ByteVector APE::Item::render() const { ByteVector data; TagLib::uint flags = ((d->readOnly) ? 1 : 0) | (d->type << 1); ByteVector value; if(isEmpty()) return data; if(d->type == Text) { StringList::ConstIterator it = d->text.begin(); value.append(it->data(String::UTF8)); it++; for(; it != d->text.end(); ++it) { value.append('\0'); value.append(it->data(String::UTF8)); } d->value = value; } else value.append(d->value); data.append(ByteVector::fromUInt(value.size(), false)); data.append(ByteVector::fromUInt(flags, false)); data.append(d->; data.append(ByteVector('\0')); data.append(value); return data; }
static const std::vector<std::string> StringListToVectorString(const StringList& stringList) { std::vector<std::string> values; for (StringList::ConstIterator it = stringList.begin(); it != stringList.end(); ++it) values.push_back(it->to8Bit(true)); return values; }
void TOPPASResources::load(const QString& file_name) { Param load_param; ParamXMLFile paramFile; paramFile.load(String(file_name), load_param); for (Param::ParamIterator it = load_param.begin(); it != load_param.end(); ++it) { StringList substrings; it.getName().split(':', substrings); if (substrings.size() != 2 || substrings.back() != "url_list" || (it->value).valueType() != DataValue::STRING_LIST) { std::cerr << "Invalid file format." << std::endl; return; } QString key = (substrings[0]).toQString(); StringList url_list = (StringList)(it->value); QList<TOPPASResource> resource_list; for (StringList::ConstIterator it = url_list.begin(); it != url_list.end(); ++it) { resource_list << TOPPASResource(QUrl(it->toQString())); } add(key, resource_list); } }
ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderText(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item, int flags) const { ByteVectorList data; StringList value = item.toStringList(); for(StringList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(it->data(String::UTF8)); } return renderData(name, flags, data); }
ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderFreeForm(const String &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { StringList header = StringList::split(name, ":"); if(header.size() != 3) { debug("MP4: Invalid free-form item name \"" + name + "\""); return ByteVector(); } ByteVector data; data.append(renderAtom("mean", ByteVector::fromUInt(0) + header[1].data(String::UTF8))); data.append(renderAtom("name", ByteVector::fromUInt(0) + header[2].data(String::UTF8))); AtomDataType type = item.atomDataType(); if(type == TypeUndefined) { if(!item.toStringList().isEmpty()) { type = TypeUTF8; } else { type = TypeImplicit; } } if(type == TypeUTF8) { StringList value = item.toStringList(); for(StringList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(renderAtom("data", ByteVector::fromUInt(type) + ByteVector(4, '\0') + it->data(String::UTF8))); } } else { ByteVectorList value = item.toByteVectorList(); for(ByteVectorList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(renderAtom("data", ByteVector::fromUInt(type) + ByteVector(4, '\0') + *it)); } } return renderAtom("----", data); }
PropertyMap TextIdentificationFrame::makeTMCLProperties() const { PropertyMap map; if(fieldList().size() % 2 != 0){ // according to the ID3 spec, TMCL must contain an even number of entries map.unsupportedData().append(frameID()); return map; } StringList l = fieldList(); for(StringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { String instrument = it->upper(); if(instrument.isEmpty()) { // instrument is not a valid key -> frame unsupported map.clear(); map.unsupportedData().append(frameID()); return map; } map.insert(L"PERFORMER:" + instrument, (++it)->split(",")); } return map; }
int APE::Item::size() const { // SFB: Why is d->key.size() used when size() returns the length in UniChars and not UTF-8? int result = 8 + d->key.size() /* d-> */ + 1; switch (d->type) { case Text: if(d->text.size()) { StringList::ConstIterator it = d->text.begin(); result += it->data(String::UTF8).size(); it++; for(; it != d->text.end(); ++it) result += 1 + it->data(String::UTF8).size(); } break; case Binary: case Locator: result += d->value.size(); break; } return result; }
