void TOPPASResources::load(const QString& file_name) { Param load_param; ParamXMLFile paramFile; paramFile.load(String(file_name), load_param); for (Param::ParamIterator it = load_param.begin(); it != load_param.end(); ++it) { StringList substrings; it.getName().split(':', substrings); if (substrings.size() != 2 || substrings.back() != "url_list" || (it->value).valueType() != DataValue::STRING_LIST) { std::cerr << "Invalid file format." << std::endl; return; } QString key = (substrings[0]).toQString(); StringList url_list = (it->value); QList<TOPPASResource> resource_list; for (StringList::const_iterator it = url_list.begin(); it != url_list.end(); ++it) { resource_list << TOPPASResource(QUrl(it->toQString())); } add(key, resource_list); } }
void CMakeProvider::writeSubEngines(const BuildSetup &setup, std::ofstream &workspace) const { for (EngineDescList::const_iterator i = setup.engines.begin(), end = setup.engines.end(); i != end; ++i) { // We ignore all sub engines here because they are handled in the inner loop if (!i->enable || isSubEngine(i->name, setup.engines) || i->subEngines.empty()) { continue; } std::string engineName; std::transform(i->name.begin(), i->name.end(), std::back_inserter(engineName), toupper); workspace << "set(SUB_ENGINES_" << engineName; for (StringList::const_iterator j = i->subEngines.begin(), subEnd = i->subEngines.end(); j != subEnd; ++j) { const EngineDesc &subEngine = findEngineDesc(*j, setup.engines); if (!subEngine.enable) continue; std::string subEngineName; std::transform(j->begin(), j->end(), std::back_inserter(subEngineName), toupper); workspace << " " << subEngineName; } workspace << ")\n"; } workspace << "\n"; }
String FileFilter::MakeAPIFilter() const { String filter; if ( !extensions.IsEmpty() ) { if ( !description.IsEmpty() ) { filter += description; filter += " ("; } for ( StringList::const_iterator i = extensions.Begin(); i != extensions.End(); ++i ) { if ( i != extensions.Begin() ) filter += ' '; // also legal are ';' and ',' if ( i->StartsWith( '.' ) ) filter += '*'; filter += *i; } if ( !description.IsEmpty() ) filter += ')'; } return filter; }
void ExternalProcess::Start( const String& program, const StringList& arguments ) { Array<const char16_type*> argv; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = arguments.Begin(); i != arguments.End(); ++i ) argv.Add( i->c_str() ); if ( (*API->ExternalProcess->StartExternalProcess)( handle, program.c_str(), argv.Begin(), argv.Length() ) == api_false ) throw APIFunctionError( "StartExternalProcess" ); }
void ExternalProcess::SetEnvironment( const StringList& environment ) { Array<const char16_type*> vars; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = environment.Begin(); i != environment.End(); ++i ) vars.Add( i->c_str() ); if ( (*API->ExternalProcess->SetExternalProcessEnvironment)( handle, vars.Begin(), vars.Length() ) == api_false ) throw APIFunctionError( "SetExternalProcessEnvironment" ); }
void SWOptionFilter::setOptionValue(const char *ival) { for (StringList::const_iterator loop = optValues->begin(); loop != optValues->end(); loop++) { if (!stricmp(loop->c_str(), ival)) { optionValue = *loop; option = (!strnicmp(ival, "On", 2)); // convenience for boolean filters break; } } }
int ExternalProcess::ExecuteProgram( const String& program, const StringList& arguments ) { Array<const char16_type*> argv; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = arguments.Begin(); i != arguments.End(); ++i ) argv.Add( i->c_str() ); int retVal = (*API->ExternalProcess->ExecuteProgram)( program.c_str(), argv.Begin(), argv.Length() ); if ( retVal < -1 ) ExternalProcessPrivate::Throw( ExternalProcessContext::FailedToStart ); return retVal; }
bool FileDataCacheItem::FromString( const String& s ) { path.Clear(); lastUsed = 0; time.year = 0; StringList tokens; s.Break( tokens, char16_type( '\n' ) ); for ( StringList::const_iterator i = tokens.Begin(); i != tokens.End(); ) { if ( *i == "path" ) { if ( ++i == tokens.End() ) return false; path = i->Trimmed(); ++i; } else if ( *i == "lastUsed" ) { if ( ++i == tokens.End() ) return false; lastUsed = i->ToUInt(); ++i; } else if ( *i == "time" ) { if ( tokens.End() - i < 3 ) return false; int y, m, d; double f; JDToComplexTime( y, m, d, f, i[1].ToUInt()+0.5 ); unsigned t = i[2].ToUInt(); time.year = y; time.month = m; time.day = d; time.milliseconds = t - 86399000; time.hour = TruncI( (t = TruncI( t/1000.0 ))/3600.0 ); time.minute = TruncI( (t -= time.hour*3600)/60.0 ); time.second = t - time.minute*60; i += 3; } else if ( *i == "data" ) { if ( !GetDataFromTokens( tokens ) ) return false; ++i; } else { ++i; } } return !path.IsEmpty() && lastUsed > 0 && time.year > 0 && ValidateData(); }
ExternalProcess::pid_type ExternalProcess::StartProgram( const String& program, const StringList& arguments, const String& workingDirectory ) { Array<const char16_type*> argv; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = arguments.Begin(); i != arguments.End(); ++i ) argv.Add( i->c_str() ); uint64 pid = 0; api_bool ok = (*API->ExternalProcess->StartProgram)( program.c_str(), argv.Begin(), argv.Length(), workingDirectory.c_str(), &pid ); if ( ok == api_false || pid == 0 ) ExternalProcessPrivate::Throw( ExternalProcessContext::FailedToStart ); return pid_type( pid ); }
