
	if (verbose)
	  cout << "Archive dispersion measure set to " << dm << endl;

	if (arch->get_dedispersed())

	  if (verbose)
	    cout << "Archive re-dedipsersed" << endl;

      if (dedisperse)
	if (verbose)
	  cout << "Archive dedipsersed" << endl;

      if (dededisperse)
	Pulsar::Dispersion correction;
	correction.revert (arch);

      if (stokesify) {
	if (arch->get_npol() != 4)
	  throw Error(InvalidState, "Convert to Stokes",
		      "Not enough polarisation information");
	if (verbose)
	  cout << "Archive converted to Stokes parameters" << endl;

      if (unstokesify) {
	if (arch->get_npol() != 4)
	  throw Error(InvalidState, "Convert to coherence",
		      "Not enough polarisation information");
	if (verbose)
	  cout << "Archive converted to coherence parameters" << endl;

      if (cbppo) {
	myio = new Pulsar::PeriastronOrder();
	myio->organise(arch, ronsub);
      if (cbpao) {
	myio = new Pulsar::BinaryPhaseOrder();
	myio->organise(arch, ronsub);
      if (cblpo) {
	myio = new Pulsar::BinLngPeriOrder();
	myio->organise(arch, ronsub);
      if (cblao) {
	myio = new Pulsar::BinLngAscOrder();
	myio->organise(arch, ronsub);
      if( subint_extract_start >= 0 && subint_extract_end >= 0 ) {
	vector<unsigned> subints;
	unsigned isub = subint_extract_start;

	while ( isub<arch->get_nsubint() && isub<unsigned(subint_extract_end) ) {
	  subints.push_back( isub );

	Reference::To<Pulsar::Archive> extracted( arch->extract(subints) );
	extracted->set_filename( arch->get_filename() );

	arch = extracted;

      if (tscr) {
	if (tsub > 0.0) {
	  unsigned factor = 
	    unsigned (tsub / arch->get_Integration(0)->get_duration());
	  if (factor == 0) {
	    cerr << "Warning: subints already too long" << endl;
	  else {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " tscrunched by a factor of " 
		 << factor << endl;
	else if (new_nsub > 0) {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " tscrunched to " 
		 << new_nsub << " subints" << endl;
	else if (tscr_fac > 0) {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " tscrunched by a factor of " 
		 << tscr_fac << endl;
	else {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " tscrunched" << endl;
      if (pscr) {
	if (verbose)
	  cout << arch->get_filename() << " pscrunched" << endl;

      if (invint) {
	if (verbose)
	  cout << arch->get_filename() << " invinted" << endl;

      if (newrm) {
	arch->set_rotation_measure (rm);
	if (verbose)
	  cout << arch->get_filename() << " RM set to " << rm << endl;

      if (defaraday) {
	if (verbose)
	  cout << arch->get_filename() << " defaradayed" <<endl;

      if (aux_rm)
	if (verbose)
	  cout << "pam: correct auxiliary Faraday rotation; iono RM="
	       << aux_rm << endl;
	correct_auxiliary_rm (arch, aux_rm);

      if (fscr) {
	if (new_nchn > 0) {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " fscrunched to " 
		 << new_nchn << " channels" << endl;
	else if (fscr_fac > 0) {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " fscrunched by a factor of " 
		 << fscr_fac << endl;
	else {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " fscrunched" << endl;

      if (bscr) {
	if (new_nbin > 0) {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " bscrunched to " 
		 << new_nbin << " bins" << endl;
	else {
	  if (verbose)
	    cout << arch->get_filename() << " bscrunched by a factor of " 
		 << bscr_fac << endl;

      if (smear_dc) {
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < arch->get_nsubint(); i++) {
	  for (unsigned j = 0; j < arch->get_npol(); j++) {
	    for (unsigned k = 0; k < arch->get_nchan(); k++) {
	      smear (arch->get_Profile(i,j,k), smear_dc);
      if (save) {

	if (archive_class)  {

	  // unload an archive of the specified class
	  Reference::To<Pulsar::Archive> output;
	  output = Pulsar::Archive::new_Archive (archive_class);
	  output -> copy (*arch);
	  output -> set_filename ( arch->get_filename() );

	  arch = output;


