bool __stdcall elaborate(IUnknown* currentObj) { try { CComPtr<IMgaFCO> fcoCurrentObj; currentObj->QueryInterface(&fcoCurrentObj); if (fcoCurrentObj) { CComPtr<IMgaProject> project; if (SUCCEEDED(fcoCurrentObj->get_Project(&project))) { UdmGme::GmeDataNetwork dn(CyPhyML::diagram); dn.OpenExisting(project, Udm::CHANGES_LOST_DEFAULT, true); Udm::Object current = dn.Gme2Udm(fcoCurrentObj); CyPhyElaborate cpe; if (current.type() == ComponentAssembly::meta) { cpe.elaborate( CyPhyML::ComponentAssembly::Cast(current) ); return true; } else if (current.type() == TestBench::meta) { cpe.elaborate( CyPhyML::TestBench::Cast(current) ); return true; } } } } catch (udm_exception& e) { return false; } return false; }
std::string SFManager::getContainingFunctionScope( Udm::Object object ) { while( !Udm::IsDerivedFrom( object.type(), SFC::Program::meta ) ) { if ( Udm::IsDerivedFrom( object.type(), SFC::Function::meta ) ) { return SFC::Function::Cast( object ).scope(); } object = object.GetParent(); } return ""; }
void CyPhyElaborate::SwitchReference(CyPhyML::TestBenchType tb) { set<Udm::Object> bTargets = tb.GetChildObjects(CHILD_CLASS::meta); for (auto bTargetIt = bTargets.begin(); bTargetIt != bTargets.end(); bTargetIt++) { CHILD_CLASS bTarget = CHILD_CLASS::Cast(*bTargetIt); //Udm::Object bTargetCopy = btb.__impl()->createChild(Udm::NULLCHILDROLE, *referenceMeta); CHILD_CLASS bTargetCopy = CHILD_CLASS::Create(tb); TIPRefBase base; auto copyIt = originalObjectToCopies.find(bTarget.ref()); if (copyIt == originalObjectToCopies.end()) { throw udm_exception("Bug: could not find BallisticTarget copy"); } while (copyIt != originalObjectToCopies.end()) { base = TIPRefBase::Cast(copyIt->second); copyIt = originalObjectToCopies.find(base); } bTargetCopy.ref() = TIPRefBase::Cast(base); bTargetCopy.__impl()->CopyAttributesFrom(bTarget.__impl()); // Debugging // std::string d1 = bTarget.getPath("/"); // std::string d2 = bTargetCopy.getPath("/"); //std::string d3 = TIPRefBase::Cast(base).getPath("/"); // std::string target_type = static_cast<Udm::Object>(bTarget.ref()).type().name(); // OutputDebugStringA("\n\n"); // for (auto it = originalObjectToCopies.begin(); it != originalObjectToCopies.end(); ++it) // { // OutputDebugStringA((UdmUtil::ExtractName(it->first) + "\t" + UdmGme::UdmId2GmeId(it->first) + "\t" + UdmUtil::ExtractName(it->second) + "\n").c_str()); // } SwitchConnections(bTarget, bTargetCopy, Udm::null, bTarget.GetParent()); Udm::Object eventualTarget = bTarget; while (!!getReferredOrNull(eventualTarget)) { eventualTarget = getReferredOrNull(eventualTarget); } // std::string d4 = eventualTarget.getPath("/"); // std::string d5 = eventualTarget.type().name(); // std::string d6 = getReferredOrNull(bTargetCopy).getPath("/"); // std::string d22 = UdmGme::UdmId2GmeId(bTargetCopy.uniqueId()); // std::string d22ref = UdmGme::UdmId2GmeId(Udm::Object(bTargetCopy.ref()).uniqueId()); if (!!eventualTarget && Uml::IsDerivedFrom(eventualTarget.type(), CyPhyML::Component::meta)) // Components are created as instances, so the RelIDs are the same SwitchRefportConnections(bTarget, bTargetCopy, map<Udm::Object, Udm::Object>(), *dynamic_cast<UdmGme::GmeDataNetwork*>(bTarget.__impl()->__getdn())); else // ComponentAssemblys are created with CopyObjectHierarchy, so the originalObjectToCopies map is correct SwitchRefportConnections(bTarget, bTargetCopy, originalObjectToCopies, *dynamic_cast<UdmGme::GmeDataNetwork*>(bTarget.__impl()->__getdn())); bTarget.DeleteObject(); // = std::string( + "tobedeleted"; //std::string d7 = getReferredOrNull(bTargetCopy).getPath("/"); //std::string d6_2 = getReferredOrNull(bTargetCopy).getPath("/"); //std::string d22_2 = UdmGme::UdmId2GmeId(bTargetCopy.uniqueId()); //std::string d22ref_2 = UdmGme::UdmId2GmeId(Udm::Object(bTargetCopy.ref()).uniqueId()); } }