bool LDAPAttribute::isNotPrintable() const { StringList::const_iterator i; for(i=m_values.begin(); i!=m_values.end(); i++) { size_t len = i->size(); for(size_t j=0; j<len; j++) { if (! isprint( (i->data())[j] ) ) { return true; } } } return false; }
bool FileDataCacheItem::GetVector( DVector& v, StringList::const_iterator& i, const StringList& s ) { if ( i == s.End() ) return false; int n = i->ToInt(); if ( n < 0 || s.End() - i <= n ) return false; ++i; v = DVector( n ); for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j, ++i ) v[j] = i->ToDouble(); return true; }
void LoadFiltersFromGlobalString( const IsoString& globalKey ) { filters.Clear(); String s = PixInsightSettings::GlobalString( globalKey ); if ( !s.IsEmpty() ) { for ( size_type p = 0; ; ) { size_type p1 = s.Find( '(', p ); if ( p1 == String::notFound ) break; size_type p2 = s.Find( ')', p1 ); if ( p2 == String::notFound ) break; String extStr = s.Substring( p1, p2-p1 ); if ( !extStr.IsEmpty() ) { StringList extLst; extStr.Break( extLst, ' ', true ); if ( !extLst.IsEmpty() ) { FileFilter filter; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = extLst.Begin(); i != extLst.End(); ++i ) { size_type d = i->Find( '.' ); if ( d != String::notFound ) filter.AddExtension( i->Substring( d ) ); } if ( !filter.Extensions().IsEmpty() ) { String desc = s.Substring( p, p1-p ); desc.Trim(); filter.SetDescription( desc ); filters.Add( filter ); } } } p = p2 + 1; } } }
StringList Slice::ObjCGenerator::MetaDataVisitor::getMetaData(const ContainedPtr& cont) { StringList ret; StringList localMetaData = cont->getMetaData(); StringList::const_iterator p; for(p = localMetaData.begin(); p != localMetaData.end(); ++p) { if(p->find(_objcPrefix) != string::npos) { ret.push_back(*p); } } return ret; }
/* {{{ MySQL_ArtResultSet::MySQL_ArtResultSet() -I- */ MySQL_ArtResultSet::MySQL_ArtResultSet(const StringList& fn, rset_t* const rs, boost::shared_ptr< MySQL_DebugLogger > & l) : num_fields(static_cast<int>(fn.size())), rset(rs), current_record(rset->begin()), started(false), field_index_to_name_map(new sql::SQLString[num_fields]), num_rows(rset->size()), row_position(0), is_closed(false), logger(l) { CPP_ENTER("MySQL_ArtResultSet::MySQL_ArtResultSet"); CPP_INFO_FMT("metadata.size=%d resultset.size=%d", fn.size(), rset->size()); // field_index_to_name_map = new sql::SQLString[num_fields]; unsigned int idx = 0; for (StringList::const_iterator it = fn.begin(), e = fn.end(); it != e; ++it, ++idx) { boost::scoped_array< char > upstring(sql::mysql::util::utf8_strup(it->c_str(), 0)); field_name_to_index_map[sql::SQLString(upstring.get())] = idx; field_index_to_name_map[idx] = upstring.get(); } meta.reset(new MySQL_ArtResultSetMetaData(this, logger)); }
void mitk::DICOMGDCMTagScanner ::Scan() { // TODO integrate push/pop locale?? m_GDCMScanner.Scan( m_InputFilenames ); m_ScanResult.clear(); for (StringList::const_iterator inputIter = m_InputFilenames.begin(); inputIter != m_InputFilenames.end(); ++inputIter) { m_ScanResult.push_back( DICOMGDCMImageFrameInfo::New( DICOMImageFrameInfo::New(*inputIter, 0), m_GDCMScanner.GetMapping(inputIter->c_str()) ) ); } }
void ClassMenuItemAdder::generateMenu(IMenu& createItem, const StringList& comboStrings) { StringList::const_iterator it; int index = 0; for (it = comboStrings.begin(); it != comboStrings.end(); ++it) { StringList path; splitStringList(&path, it->c_str(), '\\'); int level = 0; IMenu* item = &createItem; for(int level = 0; level < int(path.size()); ++level){ const char* leaf = path[level].c_str(); if(level == path.size() - 1){ addAction(*item, leaf, index++); } else{ if (property_tree::IMenu* menu = item->findMenu(leaf)) item = menu; else item = addMenu(*item, leaf); } } } }
Aside(): config(Config::instance()), keyMUKey(config->keyMUKey), keyMUSign(config->keyMUSign), keyMUPrefixes(config->keyMUPrefixes), keyMUItem(config->keyMUItem), keyMUUpsert(config->keyMUUpsert), keyMDErrCode(config->keyMDErrCode.data(), config->keyMDErrCode.length()), keyMDErrDesc(config->keyMDErrDesc.data(), config->keyMDErrDesc.length()), keyMDPayload(config->keyMDPayload.data(), config->keyMDPayload.length()), keyMDToken(config->keyMDToken.data(), config->keyMDToken.length()), keyMDTokenExpire(config->keyMDTokenExpire.data(), config->keyMDTokenExpire.length()), keyId(config->keyId.data(), config->keyId.length()), keyQEchoData(config->keyQEchoData.data(), config->keyQEchoData.length()), keyQUPayload(config->keyQUPayload.data(), config->keyQUPayload.length()), keyQUToken(config->keyQUToken.data(), config->keyQUToken.length()), keyQUPrefix(config->keyQUPrefix.data(), config->keyQUPrefix.length()), keyQUFilters(config->keyQUFilters.data(), config->keyQUFilters.length()), keyQUExcludes(config->keyQUExcludes.data(), config->keyQUExcludes.length()), keyQUFields(config->keyQUFields.data(), config->keyQUFields.length()), keyQUNum(config->keyQUNum.data(), config->keyQUNum.length()), keyQDErrCode(config->keyQDErrCode.data(), config->keyQDErrCode.length()), keyQDErrDesc(config->keyQDErrDesc.data(), config->keyQDErrDesc.length()), keyQDPayload(config->keyQDPayload.data(), config->keyQDPayload.length()), queryVisibleAll(config->queryVisibleAll), farm(itemDict, funnelDict) { if (!queryVisibleAll) { if (!config->queryVisibleFields.empty() && !(config->queryVisibleFields.size() == 1 && *config->queryVisibleFields.begin() == "*")) { for (StringList::const_iterator it = config->queryVisibleFields.begin(); it != config->queryVisibleFields.end(); ++it) { queryVisibleFields.insert(new Value(it->data(), it->length())); } } if (!config->queryInvisibleFields.empty()) { for (StringList::const_iterator it = config->queryInvisibleFields.begin(); it != config->queryInvisibleFields.end(); ++it) { queryInvisibleFields.insert(new Value(it->data(), it->length())); } } } }
