Esempio n. 1
void Namespace::connect(const scene::INodePtr& root)
    // Now traverse the subgraph and connect the nodes
    ConnectNamespacedWalker firstWalker(this);

    ConnectNameObserverWalker secondWalker;
Esempio n. 2
void Namespace::disconnect(const scene::INodePtr& root)
    // First, disconnect all NameObservers
    DisconnectNameObserverWalker firstWalker;

    // Second, remove all "names" from the namespace and clear the reference
    DisconnectNamespacedWalker secondWalker;
Esempio n. 3
void Namespace::ensureNoConflicts(const scene::INodePtr& root)
    // Instantiate a new, temporary namespace for the nodes below root
    Namespace foreignNamespace;

    // Move all nodes below (and including) root into this temporary namespace

    // Collect all namespaced items from the foreign root
    GatherNamespacedWalker walker;

    rDebug() << "Namespace::ensureNoConflicts(): imported set of "
             << walker.result.size() << " namespaced nodes" << std::endl;

    // Build a union set containing all imported names and all existing names.
    // We need to know all existing names to ensure that newly created names are
    // unique in *both* namespaces
    UniqueNameSet allNames = _uniqueNames;

    // Process each object in the to-be-imported tree of nodes, ensuring that it
    // has a unique name
    for (const NamespacedPtr& n : walker.result)
        // If the imported node conflicts with a name in THIS namespace, then it
        // needs to be given a new name which is unique in BOTH namespaces.
        if (_uniqueNames.nameExists(n->getName()))
            // Name exists in the target namespace, get a new name
            std::string uniqueName = allNames.insertUnique(n->getName());

            rMessage() << "Namespace::ensureNoConflicts(): '" << n->getName()
                       << "' already exists in this namespace. Rename it to '"
                       << uniqueName << "'\n";

            // Change the name of the imported node, this should trigger all
            // observers in the foreign namespace
            // Name does not exist yet, insert it into the local combined
            // namespace (but not our destination namespace, this will be
            // populated in the subsequent call to connect()).

    // at this point, all names in the foreign namespace have been converted to
    // something unique in this namespace. The calling code can now move the
    // nodes into this namespace without name conflicts

    // Disconnect the root from the foreign namespace again, it will be destroyed now