void TagLibExtractor::extract(ExtractionResult* result) { const QString fileUrl = result->inputUrl(); const QString mimeType = result->inputMimetype(); TagLib::FileRef file(fileUrl.toUtf8().constData(), true); if (file.isNull()) { return; } TagLib::Tag* tags = file.tag(); result->addType(Type::Audio); TagLib::String artists; TagLib::String albumArtists; TagLib::String composers; TagLib::String lyricists; TagLib::StringList genres; // Handling multiple tags in mpeg files. if ((mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/mpeg")) || (mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/mpeg3")) || (mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/x-mpeg"))) { TagLib::MPEG::File mpegFile(fileUrl.toUtf8().constData(), true); if (mpegFile.ID3v2Tag() && !mpegFile.ID3v2Tag()->isEmpty()) { TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList lstID3v2; // Artist. lstID3v2 = mpegFile.ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["TPE1"]; if (!lstID3v2.isEmpty()) { for (TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator it = lstID3v2.begin(); it != lstID3v2.end(); ++it) { if (!artists.isEmpty()) { artists += ", "; } artists += (*it)->toString(); } } // Album Artist. lstID3v2 = mpegFile.ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["TPE2"]; if (!lstID3v2.isEmpty()) { for (TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator it = lstID3v2.begin(); it != lstID3v2.end(); ++it) { if (!albumArtists.isEmpty()) { albumArtists += ", "; } albumArtists += (*it)->toString(); } } // Composer. lstID3v2 = mpegFile.ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["TCOM"]; if (!lstID3v2.isEmpty()) { for (TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator it = lstID3v2.begin(); it != lstID3v2.end(); ++it) { if (!composers.isEmpty()) { composers += ", "; } composers += (*it)->toString(); } } // Lyricist. lstID3v2 = mpegFile.ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["TEXT"]; if (!lstID3v2.isEmpty()) { for (TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator it = lstID3v2.begin(); it != lstID3v2.end(); ++it) { if (!lyricists.isEmpty()) { lyricists += ", "; } lyricists += (*it)->toString(); } } // Genre. lstID3v2 = mpegFile.ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["TCON"]; if (!lstID3v2.isEmpty()) { for (TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator it = lstID3v2.begin(); it != lstID3v2.end(); ++it) { genres.append((*it)->toString()); } } } } // Handling multiple tags in Ogg containers. { TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap lstOgg; // FLAC files. if (mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/flac")) { TagLib::FLAC::File flacFile(fileUrl.toUtf8().constData(), true); if (flacFile.xiphComment() && !flacFile.xiphComment()->isEmpty()) { lstOgg = flacFile.xiphComment()->fieldListMap(); } } // Vorbis files. if (mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/ogg") || mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/x-vorbis+ogg")) { TagLib::Ogg::Vorbis::File oggFile(fileUrl.toUtf8().constData(), true); if (oggFile.tag() && !oggFile.tag()->isEmpty()) { lstOgg = oggFile.tag()->fieldListMap(); } } // Opus files. if (mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/opus") || mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/x-opus+ogg")) { TagLib::Ogg::Opus::File opusFile(fileUrl.toUtf8().constData(), true); if (opusFile.tag() && !opusFile.tag()->isEmpty()) { lstOgg = opusFile.tag()->fieldListMap(); } } // Handling OGG container tags. if (!lstOgg.isEmpty()) { TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap::ConstIterator itOgg; // Artist. itOgg = lstOgg.find("ARTIST"); if (itOgg != lstOgg.end()) { if (!artists.isEmpty()) { artists += ", "; } artists += (*itOgg).second.toString(", "); } // Album Artist. itOgg = lstOgg.find("ALBUMARTIST"); if (itOgg != lstOgg.end()) { if (!albumArtists.isEmpty()) { albumArtists += ", "; } albumArtists += (*itOgg).second.toString(", "); } // Composer. itOgg = lstOgg.find("COMPOSER"); if (itOgg != lstOgg.end()) { if (!composers.isEmpty()) { composers += ", "; } composers += (*itOgg).second.toString(", "); } // Lyricist. itOgg = lstOgg.find("LYRICIST"); if (itOgg != lstOgg.end()) { if (!lyricists.isEmpty()) { lyricists += ", "; } lyricists += (*itOgg).second.toString(", "); } // Genre. itOgg = lstOgg.find("GENRE"); if (itOgg != lstOgg.end()) { genres.append((*itOgg).second); } } } // Handling multiple tags in Musepack files. if (mimeType == QLatin1String("audio/x-musepack")) { TagLib::MPC::File mpcFile(fileUrl.toUtf8().constData(), true); if (mpcFile.tag() && !mpcFile.tag()->isEmpty()) { TagLib::APE::ItemListMap lstMusepack = mpcFile.APETag()->itemListMap(); TagLib::APE::ItemListMap::ConstIterator itMPC; // Artist. itMPC = lstMusepack.find("ARTIST"); if (itMPC != lstMusepack.end()) { if (!artists.isEmpty()) { artists += ", "; } artists += (*itMPC).second.toString(); } // Album Artist. itMPC = lstMusepack.find("ALBUMARTIST"); if (itMPC != lstMusepack.end()) { if(!albumArtists.isEmpty()) { albumArtists += ", "; } albumArtists += (*itMPC).second.toString(); } // Composer. itMPC = lstMusepack.find("COMPOSER"); if (itMPC != lstMusepack.end()) { if (!composers.isEmpty()) { composers += ", "; } composers += (*itMPC).second.toString(); } // Lyricist. itMPC = lstMusepack.find("LYRICIST"); if (itMPC != lstMusepack.end()) { if (!lyricists.isEmpty()) { lyricists += ", "; } lyricists += (*itMPC).second.toString(); } // Genre. itMPC = lstMusepack.find("GENRE"); if (itMPC != lstMusepack.end()) { genres.append((*itMPC).second.toString()); } } } if (!tags->isEmpty()) { QString title = t2q(tags->title()); if (!title.isEmpty()) { result->add(Property::Title, title); } QString comment = t2q(tags->comment()); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { result->add(Property::Comment, comment); } if (genres.isEmpty()) { genres.append(tags->genre()); } for (uint i = 0; i < genres.size(); i++) { QString genre = t2q(genres[i]).trimmed(); // Convert from int bool ok = false; int genreNum = genre.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { genre = t2q(TagLib::ID3v1::genre(genreNum)); } result->add(Property::Genre, genre); } QString artistString; if (artists.isEmpty()) { artistString = t2q(tags->artist()); } else { artistString = t2q(artists).trimmed(); } QStringList artists = contactsFromString(artistString); foreach(const QString& artist, artists) { result->add(Property::Artist, artist); }
QByteArray TagReader::LoadEmbeddedArt(const QString& filename) const { if (filename.isEmpty()) return QByteArray(); qLog(Debug) << "Loading art from" << filename; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 TagLib::FileRef ref(filename.toStdWString().c_str()); #else TagLib::FileRef ref(QFile::encodeName(filename).constData()); #endif if (ref.isNull() || !ref.file()) return QByteArray(); // MP3 TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast<TagLib::MPEG::File*>(ref.file()); if (file && file->ID3v2Tag()) { TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList apic_frames = file->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["APIC"]; if (apic_frames.isEmpty()) return QByteArray(); TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame* pic = static_cast<TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame*>(apic_frames.front()); return QByteArray((const char*)pic->picture().data(), pic->picture().size()); } // Ogg vorbis/speex TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* xiph_comment = dynamic_cast<TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment*>(ref.file()->tag()); if (xiph_comment) { TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap map = xiph_comment->fieldListMap(); // Other than the below mentioned non-standard COVERART, // METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE // is the proposed tag for cover pictures. // (see http://wiki.xiph.org/VorbisComment#METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE) if (map.contains("METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE")) { TagLib::StringList pict_list = map["METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE"]; for (std::list<TagLib::String>::iterator it = pict_list.begin(); it != pict_list.end(); ++it) { QByteArray data(QByteArray::fromBase64(it->toCString())); TagLib::ByteVector tdata(data.data(), data.size()); TagLib::FLAC::Picture p(tdata); if (p.type() == TagLib::FLAC::Picture::FrontCover) return QByteArray(p.data().data(), p.data().size()); } // If there was no specific front cover, just take the