void Slice::ObjCGenerator::MetaDataVisitor::validate(const ContainedPtr& cont) { ModulePtr m = ModulePtr::dynamicCast(cont); if(m) { bool error = false; bool foundPrefix = false; StringList meta = getMetaData(m); StringList::const_iterator p; for(p = meta.begin(); p != meta.end(); ++p) { const string prefix = "prefix:"; string name; if(p->substr(_objcPrefix.size(), prefix.size()) == prefix) { foundPrefix = true; name = trim(p->substr(_objcPrefix.size() + prefix.size())); if(name.empty()) { if(_history.count(*p) == 0) { string file = m->definitionContext()->filename(); ostringstream os; os << _msg << " `" << *p << "'" << endl; emitWarning(file, m->line(), os.str()); _history.insert(*p); } error = true; } else { if(!addModule(m, name)) { modulePrefixError(m, *p); } } } else { if(_history.count(*p) == 0) { string file = m->definitionContext()->filename(); ostringstream os; os << _msg << " `" << *p << "'" << endl; emitWarning(file, m->line(), os.str()); _history.insert(*p); } error = true; } } if(!error && !foundPrefix) { StringList names = splitScopedName(m->scoped()); string name; for(StringList::const_iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) { name += *i; } if(!addModule(m, name)) { modulePrefixError(m, ""); } } } }
char OSISFootnotes::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { SWBuf token; bool intoken = false; bool hide = false; SWBuf tagText; XMLTag startTag; SWBuf refs = ""; int footnoteNum = 1; char buf[254]; SWKey *p = (module) ? module->createKey() : (key) ? key->clone() : new VerseKey(); VerseKey *parser = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, p); if (!parser) { delete p; parser = new VerseKey(); } *parser = key->getText(); SWBuf orig = text; const char *from = orig.c_str(); XMLTag tag; bool strongsMarkup = false; for (text = ""; *from; ++from) { // remove all newlines temporarily to fix kjv2003 module if ((*from == 10) || (*from == 13)) { if ((text.length()>1) && (text[text.length()-2] != ' ') && (*(from+1) != ' ')) text.append(' '); continue; } if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; token = ""; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; if (!strncmp(token, "note", 4) || !strncmp(token.c_str(), "/note", 5)) { tag = token; if (!tag.isEndTag()) { if (tag.getAttribute("type") && (!strcmp("x-strongsMarkup", tag.getAttribute("type")) || !strcmp("strongsMarkup", tag.getAttribute("type"))) // deprecated ) { tag.setEmpty(false); // handle bug in KJV2003 module where some note open tags were <note ... /> strongsMarkup = true; } if (!tag.isEmpty()) { // if ((!tag.isEmpty()) || (SWBuf("strongsMarkup") == tag.getAttribute("type"))) { refs = ""; startTag = tag; hide = true; tagText = ""; continue; } } if (hide && tag.isEndTag()) { if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes() && !strongsMarkup) { //don`t parse strongsMarkup to EntryAttributes as Footnote sprintf(buf, "%i", footnoteNum++); StringList attributes = startTag.getAttributeNames(); for (StringList::const_iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) { module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf][it->c_str()] = startTag.getAttribute(it->c_str()); } module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf]["body"] = tagText; startTag.setAttribute("swordFootnote", buf); if ((startTag.getAttribute("type")) && (!strcmp(startTag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference"))) { if (!refs.length()) refs = parser->parseVerseList(tagText.c_str(), *parser, true).getRangeText(); module->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][buf]["refList"] = refs.c_str(); } } hide = false; if (option || (startTag.getAttribute("type") && !strcmp(startTag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference"))) { // we want the tag in the text; crossReferences are handled by another filter text.append(startTag); // text.append(tagText); // we don't put the body back in because it is retrievable from EntryAttributes["Footnotes"][]["body"]. } else continue; } strongsMarkup = false; } // if not a heading token, keep token in text //if ((!strcmp(tag.getName(), "reference")) && (!tag.isEndTag())) { // SWBuf osisRef = tag.getAttribute("osisRef"); if (!strncmp(token, "reference", 9)) { if (refs.length()) { refs.append("; "); } const char* attr = strstr(token.c_str() + 9, "osisRef=\""); const char* end = attr ? strchr(attr+9, '"') : 0; if (attr && end) { refs.append(attr+9, end-(attr+9)); } } if (!hide) { text.append('<'); text.append(token); text.append('>'); } else { tagText.append('<'); tagText.append(token); tagText.append('>'); } continue; } if (intoken) { //copy token token.append(*from); } else if (!hide) { //copy text which is not inside a token text.append(*from); } else tagText.append(*from); } delete parser; return 0; }
