Esempio n. 1
// Initialize handler
INT_32 IrisEchoHandler::InitHandler(IRIS::GlobalContext        & oGlobalContext,
                                    const IRIS::HandlerConfig  & oHandlerConfig,
                                    IRIS::Logger               & oLogger)
	// Create thread group
	pThreadGroup = new IrisEchoThreadGroup;

	// Create set of threads
	for (UINT_32 iPos = 0; iPos < oHandlerConfig.start_threads; ++iPos)
		pThreadGroup -> CreateThread(new IrisEchoThreadWorker(oWorkerContext));
		oLogger.Notice("Echo thread %d started", oWorkerContext.threads);

	const STLW::string sLogger = oHandlerConfig.logger.empty() ? oGlobalContext.config.logger_type : oHandlerConfig.logger;
	// Get logger from factory for main process
	pLoggerObject = static_cast<IRIS::LoggerObject *>(oGlobalContext.factory.GetObject("Logger/" + sLogger));
	if (pLoggerObject == NULL)
		oLogger.Emerg("Can't get logger `%s` for %s", sLogger.c_str(), GetObjectName());
		return -1;

	oLogger.Notice("Echo module initialized");

return 0;
Esempio n. 2
// Find file in specified list of directories
INT_32 MainProcess::FindFile(const STLW::vector<STLW::string>  & vDirectories,
                             const STLW::string                & sFilename,
                             STLW::string                      & sFullpath)
	STLW::vector<STLW::string>::const_iterator itvDirectories = vDirectories.begin();
	while (itvDirectories != vDirectories.end())
		const STLW::string & sDir(*itvDirectories);
		if (sDir.size())
			if (sDir[sDir.size() - 1] != '/') { sFullpath.append(1, '/'); }


		const INT_64 iFileHandle = File::Open(sFullpath.c_str(), OpenMode::READ);
		if (iFileHandle != -1)
			return 0;

return -1;
Esempio n. 3
// Switch to unprivileged user
static INT_32 UnixSetup(const WorkerConfig  & oWorkerConfig,
                        ASLogger            & oLogger)
	// Set proper UID/GID
	if (getuid() == 0)
		oLogger.Info("Switching to user/group %d:%d", oWorkerConfig.gid, oWorkerConfig.uid);
		if (oWorkerConfig.uid == 0)
			oLogger.Emerg("CAS FastCGI server won't work from superuser account (root).");
			return EX_SOFTWARE;
			// Set additional groups
			if (!oWorkerConfig.gids.empty())
				const size_t iGroups = oWorkerConfig.gids.size();
				gid_t * aGids        = new gid_t[iGroups];
				for(UINT_32 iPos = 0; iPos < iGroups; ++iPos) { aGids[iPos] = oWorkerConfig.gids[iPos]; }

				if (setgroups(oWorkerConfig.gids.size(), aGids) == -1)
					STLW::string sGroups;

					for(UINT_32 iPos = 0; iPos < iGroups; ++iPos)
						CHAR_8 szGroup[64];
						snprintf(szGroup, 63, "%llu ", (long long unsigned)aGids[iPos]);
					delete [] aGids;

					const INT_32 iErrNo = errno;
					oLogger.Emerg("Can't set additional groups %s: %s error code %d", sGroups.c_str(), strerror(iErrNo), iErrNo);
					return EX_SOFTWARE;
				delete [] aGids;

			if (setgid(oWorkerConfig.gid) == -1)
				const INT_32 iErrNo = errno;
				oLogger.Emerg("Can't set group id to %d: %s error code %d", INT_32(oWorkerConfig.gid), strerror(iErrNo), iErrNo);
				return EX_SOFTWARE;

			if (setuid(oWorkerConfig.uid)  == -1)
				const INT_32 iErrNo = errno;
				oLogger.Emerg("Can't set user id to %d: %s, error code %d", INT_32(oWorkerConfig.uid), strerror(iErrNo), iErrNo);
				return EX_SOFTWARE;
	oLogger.Info("Switching to unprivileged user completed");

return EX_OK;
static STLW::string GetBaseDir(const STLW::string & szTemplateName, STLW::string & sNormalizedFileName)
	STLW::string sResult;
	CHAR_8      szPath[MAX_PATH];
	CHAR_P      szFile = NULL;
	DWORD       dwLen  = ::GetFullPathNameA(szTemplateName.c_str(), MAX_PATH, szPath, &szFile);

	if (szFile == NULL) { return ""; }

	sNormalizedFileName.assign(szPath, dwLen);
	sResult.assign(szPath, szFile);

return sResult;
static STLW::string GetBaseDir(const STLW::string & szTemplateName, STLW::string & sNormalizedFileName)
	if (szTemplateName.length() == 0) { return ""; }