	// See if the archive contains a history that should be updated:
	Pulsar::ProcHistory* fitsext = arch->get<Pulsar::ProcHistory>();
	if (fitsext) {
	  if (command.length() > 80) {
	    cout << "WARNING: ProcHistory command string truncated to 80 chars" 
		 << endl;
	    fitsext->set_command_str(command.substr(0, 80));
	  else {
	string out_filename = arch->get_filename();
	if( !ext.empty() )
	  out_filename = replace_extension( out_filename, ext );
	if( !ulpath.empty() )
	  out_filename = ulpath + basename(out_filename);
	arch->unload( out_filename );
	cout << out_filename << " written to disk" << endl;
    catch (Error& error) {
      cerr << error << endl;
    return 0;

catch(Error& er) 
  cerr << er << endl;
  return -1;
catch (string& error)
  cerr << "exception thrown: " << error << endl;
  return -1;
catch (bad_alloc& ba)
  cerr << "Caught a bad_alloc: '" << ba.what() << "'" << endl ;
  return -1;
catch (exception& e)
  cerr << "caught an exception of type '" 
				 << typeid(e).name() << "'" << endl; 
  return -1;
  fprintf(stderr,"Unknown exception caught\n");
  return -1;
Esempio n. 4
void psrspa::create_histograms ( Reference::To<Archive> archive )
  if ( verbose )
    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms entered" << endl;
  // ensure Stokes parameters if creating polarisation histograms
  if ( create_polar_degree || create_polar_angle )
    archive->convert_state ( Signal::Stokes );
    if ( verbose )
      cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms converted state of the archive to Stokes" << endl;

  // auxillary vectors
  //vector< Estimate<float > > aux_vec_f;
  vector< Estimate<double > > aux_vec_d;

  // Full Stokes profile
  Reference::To<PolnProfile> profile;
  // Polarized flux
  Reference::To<Profile> P;
  P = new Profile;
  // Total flux
  float *T_amps = new float [ nbin ];
  float *P_amps = new float [ nbin ];

  unsigned bin_min, bin_max;

  if ( verbose && max_bscrunch > 1 )
    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms entering the bscrunch loop for the " << archive->get_filename () << " archive" << endl;
  // TODO Uh, this should be fixed up. The first idea was to enable the phase resolved histograms to be bscrunch-aware as well, but I think it doesn't make much sense so I decided to keep only the max flux bscrunch aware. This can be done much more neatly probably in such a case
  for ( current_bscrunch = 1 ; current_bscrunch <= max_bscrunch ; current_bscrunch *= 2 )
    // in each passage, we bscrunch by a factor of 2
    if ( current_bscrunch > 1 )
      if ( verbose )
	cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms bscrunching the archive " << archive->get_filename () << " by a factor of 2" << endl;
      archive->bscrunch ( 2 );
    if ( verbose )
      cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms entering the loop through subints of the " << archive->get_filename () << " archive" << endl;
    // loop through subints
    for ( unsigned isub = 0; isub < archive->get_nsubint (); isub++ )
      if ( verbose )
	cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms creating necessary profiles for subint " << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
      if ( create_polar_angle || create_polar_degree && current_bscrunch == 1 )
	profile = archive->get_Integration(isub)->new_PolnProfile(0);
	if ( verbose )
	  cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms retrieved PolnProfile for subint " << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
      if ( create_polar_angle && current_bscrunch == 1 )
	profile->get_orientation ( aux_vec_d, 0 );
	if ( verbose )
	  cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms retrieved polarisation angle for subint " << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
      if ( create_polar_degree || create_flux || find_max_amp_in_range )
	stats.set_profile ( archive->get_Profile ( isub, 0, 0 ) );
	b_sigma = sqrt ( stats.get_baseline_variance ().get_value () );
	T_amps = archive->get_Profile ( isub, 0, 0 )->get_amps (); 
	if ( verbose )
	  cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms retrieved total flux amps for subint " << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
	if ( create_polar_degree && current_bscrunch == 1 )
	  profile->get_polarized ( P );
	  if ( verbose )
	    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms retrieved polarized flux profile for subint "  << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
	  P_amps = P->get_amps ();
	  if ( verbose )
	    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms retrieved polarized flux amps for subint " << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;