static StateVector getStateAncestors( SLSF::State state ) { StateVector stateVector; stateVector.push_back( state ); Udm::Object object = state.GetParent(); while( object.type() == SLSF::State::meta ) { state = SLSF::State::Cast( object ); stateVector.push_back( state ); object = state.GetParent(); } return stateVector; }
void SFManager::initVar( SFC::CompoundStatement compoundStatement, SFC::Var var ) { Udm::Object object = Udm::Object::Cast( var ); if ( object.type() != SFC::LocalVar::meta ) return; SFC::LocalVar localVar = SFC::LocalVar::Cast( var ); SFC::DT dt = localVar.dt(); std::string name =; if ( dt.type() == SFC::Struct::meta ) { initVarAux( compoundStatement, localVar, name ); return; } std::string initial = localVar.initial(); if ( initial.empty() ) initial = "0"; ::mstat2SFC( compoundStatement, name + " = " + initial, true, true ); }
CString ModelHandler::extractPortType(Udm::Object portObj) { // whenever the connected port found is derived from DataPort then extract type from the enum attribute of the dstPort if(Udm::IsDerivedFrom(portObj.type(), SignalFlow::DataPort::meta)) { return CString(((string) SignalFlow::DataPort::Cast(portObj).DataType()).c_str()).Trim(); } // whenever the connected Port is derived from SF_Port then find the contained TypeRef Port to get the type else if(Udm::IsDerivedFrom(portObj.type(), Simulink::SF_Port::meta) || Udm::IsDerivedFrom(portObj.type(), Simulink::SFStateDE::meta) || Udm::IsDerivedFrom(portObj.type(), Simulink::StateDE::meta) ) { // find type from the contained type ref set<Udm::Object> typerefSet = portObj.GetChildObjects(Simulink::TypeBaseRef::meta); // a port can have only a single type if(typerefSet.size() == 1) { Simulink::TypeBaseRef typeBaseRef = Simulink::TypeBaseRef::Cast(*(typerefSet.begin())); try { return CString(((string) Simulink::SF_Matrix::Cast(typeBaseRef.getReferencedObject()).Type()).c_str()).Trim(); } catch(udm_exception e) { throw udm_exception(_T("Simulink::TypeBaseRef is currently allowed to refer to objects of only Simulink::SF_Matrix type! @[OBJECT:]") + MyUdmUtil::getHyperLinkPath_StdString(typeBaseRef)); } } else if(typerefSet.size() > 1) { throw udm_exception(MyUdmUtil::getHyperLinkPath_StdString(portObj) + _T(" contains more than 1 Simulink::TypeBaseRef type objects. ")); } } // the portObj is an InputSignalInterface of a ModelicaComponent else if(portObj.type().name() == "InputSignalInterface") { return CString(((string) InputSignalInterface::Cast(portObj).Class()).c_str()).Trim(); } // the portObj is an OutputSignalInterface of a ModelicaComponent else if(portObj.type().name() == "OutputSignalInterface") { return CString(((string) OutputSignalInterface::Cast(portObj).Class()).c_str()).Trim(); } // the portObj is a ParameterRef of a ModelicaComponent else if(portObj.type().name() == "ParameterRef") { return CString(((string) ParameterRef::Cast(portObj).Class()).c_str()).Trim(); } return CString(_T("")); }