//------------------------------ bool LibraryControllersLoader::begin__input____InputLocal( const input____InputLocal__AttributeData& attributeData ) { // we ignore inputs that don't have semantics or source if ( !attributeData.semantic || !attributeData.source ) { return true; } ControllerInputSemantics semantic = getControllerInputSemanticsBySemanticStr( attributeData.semantic ); if ( semantic == SEMANTIC_UNKNOWN ) { return true; } switch ( mCurrentControllerType ) { case SKIN_CONTROLLER: { switch ( semantic ) { case SEMANTIC_JOINT: { if ( !mCurrentSkinControllerData ) { break; } String sourceId = getIdFromURIFragmentType(attributeData.source); const StringList* nodeSidsOrIds = 0; bool isIdArray = false; StringListMap::const_iterator itSid = mJointSidsMap.find(sourceId); // check if the node sid array could be found if ( itSid != mJointSidsMap.end() ) { nodeSidsOrIds = &itSid->second; isIdArray = false; } else { // check if it is an id_array StringListMap::const_iterator itId = mJointIdsMap.find(sourceId); if ( itId != mJointIdsMap.end() ) { nodeSidsOrIds = &itId->second; isIdArray = true; } else { if ( !handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "Source with id \"" + sourceId + "\" in skin controller with id \"" + mOriginalId + "\" used in input with semantic SEMANTIC_JOINT could not be found!" )) return false; break; } } const COLLADAFW::UniqueId& controllerUniqueId = mCurrentSkinControllerData->getUniqueId(); addSkinDataJointSidsPair( controllerUniqueId, *nodeSidsOrIds, isIdArray); // try to write the SkinController here if ( ((getObjectFlags() & Loader::CONTROLLER_FLAG) != 0) && (mCurrentControllerSourceUniqueId.isValid()) ) { Loader::InstanceControllerDataList& instanceControllerDataList = getInstanceControllerDataListByControllerUniqueId(controllerUniqueId); Loader::InstanceControllerDataList::iterator listIt = instanceControllerDataList.begin(); while ( listIt != instanceControllerDataList.end() ) { const Loader::InstanceControllerData& instanceControllerData = *listIt; bool success = getFileLoader()->createAndWriteSkinController( instanceControllerData, controllerUniqueId, mCurrentControllerSourceUniqueId, *nodeSidsOrIds, isIdArray); //on success we need to remove this controller instance if ( success ) { listIt = instanceControllerDataList.erase( listIt ); } else { listIt++; } } } mCurrentSkinControllerData->setJointsCount(nodeSidsOrIds->size()); } break; case SEMANTIC_INV_BIND_MATRIX: { if ( !mCurrentSkinControllerData) { break; } String sourceId = getIdFromURIFragmentType(attributeData.source); SourceBase* sourceBase = getSourceById ( sourceId ); if ( !sourceBase || (sourceBase->getDataType() != SourceBase::DATA_TYPE_REAL) ) { handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_DATA_NOT_VALID, "SourceBase of skin controller with semantic SEMANTIC_INV_BIND_MATRIX not valid!" ); break; } if ( sourceBase->getStride() != 16 ) { handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_DATA_NOT_VALID, "Stride of sourceBase of skin controller with semantic SEMANTIC_INV_BIND_MATRIX not valid!" ); break; } const RealSource *inverseBindMatricesSource = (const RealSource *)sourceBase; const RealArrayElement& inverseBindMatricesElement = inverseBindMatricesSource->getArrayElement(); const RealArray& inverseBindMatricesArray = inverseBindMatricesElement.getValues(); size_t matrixElementsCount = inverseBindMatricesArray.getCount(); size_t matrixCount = matrixElementsCount / 16; COLLADAFW::Matrix4Array& inverseBindMatrices = mCurrentSkinControllerData->getInverseBindMatrices(); inverseBindMatrices.allocMemory( matrixCount ); inverseBindMatrices.setCount( matrixCount ); size_t index = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < matrixCount; ++i) { // fill the matrix COLLADABU::Math::Matrix4 matrix; for ( size_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j,++index) { matrix.setElement( j, inverseBindMatricesArray[index]); } inverseBindMatrices[i] = matrix; } } break; } } break; case MORPH_CONTROLLER: { switch ( semantic ) { case SEMANTIC_MORPH_TARGET: { if ( !mCurrentMorphController ) { break; } String sourceId = getIdFromURIFragmentType(attributeData.source); StringListMap::const_iterator it = mJointIdsMap.find(sourceId); // check if the node sid array could be found if ( it == mJointIdsMap.end() ) { if ( !handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "Source with id \"" + sourceId + "\" in morph controller with id \"" + mOriginalId + "\" used in input with semantic SEMANTIC_MORPH_TARGET could not be found!" )) return false; break; } const StringList& meshIds = it->second; size_t meshIdCount = meshIds.size(); COLLADAFW::UniqueIdArray& morphTargets = mCurrentMorphController->getMorphTargets(); morphTargets.allocMemory(meshIdCount); morphTargets.setCount(meshIdCount); StringList::const_iterator itTarget = meshIds.begin(); for ( size_t i = 0 ; itTarget != meshIds.end(); ++itTarget, ++i) { morphTargets[i] = createUniqueIdFromId( itTarget->c_str(), COLLADAFW::Geometry::ID()); } } break; case SEMANTIC_MORPH_WEIGHT: { if ( !mCurrentMorphController) { break; } String sourceId = getIdFromURIFragmentType(attributeData.source); SourceBase* sourceBase = getSourceById( sourceId ); if ( !sourceBase || (sourceBase->getDataType() != SourceBase::DATA_TYPE_REAL) ) { handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_DATA_NOT_VALID, "SourceBase of skin controller with semantic SEMANTIC_MORPH_WEIGHT not valid!" ); break; } unsigned long long stride = sourceBase->getStride(); if( stride == 0 ) { handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_DATA_NOT_VALID, "Stride of sourceBase of skin controller with semantic SEMANTIC_MORPH_WEIGHT not found! Assuming stride 1!" ); stride = 1; } if ( stride != 1 ) { handleFWLError ( SaxFWLError::ERROR_DATA_NOT_VALID, "Stride of sourceBase of skin controller with semantic SEMANTIC_MORPH_WEIGHT not valid!" ); break; } const RealSource *weightSource = (const RealSource *)sourceBase; COLLADAFW::FloatOrDoubleArray& morphWeights = mCurrentMorphController->getMorphWeights(); addToSidTree( sourceId.c_str(), 0, &morphWeights ); moveUpInSidTree(); setRealValues( morphWeights, weightSource ); } break; } } break; } return true; }