      if ( verbose )
	cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms looping through the provided phase ranges for subint " << isub << " of " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
      unsigned curr_hist = 0;
      // loop through phase ranges
      for ( unsigned irange = 0; irange < phase_range.size () ; irange++ )
	if ( irange%2 == 0)
	  bin_min = unsigned( floor ( phase_range[irange] * float(nbin / current_bscrunch ) + 0.5 ) );
	  if ( verbose ) 
	    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms set minimal bin to " << bin_min << endl;
	  bin_max = unsigned( floor ( phase_range[irange] * float(nbin / current_bscrunch ) + 0.5 ) );
	  if ( bin_max == nbin )
	    bin_max = nbin - 1 ;
	  if ( verbose ) 
	    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms set maximum bin to " << bin_max << endl;
	  // loop through bins in the given phase range
	  for ( unsigned ibin = bin_min; ibin <= bin_max; ibin++ )
	    if ( create_polar_angle && current_bscrunch == 1 )
	      int result = gsl_histogram_increment ( h_polar_angle_vec[curr_hist], aux_vec_d[ibin].get_value () / 180.0 * M_PI );
	      if ( result == GSL_EDOM )
		if ( dynamic_histogram )
		  gsl_histogram *temp_hist = gsl_histogram_clone ( h_polar_angle_vec[curr_hist] );
		  h_flux_pr_vec[curr_hist] = update_histogram_range ( temp_hist, aux_vec_d[ibin].get_value () / 180.0 * M_PI );
		else {
		  warn << "WARNING psrspa::create_histograms polarisation angle the histogram range for the bin " << ibin << " in the subint " << isub << " of archive " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
	    if ( create_polar_degree && current_bscrunch == 1 )
	      // if P_amps[ibin] or T_amps[ibin] < 3 sigma, set polar degree to zero
	      int result = gsl_histogram_increment ( h_polar_degree_vec[curr_hist], ( fabs ( P_amps[ibin] ) < 3.0 * b_sigma || fabs ( T_amps[ibin] ) < 3.0 * b_sigma ) ? 0.0 : P_amps[ibin] / T_amps[ibin] );
	      if ( result == GSL_EDOM )
		if ( dynamic_histogram )
		  gsl_histogram *temp_hist = gsl_histogram_clone ( h_polar_degree_vec[curr_hist] );
		  h_flux_pr_vec[curr_hist] = update_histogram_range ( temp_hist, ( fabs ( P_amps[ibin] ) < 3.0 * b_sigma || fabs ( T_amps[ibin] ) < 3.0 * b_sigma ) ? 0.0 : P_amps[ibin] / T_amps[ibin] );
		else {
		warn << "WARNING psrspa::create_histograms polarisation degree outside the histogram range for the bin " << ibin << " in the subint " << isub << " of archive " << archive->get_filename () << endl;
	    if ( create_flux && current_bscrunch == 1 )
	      int result = 0;
	      if ( log && T_amps[ibin] > 0.0 )
		result = gsl_histogram_increment ( h_flux_pr_vec[curr_hist], log10f ( T_amps[ibin] ) );
	      else if ( !log )
		result = gsl_histogram_increment ( h_flux_pr_vec[curr_hist], T_amps[ibin] );
	      if ( result == GSL_EDOM )
		if ( dynamic_histogram )
		  gsl_histogram *temp_hist = gsl_histogram_clone ( h_flux_pr_vec[curr_hist] );
		  h_flux_pr_vec[curr_hist] = update_histogram_range ( temp_hist, log ? log10f ( T_amps[ibin] ) : T_amps[ibin] );
		else {
		  warn << "WARNING psrspa::create_histograms phase resolved flux outside the histogram range for the bin " << ibin << " in the subint " << isub << " of archive " << archive->get_filename () << " flux = " << T_amps[ibin] << endl;
	    // increment the histogram id
	    curr_hist ++;
	  } // loop through bins in the given phase range
	  // find the maximum amplitude in given phase range.
	  if ( find_max_amp_in_range )
	    if ( verbose )
	      cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms finding the maximum amplitude in the phase range " << irange << " of the subint " << isub << " (archive " << archive->get_filename () << ")" << endl;
	    int max_bin = archive->get_Profile ( isub, 0, 0 )->find_max_bin ( (int)bin_min, (int)bin_max );
	    identifier current_identifier = { archive->get_filename (), isub, bin_min, bin_max, current_bscrunch,
	      (unsigned)max_bin, T_amps[max_bin], b_sigma }; 
	    max_amp_info.push_back ( current_identifier );
	  } // find maximal amplitude in the given phase range
	} // handle given phase range
      } // loop through phase ranges
    } // loop through subints
  } // bscrunch loop
  if ( verbose )
    cerr << "psrspa::create_histograms finished" << endl;
}// create_histograms