scottgs::FloatMatrix scottgs::MatrixMultiply::operator()(const scottgs::FloatMatrix& lhs, const scottgs::FloatMatrix& rhs) const { // Verify acceptable dimensions if (lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()) throw std::logic_error("matrix incompatible lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()"); scottgs::FloatMatrix result(lhs.size1(),rhs.size2()); // YOUR ALGORIHM WITH COMMENTS GOES HERE: int i, j, k; scottgs::FloatMatrix tMatrix = scottgs::MatrixMultiply::transpose(rhs); std::vector<float> vlhs = makeVector(lhs); std::vector<float> vrhs = makeVector(tMatrix); for (i = 0; i < lhs.size1(); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < rhs.size2(); ++j) { for (k = 0; k < lhs.size2(); ++k) { //result(i, j) += lhs(i,k) * rhs(k,j); //result(i, j) += vlhs[k + i * lhs.size2()] * vrhs[j + k * rhs.size2() - 1]; result(i, j) += vlhs[k + i * lhs.size2()] * vrhs[k + j * rhs.size1()]; } } } return result; }
scottgs::FloatMatrix scottgs::MatrixMultiply::transpose(const scottgs::FloatMatrix& matrix) const { scottgs::FloatMatrix tMatrix(matrix.size2(), matrix.size1()); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < matrix.size1(); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < matrix.size2(); ++j) { tMatrix(j, i) = matrix(i, j); } } return tMatrix; }
scottgs::FloatMatrix scottgs::MatrixMultiply::multiply(const scottgs::FloatMatrix& lhs, const scottgs::FloatMatrix& rhs) const { // Verify acceptable dimensions if (lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()) throw std::logic_error("matrix incompatible lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()"); return boost::numeric::ublas::prod(lhs,rhs); }
scottgs::FloatMatrix scottgs::MatrixMultiply::operator()(const scottgs::FloatMatrix& lhs, const scottgs::FloatMatrix& rhs) const { // Verify acceptable dimensions if (lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()) throw std::logic_error("matrix incompatible lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()"); //create the matrix scottgs::FloatMatrix result(lhs.size1(),rhs.size2()); //create the unsigned ints used for the three for loops unsigned int i,j,k,ii,jj,kk; //matrices indexes //get the sizes I need and put them into a constant const unsigned int m1_num_row = lhs.size1(); //# of row of matrix 1 const unsigned int m1_num_col = lhs.size2(); //# of col of matrix 1 const unsigned int m2_num_row = rhs.size1(); //# of row of matrix 2 const unsigned int m2_num_col = rhs.size2(); //# of column of matrix 2 //block size calculation //2 * (blockSize)^2 * 4 = 32768 (L1 cache) //SQRT(32768/8) = blockSize = 64 const int block_size = 64; //get a reference of the matrix's first element ( this will be a pointer to the first element ) const float *m1 = &lhs(0,0); const float *m2 = &rhs(0,0); //get a copy of the first element. float *r = &result(0,0); for (i = 0; i < m1_num_row; ++i) //loop through each column of matrix 2 for (j = 0; j < m2_num_col; ++j) //loop through each column of matrix 1 for (k = 0; k < m2_num_row; ++k) r[i*m2_num_col + j] = r[i*m2_num_col + j] + m1[i*m1_num_col + k] *m2[k*m2_num_col + j]; return result; }
std::vector<float> scottgs::MatrixMultiply::makeVectorTransposed(const scottgs::FloatMatrix& matrix) const { std::vector<float> vmatrix; int i; int j; for (i = 0; i < matrix.size1(); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < matrix.size2(); ++j) { vmatrix.push_back(matrix(j, i)); } } return vmatrix; }
scottgs::FloatMatrix scottgs::MatrixMultiply::operator()(const scottgs::FloatMatrix& lhs, const scottgs::FloatMatrix& rhs) const { // Verify acceptable dimensions if (lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()) throw std::logic_error("matrix incompatible lhs.size2() != rhs.size1()"); scottgs::FloatMatrix result(lhs.size1(),rhs.size2()); //create the unsigned ints used for the three for loops unsigned int i,j,k,ii,jj,kk; //matrices indexes //get the sizes I need and put them into a constant const unsigned int m1_num_row = lhs.size1(); //# of row of matrix 1 const unsigned int m1_num_col = lhs.size2(); //# of col of matrix 1 const unsigned int m2_num_row = rhs.size1(); //# of row of matrix 2 const unsigned int m2_num_col = rhs.size2(); //# of column of matrix 2 //block size calculation //2 * (blockSize)^2 * 4 = 32768 (L1 cache) //SQRT(32768/8) = blockSize = 64 const int block_size = 64; //get a reference of the matrix's first element ( this will be a pointer to the first element ) const float *m1 = &lhs(0,0); //malloc memory for the soon to be transposed matrix ( matrix #2) //float *transposed = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*m2_num_col*m2_num_row); std::vector<float> transposed; transposed.resize(m2_num_col*m2_num_row); //get a copy of the first element. float *r = &result(0,0); //transpose the second matrix for (j = 0; j < m2_num_col; ++j) for (i = 0; i < m2_num_row; ++i) transposed[j*m2_num_row + i] = m1[i*m2_num_col + j]; if(m1_num_row > 100 || m1_num_col > 100 || m2_num_row > 100 || m2_num_col > 100){ for (i = 0; i < m1_num_row; ++i) //loop through each column of matrix 2 for (j = 0; j < m2_num_col; ++j) //loop through each column of matrix 1 for (k = 0; k < m1_num_col; ++k) r[i*m2_num_col + j] = r[i*m2_num_col + j] + m1[i*m1_num_col + k] * transposed[j*m1_num_col + k]; }else{ //loop through each row of matrix 1 for (ii = 0; ii < m1_num_row; ii+=block_size) //loop through each column of matrix 2 for (jj = 0; jj < m2_num_col; jj+=block_size) //loop through each column of matrix 1 for (kk = 0; kk < m1_num_col; kk+=block_size) for (i = ii; i < std::min(m1_num_row, ii+block_size); ++i) //loop through each column of matrix 2 for (j = jj; j < std::min(m2_num_col, jj+block_size); ++j) //loop through each column of matrix 1 for (k = kk; k < std::min(m1_num_col, kk+block_size); ++k) r[i*m2_num_col + j] = r[i*m2_num_col + j] + m1[i*m1_num_col + k] *transposed[j*m1_num_col + k]; } return result; }