ArgumentList ExtractArguments( const StringList& argv, argument_item_mode mode, ArgumentOptions options ) { bool noItems = mode == ArgumentItemMode::NoItems; bool itemsAsFiles = mode == ArgumentItemMode::AsFiles; bool itemsAsViews = mode == ArgumentItemMode::AsViews; bool allowWildcards = !noItems && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::AllowWildcards ); bool noPreviews = itemsAsViews && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::NoPreviews ); bool recursiveDirSearch = itemsAsFiles && allowWildcards && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::RecursiveDirSearch ); bool recursiveSearchArgs = recursiveDirSearch && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::RecursiveSearchArgs ); // This is the recursive search mode flag, controlled by --r[+|-] bool recursiveSearch = false; // The list of existing view identifiers, in case itemsAsViews = true. SortedStringList imageIds; // The list of extracted arguments ArgumentList arguments; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = argv.Begin(); i != argv.End(); ++i ) { if ( i->StartsWith( '-' ) ) { Argument arg( i->At( 1 ) ); if ( recursiveSearchArgs && arg.Id() == s_recursiveSearchArg ) { if ( arg.IsSwitch() ) recursiveSearch = arg.SwitchState(); else if ( arg.IsLiteral() ) recursiveSearch = true; else arguments.Add( arg ); } else arguments.Add( arg ); } else { if ( noItems ) throw ParseError( "Non-parametric arguments are not allowed", *i ); StringList items; if ( itemsAsFiles ) { String fileName = *i; if ( fileName.StartsWith( '\"' ) ) fileName.Delete( 0 ); if ( fileName.EndsWith( '\"' ) ) fileName.Delete( fileName.UpperBound() ); fileName.Trim(); if ( fileName.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Empty path specification", *i ); fileName = File::FullPath( fileName ); if ( fileName.HasWildcards() ) { if ( !allowWildcards ) throw ParseError( "Wildcards not allowed", fileName ); items = SearchDirectory( fileName, recursiveSearch ); } else items.Add( fileName ); } else if ( itemsAsViews ) { String viewId = *i; if ( !allowWildcards ) if ( viewId.HasWildcards() ) throw ParseError( "Wildcards not allowed", viewId ); size_type p = viewId.Find( "->" ); if ( p != String::notFound ) { if ( noPreviews ) throw ParseError( "Preview identifiers not allowed", viewId ); String imageId = viewId.Left( p ); if ( imageId.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Missing image identifier", viewId ); String previewId = viewId.Substring( p+2 ); if ( previewId.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Missing preview identifier", viewId ); FindPreviews( items, imageId, previewId ); } else { if ( viewId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<ImageWindow> W = ImageWindow::AllWindows(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < W.Length(); ++i ) { View v = W[i].MainView(); if ( String( v.Id() ).WildMatch( viewId ) ) AddView( items, v ); } } else { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::WindowById( IsoString( viewId ) ); if ( w.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Image not found", viewId ); AddView( items, w.MainView() ); } } } else items.Add( *i ); Argument arg( *i, items ); arguments.Add( arg ); } } return arguments; }
bool OSISHeadings::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) { MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData; XMLTag tag(token); SWBuf name = tag.getName(); // we only care about titles and divs or if we're already in a heading // // are we currently in a heading? if (u->currentHeadingName.size()) { u->heading.append(u->lastTextNode); if (name == u->currentHeadingName) { if (tag.isEndTag(u->sID)) { if (!u->depth-- || u->sID) { // see comment below about preverse div changed and needing to preserve the <title> container tag for old school pre-verse titles // we've just finished a heading. It's all stored up in u->heading bool canonical = (SWBuf("true") == u->currentHeadingTag.getAttribute("canonical")); bool preverse = (SWBuf("x-preverse") == u->currentHeadingTag.getAttribute("subType") || SWBuf("x-preverse") == u->currentHeadingTag.getAttribute("subtype")); // do we want to put anything in EntryAttributes? if (u->module->isProcessEntryAttributes() && (option || canonical || !preverse)) { SWBuf buf; buf.appendFormatted("%i", u->headerNum++); // leave the actual <title...