bool checkCopter(double copter_x, double copter_y, double copter_z, double x, double y, double z, char &colour){ // Initially red. For when the QC is far away. colour = 'r'; // Region when marker should turn yellow. When the QC is reaching the tapping vicinity. double markerZone_height = z + (Radius/2) + 0.0625; double markerZone_bottom_x = x - Radius*2; double markerZone_top_x = x + Radius*2; double markerZone_bottom_y = y - Radius*2; double markerZone_top_y = y + Radius*2; //This uses one tenth of the radius. If it seems to be too much, raise the "10" below. //The radius does need to be present otherwise it may not detect the copter every time. double roomba_height = z + (Radius/2) + 0.0625; //The x coordinates that the copter has to be in double bottom_x = x - Radius*2; double top_x = x + Radius*2; //The y coordinates that the copter has to be in double bottom_y = y - Radius*2; double top_y = y + Radius*2; //If the copter coordinates are (0,0,0), something is probably wrong if (copter_x == 0 && copter_y == 0 && copter_z == 0) return false; // If the copter is close to the marker. if(markerZone_bottom_x <= copter_x && copter_x <= markerZone_top_x){ if(markerZone_bottom_y <= copter_y && copter_y <= markerZone_top_y){ if(copter_z <= markerZone_height){ colour = 'y'; } } } //If the copter is within the radius, return true if (bottom_x <= copter_x && copter_x <= top_x){ if (bottom_y <= copter_y && copter_y <= top_y){ if((copter_z - 0.182) <= roomba_height){ // 0.182 is the length between copter centre of mass and the tip of its legs (base) timer_5.stop(); timer_20.stop(); timer_5.start(); timer_20.start(); count_5 = looprate*3; // 3 so it never goes lower than limit count_20 = looprate*3; colour = 'g'; return true; } } } return false; }
void handle_heartbeat(const mavlink_message_t *msg, uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid) { if (!uas->is_my_target(sysid)) { ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("sys", "HEARTBEAT from [%d, %d] dropped.", sysid, compid); return; } mavlink_heartbeat_t hb; mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(msg, &hb); // update context && setup connection timeout uas->update_heartbeat(hb.type, hb.autopilot); uas->update_connection_status(true); timeout_timer.stop(); timeout_timer.start(); // build state message after updating uas auto state_msg = boost::make_shared<mavros::State>(); state_msg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); state_msg->armed = hb.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED; state_msg->guided = hb.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_GUIDED_ENABLED; state_msg->mode = uas->str_mode_v10(hb.base_mode, hb.custom_mode); state_pub.publish(state_msg); hb_diag.tick(hb.type, hb.autopilot, state_msg->mode, hb.system_status); }
void autopilot_version_cb(const ros::TimerEvent &event) { bool ret = false; try { auto client = nh.serviceClient<mavros::CommandLong>("cmd/command"); mavros::CommandLong cmd{}; cmd.request.command = MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES; cmd.request.confirmation = false; cmd.request.param1 = 1.0; ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("sys", "VER: Sending request."); ret =; } catch (ros::InvalidNameException &ex) { ROS_ERROR_NAMED("sys", "VER: %s", ex.what()); } ROS_ERROR_COND_NAMED(!ret, "sys", "VER: command plugin service call failed!"); if (version_retries > 0) { version_retries--; ROS_WARN_COND_NAMED(version_retries != RETRIES_COUNT - 1, "sys", "VER: request timeout, retries left %d", version_retries); } else { uas->update_capabilities(false); autopilot_version_timer.stop(); ROS_WARN_NAMED("sys", "VER: your FCU don't support AUTOPILOT_VERSION, " "switched to default capabilities"); } }
void connection_cb(bool connected) { // if connection changes, start delayed version request version_retries = RETRIES_COUNT; if (connected) autopilot_version_timer.start(); else autopilot_version_timer.stop(); // add/remove APM diag tasks if (connected && disable_diag && uas->is_ardupilotmega()) { #ifdef MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MEMINFO UAS_DIAG(uas).add(mem_diag); #endif #ifdef MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HWSTATUS UAS_DIAG(uas).add(hwst_diag); #endif #if !defined(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MEMINFO) || !defined(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HWSTATUS) ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "SYS: APM detected, but mavros uses different dialect. " "Extra diagnostic disabled."); #else ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("sys", "SYS: APM extra diagnostics enabled."); #endif } else { UAS_DIAG(uas).removeByName(mem_diag.getName()); UAS_DIAG(uas).removeByName(hwst_diag.getName()); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("sys", "SYS: APM extra diagnostics disabled."); } }
/** * Callback * initialisation de la liste des publishers inactif pendant une periode T */ void init_caplist(const ros::TimerEvent& ){ ROS_INFO("Initialisation des Publishers.......!"); timer2.stop(); for(int i=0; i<(int)CAP_LIST.size()+1; i++){ chatter_pub[i].shutdown(); } //ros::spinOnce(); timer2.start(); ROS_INFO("Initialisation terminee *"); }
void setVelocity(double linearVel, double angularVel) { // Stopping and starting the timer causes it to start counting from 0 again. // As long as this is called before the kill swith timer reaches killSwitchTimeout seconds // the rover's kill switch wont be called. killSwitchTimer.stop(); killSwitchTimer.start(); velocity.linear.x = linearVel * 1.5; velocity.angular.z = angularVel * 8; //scaling factor for sim; removed by aBridge node velocityPublish.publish(velocity); }