void ID3v2::Tag::removeUnsupportedProperties(const StringList &properties) { for(StringList::ConstIterator it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it){ if(it->startsWith("UNKNOWN/")) { String frameID = it->substr(String("UNKNOWN/").size()); if(frameID.size() != 4) continue; // invalid specification ByteVector id =; // delete all unknown frames of given type FrameList l = frameList(id); for(FrameList::ConstIterator fit = l.begin(); fit != l.end(); fit++) if (dynamic_cast<const UnknownFrame *>(*fit) != 0) removeFrame(*fit); } else if(it->size() == 4){ ByteVector id = it->data(String::Latin1); removeFrames(id); } else { ByteVector id = it->substr(0,4).data(String::Latin1); if(it->size() <= 5) continue; // invalid specification String description = it->substr(5); Frame *frame = 0; if(id == "TXXX") frame = UserTextIdentificationFrame::find(this, description); else if(id == "WXXX") frame = UserUrlLinkFrame::find(this, description); else if(id == "COMM") frame = CommentsFrame::findByDescription(this, description); else if(id == "USLT") frame = UnsynchronizedLyricsFrame::findByDescription(this, description); else if(id == "UFID") frame = UniqueFileIdentifierFrame::findByOwner(this, description); if(frame) removeFrame(frame); } } }
Matrix<double> IsobaricQuantitationMethod::stringListToIsotopCorrectionMatrix_(const StringList& stringlist) const { // check the string list if (stringlist.size() != getNumberOfChannels()) { throw Exception::InvalidParameter(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, String("IsobaricQuantitationMethod: Invalid string representation of the isotope correction matrix. Expected ") + getNumberOfChannels() + " entries but got " + stringlist.size() + "."); } // create matrix to fill from stringlist Matrix<double> isotope_correction_matrix(getNumberOfChannels(), 4); // channel index Size channel_index = 0; // fill row-wise for (StringList::ConstIterator it = stringlist.begin(); it != stringlist.end(); ++it) { StringList corrections; it->split('/', corrections); if (corrections.size() != 4) { throw Exception::InvalidParameter(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "IsobaricQuantitationMethod: Invalid entry in string representation of the isotope correction matrx. Expected four correction values separated by '/', got: '" + *it + "'"); } // overwrite line in Matrix with custom values isotope_correction_matrix.setValue(channel_index, 0, corrections[0].toDouble()); isotope_correction_matrix.setValue(channel_index, 1, corrections[1].toDouble()); isotope_correction_matrix.setValue(channel_index, 2, corrections[2].toDouble()); isotope_correction_matrix.setValue(channel_index, 3, corrections[3].toDouble()); // increment channel index ++channel_index; } // compute frequency matrix based on the deviation matrix Matrix<double> channel_frequency(getNumberOfChannels(), getNumberOfChannels()); // matrix element i, j == what contributes channel i to the intensity of channel j for (Size contributing_channel = 0; contributing_channel < getNumberOfChannels(); ++contributing_channel) { for (Size target_channel = 0; target_channel < getNumberOfChannels(); ++target_channel) { // as the isotope_correction_matrix encodes what channel i contributes to theoretical -2/-1/+1/+2 channels // hence we check if the target_channel corresponds to the contributing_channel -2/-1/+1/+2 // if yes, we assign the corresponding contribution // contribution to itself is handled separately if ((getChannelInformation()[contributing_channel].name - 2) == getChannelInformation()[target_channel].name) { channel_frequency.setValue(target_channel, contributing_channel, isotope_correction_matrix.getValue(contributing_channel, 0) / 100); } else if ((getChannelInformation()[contributing_channel].name - 1) == getChannelInformation()[target_channel].name) { channel_frequency.setValue(target_channel, contributing_channel, isotope_correction_matrix.getValue(contributing_channel, 1) / 100); } else if ((getChannelInformation()[contributing_channel].name + 1) == getChannelInformation()[target_channel].name) { channel_frequency.setValue(target_channel, contributing_channel, isotope_correction_matrix.getValue(contributing_channel, 2) / 100); } else if ((getChannelInformation()[contributing_channel].name + 2) == getChannelInformation()[target_channel].name) { channel_frequency.setValue(target_channel, contributing_channel, isotope_correction_matrix.getValue(contributing_channel, 3) / 100); } else if (target_channel == contributing_channel) { double self_contribution = 100.0; for (Size column_idx = 0; column_idx < 4; ++column_idx) { self_contribution -= isotope_correction_matrix.getValue(contributing_channel, column_idx); } channel_frequency.setValue(contributing_channel, contributing_channel, (self_contribution / 100)); } } } return channel_frequency; }