	STLW::vector<STLW::string> vCurrentDir;

	CCHAR_P sBegin = szTemplateName.c_str();
	CCHAR_P szEnd  = szTemplateName.c_str() + szTemplateName.length();

	CCHAR_P sIter = sBegin;
	while (sIter != szEnd)
		if (*sIter == '/')
			if (sIter != sBegin)
				STLW::string sTMP(sBegin, sIter);

				if      (sTMP == "/." || sTMP == "/") { ;; }
				else if (sTMP == "/..")
					STLW::vector<STLW::string>::iterator itEnd = vCurrentDir.end();
					if (vCurrentDir.begin() == itEnd) { return ""; }
			sBegin = sIter;

	STLW::string sTMP(sBegin, sIter);
	if (sTMP == "/") { return ""; }

	STLW::string sResult;
	for (UINT_32 iI = 0; iI < vCurrentDir.size(); ++iI) { sResult.append(vCurrentDir[iI]); }



return sResult;
Esempio n. 6
int main(void)

	CDT oArgs;

	STLW::string sResult;
	FormatString("_%0.2f_", sResult, oArgs);

	fwrite(sResult.c_str(), sResult.size(), 1, stdout);

	// make valgrind happy

return EX_OK;
Esempio n. 7
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	const char * szConfigFile = NULL;
	if (argc == 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "Global config not given, ");
		szConfigFile = getenv("CAS_GLOBAL_CONFIG");
		if (szConfigFile != NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, " using %s from ENVIRONMENT", szConfigFile);
			fprintf(stderr, " using %s as DEFAULT\n", szConfigFile);
	else if (argc == 2) { szConfigFile = argv[1]; }
	else { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [global-config.xml]\n", argv[0]); return EX_USAGE; }

	FILE * F = fopen(szConfigFile, "rb");
	if (F == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannot open `%s` for reading: %s\n", szConfigFile, strerror(errno)); return EX_SOFTWARE; }

	// Store path to file as include directory
	CCHAR_P szTMP = szConfigFile + strlen(szConfigFile);
	while (szTMP != szConfigFile && *szTMP != '/' && *szTMP != '\\') { --szTMP; }

	STLW::vector<STLW::string> vIncludeDirs;
	if (szTMP != szConfigFile) { vIncludeDirs.push_back(STLW::string(szConfigFile, (szTMP - szConfigFile))); }

		ASGlobalConfig oGlobalConfig;
		ASGlobalConfigHandler oHandler(oGlobalConfig, vIncludeDirs);
		ASXMLParser oParser(&oHandler);
		if (oParser.ParseFile(F) == -1)
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: In file %s: %s\n", szConfigFile, oHandler.GetError().c_str());
			return EX_CONFIG;

		fprintf(stdout, "  Libexec dirs:\n");
		UINT_32 iI = 0;
		for(; iI < oGlobalConfig.libexec_dirs.size(); ++iI)
			fprintf(stdout, "      %s\n", oGlobalConfig.libexec_dirs[iI].c_str());
		fprintf(stdout, "\n  Modules:\n");
		for(iI = 0; iI < oGlobalConfig.modules_list.size(); ++iI)

			fprintf(stdout, "      Name:         %s\n"
			                "      Type:         %s\n",

			STLW::string sTMP = CheckFile(oGlobalConfig.libexec_dirs, oGlobalConfig.modules_list[iI].library);
			if (sTMP.size() == 0)
				fprintf(stdout, "      *** ERROR: Cannot find Library file: %s\n", oGlobalConfig.modules_list[iI].library.c_str());
				fprintf(stdout, "      Library file: %s\n", CheckFile(oGlobalConfig.libexec_dirs, oGlobalConfig.modules_list[iI].library).c_str());
			STLW::string sData = Dump(oGlobalConfig.modules_list[iI].configuration);
			if (!sData.empty() && sData != "\"\"\n") { fprintf(stdout, "      Configuration: %s\n", sData.c_str()); }
			// TBD
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");
        catch(STLW::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", e.what()); return EX_SOFTWARE; }
        catch(...)                { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Ouch!\n"); return EX_SOFTWARE; }


return EX_OK;
Esempio n. 8
// Thread function
static void * ThreadFunction(void * pContext)
	ThreadContext * pThreadContext = (ThreadContext *)pContext;

	pthread_mutex_lock(&(pThreadContext -> output_mutex));
	fprintf(stderr, "Initilalizing...\n");
	pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pThreadContext -> output_mutex));

	// Create per-thread VM instance

	// Syscall factory
	SyscallFactory * pSyscallFactory = new SyscallFactory(pThreadContext -> max_handlers);
	// Init standard library
	// Virtual machine
	VM * pVM = new VM(pSyscallFactory);
	// Okay, all done with thread-specific

	// Fill data
	CDT oData;
	oData["hello"] = "Hello, World!";

	pthread_mutex_lock(&(pThreadContext -> output_mutex));
	fprintf(stderr, "Okay, ready to work\n");
	pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pThreadContext -> output_mutex));

	FileLogger oLogger(stderr);

	// Perform some work
	const VMMemoryCore * pVMMemoryCore = NULL;
	for (UINT_32 iCount = 0; iCount < MAX_ITERATIONS; ++iCount)
		STLW::string sResult;
		StringOutputCollector  oDataCollector(sResult);

		// Get template, thread-safe
		pthread_mutex_lock(&(pThreadContext -> template_mutex));
		STLW::map<STLW::string, VMFileLoader *>::iterator itLoader = pThreadContext -> templates.find("hello.ct2");
		if (itLoader == pThreadContext -> templates.end())

		pVMMemoryCore = itLoader -> second -> GetCore();
		pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pThreadContext -> template_mutex));

		// Run VM
		pVM -> Init(pVMMemoryCore, &oDataCollector, &oLogger);
		UINT_32 iIP = 0;
		pVM -> Run(pVMMemoryCore, &oDataCollector, iIP, oData, &oLogger);

		// All done, print results
		pthread_mutex_lock(&(pThreadContext -> output_mutex));
		fwrite(sResult.c_str(), sResult.size(), 1, stdout);
		pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pThreadContext -> output_mutex));

	delete pVM;
	delete pSyscallFactory;

return NULL;
Esempio n. 9
ServiceConfig::State ServiceConfig::ParseNetworks(const VariantNC     & oData,
                                                  const STLW::string  & sBranch,
                                                  ServiceConfig       & oServiceConfig,
                                                  IPv4Map             & oIPv4Map,
                                                  Logger              & oLogger)
	const STLW::vector<STLW::string> vNetworks = oData[sBranch];
	STLW::vector<STLW::string>::const_iterator itvNetworks = vNetworks.begin();
	while (itvNetworks != vNetworks.end())
		// IPv4
		if (itvNetworks -> find(".") != STLW::string::npos)
			if (oIPv4Map.AddNet(*itvNetworks) != IPMap::OK)
				oLogger.Emerg("Invalid format of parameter `Service/%s/%s`: invalid network `%s`",, sBranch.c_str(), itvNetworks -> c_str());
				return CONFIG_ERROR;
		// IPv6, TBD
		else if (itvNetworks -> find(":") != STLW::string::npos)
			oLogger.Emerg("Invalid format of parameter `Service/%s/%s`: IPv6 networks `%s` not supported yet",, sBranch.c_str(), itvNetworks -> c_str());

return OK;
Esempio n. 10
// Load modules
INT_32 MainProcess::LoadModule(const STLW::string                & sModuleType,
                               const STLW::string                & sModuleName,
                               const STLW::string                & sLibrary,
                               const STLW::string                & sDriver,
                               const VariantNC                   & oModuleConfig,
                               const STLW::vector<STLW::string>  & vLibexecDirs,
                               Logger                            & oLogger)
	oLogger.Info("Opening `%s/%s` from library `%s`", sModuleType.c_str(), sModuleName.c_str(), sLibrary.c_str());
	STLW::string sFullpath;
	INT_32 iRC = FindFile(vLibexecDirs, sLibrary, sFullpath);
	if (iRC == -1)
		STLW::string sDirList;
		STLW::vector<STLW::string>::const_iterator itvLibexecDirs = vLibexecDirs.begin();
		for (;;)
			sDirList += "`" + *itvLibexecDirs + "` ";
			if (itvLibexecDirs == vLibexecDirs.end()) { break; }
			sDirList += ", ";
		oLogger.Emerg("Can't find library `%s` in LibexecDirs(%s) ", sLibrary.c_str(), sDirList.c_str());
		return -1;
	oLogger.Info("Library `%s` found here: `%s`", sLibrary.c_str(), sFullpath.c_str());

	Object * pObject = oGlobalContext.loader.GetObject(sFullpath.c_str(), sDriver.c_str());
	if (pObject == NULL)
		oLogger.Emerg("Can't load object `%s` from file `%s`", sDriver.c_str(), sFullpath.c_str());
		return -1;