> wrapper in if we're part of an old school preverse title // because now frontend have to deal with preverse as a div which may or may not include <title> elements // and they can't simply wrap all preverse material in <h1>, like they probably did previously SWBuf heading; if (u->currentHeadingName == "title") { XMLTag wrapper = u->currentHeadingTag; if (SWBuf("x-preverse") == wrapper.getAttribute("subType")) wrapper.setAttribute("subType", 0); else if (SWBuf("x-preverse") == wrapper.getAttribute("subtype")) wrapper.setAttribute("subtype", 0); heading = wrapper; heading += u->heading; heading += tag; } else heading = u->heading; u->module->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"][(preverse)?"Preverse":"Interverse"][buf] = heading; StringList attributes = u->currentHeadingTag.getAttributeNames(); for (StringList::const_iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) { u->module->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"][buf][it->c_str()] = u->currentHeadingTag.getAttribute(it->c_str()); } } // do we want the heading in the body? if (!preverse && (option || canonical)) { buf.append(u->currentHeadingTag); buf.append(u->heading); buf.append(tag); } u->suspendTextPassThru = false; u->clear(); } } else u->depth++; } u->heading.append(tag); return true; } // are we a title or a preverse div? else if ( name == "title" || (name == "div" && ( SWBuf("x-preverse") == tag.getAttribute("subType") || SWBuf("x-preverse") == tag.getAttribute("subtype")))) { u->currentHeadingName = name; u->currentHeadingTag = tag; u->heading = ""; u->sID = u->currentHeadingTag.getAttribute("sID"); u->depth = 0; u->suspendTextPassThru = true; return true; } return false; }
bool ListWidget::handleKeyDown(Common::KeyState state) { bool handled = true; bool dirty = false; int oldSelectedItem = _selectedItem; if (!_editMode && isprint((char)state.ascii)) { // Quick selection mode: Go to first list item starting with this key // (or a substring accumulated from the last couple key presses). // Only works in a useful fashion if the list entries are sorted. uint32 time = getMillis(); if (_quickSelectTime < time) { _quickSelectStr = (char)state.ascii; } else { _quickSelectStr += (char)state.ascii; } _quickSelectTime = time + 300; // TODO: Turn this into a proper constant (kQuickSelectDelay ?) if (_quickSelect) { // FIXME: This is bad slow code (it scans the list linearly each time a // key is pressed); it could be much faster. Only of importance if we have // quite big lists to deal with -- so for now we can live with this lazy // implementation :-) int newSelectedItem = 0; int bestMatch = 0; bool stop; for (StringList::const_iterator i = _list.begin(); i != _list.end(); ++i) { const int match = matchingCharsIgnoringCase(i->c_str(), _quickSelectStr.c_str(), stop); if (match > bestMatch || stop) { _selectedItem = newSelectedItem; bestMatch = match; if (stop) break; } newSelectedItem++; } scrollToCurrent(); } else { sendCommand(_cmd, 0); } } else if (_editMode) { // Class EditableWidget handles all text editing related key presses for us handled = EditableWidget::handleKeyDown(state); } else { // not editmode switch (state.keycode) { case Common::KEYCODE_RETURN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER: if (_selectedItem >= 0) { // override continuous enter keydown if (_editable && (_currentKeyDown != Common::KEYCODE_RETURN && _currentKeyDown != Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER)) { dirty = true; startEditMode(); } else sendCommand(kListItemActivatedCmd, _selectedItem); } break; case Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE: case Common::KEYCODE_KP_PERIOD: case Common::KEYCODE_DELETE: if (_selectedItem >= 0) { if (_editable) { // Ignore delete and backspace when the list item is editable } else { sendCommand(kListItemRemovalRequestCmd, _selectedItem); } } break; case Common::KEYCODE_UP: if (_selectedItem > 0) _selectedItem--; break; case Common::KEYCODE_DOWN: if (_selectedItem < (int)_list.size() - 1) _selectedItem++; break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP: _selectedItem -= _entriesPerPage - 1; if (_selectedItem < 0) _selectedItem = 0; break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN: _selectedItem += _entriesPerPage - 1; if (_selectedItem >= (int)_list.size() ) _selectedItem = _list.size() - 1; break; case Common::KEYCODE_HOME: _selectedItem = 0; break; case Common::KEYCODE_END: _selectedItem = _list.size() - 1; break; default: handled = false; } scrollToCurrent(); } if (dirty || _selectedItem != oldSelectedItem) draw(); if (_selectedItem != oldSelectedItem) { sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem); // also draw scrollbar _scrollBar->draw(); } #if !defined(PALMOS_MODE) // not done on PalmOS because keyboard is emulated and keyup is not generated _currentKeyDown = state.keycode; #endif return handled; }
Plugin::List Plugin::scan( TPContext * context , const String & prefix , const StringList & symbols ) { Plugin::List result; if ( ! g_module_supported() ) { tpwarn( "PLUGINS ARE NOT SUPPORTED ON THIS PLATFORM" ); return result; } const gchar * plugins_path = context->get( TP_PLUGINS_PATH ); if ( ! plugins_path ) { tpwarn( "PLUGINS PATH IS NOT SET" ); return result; } if ( ! g_file_test( plugins_path , G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR ) ) { return result; } GError * error = 0; GDir * dir = g_dir_open( plugins_path , 0 , & error ); if ( ! dir ) { tpwarn( "FAILED TO OPEN PLUGINS PATH '%s' : %s" , plugins_path , error->message ); g_clear_error( & error ); return result; } for ( const gchar * name = g_dir_read_name( dir ); name ; name = g_dir_read_name( dir ) ) { if ( g_str_has_prefix( name , prefix.c_str() ) ) { if ( ! g_str_has_suffix( name , ".config" ) ) { gchar * file_name = g_build_filename( plugins_path , name , NULL ); tplog( "FOUND PLUGIN %s" , file_name ); GModule * module = g_module_open( file_name , G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL ); if ( 0 == module ) { tpwarn( " FAILED TO OPEN : %s" , g_module_error() ); } else { tplog2( " LOADED" ); StringList all_symbols( symbols ); all_symbols.push_front( TP_PLUGIN_SHUTDOWN ); all_symbols.push_front( TP_PLUGIN_INITIALIZE ); GPointerMap symbols_found; for ( StringList::const_iterator it = all_symbols.begin(); it != all_symbols.end(); ++it ) { const char * symbol_name = it->c_str(); if ( gpointer symbol = get_symbol( module , symbol_name ) ) { tplog2( " FOUND SYMBOL '%s'" , symbol_name ); symbols_found[ symbol_name ] = symbol; } else { break; } } if ( symbols_found.size() != all_symbols.size() ) { g_module_close( module ); } else { result.push_back( new Plugin( module , symbols_found ) ); } } g_free( file_name ); } } } g_dir_close( dir ); return result; }
virtual void Execute(const std::string& sExecute, const StringList& rlsParams) { STAFF_ASSERT(m_pProvider != NULL && m_pProvider->m_pImpl->m_pConn != NULL, "Not Initialized"); Reset(); std::string sExecuteParams = sExecute; int nIndex = 1; std::string sIndex; unsigned nCount = 0; std::string::size_type nPos = 0; while ((nPos = sExecuteParams.find("?", nPos)) != std::string::npos) { ToString(nIndex, sIndex); sExecuteParams.replace(nPos, 1, "$" + sIndex); nPos += sIndex.size() + 1; ++nCount; ++nIndex; } STAFF_ASSERT(nCount == rlsParams.size(), "Params count mismatch"); int* panParamLengths = new int[nCount]; int* panParamFormats = new int[nCount]; char** paszParamValues = new char*[nCount]; try { unsigned nPos = 0; for (StringList::const_iterator itParam = rlsParams.begin(); itParam != rlsParams.end(); ++itParam, ++nPos) { panParamFormats[nPos] = 0; if (*itParam == STAFF_DAS_NULL_VALUE) { panParamLengths[nPos] = 0; paszParamValues[nPos] = NULL; } else { panParamLengths[nPos] = itParam->size(); paszParamValues[nPos] = const_cast<char*>(itParam->c_str()); } } m_pResult = PQexecParams(m_pProvider->m_pImpl->m_pConn, sExecuteParams.c_str(), nCount, NULL, paszParamValues, panParamLengths, panParamFormats, 0); delete[] paszParamValues; delete[] panParamFormats; delete[] panParamLengths; } catch(...) { delete[] paszParamValues; delete[] panParamFormats; delete[] panParamLengths; throw; } ExecStatusType tQueryStatus = PQresultStatus(m_pResult); if (tQueryStatus != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { STAFF_ASSERT(tQueryStatus == PGRES_TUPLES_OK, "error executing query #" + ToString(tQueryStatus) + ": \n" + std::string(PQerrorMessage(m_pProvider->m_pImpl->m_pConn)) + "\nQuery was:\n----------\n" + sExecute + "\n----------\n"); m_nRowsCount = static_cast<unsigned>(PQntuples(m_pResult)); m_nFieldsCount = static_cast<unsigned>(PQnfields(m_pResult)); } }
STDMETHODIMP CShooterContextMenuExt::InvokeCommand ( LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO pCmdInfo ) { // If lpVerb really points to a string, ignore this function call and bail out. if ( 0 != HIWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb ) ) return E_INVALIDARG; // Get the command index - the only valid one is 0. switch ( LOWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb) ) { case 0: case 1: { TCHAR szShooterDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szShooterDldrPath[MAX_PATH]; //Build the ShooterDownloader's file path from this module's path. //Limitation: ShooterDownloader must locate in the same dir as this module. HINSTANCE hModule = _AtlBaseModule.GetModuleInstance(); GetModuleFileName((HMODULE) hModule, szShooterDir, sizeof(szShooterDir)); TCHAR* pLastSlash = _tcsrchr(szShooterDir, _T('\\')); *(pLastSlash + 1) = _T('\0'); _tcscpy_s(szShooterDldrPath, szShooterDir); _tcscat_s(szShooterDldrPath, SHOOTER_DLDR_FILE_NAME); TCHAR szTempDir[MAX_PATH], szTempFilePath[MAX_PATH]; // Get the temp path. DWORD dwRetVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, // length of the buffer szTempDir); // buffer for path if (dwRetVal > MAX_PATH || (dwRetVal == 0)) { return E_FAIL; } // Create a temporary file. UINT uRetVal = GetTempFileName(szTempDir, // directory for tmp files TEXT("SDL"), // temp file name prefix 0, // create unique name szTempFilePath); // buffer for name if (uRetVal == 0) { return E_FAIL; } //Write file list to a temp file. FILE* fp; errno_t ret = _tfopen_s(&fp, szTempFilePath, _T("w, ccs=UTF-8")); if(ret != 0) { return E_FAIL; } StringList::const_iterator itor; for(itor = m_fileList.begin(); itor != m_fileList.end(); itor++) { _ftprintf_s(fp, _T("%s\n"), itor->c_str()); } fclose(fp); //Call ShooterDownloader and pass it the file list. const static int PARAM_SIZE = 512; TCHAR param[PARAM_SIZE]; if(LOWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb) == 0) { //download subtitle _stprintf_s(param, PARAM_SIZE, _T("-lst=\"%s\" /r"), szTempFilePath); } else { //convert subtitle _stprintf_s(param, PARAM_SIZE, _T("-lst=\"%s\" /r /c"), szTempFilePath); } ShellExecute(NULL, _T("Open"), szShooterDldrPath, param, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); return S_OK; } break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; break; } }