void RosAriaNode::sonarDisconnectCb() { if (!robot->tryLock()) { ROS_ERROR("Skipping sonarConnectCb because could not lock"); return; } if (robot->areSonarsEnabled()) { robot->disableSonar(); sonar_tf_timer.stop(); } robot->unlock(); }
void TimerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent&) { aero_srr_msgs::ObjectLocationMsg test_msg; test_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos; test_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos; test_msg.pose.pose.position.z = z_pos; tf::Quaternion q; q.setRPY(rx_pos, ry_pos, rz_pos); tf::quaternionTFToMsg(q, test_msg.pose.pose.orientation); test_msg.header.frame_id = "/arm_mount"; test_msg.pose.header.frame_id = test_msg.header.frame_id; test_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); test_msg.pose.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pub.publish(test_msg); timer.stop(); }
void openCamera(ros::Timer &timer) { timer.stop(); while (!camera_) { try { boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(config_mutex_); camera_ = boost::make_shared<PMDCamboardNano>(device_serial, plugin_dir, source_plugin, process_plugin); device_serial = camera_->getSerialNumber().c_str(); updater.setHardwareIDf("%s", device_serial.c_str()); NODELET_INFO("Opened PMD camera with serial number \"%s\"", camera_->getSerialNumber().c_str()); loadCalibrationData(); NODELET_INFO("Loaded calibration data"); camera_->update(); camera_info_ = camera_->getCameraInfo(); } catch (PMDCameraNotOpenedException& e) { camera_state_ = CAMERA_NOT_FOUND; if (device_serial != "") { std::stringstream err; err << "Unable to open PMD camera with serial number " << device_serial; state_info_ = err.str(); NODELET_INFO("%s",state_info_.c_str()); } else { state_info_ = "Unable to open PMD camera.."; NODELET_INFO("%s",state_info_.c_str()); } boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(config_mutex_); camera_.reset(); } updater.update(); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(open_camera_retry_period)); } timer.start(); }
/********** callback for the cmd velocity from the autonomy **********/ void cmd_vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& msg) { watchdogTimer.stop(); error.setValue(msg.linear.x - body_vel.linear.x, msg.linear.y - body_vel.linear.y, msg.linear.z - body_vel.linear.z); //std::cout << "error x: " << error.getX() << " y: " << error.getY() << " z: " << error.getZ() << std::endl; //std::cout << std::abs(curr_body_vel_time.toSec() - last_body_vel_time.toSec()) << std::endl; error_yaw = msg.angular.z - body_vel.angular.z; //std::cout << "error yaw: " << error_yaw << std::endl; // if some time has passed between the last body velocity time and the current body velocity time then will calculate the (feed forward PD) if (std::abs(curr_body_vel_time.toSec() - last_body_vel_time.toSec()) > 0.00001) { errorDot = (1/(curr_body_vel_time - last_body_vel_time).toSec()) * (error - last_error); //std::cout << "errordot x: " << errorDot.getX() << " y: " << errorDot.getY() << " z: " << errorDot.getZ() << std::endl; errorDot_yaw = (1/(curr_body_vel_time - last_body_vel_time).toSec()) * (error_yaw - last_error_yaw); //std::cout << "error dot yaw " << errorDot_yaw << std::endl; velocity_command.linear.x = cap_vel_auton(kx*msg.linear.x + (kp*error).getX() + (kd*errorDot).getX()); velocity_command.linear.y = cap_vel_auton(ky*msg.linear.y + (kp*error).getY() + (kd*errorDot).getY()); velocity_command.linear.z = cap_vel_auton(kz*msg.linear.z + (kp*error).getZ() + (kd*errorDot).getZ()); velocity_command.angular.z = -1*cap_vel_auton(kyaw*msg.angular.z + kp_yaw*error_yaw + kd_yaw*errorDot_yaw); // z must be switched because bebop driver } last_body_vel_time = curr_body_vel_time;// update last time body velocity was recieved last_error = error; last_error_yaw = error_yaw; error_gm.linear.x = error.getX(); error_gm.linear.y = error.getY(); error_gm.linear.z = error.getZ(); error_gm.angular.z = error_yaw; errorDot_gm.linear.x = errorDot.getX(); errorDot_gm.linear.y = errorDot.getY(); errorDot_gm.linear.z = errorDot.getZ(); errorDot_gm.angular.z = kyaw*msg.angular.z + kp_yaw*error_yaw + kd_yaw*errorDot_yaw; error_pub.publish(error_gm); errorDot_pub.publish(errorDot_gm); if (start_autonomous) { recieved_command_from_tracking = true; } watchdogTimer.start(); }
void handle_autopilot_version(const mavlink_message_t *msg, uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid) { mavlink_autopilot_version_t apv; mavlink_msg_autopilot_version_decode(msg, &apv); autopilot_version_timer.stop(); uas->update_capabilities(true, apv.capabilities); // Note based on current APM's impl. // APM uses custom version array[8] as a string ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: Capabilities 0x%016llx", (long long int)apv.capabilities); ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: Flight software: %08x (%*s)", apv.flight_sw_version, 8, apv.flight_custom_version); ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: Middleware software: %08x (%*s)", apv.middleware_sw_version, 8, apv.middleware_custom_version); ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: OS software: %08x (%*s)", apv.os_sw_version, 8, apv.os_custom_version); ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: Board hardware: %08x", apv.board_version); ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: VID/PID: %04x:%04x", apv.vendor_id, apv.product_id); ROS_INFO_NAMED("sys", "VER: UID: %016llx", (long long int)apv.uid); }
/*! * @param cmd_vel_msg Received message from topic */ void cmdVelCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist::ConstPtr& cmd_vel_msg) { if(autonomus_mode_) // Only if we are in autonomous mode { // Lock proxy to avoid interfering with laser scan reading boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(proxy_lock_); ROS_DEBUG("Sent (vx,vtheta) [%f %f]", cmd_vel_msg->linear.x, cmd_vel_msg->angular.z); if (cmd_vel_msg->linear.x == 0.0) //If stopping { soft_stop(cmd_vel_msg->angular.z); } //ROS_DEBUG("Received cmd_vel msg [linear.x linear.y angular.z] [%f %f %f]", cmd_vel_msg->linear.x , cmd_vel_msg->linear.y,cmd_vel_msg->angular.z); // float vel_linear = cmd_vel_msg->linear.x; // Send command to wheelchair last_linear_vel_ = cmd_vel_msg->linear.x; proxy_.motionSetSpeed(cmd_vel_msg->linear.x, cmd_vel_msg->angular.z); watchdog_timer.stop(); if(watchdog_duration > 0) watchdog_timer = node_handle_.createTimer(ros::Duration(watchdog_duration), &BBRobotNode::watchdog_callback, this, true); } }
EKF() { // Get Parameters ros::NodeHandle nhp("~"); nhp.param<bool>("deadReckoning", deadReckoning, false); nhp.param<bool>("artificialSwitching", artificialSwitching, false); nhp.param<double>("visibilityTimeout", visibilityTimeout, 0.2); nhp.param<string>("cameraName",cameraName,"camera"); nhp.param<string>("markerID",markerID,"100"); nhp.param<double>("q",q,4.0); // process noise nhp.param<double>("r",r,4.0); // measurement noise nhp.param<double>("delTon",delTon,4.0); nhp.param<double>("delToff",delToff,1.0); // Initialize states xhat << 0,0,0.1; xlast << 0,0,0.1; lastImageTime = ros::Time::now().toSec(); lastVelTime = lastImageTime; estimatorOn = true; gotCamParam = false; // Initialize EKF matrices Q = q*Matrix3d::Identity(); R = r*Matrix2d::Identity(); H << 1,0,0, 0,1,0; // Get camera parameters cout << cameraName+"/camera_info" << endl; camInfoSub = nh.subscribe(cameraName+"/camera_info",1,&EKF::camInfoCB,this); ROS_DEBUG("Waiting for camera parameters on topic ..."); do { ros::spinOnce(); ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); } while (!(ros::isShuttingDown()) and !gotCamParam); ROS_DEBUG("Got camera parameters"); // Output publishers outputPub = nh.advertise<switch_vis_exp::Output>("output",10); pointPub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>("output_point",10); // Subscribers for feature and velocity data if (deadReckoning) { targetVelSub = nh.subscribe("ugv0/odom",1,&EKF::targetVelCBdeadReckoning,this); } else { targetVelSub = nh.subscribe("ugv0/body_vel",1,&EKF::targetVelCBmocap,this); } camVelSub = nh.subscribe("image/body_vel",1,&EKF::camVelCB,this); featureSub = nh.subscribe("markerCenters",1,&EKF::featureCB,this); // Switching if (artificialSwitching) { switchingTimer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(delTon),&EKF::switchingTimerCB,this,true); } else { // Initialize watchdog timer for feature visibility check watchdogTimer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(visibilityTimeout),&EKF::timeout,this,true); watchdogTimer.stop(); // Dont start watchdog until feature first visible } }
// Callback for estimator void featureCB(const aruco_ros::CenterConstPtr& center) { // Disregard erroneous tag tracks if (>header.frame_id) != 0) { return; } // Switching if (artificialSwitching) { if (!estimatorOn) { return; } } else { // Feature in FOV watchdogTimer.stop(); estimatorOn = true; } // Time ros::Time timeStamp = center->header.stamp; double timeNow = timeStamp.toSec(); double delT = timeNow - lastImageTime; lastImageTime = timeNow; // Object trans w.r.t. image frame, for ground truth Vector3d trans; tf::StampedTransform transform; tfl.waitForTransform("image","ugv0",timeStamp,ros::Duration(0.1)); tfl.lookupTransform("image","ugv0",timeStamp,transform); tf::Vector3 temp_trans = transform.getOrigin(); trans << temp_trans.getX(),temp_trans.getY(),temp_trans.getZ(); // Object pose w.r.t. image frame if (deadReckoning) { tfl.waitForTransform("image",string("marker")+markerID,timeStamp,ros::Duration(0.1)); tfl.lookupTransform("image",string("marker")+markerID,timeStamp,transform); try { // Additional transforms for predictor tf::StampedTransform tfWorld2Marker; tf::StampedTransform tfMarker2Odom; tfl.waitForTransform("world",string("marker")+markerID,timeStamp,ros::Duration(0.1)); tfl.lookupTransform("world",string("marker")+markerID,timeStamp,tfWorld2Marker); tfl.waitForTransform("ugv0/base_footprint","ugv0/odom",timeStamp,ros::Duration(0.1)); tfl.lookupTransform("ugv0/base_footprint","ugv0/odom",timeStamp,tfMarker2Odom); // Save transform tf::Quaternion temp_quat = tfWorld2Marker.getRotation(); Quaterniond qW2M = Quaterniond(temp_quat.getW(),temp_quat.getX(),temp_quat.getY(),temp_quat.getZ()); temp_quat = tfMarker2Odom.getRotation(); Quaterniond qM2O = Quaterniond(temp_quat.getW(),temp_quat.getX(),temp_quat.getY(),temp_quat.getZ()); qWorld2Odom = qW2M*qM2O; } catch (tf::TransformException e) { } } // else, use quaternion from image to ugv0 transform tf::Quaternion temp_quat = transform.getRotation(); Quaterniond quat = Quaterniond(temp_quat.getW(),temp_quat.getX(),temp_quat.getY(),temp_quat.getZ()); // Undistort image coordinates. Returns normalized Euclidean coordinates double ptsArray[2] = {center->x,center->y}; cv::Mat pts(1,1,CV_64FC2,ptsArray); cv::Mat undistPts; cv::undistortPoints(pts,undistPts,camMat,distCoeffs); Vector3d x; x <<<double>(0,0),<double>(0,1),1/trans(2); // Target velocities expressed in camera coordinates Vector3d vTc = quat*vTt; // Observer velocities Vector3d b = vTc - vCc; Vector3d w = -wGCc; //Vector3d::Zero(); // EKF update Matrix<double,3,2> K = P*H.transpose()*(H*P*H.transpose()+R).inverse(); xhat += K*(x.head<2>()-xhat.head<2>()); P = (Matrix3d::Identity()-K*H)*P; // Publish output publishOutput(x,xhat,trans,timeStamp); if (!artificialSwitching) { // Restart watchdog timer for feature visibility check watchdogTimer.start(); } }