	// Check type of object
	const STLW::string sObjectType = pObject -> GetObjectType();
	if (Unicode::CompareIgnoreCase(, sObjectType.size(),, sModuleType.size()) != 0)
		oLogger.Emerg("Need type `%s`, but object `%s` loaded from file `%s` has type `%s`", sModuleType.c_str(), pObject -> GetObjectName(), sFullpath.c_str(), pObject -> GetObjectType());
		delete pObject;
		return -1;

	oLogger.Info("Object `%s` with type `%s` loaded from file `%s`", pObject -> GetObjectName(), pObject -> GetObjectType(), sFullpath.c_str());

	// Initialize module
	iRC = static_cast<Module *>(pObject) -> InitModule(oGlobalContext, oModuleConfig, oSigHandler, oLogger);
	if (iRC != 0)
		oLogger.Emerg("Can't initialize module `%s` from file `%s`", sModuleName.c_str(), sFullpath.c_str());
		delete pObject;
		return -1;

	const STLW::string sFullName = sModuleType + '/' + sModuleName;
	// Store object in factory
	if(oGlobalContext.factory.AddObject(sFullName, pObject) == NULL)
		oLogger.Emerg("Can't add module `%s` from file `%s`", sModuleName.c_str(), sFullpath.c_str());
		static_cast<Module *>(pObject) -> DestroyModule(oGlobalContext, oSigHandler, oLogger);
		delete pObject;
		return -1;

return 0;
Esempio n. 11
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	STLW::string  sGlobalConfigFile;
	STLW::string  sConfigFile;
	STLW::string  sModuleName;
	bool  bPrintHelp        = false;
	bool  bPrintVersion     = false;
	bool  bPrintCompileInfo = false;
	bool  bDaemonize        = true;
	bool  bDebugInfo        = false;

	initproctitle(argc, argv);

	// Read and parse command-line options
	INT_32 iRC = GetParams(argc, argv, sGlobalConfigFile, sConfigFile, sModuleName, bDebugInfo, bPrintHelp, bPrintVersion, bPrintCompileInfo, bDaemonize);
	if (iRC != EX_OK) { Usage(argv[0]); return EX_USAGE; }

	// Just print help and exit
	if (bPrintHelp) { Help(argv[0]); return EX_OK; }

	// Print version
	if (bPrintVersion) { Version(); return EX_OK; }

	// Print compiler settings
	if (bPrintCompileInfo) { CompileInfo(); return EX_OK; }

	FILE * F = fopen(sConfigFile.c_str(), "rb");
	if (F == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannot open `%s` for reading: %s\n", sConfigFile.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return EX_SOFTWARE; }

	WorkerConfig oWorkerConfig;
	oWorkerConfig.global_config_file = sGlobalConfigFile;
	oWorkerConfig.procname           = argv[0];
	oWorkerConfig.debug              = bDebugInfo;
	oWorkerConfig.foreground         = !bDaemonize;
		ConfigHandler oConfigHandler(oWorkerConfig);
		ASXMLParser oParser(&oConfigHandler);
		if (oParser.ParseFile(F) == -1)
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: In file %s: %s\n", sConfigFile.c_str(), oConfigHandler.GetError().c_str());
			return EX_CONFIG;
	catch(STLW::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", e.what()); return EX_SOFTWARE; }
	catch(...)                { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Ouch!\n"); return EX_SOFTWARE; }

	if (GetSystemUserData(oWorkerConfig) != EX_OK) { return EX_SOFTWARE; }

	if (oWorkerConfig.global_config_file.empty())
		oWorkerConfig.global_config_file = CAS_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE;
		fprintf(stderr, "Global config not given, using %s as DEFAULT\n", CAS_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE);

	MainProcess oMainProcess(oWorkerConfig);

	ASLoggerFile oLogger(stderr);
	if (bDaemonize)
		if (Daemonize(oWorkerConfig.pid_file.c_str(), oLogger) != EX_OK) { return EX_SOFTWARE; }
	if (UnixSetup(oWorkerConfig, oLogger) != EX_OK) { return EX_SOFTWARE; }

		if (oMainProcess.Setup() == -1)
			fprintf(stderr, "Can't start FastCGI server: %s; config file %s\n", strerror(errno), sConfigFile.c_str());
			return EX_SOFTWARE;
	catch(STLW::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", e.what()); return EX_SOFTWARE; }
	catch(...)                { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Ouch!\n"); return EX_SOFTWARE; }

return oMainProcess.Run();