void User::handleDiscoInfo(const Swift::JID& jid, boost::shared_ptr<Swift::DiscoInfo> info) { LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, jid.toString() << ": got disco#info"); #ifdef SUPPORT_LEGACY_CAPS Swift::DiscoInfo::ref discoInfo = m_entityCapsManager->getCaps(jid); // This is old legacy cap which is not stored in entityCapsManager, // we have to store it in our user class. if (!discoInfo) { LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, jid.toString() << ": LEGACY"); m_legacyCaps[jid] = info; } #endif onConnectingTimeout(); }
template<class Archive> void save(Archive& ar, const Swift::JID& jid, const unsigned int /*version*/) { std::string jidStr = jid.toString(); ar << jidStr; }