int RosAriaNode::Setup() { // Note, various objects are allocated here which are never deleted (freed), since Setup() is only supposed to be // called once per instance, and these objects need to persist until the process terminates. robot = new ArRobot(); ArArgumentBuilder *args = new ArArgumentBuilder(); // never freed ArArgumentParser *argparser = new ArArgumentParser(args); // Warning never freed argparser->loadDefaultArguments(); // adds any arguments given in /etc/Aria.args. Useful on robots with unusual serial port or baud rate (e.g. pioneer lx) // Now add any parameters given via ros params (see RosAriaNode constructor): // if serial port parameter contains a ':' character, then interpret it as hostname:tcpport // for wireless serial connection. Otherwise, interpret it as a serial port name. size_t colon_pos = serial_port.find(":"); if (colon_pos != std::string::npos) { args->add("-remoteHost"); // pass robot's hostname/IP address to Aria args->add(serial_port.substr(0, colon_pos).c_str()); args->add("-remoteRobotTcpPort"); // pass robot's TCP port to Aria args->add(serial_port.substr(colon_pos+1).c_str()); } else { args->add("-robotPort"); // pass robot's serial port to Aria args->add(serial_port.c_str()); } // if a baud rate was specified in baud parameter if(serial_baud != 0) { args->add("-robotBaud"); char tmp[100]; snprintf(tmp, 100, "%d", serial_baud); args->add(tmp); } if( debug_aria ) { // turn on all ARIA debugging args->add("-robotLogPacketsReceived"); // log received packets args->add("-robotLogPacketsSent"); // log sent packets args->add("-robotLogVelocitiesReceived"); // log received velocities args->add("-robotLogMovementSent"); args->add("-robotLogMovementReceived"); ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Verbose, aria_log_filename.c_str(), true); } // Connect to the robot conn = new ArRobotConnector(argparser, robot); // warning never freed if (!conn->connectRobot()) { ROS_ERROR("RosAria: ARIA could not connect to robot! (Check ~port parameter is correct, and permissions on port device.)"); return 1; } // causes ARIA to load various robot-specific hardware parameters from the robot parameter file in /usr/local/Aria/params if(!Aria::parseArgs()) { ROS_ERROR("RosAria: ARIA error parsing ARIA startup parameters!"); return 1; } // Start dynamic_reconfigure server dynamic_reconfigure_server = new dynamic_reconfigure::Server<rosaria::RosAriaConfig>; robot->lock(); // Setup Parameter Minimums rosaria::RosAriaConfig dynConf_min; //arbitrary non-zero values so dynamic reconfigure isn't STUPID dynConf_min.trans_vel_max = 0.1; dynConf_min.rot_vel_max = 0.1; dynConf_min.trans_accel = 0.1; dynConf_min.trans_decel = 0.1; dynConf_min.rot_accel = 0.1; dynConf_min.rot_decel = 0.1; // I'm setting these upper bounds relitivly arbitrarily, feel free to increase them. dynConf_min.TicksMM = 10; dynConf_min.DriftFactor = -200; dynConf_min.RevCount = -32760; dynamic_reconfigure_server->setConfigMin(dynConf_min); rosaria::RosAriaConfig dynConf_max; dynConf_max.trans_vel_max = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransVel() / 1000.0; dynConf_max.rot_vel_max = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotVel() *M_PI/180.0; dynConf_max.trans_accel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransAccel() / 1000.0; dynConf_max.trans_decel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransDecel() / 1000.0; dynConf_max.rot_accel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotAccel() * M_PI/180.0; dynConf_max.rot_decel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotDecel() * M_PI/180.0; // I'm setting these upper bounds relitivly arbitrarily, feel free to increase them. dynConf_max.TicksMM = 200; dynConf_max.DriftFactor = 200; dynConf_max.RevCount = 32760; dynamic_reconfigure_server->setConfigMax(dynConf_max); dynConf_default.trans_vel_max = robot->getTransVelMax() / 1000.0; dynConf_default.rot_vel_max = robot->getRotVelMax() *M_PI/180.0; dynConf_default.trans_accel = robot->getTransAccel() / 1000.0; dynConf_default.trans_decel = robot->getTransDecel() / 1000.0; dynConf_default.rot_accel = robot->getRotAccel() * M_PI/180.0; dynConf_default.rot_decel = robot->getRotDecel() * M_PI/180.0; /* ROS_ERROR("ON ROBOT NOW\n\ Trans vel max: %f\n\ Rot vel max: %f\n\ \n\ trans accel: %f\n\ trans decel: %f\n\ rot accel: %f\n\ rot decel: %f", robot->getTransVelMax(), robot->getRotVelMax(), robot->getTransAccel(), robot->getTransDecel(), robot->getRotAccel(), robot->getRotDecel()); ROS_ERROR("IN DEFAULT CONFIG\n\ Trans vel max: %f\n\ Rot vel max: %f\n\ \n\ trans accel: %f\n\ trans decel: %f\n\ rot accel: %f\n\ rot decel: %f\n", dynConf_default.trans_vel_max, dynConf_default.rot_vel_max, dynConf_default.trans_accel, dynConf_default.trans_decel, dynConf_default.rot_accel, dynConf_default.rot_decel);*/ TicksMM = robot->getOrigRobotConfig()->getTicksMM(); DriftFactor = robot->getOrigRobotConfig()->getDriftFactor(); RevCount = robot->getOrigRobotConfig()->getRevCount(); dynConf_default.TicksMM = TicksMM; dynConf_default.DriftFactor = DriftFactor; dynConf_default.RevCount = RevCount; dynamic_reconfigure_server->setConfigDefault(dynConf_default); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sonar_tf_array[i].header.frame_id = frame_id_base_link; std::stringstream _frame_id; _frame_id << "sonar" << i; sonar_tf_array[i].child_frame_id = _frame_id.str(); ArSensorReading* _reading = NULL; _reading = robot->getSonarReading(i); sonar_tf_array[i].transform.translation.x = _reading->getSensorX() / 1000.0; sonar_tf_array[i].transform.translation.y = _reading->getSensorY() / 1000.0; sonar_tf_array[i].transform.translation.z = 0.19; sonar_tf_array[i].transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(_reading->getSensorTh() * M_PI / 180.0); } for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { sensor_msgs::Range r;; } int i=0,j=0; if (sonars__crossed_the_streams) { i=8; j=8; } for(; i<16; i++) { //populate the RangeArray msg std::stringstream _frame_id; _frame_id << "sonar" << i;[i].header.frame_id = _frame_id.str();[i].radiation_type = 0;[i].field_of_view = 0.2618f;[i].min_range = 0.03f;[i].max_range = 5.0f; } // Enable the motors robot->enableMotors(); robot->disableSonar(); // Initialize bumpers with robot number of bumpers bumpers.front_bumpers.resize(robot->getNumFrontBumpers()); bumpers.rear_bumpers.resize(robot->getNumRearBumpers()); robot->unlock(); pose_pub = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("pose",1000); bumpers_pub = n.advertise<rosaria::BumperState>("bumper_state",1000); voltage_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("battery_voltage", 1000); combined_range_pub = n.advertise<rosaria::RangeArray>("ranges", 1000, boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::sonarConnectCb,this), boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::sonarDisconnectCb, this)); for(int i =0; i < 16; i++) { std::stringstream topic_name; topic_name << "range" << i; range_pub[i] = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Range>(topic_name.str().c_str(), 1000, boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::sonarConnectCb,this), boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::sonarDisconnectCb, this)); } recharge_state_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("battery_recharge_state", 5, true /*latch*/ ); = -2; state_of_charge_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("battery_state_of_charge", 100); motors_state_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("motors_state", 5, true /*latch*/ ); = false; published_motors_state = false; // subscribe to services cmdvel_sub = n.subscribe( "cmd_vel", 1, (boost::function <void(const geometry_msgs::TwistConstPtr&)>) boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::cmdvel_cb, this, _1 )); // advertise enable/disable services enable_srv = n.advertiseService("enable_motors", &RosAriaNode::enable_motors_cb, this); disable_srv = n.advertiseService("disable_motors", &RosAriaNode::disable_motors_cb, this); veltime = ros::Time::now(); sonar_tf_timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.033), &RosAriaNode::sonarCallback, this); sonar_tf_timer.stop(); dynamic_reconfigure_server->setCallback(boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::dynamic_reconfigureCB, this, _1, _2)); // callback will be called by ArRobot background processing thread for every SIP data packet received from robot robot->addSensorInterpTask("ROSPublishingTask", 100, &myPublishCB); // Run ArRobot background processing thread robot->runAsync(true); return 0; }
void PlaceDetector::processImage() { if(!currentImage.empty()) { /* int satLower = 30; int satUpper = 230; int valLower = 30; int valUpper = 230;*/ timer.stop(); // Mat img; // cv::cvtColor(currentImage,img,CV_BGR2HSV); Mat hueChannel= ImageProcess::generateChannelImage(currentImage,0,satLower,satUpper,valLower,valUpper); Mat hueChannelFiltered; cv::medianBlur(hueChannel, hueChannelFiltered,3); vector<bubblePoint> hueBubble = bubbleProcess::convertGrayImage2Bub(hueChannelFiltered,focalLengthPixels,180); vector<bubblePoint> reducedHueBubble = bubbleProcess::reduceBubble(hueBubble); /************************** Perform filtering and obtain resulting mat images ***********************/ // Mat satChannel= ImageProcess::generateChannelImage(img,1,satLower,satUpper,valLower,valUpper); Mat valChannel= ImageProcess::generateChannelImage(currentImage,2,satLower,satUpper,valLower,valUpper); /*****************************************************************************************************/ /*************************** Convert images to bubbles ***********************************************/ // vector<bubblePoint> satBubble = bubbleProcess::convertGrayImage2Bub(satChannel,focalLengthPixels,255); vector<bubblePoint> valBubble = bubbleProcess::convertGrayImage2Bub(valChannel,focalLengthPixels,255); /*****************************************************************************************************/ /***************** Reduce the bubbles ********************************************************/ // vector<bubblePoint> reducedSatBubble = bubbleProcess::reduceBubble(satBubble); vector<bubblePoint> reducedValBubble = bubbleProcess::reduceBubble(valBubble); // Calculate statistics // bubbleStatistics statsHue = bubbleProcess::calculateBubbleStatistics(reducedHueBubble,180); // bubbleStatistics statsSat = bubbleProcess::calculateBubbleStatistics(reducedSatBubble,255); bubbleStatistics statsVal = bubbleProcess::calculateBubbleStatistics(reducedValBubble,255); qDebug()<<"Bubble statistics: "<<statsVal.mean<<statsVal.variance; currentBasePoint.avgVal = statsVal.mean; currentBasePoint.varVal = statsVal.variance; = image_counter; QString imagefilePath = imagesPath; imagefilePath.append("/rgb_"); imagefilePath.append(QString::number(image_counter)).append(".jpg"); imwrite(imagefilePath.toStdString().data(),currentImage); //imwrite() currentBasePoint.status = 0; /*********************** WE CHECK FOR THE UNINFORMATIVENESS OF THE FRAME *************************/ if(statsVal.mean <= this->tau_val_mean || statsVal.variance <= this->tau_val_var) { // qDebug()<<"This image is uninformative"<<image_counter; currentBasePoint.status = 1; // this->shouldProcess = true; // If we don't have an initialized window then initialize if(!this->tempwin) { this->tempwin = new TemporalWindow(); this->tempwin->tau_n = this->tau_n; this->tempwin->tau_w = this->tau_w; this->tempwin->startPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->endPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->id = twindow_counter; this->tempwin->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); } else { this->tempwin->endPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); } /// dbmanager.insertBasePoint(currentBasePoint); wholebasepoints.push_back(currentBasePoint); // previousBasePoint = currentBasePoint; image_counter++; detector.currentImage.release(); // timer.start(); detector.shouldProcess = true; return; } /*********************************** IF THE FRAME IS INFORMATIVE *************************************************/ else { Mat totalInvariants; qint64 start = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); DFCoefficients dfcoeff = bubbleProcess::calculateDFCoefficients(reducedHueBubble,noHarmonics,noHarmonics); Mat hueInvariants = bubbleProcess::calculateInvariantsMat(dfcoeff,noHarmonics, noHarmonics); // totalInvariants = hueInvariants.clone(); cv::Mat logTotal; // qDebug()<<hueInvariants.rows<<hueInvariants.cols<<<float>(0,10); Mat grayImage; cv::cvtColor(currentImage,grayImage,CV_BGR2GRAY); std::vector<Mat> sonuc = ImageProcess::applyFilters(grayImage); for(uint j = 0; j < sonuc.size(); j++) { vector<bubblePoint> imgBubble = bubbleProcess::convertGrayImage2Bub(sonuc[j],focalLengthPixels,255); vector<bubblePoint> resred = bubbleProcess::reduceBubble(imgBubble); DFCoefficients dfcoeff = bubbleProcess::calculateDFCoefficients(resred,noHarmonics,noHarmonics); Mat invariants= bubbleProcess::calculateInvariantsMat(dfcoeff,noHarmonics,noHarmonics); if(j==0) totalInvariants = invariants.clone(); else cv::hconcat(totalInvariants, invariants, totalInvariants); } // qDebug()<<<float>(0,64); cv::log(totalInvariants,logTotal); logTotal = logTotal/25; cv::transpose(logTotal,logTotal); qint64 stop = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); qDebug()<<"Bubble time"<<(stop-start); // TOTAL INVARIANTS N X 1 vector for(int kk = 0; kk < logTotal.rows; kk++) { if(<float>(kk,0) < 0)<float>(kk,0) = 0.5; } // qDebug()<<logTotal.rows<<logTotal.cols<<<float>(10,0); // We don't have a previous base point if( == 0) { = image_counter; currentBasePoint.invariants = logTotal; previousBasePoint = currentBasePoint; currentPlace->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); /// dbmanager.insertBasePoint(currentBasePoint); wholebasepoints.push_back(currentBasePoint); } else { = image_counter; currentBasePoint.invariants = logTotal; // double result = compareHistHK(currentBasePoint.invariants,previousBasePoint.invariants, CV_COMP_CHISQR); // MY VERSION FOR CHISQR, SIMPLER!! double result= compareHKCHISQR(currentBasePoint.invariants,previousBasePoint.invariants); qDebug()<<"Invariant diff between "<<<<<<"is"<<result; // qDebug()<<"Invariant diff between "<<<<<<"is"<<result<<result2;//previousBasePoint.invariants.rows<<currentBasePoint.invariants.rows; // qDebug()<<<float>(1,0)<<<float>(2,0)<<<float>(1,0)<<<float>(2,0); // JUST FOR DEBUGGING-> WRITES INVARIANT TO THE HOME FOLDER // writeInvariant(previousBasePoint.invariants,; ///////////////////////////// IF THE FRAMES ARE COHERENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(result <= tau_inv && result > 0) { /// dbmanager.insertBasePoint(currentBasePoint); wholebasepoints.push_back(currentBasePoint); /// If we have a temporal window if(tempwin) { // Temporal window will extend, we are still looking for the next incoming frames if(tempwin->checkExtensionStatus( { tempwin->cohMembers.push_back(currentBasePoint); basepointReservoir.push_back(currentBasePoint); } // Temporal window will not extend anymore, we should check whether it is really a temporal window or not else { float area = this->tempwin->totalDiff/(tempwin->endPoint - tempwin->startPoint+1); qDebug()<<"Temporal Window Area"<<area; // This is a valid temporal window if(tempwin->endPoint - tempwin->startPoint >= tau_w && area>= tau_avgdiff) { qDebug()<<"New Place"; currentPlace->calculateMeanInvariant(); qDebug()<<"Current place mean invariant: "<<currentPlace->meanInvariant.rows<<currentPlace->meanInvariant.cols<<currentPlace-><float>(50,0); if(currentPlace->memberIds.rows >= tau_p){ dbmanager.insertPlace(*currentPlace); std_msgs::Int16 plID; = this->placeID; placedetectionPublisher.publish(plID); this->detectedPlaces.push_back(*currentPlace); this->placeID++; } delete currentPlace; currentPlace = 0; // this->placeID++; /* cv::Mat result = DatabaseManager::getPlaceMeanInvariant(this->placeID-1); qDebug()<<"Previous place mean invariant: "<<result.rows<<result.cols<<<float>(50,0); result = DatabaseManager::getPlaceMemberIds(this->placeID-1); for(int k = 0; k< result.rows; k++){ qDebug()<<"Previous place members: "<<result.rows<<result.cols<<<unsigned short>(k,0); }*/ currentPlace = new Place(this->placeID); // currentPlace-> basepointReservoir.push_back(currentBasePoint); currentPlace->members = basepointReservoir; basepointReservoir.clear(); dbmanager.insertTemporalWindow(*tempwin); delete tempwin; tempwin = 0; this->twindow_counter++; // A new place will be created. Current place will be published } // This is just a noisy temporal window. We should add the coherent basepoints to the current place else { basepointReservoir.push_back(currentBasePoint); delete tempwin; tempwin = 0; std::vector<BasePoint> AB; AB.reserve( currentPlace->members.size() + basepointReservoir.size() ); // preallocate memory AB.insert( AB.end(), currentPlace->members.begin(), currentPlace->members.end() ); AB.insert( AB.end(), basepointReservoir.begin(), basepointReservoir.end() ); currentPlace->members.clear(); currentPlace->members = AB; basepointReservoir.clear(); } } } else { currentPlace->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); } } ///////////////////////// IF THE FRAMES ARE INCOHERENT ///////////////////////////////////// else { currentBasePoint.status = 2; /// dbmanager.insertBasePoint(currentBasePoint); wholebasepoints.push_back(currentBasePoint); // If we don't have a temporal window create one if(!tempwin) { tempwin = new TemporalWindow(); this->tempwin->tau_n = this->tau_n; this->tempwin->tau_w = this->tau_w; this->tempwin->startPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->endPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->id = twindow_counter; this->tempwin->totalDiff +=result; this->tempwin->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); } // add the basepoint to the temporal window else { // Temporal window will extend, we are still looking for the next incoming frames if(tempwin->checkExtensionStatus( { this->tempwin->endPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); this->tempwin->totalDiff +=result; basepointReservoir.clear(); } else { float avgdiff; avgdiff = this->tempwin->totalDiff/(tempwin->endPoint - tempwin->startPoint+1); qDebug()<<"Temporal Window Average Diff"<<avgdiff; // This is a valid temporal window if(tempwin->endPoint - tempwin->startPoint >= tau_w && avgdiff >= tau_avgdiff) { // float summ = 0; //Modifikasyon /* for(int kl = 0; kl < tempwin->members.size(); kl++) { BasePoint abasepoint = tempwin->; abasepoint. }*/ qDebug()<<"New Place"; currentPlace->calculateMeanInvariant(); qDebug()<<"Current place mean invariant: "<<currentPlace->meanInvariant.rows<<currentPlace->meanInvariant.cols<<currentPlace-><float>(50,0); if(currentPlace->memberIds.rows >= tau_p) { dbmanager.insertPlace(*currentPlace); std_msgs::Int16 plID ; = this->placeID; placedetectionPublisher.publish(plID); this->detectedPlaces.push_back(*currentPlace); this->placeID++; } delete currentPlace; currentPlace = 0; // this->placeID++; // cv::Mat result = DatabaseManager::getPlaceMeanInvariant(this->placeID-1); // qDebug()<<"Previous place mean invariant: "<<result.rows<<result.cols<<<float>(50,0); // result = DatabaseManager::getPlaceMemberIds(this->placeID-1); /* for(int k = 0; k< result.rows; k++){ qDebug()<<"Previous place members: "<<result.rows<<result.cols<<<unsigned short>(k,0); }*/ currentPlace = new Place(this->placeID); // currentPlace-> //basepointReservoir.push_back(currentBasePoint); currentPlace->members = basepointReservoir; basepointReservoir.clear(); dbmanager.insertTemporalWindow(*tempwin); delete tempwin; tempwin = 0; this->twindow_counter++; // A new place will be created. Current place will be published } // This is just a noisy temporal window. We should add the coherent basepoints to the current place else { // basepointReservoir.push_back(currentBasePoint); delete tempwin; tempwin = 0; std::vector<BasePoint> AB; AB.reserve( currentPlace->members.size() + basepointReservoir.size() ); // preallocate memory AB.insert( AB.end(), currentPlace->members.begin(), currentPlace->members.end() ); AB.insert( AB.end(), basepointReservoir.begin(), basepointReservoir.end() ); currentPlace->members.clear(); currentPlace->members = AB; basepointReservoir.clear(); } tempwin = new TemporalWindow(); this->tempwin->tau_n = this->tau_n; this->tempwin->tau_w = this->tau_w; this->tempwin->startPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->endPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->id = twindow_counter; this->tempwin->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); } /* this->tempwin->endPoint = image_counter; this->tempwin->members.push_back(currentBasePoint); basepointReservoir.clear();*/ } } previousBasePoint = currentBasePoint; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // DatabaseManager::insertInvariants(HUE_TYPE,frameNumber,invariants); // qDebug()<<"Image Counter: "<<image_counter; image_counter++; //this->shouldProcess = true; } } this->currentImage.release(); this->shouldProcess = true; // timer.start(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int mobot_count = 1; //counter for number of mobots working if (argv[1] != NULL) { if (atoi(argv[1]) == 2) mobot_count = 2; if (atoi(argv[1]) >= 3) mobot_count = 3; } //initialising ROS ros::init(argc, argv, "path_planner"); ros::NodeHandle nh; nh_ = &nh; //initialising Mobot 1 ros::Subscriber infraredScan_1 = nh.subscribe("/mobot0/infrared", 1, irCallback1); ros::Subscriber userInput_1 = nh.subscribe("/mobot0/waypoint_user", 20, userCallback); ros::Subscriber userInput = nh.subscribe("/path_planner/waypoint_user", 20, userInputCallback); nextPoseRel_1 = nh.advertise<mobots_msgs::Pose2DPrio> ("/mobot0/waypoint_rel", 20); mobots[0].id = 1; mobots[0].theta = 0.0; mobots[0].x = 0.0; mobots[0].y = 0.0; mobots[0].obstacle = false; mobots[0].userControlled = 0; mobots[0].timer = 0; timerMobot_1 = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), timerCallback1); #if 0 if(mobot_count > 1){ //initialising Mobot 2 ros::Subscriber infraredScan_2 = nh.subscribe("/mobot2/infrared", 1, irCallback2); ros::Subscriber userInput_2 = nh.subscribe("/mobot2/waypoint_user", 20, userCallback); nextPoseRel_2 = nh.advertise<mobots_msgs::Pose2DPrio> ("/mobot2/waypoint_rel", 20); mobots[1].id = 2; mobots[1].theta = 0.0; mobots[1].x = 0.0; mobots[1].y = 0.0; mobots[1].obstacle = false; mobots[1].userControlled = 0; mobots[1].timer = 0; timerMobot_2 = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), timerCallback2); } if(mobot_count > 2){ //initialising Mobot 3 ros::Subscriber infraredScan_3 = nh.subscribe("/mobot3/infrared", 1, irCallback3); ros::Subscriber userInput_3 = nh.subscribe("/mobot3/waypoint_user", 20, userCallback); nextPoseRel_3 = nh.advertise<mobots_msgs::Pose2DPrio> ("/mobot3/waypoint_rel", 20); mobots[2].id = 3; mobots[2].theta = 0.0; mobots[2].x = 0.0; mobots[2].y = 0.0; mobots[2].obstacle = false; mobots[2].userControlled = 0; mobots[2].timer = 0; timerMobot_3 = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), timerCallback3); } keyReqServer = nh.advertiseService("/path_planner/keyboard_request", keyReqCallback); if(argv[2] != NULL){ std::string str = std::string(argv[2]); if(str == "square"){ exploreSquare(1, 1000); } } /* Entering the event loop. If there is no obstacle or the user is not controlling the * Mobot, it is driving straight till something occurs. */ while (ros::ok()) { for (int i = 0; i <= mobot_count-1; i++) { if (mobots[i].userControlled == 0 && !mobots[i].obstacle) { moveMobot(mobots[i].id, 1); } } wait(5000, true); } //stopping the timers timerMobot_1.stop(); if(mobot_count > 1) timerMobot_2.stop(); if(mobot_count > 2) timerMobot_3.stop(); return 0; #endif ros::spin(); }
