void _retry_write_message(tcp::iostream& stream, const T& msg) { while (true) { if (_write_message(stream, msg)) { return; } DEBUG("write failed, sleep and retry\n"); stream.close(); stream.clear(); sleep(1); stream.connect("", "1481"); } }
int RobotPilotServer(deque<float> &pars, CSimpleInConnection &connection, tcp::iostream &client, ofstream &logFile) { cout << "Connected to RobotPilot Client." << endl; logFile << "Connected to RobotPilot Client." << endl; PathPlannerParamsTypedef serverPars; PathMessage path; ParsePathPlannerPars(pars, serverPars); //Forward parameters to Client ForwardPathPlannerPars(client, serverPars); //Receive (sampled) path from PathPlanner path.receive(client); vector<float> path_vrep; for (auto &s : path.path) { for (auto &p : s.path) { path_vrep.push_back(p.p.x); path_vrep.push_back(p.p.y); } } //Send (sampled) path to V-Rep Client if (!connection.replyToReceivedData((char*)path_vrep._Myfirst, path_vrep.size()*sizeof(float))) return -1; RobotLoop(connection, client, logFile); client.close(); return 0; }
void sendMessages(unsigned sleepMillis) { std::cout << "In SimpleACoreDataServer sendMessages()" << std::endl; //WaveformSimulator wave_sim_; try { //wave_sim_.start(this); WaveformsMessage waveMessage; running_ = true; while (running_ && connected_) { if (stream_.good()) { //sending a waveform message waveMessage = waveQ_.popWait(); std::cout << "GUIMessageSenderThread sending a waveform message" << std::endl; stream_ << waveMessage.toXML() << std::endl; while (!numericsQ_.isEmpty()) { std::cout << "GUIMessageSenderThread sending a numerics message!" << std::endl; stream_ << numericsQ_.popWait().toXML() << std::endl; } } else { connected_ = false; } //now wait //timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100)); //timer.wait(); //send a numerics message //std::cout << "sending a numerics message!" << std::endl; //stream << numerics_sim_.getNextNumericsMessage().toXML() << std::endl; //now wait //timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100)); //timer.wait(); } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error sending messages: " << e.what() << std::endl; } //wave_sim_.stop(); stream_.clear(); stream_.close(); std::cout << "done SimpleACoreDataServer sendMessages()" << std::endl; }
void run(unsigned sleepMillis) { std::cout << "in GUIMessageSenderThread: run " << sleepMillis << "ms" << std::endl; while (running_) { if (!connected_) { std::cout << "In GUIMessageSenderThread trying to connect to: " << host_ << " " << port_ << std::endl; //tcp::endpoint endpoint_(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host_), port_); //tcp::endpoint endpoint_(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host_), port_); endpoint_.address(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host_)); endpoint_.port(port_); tcp::acceptor acceptor(*io_service_, endpoint_); getClientConnection(acceptor); try { sendMessages(sleepMillis); acceptor.close(); stream_.clear(); stream_.close(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "GUIMessageSenderThread Error in connection: " << e.what() << std::endl; } connected_ = false; //boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(*io_service_,boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1000)); //timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1000)); //timer.wait(); } } std::cout << "done GUIMessageSenderThread: run " << sleepMillis << "ms" << std::endl; }
void getClientConnection (tcp::acceptor &acceptor) { std::cout << "In GUIMessageSenderThread getClientConnection()" << std::endl; try { std::cout << "waiting for gui client to connect..." << std::endl; acceptor.accept(*stream_.rdbuf()); std::cout << "...gui client connected" << std::endl; connected_ = true; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error in gui client connection: " << e.what() << std::endl; } std::cout << "done GUIMessageSenderThread getClientConnection()" << std::endl; }
int CarRobotPilotServer(deque<float> &pars, CSimpleInConnection &connection, tcp::iostream &client, ofstream &logFile) { cout << "Connected to PathPlanner Client." << endl; logFile << "Connected to PathPlanner Client." << endl; CarPathPlannerParamsTypedef serverPars; PathMessage path; CarParsePathPlannerPars(pars, serverPars); //Forward parameters to Client CarForwardPathPlannerPars(client, serverPars); if(serverPars.app.isPathFollow()) { //Receive, forward path from V-Rep Client ForwardPath(connection, client); } if(serverPars.app.isPathPlanner()) { //Receive (sampled) path from PathPlanner path.receive(client); vector<float> path_vrep = ConvertVrepPath(path); //Send (sampled) path to V-Rep Client if(!connection.replyToReceivedData((char*) path_vrep._Myfirst, path_vrep.size()*sizeof(float))) return -1; } //Receive (sampled) path from PathPlanner path.path.clear(); path.receive(client); vector<float> path_vrep2 = ConvertVrepPath(path); //Send (sampled) path to V-Rep Client if(!connection.replyToReceivedData((char*) path_vrep2._Myfirst, path_vrep2.size()*sizeof(float))) return -1; CarRobotPilotLoop(serverPars.PathFollow, connection, client, logFile); client.close(); return 0; }
/** * sends a request to the local HTTP server * * @param http_stream open stream to send the request via * @param resource name of the HTTP resource to request * @param content_length bytes available in the response, if successful */ inline unsigned int sendRequest(tcp::iostream& http_stream, const std::string& resource, unsigned long& content_length) { const boost::regex regex_get_response_code("^HTTP/1\\.1\\s(\\d+)\\s.*"); const boost::regex regex_response_header("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+:\\s.*"); const boost::regex regex_content_length_header("^Content-Length:\\s(\\d+).*", boost::regex::icase); const boost::regex regex_response_end("^\\s*$"); // send HTTP request to the server http_stream << "GET " << resource << " HTTP/1.1" << HTTPTypes::STRING_CRLF << HTTPTypes::STRING_CRLF; http_stream.flush(); // receive response from the server std::string rsp_line; boost::smatch rx_matches; unsigned int response_code = 0; BOOST_REQUIRE(std::getline(http_stream, rsp_line)); BOOST_REQUIRE(boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_get_response_code)); BOOST_REQUIRE(rx_matches.size() == 2); // extract response status code response_code = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(rx_matches[1]); BOOST_REQUIRE(response_code != 0); // read response headers content_length = 0; while (true) { BOOST_REQUIRE(std::getline(http_stream, rsp_line)); // check for end of response headers (empty line) if (boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_response_end)) break; // check validity of response header BOOST_REQUIRE(boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_response_header)); // check for content-length response header if (boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_content_length_header)) { if (rx_matches.size() == 2) content_length = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(rx_matches[1]); } } return response_code; }
/** * checks response content validity for the local HTTP server * * @param http_stream open stream to send the request via * @param resource name of the HTTP resource to request * @param content_regex regex that the response content should match */ inline void checkWebServerResponseContent(tcp::iostream& http_stream, const std::string& resource, const boost::regex& content_regex, unsigned int expectedResponseCode = 200) { // send valid request to the server unsigned int response_code; unsigned long content_length = 0; response_code = sendRequest(http_stream, resource, content_length); BOOST_CHECK(response_code == expectedResponseCode); BOOST_REQUIRE(content_length > 0); // read in the response content boost::scoped_array<char> content_buf(new char[content_length+1]); BOOST_CHECK(http_stream.read(content_buf.get(), content_length)); content_buf[content_length] = '\0'; // check the response content BOOST_CHECK(boost::regex_match(content_buf.get(), content_regex)); }