Esempio n. 1
LearnableParameter<ElemType>::LearnableParameter(const ScriptableObjects::IConfigRecordPtr configp) :
    LearnableParameter(configp->Get(L"deviceId"), L"<placeholder>", configp->Get(L"shape"))
    // TODO: Change dimensions to take a generic tensor instead. That will be a (minor) breaking change that will require fix-ups when converting from NDL to BrainScript.
    AttachInputsFromConfig(configp, this->GetExpectedNumInputs());
    // parameters[rows, [cols=1]] plus other optional parameters (learningRateMultiplier=[1|0|float], init=[uniform|gaussian|fixedvalue], initValueScale=[1|float], value=[0|float])
    if (configp->Exists(L"learningRateMultiplier"))
    else if (configp->Exists(L"needsGradient") || configp->Exists(L"needGradient") || configp->Exists(L"computeGradient"))
        InvalidArgument("Deprecated parameter names needsGradient|needGradient|computeGradient are not supported in BrainScript. Use learningRateMultiplier instead.");

    wstring initString = configp->Get(L"init");
    if (initString == L"fixedValue")
        Value().SetValue((ElemType) configp->Get(L"value"));
    else if (initString == L"uniform" || initString == L"gaussian")
        // TODO: add these options also to old NDL
        static unsigned long randomSeed = 1;
        int forcedRandomSeed = configp->Get(L"randomSeed"); // forcing a specific random seed is useful for testing to get repeatable initialization independent of evaluation order
        InitRandom((initString == L"uniform"), forcedRandomSeed < 0 ? randomSeed++ : (unsigned long) forcedRandomSeed, configp->Get(L"initValueScale"), configp->Get(L"initOnCPUOnly"));
    else if (initString == L"fromFile")
        wstring initFromFilePath = configp->Get(L"initFromFilePath");
        if (initFromFilePath.empty())
            RuntimeError("initFromFilePath parameter must be provided when using \"fromFile\" initialization method");
    else if (initString == L"fromLiteral")
        wstring initFromLiteral = configp->Get(L"initFromLiteral");
        if (initFromLiteral.empty())
            RuntimeError("initFromLiteral parameter must be provided when using \"fromLiteral\" initialization method");
        size_t numRows, numCols;
        auto array = File::LoadMatrixFromStringLiteral<ElemType>(msra::strfun::utf8(initFromLiteral), numRows, numCols);
        InitFromArray(array, numRows, numCols);
        RuntimeError("init must be one of the values of [ uniform | gaussian | fixedValue | fromFile ]");