bool grab_vicon_pose_callback(vicon_mocap::viconGrabPose::Request& req, vicon_mocap::viconGrabPose::Response& resp) { ROS_INFO("Got request for a VICON pose"); updateTimer.stop(); tf::StampedTransform transform; //tf::Quaternion quat; if (not segment_data_enabled) { MyClient.EnableSegmentData(); ROS_ASSERT(MyClient.IsSegmentDataEnabled().Enabled); segment_data_enabled = true; } // Gather data: int N = req.n_measurements; double accum_trans[3] = {0, 0, 0}; double accum_quat[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; Result::Enum the_result; int n_success = 0; for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { ros::Duration(1 / vicon_capture_rate).sleep(); // Wait at least as long as vicon needs to capture the next frame if ((the_result = MyClient.GetFrame().Result) == Result::Success) { try { Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation trans = MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalTranslation(req.subject_name, req.segment_name); Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion quat = MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion(req.subject_name, req.segment_name); if ((!trans.Occluded) && (!quat.Occluded)) { accum_trans[0] += trans.Translation[0] / 1000; accum_trans[1] += trans.Translation[1] / 1000; accum_trans[2] += trans.Translation[2] / 1000; accum_quat[0] += quat.Rotation[3]; accum_quat[1] += quat.Rotation[0]; accum_quat[2] += quat.Rotation[1]; accum_quat[3] += quat.Rotation[2]; n_success++; } } catch (tf::TransformException ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what()); resp.success = false; return false; // TODO: should we really bail here, or just try again? } } else { if (the_result != Result::NoFrame) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("GetFrame() returned " << (int)the_result); } } } ROS_INFO("Averaging %d measurements", n_success); // Average the data: double normalized_quat[4]; double quat_norm = sqrt( accum_quat[0] * accum_quat[0] + accum_quat[1] * accum_quat[1] + accum_quat[2] * accum_quat[2] + accum_quat[3] * accum_quat[3]); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { normalized_quat[i] = accum_quat[i] / quat_norm; } double normalized_vector[3]; // Copy to inputs: for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { normalized_vector[i] = accum_trans[i] / n_success; } // copy what we used to service call response: resp.success = true; resp.pose.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); resp.pose.header.frame_id = tf_ref_frame_id; resp.pose.pose.position.x = normalized_vector[0]; resp.pose.pose.position.y = normalized_vector[1]; resp.pose.pose.position.z = normalized_vector[2]; resp.pose.pose.orientation.w = normalized_quat[0]; resp.pose.pose.orientation.x = normalized_quat[1]; resp.pose.pose.orientation.y = normalized_quat[2]; resp.pose.pose.orientation.z = normalized_quat[3]; updateTimer.start(); return true; }
void shutdown(){ timer_dsa.stop(); timer_publish.stop(); timer_diag.stop(); nh_.shutdown(); }
/********** callback for the controller **********/ void joy_callback(const sensor_msgs::Joy& msg) { watchdogTimer.stop(); command_from_xbox = geometry_msgs::Twist();// cleaning the xbox twist message a_button = msg.buttons[0];// a button lands if (a_button > 0) { land_pub.publish(std_msgs::Empty()); } x_button = msg.buttons[2];// x button sends constant if (x_button > 0) { send_0 = true; } b_button = msg.buttons[1];// b button kills motors if (b_button > 0) { reset_pub.publish(std_msgs::Empty()); } y_button = msg.buttons[3];// y button takes off if (y_button > 0) { takeoff_pub.publish(std_msgs::Empty()); } dpad_l = msg.buttons[11];//dpad left value, fine adjustment of tilt angle negatively dpad_r = msg.buttons[12];//dpad right value, fine adjustment of tilt angle positively dpad_u = msg.buttons[13];//dpad up value, coarse adjustment of tilt angle positively dpad_d = msg.buttons[14];//dpad down value, coarse adjustment of tilt angle negatively int tilt_neg = -1*dpad_l - 10*dpad_d;// tilt negatively int tilt_pos = 1*dpad_r + 10*dpad_u;// tilt positively gimbal_state_desired.angular.y = gimbal_state_desired.angular.y + tilt_neg + tilt_pos;// adjust the gimbal camera_state_pub.publish(gimbal_state_desired);// update the angle left_bumper = msg.buttons[4];// left bumper for using the tracking as the controller output right_bumper = msg.buttons[5];// right bumper for using the mocap as the controller output start_autonomous = (left_bumper > 0) || (right_bumper > 0);// start the autonomous if either are greater than 0 right_stick_vert = joy_deadband(msg.axes[4]);// right thumbstick vert controls linear x command_from_xbox.linear.x = joy_gain*right_stick_vert; right_stick_horz = joy_deadband(msg.axes[3]);// right thumbstick horz controls linear y command_from_xbox.linear.y = joy_gain*right_stick_horz; left_stick_vert = joy_deadband(msg.axes[1]);// left thumbstick vert controls linear z command_from_xbox.linear.z = joy_gain*left_stick_vert; left_stick_horz = joy_deadband(msg.axes[0]);// left thumbstick horz controls angular z command_from_xbox.angular.z = -1*joy_gain*left_stick_horz; if (!start_autonomous)// if not using the autonomous velocities as output will indicate recieved a new control input { if (send_0) { //command_from_xbox.linear.x = 0; //command_from_xbox.linear.y = 0; //command_from_xbox.linear.z = 0; //command_from_xbox.angular.z = 0; send_0 = false; } recieved_command_from_xbox = true; } watchdogTimer.start(); }