void Segment::readyForShipmentIs(bool b) { if (b == false || shipmentQ_.empty()) return; Activity::Manager::Ptr manager = activityManagerInstance(); string name = "forward shipment #"; ostringstream oss; oss << rand() << rand() << rand(); name.append(oss.str()); Activity::Ptr fwd = manager->activityNew(name); ShipmentQueue shipments; NumVehicles currentVehicles(capacity()); Fleet::Ptr fleet = engine_->fleet(); NumPackages vehicleCapacity(fleet->capacity(mode()).value()); NumPackages totalCapacity( currentVehicles.value() * vehicleCapacity.value()); NumPackages packageCount(0); NumVehicles vehicles(0); Dollar costPerTrip = this->length().value()*this->difficulty().value()*fleet->speed(mode()).value(); for (Shipment::Ptr s = shipmentQ_.front(); !shipmentQ_.empty() && packageCount < totalCapacity; ) { NumPackages load = s->load(); if (load.value() > totalCapacity.value()) { // split shipment ++shipmentsFragmented_; s->loadIs(load.value() - totalCapacity.value()); load = totalCapacity; shipmentQ_.push_front( Shipment::ShipmentNew( s->name(), s->source(), s->destination(), s->origSize(), load, s->timeShipped() )); } // now we're guaranteed to have at least one shipment at the // front of the queue that we can send off Shipment::Ptr shipment = shipmentQ_.front(); shipment->costIs(shipment->cost().value() + costPerTrip.value()); shipments.push_front(shipment); shipmentQ_.pop_front(); packageCount = packageCount.value() + load.value(); totalCapacity = totalCapacity.value() - load.value(); } vehicles = packageCount.value() / vehicleCapacity.value() + ((packageCount.value() % vehicleCapacity.value() > 0) ? 1 : 0); capacity_ = capacity_.value() - vehicles.value(); fwd->lastNotifieeIs(new ForwardShipmentReactor(manager, fwd.ptr(), 0, this, shipments, vehicles)); Time timeTaken = this->length().value() / fleet->speed(mode()).value(); fwd->nextTimeIs(manager->now().value() + timeTaken.value()); fwd->statusIs(Activity::nextTimeScheduled); }
void Conn::onLocationShipmentNew(Location::PtrConst _cur, Shipment::Ptr _shipment) { FWK_DEBUG("Conn::onLocationShipmentNew() with name: " << _cur->name()); Location::PtrConst next = routeTable_->nextLocation(_cur, _shipment->destination()); Segment::Ptr out; Location::OutSegmentIteratorConst it = _cur->outSegmenterIterConst(); for (int i =0; i < _cur->outSegments(); ++i, ++it) { Segment::PtrConst r = graphSegment_.at((*it)->returnSegment()); if (r->source() == next->name()){ out = *it; break; } } //Segment * s = const_cast<Segment *> (out.ptr()); Location::Ptr p = const_cast<Location *>(next.ptr()); out->shipmentEnq(_shipment,p); };