const string LdapTools::nextSpicePort(const Node* node) { int port = 0; int portMin = Config::getInstance()->getSpicePortMin(); int portMax = Config::getInstance()->getSpicePortMax(); int size = portMax - portMin + 1; //bool* portsUsed = new bool[size]; bool* portsUsed = (bool *) malloc(size * sizeof(bool)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { portsUsed[i] = false; } string base("ou=virtual machines,ou=virtualization,ou=services,"); base.append(Config::getInstance()->getLdapBaseDn()); // string filter = "(&(objectClass=sstSpice))"; string filter = "(&(objectClass=sstSpice)(sstNode="; filter.append(node->getName()).append("))"); StringList attrs = StringList(); attrs.add("sstVirtualMachine"); attrs.add("sstSpicePort"); LDAPSearchResults* entries = lc->search(base, LDAPConnection::SEARCH_SUB, filter, attrs); LDAPEntry* entry = entries->getNext(); while (entry != 0) { string vmName = ""; const LDAPAttribute* attribute = entry->getAttributeByName("sstVirtualMachine"); const StringList values = attribute->getValues(); StringList::const_iterator it = values.begin(); if (it != values.end()) { vmName = it->c_str(); } const LDAPAttribute* attribute2 = entry->getAttributeByName("sstSpicePort"); const StringList values2 = attribute2->getValues(); StringList::const_iterator it2 = values2.begin(); if (it2 != values2.end()) { port = atoi(it2->c_str()); SYSLOGLOGGER(logDEBUG) << " " << port << " in use " << port - portMin << " (" << vmName << ")"; portsUsed[port - portMin] = true; } delete entry; entry = entries->getNext(); } filter = "(&(objectClass=sstSpice)(sstMigrationNode="; filter.append(node->getName()).append("))"); attrs = StringList(); attrs.add("sstMigrationSpicePort"); entries = lc->search(base, LDAPConnection::SEARCH_SUB, filter, attrs); entry = entries->getNext(); while (entry != 0) { const LDAPAttribute* attribute = entry->getAttributeByName("sstMigrationSpicePort"); const StringList values = attribute->getValues(); StringList::const_iterator it = values.begin(); if (it != values.end()) { port = atoi(it->c_str()); SYSLOGLOGGER(logDEBUG) << "M " << port << " in use " << port - portMin; portsUsed[port - portMin] = true; } delete entry; entry = entries->getNext(); } port = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (!portsUsed[i]) { port = portMin + i; break; } } //delete[] portsUsed; free(portsUsed); SYSLOGLOGGER(logDEBUG) << "nextSpicePort: " << base << "; " << filter << "; port: " << port; char buffer[10]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", port); return string(buffer); }
char ThMLHeadings::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { SWBuf token; bool intoken = false; bool isheader = false; bool hide = false; bool preverse = false; bool withinDiv = false; SWBuf header; int headerNum = 0; int pvHeaderNum = 0; char buf[254]; XMLTag startTag; SWBuf orig = text; const char *from = orig.c_str(); XMLTag tag; for (text = ""; *from; ++from) { if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; token = ""; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; if (!strnicmp(token.c_str(), "div", 3) || !strnicmp(token.c_str(), "/div", 4)) { withinDiv = (!strnicmp(token.c_str(), "div", 3)); tag = token; if (hide && tag.isEndTag()) { if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes() && (option || (!preverse))) { if (preverse) { sprintf(buf, "%i", pvHeaderNum++); module->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"]["Preverse"][buf] = header; } else { sprintf(buf, "%i", headerNum++); module->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"]["Interverse"][buf] = header; if (option) { // we want the tag in the text text.append(header); } } StringList attributes = startTag.getAttributeNames(); for (StringList::const_iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) { module->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"][buf][it->c_str()] = startTag.getAttribute(it->c_str()); } } hide = false; if (!option || preverse) { // we don't want the tag in the text anymore preverse = false; continue; } preverse = false; } if (tag.getAttribute("class") && ((!stricmp(tag.getAttribute("class"), "sechead")) || (!stricmp(tag.getAttribute("class"), "title")))) { isheader = true; if (!tag.isEndTag()) { //start tag if (!tag.isEmpty()) { startTag = tag; /* how do we tell a ThML preverse title from one that should be in the text? probably if any text is before the title... just assuming all are preverse for now } if (tag.getAttribute("subtype") && !stricmp(tag.getAttribute("subtype"), "x-preverse")) { */ hide = true; preverse = true; header = ""; continue; } // move back up under startTag = tag } /* this is where non-preverse will go eventually if (!tag.isEndTag()) { //start tag hide = true; header = ""; if (option) { // we want the tag in the text text.append('<'); text.append(token); text.append('>'); } continue; } */ } else isheader = false; } if (withinDiv && isheader) { header.append('<'); header.append(token); header.append('>'); } else { // if not a heading token, keep token in text if (!hide) { text.append('<'); text.append(token); text.append('>'); } } continue; } if (intoken) { //copy token token.append(*from); } else if (!hide) { //copy text which is not inside a token text.append(*from); } else header.append(*from); } return 0; }