int main(int argc, char **argv) { // save the original cerr streambuf, so that we can restore it on an exception. std::streambuf * cerrOriginalStreambuf = std::cerr.rdbuf(); std::ofstream coutRedirection; std::ofstream cerrRedirection; std::ofstream clogRedirection; try { SimulationOptions simulationOptions; initializeOptionsFromCommandLine( argc, argv, simulationOptions ); // // after initializing from command line, // the simulationOptions data structure is properly initialized // and is the only source of options from now on. // // re-direct cout, cerr, and clog, if the user specified it through options. if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.coutRedirectionFilename != "") {; std::cout.rdbuf( coutRedirection.rdbuf() ); } if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.cerrRedirectionFilename != "") {; std::cerr.rdbuf( cerrRedirection.rdbuf() ); } if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.clogRedirectionFilename != "") {; std::clog.rdbuf( clogRedirection.rdbuf() ); } // // allocate and use the engine driver // if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.engineDriver == "commandline") { CommandLineEngineDriver * cmd = new CommandLineEngineDriver(); cmd->init(&simulationOptions); cmd->run(); cmd->finish(); } else if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.engineDriver == "glfw") { #ifdef ENABLE_GUI #ifdef ENABLE_GLFW GLFWEngineDriver * driver = GLFWEngineDriver::getInstance(); driver->init(&simulationOptions); driver->run(); driver->finish(); #else throw GenericException("GLFW functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim."); #endif #else throw GenericException("GUI functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim. Use the -commandline option."); #endif // ifdef ENABLE_GUI } else if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.engineDriver == "qt") { #ifdef ENABLE_GUI #ifdef ENABLE_QT SteerSimQt::QtEngineDriver * driver = SteerSimQt::QtEngineDriver::getInstance(); driver->init(options); driver->run(); driver->finish(); #else throw GenericException("Qt functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim."); #endif #else throw GenericException("GUI functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim. Use the -commandline option."); #endif } } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: exception caught in main:\n" << e.what() << "\n"; // there is a chance that cerr was re-directed. If this is true, then also echo // the error to the original cerr. if (std::cerr.rdbuf() != cerrOriginalStreambuf) { std::cerr.rdbuf(cerrOriginalStreambuf); std::cerr << "\nERROR: exception caught in main:\n" << e.what() << "\n"; } if (coutRedirection.is_open()) coutRedirection.close(); if (cerrRedirection.is_open()) cerrRedirection.close(); if (clogRedirection.is_open()) clogRedirection.close(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (coutRedirection.is_open()) coutRedirection.close(); if (cerrRedirection.is_open()) cerrRedirection.close(); if (clogRedirection.is_open()) clogRedirection.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // save the original cerr streambuf, so that we can restore it on an exception. std::streambuf * cerrOriginalStreambuf = std::cerr.rdbuf(); std::ofstream coutRedirection; std::ofstream cerrRedirection; std::ofstream clogRedirection; reference_point ref_point; LARGE_INTEGER frequency; FILETIME file_time; SYSTEMTIME system_time1, system_time2; ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); simplistic_synchronize(ref_point); try { SimulationOptions simulationOptions; initializeOptionsFromCommandLine( argc, argv, simulationOptions ); // // after initializing from command line, // the simulationOptions data structure is properly initialized // and is the only source of options from now on. // // re-direct cout, cerr, and clog, if the user specified it through options. if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.coutRedirectionFilename != "") {; std::cout.rdbuf( coutRedirection.rdbuf() ); } if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.cerrRedirectionFilename != "") {; std::cerr.rdbuf( cerrRedirection.rdbuf() ); } if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.clogRedirectionFilename != "") {; std::clog.rdbuf( clogRedirection.rdbuf() ); } // // allocate and use the engine driver // if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.engineDriver == "commandline") { CommandLineEngineDriver * cmd = new CommandLineEngineDriver(); cmd->init(&simulationOptions); cmd->run(); cmd->finish(); } else if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.engineDriver == "glfw") { #ifdef ENABLE_GUI #ifdef ENABLE_GLFW GLFWEngineDriver * driver = GLFWEngineDriver::getInstance(); driver->init(&simulationOptions); //begin timing get_time(frequency, ref_point, file_time); ::FileTimeToSystemTime(&file_time, &system_time1); driver->run(); //end timing get_time(frequency, ref_point, file_time); ::FileTimeToSystemTime(&file_time, &system_time2); int min = system_time2.wMinute - system_time1.wMinute; int sec = system_time2.wSecond - system_time1.wSecond; int msec = system_time2.wMilliseconds - system_time1.wMilliseconds; std::cout<<"Time elapsed: "<<(min*60+sec)*1000+msec<<" ms"<<std::endl; driver->finish(); #else throw GenericException("GLFW functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim."); #endif #else throw GenericException("GUI functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim. Use the -commandline option."); #endif // ifdef ENABLE_GUI } else if (simulationOptions.globalOptions.engineDriver == "qt") { #ifdef ENABLE_GUI #ifdef ENABLE_QT SteerSimQt::QtEngineDriver * driver = SteerSimQt::QtEngineDriver::getInstance(); driver->init(options); driver->run(); driver->finish(); #else throw GenericException("Qt functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim."); #endif #else throw GenericException("GUI functionality is not compiled into this version of SteerSim. Use the -commandline option."); #endif } } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: exception caught in main:\n" << e.what() << "\n"; // there is a chance that cerr was re-directed. If this is true, then also echo // the error to the original cerr. if (std::cerr.rdbuf() != cerrOriginalStreambuf) { std::cerr.rdbuf(cerrOriginalStreambuf); std::cerr << "\nERROR: exception caught in main:\n" << e.what() << "\n"; } if (coutRedirection.is_open()) coutRedirection.close(); if (cerrRedirection.is_open()) cerrRedirection.close(); if (clogRedirection.is_open()) clogRedirection.close(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (coutRedirection.is_open()) coutRedirection.close(); if (cerrRedirection.is_open()) cerrRedirection.close(); if (clogRedirection.is_open()) clogRedirection.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }