Esempio n. 1
  void visit(const NewtonImpactFrictionNSL& nslaw)
    double e;
    e = nslaw.en();
    // Only the normal part is multiplied by e
    SP::SiconosVector y_k_1 ;
    y_k_1 = _inter->yMemory(_osnsp->inputOutputLevel())->getSiconosVector(1);
    (*_inter->yForNSsolver())(0) +=  e * (*y_k_1)(0);

Esempio n. 2
  void visit(const NewtonImpactFrictionNSL& nslaw)
    double e;
    e = nslaw.en();
    // Only the normal part is multiplied by e
    const SiconosVector& y_k_1(
    SiconosVector & osnsp_rhs = *(*_interProp.workVectors)[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::OSNSP_RHS];
    osnsp_rhs (0) +=  e * (y_k_1)(0);

Esempio n. 3
  void visit(const NewtonImpactNSL& nslaw)
    double e;
    e = nslaw.e();
    Index subCoord(4);
    subCoord[0] = 0;
    subCoord[1] = _inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
    subCoord[2] = 0;
    subCoord[3] = subCoord[1];
    // Only the normal part is multiplied by e
    SP::SiconosVector y_k_1 ;
    y_k_1 = _inter->yMemory(_osnsp->inputOutputLevel())->getSiconosVector(1);

    //  std::cout << "y_k_1 " << std::endl;
    // y_k_1->display();
    subscal(e, *y_k_1, *(_inter->yForNSsolver()), subCoord, false);
Esempio n. 4
  void visit(const NewtonImpactNSL& nslaw)
    double e;
    e = nslaw.e();
    Index subCoord(4);
    subCoord[0] = 0;
    subCoord[1] = _inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
    subCoord[2] = 0;
    subCoord[3] = subCoord[1];
    // Only the normal part is multiplied by e
    const SiconosVector& y_k_1(

    DEBUG_PRINTF("_osnsp->inputOutputLevel() = %i \n ",_osnsp->inputOutputLevel() );
    SiconosVector & osnsp_rhs = *(*_interProp.workVectors)[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::OSNSP_RHS];
    subscal(e, y_k_1, osnsp_rhs, subCoord, false);