first picture QByteArray data(QByteArray::fromBase64( map["METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE"].front().toCString())); TagLib::ByteVector tdata(data.data(), data.size()); TagLib::FLAC::Picture p(tdata); return QByteArray(p.data().data(), p.data().size()); } // Ogg lacks a definitive standard for embedding cover art, but it seems // b64 encoding a field called COVERART is the general convention if (!map.contains("COVERART")) return QByteArray(); return QByteArray::fromBase64(map["COVERART"].toString().toCString()); } #ifdef TAGLIB_HAS_FLAC_PICTURELIST // Flac TagLib::FLAC::File* flac_file = dynamic_cast<TagLib::FLAC::File*>(ref.file()); if (flac_file && flac_file->xiphComment()) { TagLib::List<TagLib::FLAC::Picture*> pics = flac_file->pictureList(); if (!pics.isEmpty()) { // Use the first picture in the file - this could be made cleverer and // pick the front cover if it's present. std::list<TagLib::FLAC::Picture*>::iterator it = pics.begin(); TagLib::FLAC::Picture* picture = *it; return QByteArray(picture->data().data(), picture->data().size()); } } #endif // MP4/AAC TagLib::MP4::File* aac_file = dynamic_cast<TagLib::MP4::File*>(ref.file()); if (aac_file) { TagLib::MP4::Tag* tag = aac_file->tag(); const TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap& items = tag->itemListMap(); TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = items.find("covr"); if (it != items.end()) { const TagLib::MP4::CoverArtList& art_list = it->second.toCoverArtList(); if (!art_list.isEmpty()) { // Just take the first one for now const TagLib::MP4::CoverArt& art = art_list.front(); return QByteArray(art.data().data(), art.data().size()); } } } return QByteArray(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { cout << "******************** \"" << argv[i] << "\" ********************" << endl; TagLib::FileRef f(argv[i]); if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) { TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag(); cout << "-- TAG --" << endl; cout << "title - \"" << tag->title() << "\"" << endl; cout << "artist - \"" << tag->artist() << "\"" << endl; cout << "album artist - \"" << tag->albumArtist() << "\"" << endl; cout << "album - \"" << tag->album() << "\"" << endl; cout << "year - \"" << tag->year() << "\"" << endl; cout << "comment - \"" << tag->comment() << "\"" << endl; cout << "track - \"" << tag->track() << "\"" << endl; cout << "genre - \"" << tag->genre() << "\"" << endl; cout << "grouping - \"" << tag->grouping() << "\"" << endl; TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment *comment = NULL; TagLib::FLAC::File *flac = dynamic_cast<TagLib::FLAC::File *>(f.file()); if (flac) { cout << "flac:" << endl; cout << "id3v1 - \"" << flac->ID3v1Tag() << "\"" << endl; cout << "id3v2 - \"" << flac->ID3v2Tag() << "\"" << endl; cout << "xiph - \"" << flac->xiphComment() << "\"" << endl; comment = flac->xiphComment(); } if (!comment) { comment = dynamic_cast<TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment *>(tag); } if (comment) { TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap fields = comment->fieldListMap(); for(TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap::ConstIterator it = fields.begin(), end = fields.end(); it != end; it++) { if (!it->second.isEmpty()) cout << "xiph:" << it->first << " \"" << it->second[0].substr(0,3) << "\"" << endl; } } cout << "pictures- \"" << f.file()->pictures().size() << "\"" << endl; TagLib::File::PictureList l = f.file()->pictures(); for (TagLib::File::_PictureList::ConstIterator i = l.begin(), end = l.end(); i != end; i++) { cout << "\t" << (*i)->typeName() << ' ' << (*i)->mimeType() << ' ' << (*i)->base64data().size() << endl; } cout << "pictures- \"" << tag->pictures().size() << "\"" << endl; } if(!f.isNull() && f.audioProperties()) { TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f.audioProperties(); int seconds = properties->length() % 60; int minutes = (properties->length() - seconds) / 60; cout << "-- AUDIO --" << endl; cout << "bitrate - " << properties->bitrate() << endl; cout << "sample rate - " << properties->sampleRate() << endl; cout << "channels - " << properties->channels() << endl; cout << "length - " << minutes << ":" << formatSeconds(seconds) << endl; } } return 0; }