static config time_of_day_at(reports::context & rc, const map_location& mouseover_hex) { std::ostringstream tooltip; time_of_day tod; const team &viewing_team = rc.teams()[rc.screen().viewing_team()]; if (viewing_team.shrouded(mouseover_hex)) { // Don't show time on shrouded tiles. tod = rc.tod().get_time_of_day(); } else if (viewing_team.fogged(mouseover_hex)) { // Don't show illuminated time on fogged tiles. tod = rc.tod().get_time_of_day(mouseover_hex); } else { tod = rc.tod().get_illuminated_time_of_day(rc.units(),, mouseover_hex); } int b = tod.lawful_bonus; std::string lawful_color("white"); std::string chaotic_color("white"); std::string liminal_color("white"); if (b != 0) { lawful_color = (b > 0) ? "green" : "red"; chaotic_color = (b < 0) ? "green" : "red"; liminal_color = "red"; } tooltip << << '\n' << _("Lawful units: ") << "<span foreground=\"" << lawful_color << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(b) << "</span>\n" << _("Neutral units: ") << utils::signed_percent(0) << '\n' << _("Chaotic units: ") << "<span foreground=\"" << chaotic_color << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(-b) << "</span>\n" << _("Liminal units: ") << "<span foreground=\"" << liminal_color << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(-(abs(b))) << "</span>\n"; std::string tod_image = tod.image; if (tod.bonus_modified > 0) tod_image += "~BRIGHTEN()"; else if (tod.bonus_modified < 0) tod_image += "~DARKEN()"; return image_report(tod_image, tooltip.str(), "time_of_day_" +; }
static config unit_alignment(reports::context & rc, const unit* u) { if (!u) return config(); std::ostringstream str, tooltip; const std::string align = unit_type::alignment_description(u->alignment(), u->gender()); const std::string align_id = lexical_cast<std::string>(u->alignment()); int cm = combat_modifier(rc.units(),, rc.screen().displayed_unit_hex(), u->alignment(), u->is_fearless()); SDL_Color color = font::weapon_color; if (cm != 0) color = (cm > 0) ? font::good_dmg_color : font::bad_dmg_color; str << align << " (" << span_color(color) << utils::signed_percent(cm) << naps << ")"; tooltip << _("Alignment: ") << "<b>" << align << "</b>\n" << string_table[align_id + "_description"]; return text_report(str.str(), tooltip.str(), "time_of_day"); }
static config unit_weapons(reports::context & rc, const unit *attacker, const map_location &attacker_pos, const unit *defender, bool show_attacker) { if (!attacker || !defender) return config(); const unit* u = show_attacker ? attacker : defender; const map_location unit_loc = show_attacker ? attacker_pos : defender->get_location(); std::ostringstream str, tooltip; config res; std::vector<battle_context> weapons; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < attacker->attacks().size(); i++) { // skip weapons with attack_weight=0 if (attacker->attacks()[i].attack_weight() > 0) { battle_context weapon(rc.units(), attacker_pos, defender->get_location(), i, -1, 0.0, nullptr, attacker); weapons.push_back(weapon); } } for (const battle_context& weapon : weapons) { // Predict the battle outcome. combatant attacker_combatant(weapon.get_attacker_stats()); combatant defender_combatant(weapon.get_defender_stats()); attacker_combatant.fight(defender_combatant); const battle_context_unit_stats& context_unit_stats = show_attacker ? weapon.get_attacker_stats() : weapon.get_defender_stats(); int total_damage = 0; int base_damage = 0; int num_blows = 0; int chance_to_hit = 0; t_string weapon_name = _("None"); SDL_Color dmg_color = font::weapon_color; if (context_unit_stats.weapon) { base_damage = attack_info(rc, *context_unit_stats.weapon, res, *u, unit_loc); total_damage = context_unit_stats.damage; num_blows = context_unit_stats.num_blows; chance_to_hit = context_unit_stats.chance_to_hit; weapon_name = context_unit_stats.weapon->name(); if ( total_damage > base_damage ) dmg_color = font::good_dmg_color; else if ( total_damage < base_damage ) dmg_color = font::bad_dmg_color; } else { str << span_color(font::weapon_color) << weapon_name << naps << "\n"; tooltip << _("Weapon: ") << "<b>" << weapon_name << "</b>\n" << _("Damage: ") << "<b>" << "0" << "</b>\n"; } SDL_Color chance_color = int_to_color(game_config::red_to_green(chance_to_hit)); // Total damage. str << " " << span_color(dmg_color) << total_damage << naps << span_color(font::weapon_color) << utils::unicode_en_dash << num_blows << " (" << span_color(chance_color) << chance_to_hit << "%" << naps << ")" << naps << "\n"; tooltip << _("Weapon: ") << "<b>" << weapon_name << "</b>\n" << _("Total damage") << "<b>" << total_damage << "</b>\n"; // Create the hitpoints distribution. std::vector<std::pair<int, double> > hp_prob_vector; // First, we sort the probabilities in ascending order. std::vector<std::pair<double, int> > prob_hp_vector; int i; combatant* c = show_attacker ? &attacker_combatant : &defender_combatant; for(i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(c->hp_dist.size()); i++) { double prob = c->hp_dist[i]; // We keep only values above 0.1%. if(prob > 0.001) prob_hp_vector.push_back(std::pair<double, int>(prob, i)); } std::sort(prob_hp_vector.begin(), prob_hp_vector.end()); //TODO fendrin -- make that dynamically int max_hp_distrib_rows_ = 10; // We store a few of the highest probability hitpoint values. int nb_elem = std::min<int>(max_hp_distrib_rows_, prob_hp_vector.size()); for(i = prob_hp_vector.size() - nb_elem; i < static_cast<int>(prob_hp_vector.size()); i++) { hp_prob_vector.push_back(std::pair<int, double> (prob_hp_vector[i].second, prob_hp_vector[i].first)); } // Then, we sort the hitpoint values in ascending order. std::sort(hp_prob_vector.begin(), hp_prob_vector.end()); // And reverse the order. Might be doable in a better manor. std::reverse(hp_prob_vector.begin(), hp_prob_vector.end()); for(i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(hp_prob_vector.size()); i++) { int hp = hp_prob_vector[i].first; double prob = hp_prob_vector[i].second; char prob_buf[10]; format_prob(prob_buf, prob); char hp_buf[10]; format_hp(hp_buf, hp); SDL_Color prob_color = int_to_color(game_config::blue_to_white(prob * 100.0, true)); str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << " " << span_color(u->hp_color(hp)) << hp_buf << naps << " " << font::weapon_numbers_sep << " " << span_color(prob_color) << prob_buf << naps << naps << "\n"; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); } return res; }
static int attack_info(reports::context & rc, const attack_type &at, config &res, const unit &u, const map_location &displayed_unit_hex) { std::ostringstream str, tooltip; at.set_specials_context(displayed_unit_hex, u.side() == rc.screen().playing_side()); int base_damage = at.damage(); int specials_damage = at.modified_damage(false); int damage_multiplier = 100; int tod_bonus = combat_modifier(rc.units(),, displayed_unit_hex, u.alignment(), u.is_fearless()); damage_multiplier += tod_bonus; int leader_bonus = 0; if (under_leadership(rc.units(), displayed_unit_hex, &leader_bonus).valid()) damage_multiplier += leader_bonus; bool slowed = u.get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED); int damage_divisor = slowed ? 20000 : 10000; // Assume no specific resistance (i.e. multiply by 100). int damage = round_damage(specials_damage, damage_multiplier * 100, damage_divisor); // Hit points are used to calculate swarm, so they need to be bounded. unsigned max_hp = u.max_hitpoints(); unsigned cur_hp = std::min<unsigned>(std::max(0, u.hitpoints()), max_hp); unsigned base_attacks = at.num_attacks(); unsigned min_attacks, max_attacks; at.modified_attacks(false, min_attacks, max_attacks); unsigned num_attacks = swarm_blows(min_attacks, max_attacks, cur_hp, max_hp); SDL_Color dmg_color = font::weapon_color; if ( damage > specials_damage ) dmg_color = font::good_dmg_color; else if ( damage < specials_damage ) dmg_color = font::bad_dmg_color; str << span_color(dmg_color) << " " << damage << naps << span_color(font::weapon_color) << font::weapon_numbers_sep << num_attacks << ' ' << << "</span>\n"; tooltip << _("Weapon: ") << "<b>" << << "</b>\n" << _("Damage: ") << "<b>" << damage << "</b>\n"; if ( tod_bonus || leader_bonus || slowed || specials_damage != base_damage ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Base damage: ") << base_damage << '\n'; if ( specials_damage != base_damage ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("With specials: ") << specials_damage << '\n'; } if (tod_bonus) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Time of day: ") << utils::signed_percent(tod_bonus) << '\n'; } if (leader_bonus) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Leadership: ") << utils::signed_percent(leader_bonus) << '\n'; } if (slowed) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Slowed: ") << "/ 2" << '\n'; } } tooltip << _("Attacks: ") << "<b>" << num_attacks << "</b>\n"; if ( max_attacks != min_attacks && cur_hp != max_hp ) { if ( max_attacks < min_attacks ) { // "Reverse swarm" tooltip << '\t' << _("Max swarm bonus: ") << (min_attacks-max_attacks) << '\n'; tooltip << '\t' << _("Swarm: ") << "* "<< (100 - cur_hp*100/max_hp) << "%\n"; tooltip << '\t' << _("Base attacks: ") << '+' << base_attacks << '\n'; // The specials line will not necessarily match up with how the // specials are calculated, but for an unusual case, simple brevity // trumps complexities. if ( max_attacks != base_attacks ) { int attack_diff = int(max_attacks) - int(base_attacks); tooltip << '\t' << _("Specials: ") << utils::signed_value(attack_diff) << '\n'; } } else { // Regular swarm tooltip << '\t' << _("Base attacks: ") << base_attacks << '\n'; if ( max_attacks != base_attacks ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("With specials: ") << max_attacks << '\n'; } if ( min_attacks != 0 ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Subject to swarm: ") << (max_attacks-min_attacks) << '\n'; } tooltip << '\t' << _("Swarm: ") << "* "<< (cur_hp*100/max_hp) << "%\n"; } } else if ( num_attacks != base_attacks ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Base attacks: ") << base_attacks << '\n'; tooltip << '\t' << _("With specials: ") << num_attacks << '\n'; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); std::string range = string_table["range_" + at.range()]; std::string lang_type = string_table["type_" + at.type()]; str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << " " << range << font::weapon_details_sep << lang_type << "</span>\n"; tooltip << _("Weapon range: ") << "<b>" << range << "</b>\n" << _("Damage type: ") << "<b>" << lang_type << "</b>\n" << _("Damage versus: ") << '\n'; // Show this weapon damage and resistance against all the different units. // We want weak resistances (= good damage) first. std::map<int, std::set<std::string>, std::greater<int> > resistances; std::set<std::string> seen_types; const team &unit_team = rc.teams()[u.side() - 1]; const team &viewing_team = rc.teams()[rc.screen().viewing_team()]; for (const unit &enemy : rc.units()) { if (enemy.incapacitated()) //we can't attack statues so don't display them in this tooltip continue; if (!unit_team.is_enemy(enemy.side())) continue; const map_location &loc = enemy.get_location(); if (viewing_team.fogged(loc) || (viewing_team.is_enemy(enemy.side()) && enemy.invisible(loc))) continue; bool new_type = seen_types.insert(enemy.type_id()).second; if (new_type) { int resistance = enemy.resistance_against(at, false, loc); resistances[resistance].insert(enemy.type_name()); } } typedef std::pair<int, std::set<std::string> > resist_units; for (const resist_units &resist : resistances) { int damage = round_damage(specials_damage, damage_multiplier * resist.first, damage_divisor); tooltip << "<b>" << damage << "</b> " << "<i>(" << utils::signed_percent(resist.first-100) << ")</i> : " << utils::join(resist.second, ", ") << '\n'; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); const std::string &accuracy_parry = at.accuracy_parry_description(); if (!accuracy_parry.empty()) { str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << accuracy_parry << "</span>\n"; int accuracy = at.accuracy(); if (accuracy) { tooltip << _("Accuracy:") << "<b>" << utils::signed_percent(accuracy) << "</b>\n"; } int parry = at.parry(); if (parry) { tooltip << _("Parry:") << "<b>" << utils::signed_percent(parry) << "</b>\n"; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); } at.set_specials_context_for_listing(); std::vector<bool> active; const std::vector<std::pair<t_string, t_string> > &specials = at.special_tooltips(&active); const size_t specials_size = specials.size(); for ( size_t i = 0; i != specials_size; ++i ) { // Aliases for readability: const t_string &name = specials[i].first; const t_string &description = specials[i].second; const SDL_Color &details_color = active[i] ? font::weapon_details_color : font::inactive_details_color; str << span_color(details_color) << " " << " " << name << naps << '\n'; std::string help_page = "weaponspecial_" + name.base_str(); tooltip << _("Weapon special: ") << "<b>" << name << "</b>"; if ( !active[i] ) tooltip << "<i>" << _(" (inactive)") << "</i>"; tooltip << '\n' << description; add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip), help_page); } return damage; }
static config unit_box_at(reports::context & rc, const map_location& mouseover_hex) { std::ostringstream tooltip; time_of_day local_tod; time_of_day global_tod = rc.tod().get_time_of_day(); const team &viewing_team = rc.teams()[rc.screen().viewing_team()]; if (viewing_team.shrouded(mouseover_hex)) { // Don't show time on shrouded tiles. local_tod = global_tod; } else if (viewing_team.fogged(mouseover_hex)) { // Don't show illuminated time on fogged tiles. local_tod = rc.tod().get_time_of_day(mouseover_hex); } else { local_tod = rc.tod().get_illuminated_time_of_day(rc.units(),,mouseover_hex); } int bonus = local_tod.lawful_bonus; std::string lawful_color("white"); std::string chaotic_color("white"); std::string liminal_color("white"); if (bonus != 0) { lawful_color = (bonus > 0) ? "green" : "red"; chaotic_color = (bonus < 0) ? "green" : "red"; liminal_color = "red"; } tooltip << << '\n' << _("Lawful units: ") << "<span foreground=\"" << lawful_color << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(bonus) << "</span>\n" << _("Neutral units: ") << utils::signed_percent(0) << '\n' << _("Chaotic units: ") << "<span foreground=\"" << chaotic_color << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(-bonus) << "</span>\n" << _("Liminal units: ") << "<span foreground=\"" << liminal_color << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(-(abs(bonus))) << "</span>\n"; std::string local_tod_image = "themes/classic/" + local_tod.image; std::string global_tod_image = "themes/classic/" + global_tod.image; if (local_tod.bonus_modified > 0) local_tod_image += "~BRIGHTEN()"; else if (local_tod.bonus_modified < 0) local_tod_image += "~DARKEN()"; const gamemap &map =; t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map.get_terrain(mouseover_hex); //if (terrain == t_translation::OFF_MAP_USER) // return config(); //if (map.is_keep(mouseover_hex)) { // add_image(cfg, "icons/terrain/terrain_type_keep.png", ""); //} const t_translation::t_list& underlying_terrains = map.underlying_union_terrain(terrain); std::string bg_terrain_image; for (const t_translation::t_terrain& underlying_terrain : underlying_terrains) { const std::string& terrain_id = map.get_terrain_info(underlying_terrain).id(); bg_terrain_image = "~BLIT(unit_env/terrain/terrain-" + terrain_id + ".png)" + bg_terrain_image; } std::stringstream color; color << local_tod.color; bg_terrain_image = bg_terrain_image + "~CS(" + color.str() + ")"; const unit *u = get_visible_unit(rc); std::string unit_image; if (u) unit_image = "~BLIT(" + u->absolute_image() + u->image_mods() + ",35,22)"; std::string tod_image = global_tod_image + "~BLIT(" + local_tod_image + ")"; return image_report(tod_image + bg_terrain_image + unit_image, tooltip.str(), "time_of_day"); }