string CUdmApp::ExtractName(Udm::Object ob) { Uml::Class cls= ob.type(); set<Uml::Attribute> attrs=cls.attributes(); // Adding parent attributes set<Uml::Attribute> aattrs=Uml::AncestorAttributes(cls); attrs.insert(aattrs.begin(),aattrs.end()); for(set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator ai = attrs.begin();ai != attrs.end(); ai++) { if(string(ai->type())=="String") { string str=ai->name(); if(str=="name") { string value=ob.getStringAttr(*ai); if(value.empty())value="<empty string>"; return value; } } } return string("<no name specified>"); }
void CUdmApp::UdmMain( Udm::DataNetwork* p_backend, // Backend pointer(already open!) Udm::Object focusObject, // Focus object std::set<Udm::Object> selectedObjects, // Selected objects long param) // Parameters { // TODO: Your Code Comes Here... try { if (param == 128) { automated_expand = true; ConsoleMessagesOn = false; } set<Udm::Object> mySet; if (focusObject) { mySet.insert(focusObject); } else { for (set<Udm::Object>::const_iterator i = selectedObjects.begin(); i != selectedObjects.end(); i++) mySet.insert(*i); } bool expand = automated_expand; bool collapse = automated_collapse; if (!automated_expand && !automated_collapse) { int result = IDYES; // collapse is broken MessageBoxA(NULL, "Yes to expand, No to collapse", "Operation", MB_YESNO); if (result == IDYES) expand = true; else if (result == IDNO) collapse = true; } CyPhyElaborate cpe; for (std::set<Udm::Object>::const_iterator i = mySet.begin(); i != mySet.end(); i++) { Udm::Object oi(*i); if (oi.type() == ComponentAssembly::meta) { if (expand) { cpe.elaborate( CyPhyML::ComponentAssembly::Cast(oi) ); for (set<Udm::Object>::const_iterator j = cpe.cr_null_ref_set.begin(); j != cpe.cr_null_ref_set.end(); j++) GMEConsole::Console::writeLine("ComponentRef [" + (string)(CyPhyML::ComponentRef::Cast(*j).name()) + "] is null!" , MSG_WARNING); } else if (collapse) ; // cpe.collapse( CyPhyML::ComponentAssembly::Cast(oi) ); } else if (Udm::IsDerivedFrom(focusObject.type(), TestBenchType::meta)) { if (expand) { cpe.elaborate(TestBenchType::Cast(oi)); } else if (collapse) { ; // cpe.collapse(TestBenchType::Cast(oi)); } } } traceability.Attach(new CyPhyElaborateTraceability(std::unique_ptr<std::map<Udm::Object, Udm::Object> >(std::move(cpe.copiedObjectsToOriginals)))); } catch (udm_exception &exc) { GMEConsole::Console::writeLine("Udm exception occured! Exception description: " + (std::string)exc.what(), MSG_ERROR); msg_exception = exc.what(); throw exc; } catch (...) { GMEConsole::Console::writeLine("Non-Udm exception occured.", MSG_ERROR); } }
std::string UdmComparator::ObjectName::operator()( Udm::Object udmObject ) { static StringSet reportedClassNameSet; Uml::Class umlClass = udmObject.type(); Uml::Attribute umlNameAttribute; UmlClassNameAttributeMap::iterator cnmItr = _umlClassNameAttributeMap.find( umlClass ); if ( cnmItr != _umlClassNameAttributeMap.end() ) { umlNameAttribute = cnmItr->second; } else { NameUmlAttributeMap nameUmlAttributeMap = getNameUmlAttributeMap( umlClass ); NameUmlAttributeMap::iterator numItr = nameUmlAttributeMap.find( "name" ); if ( numItr != nameUmlAttributeMap.end() ) { umlNameAttribute = numItr->second; } else { numItr = nameUmlAttributeMap.find( "Name" ); if ( numItr != nameUmlAttributeMap.end() ) { umlNameAttribute = numItr->second; } else if ( static_cast< std::string >( umlClass.stereotype() ) != "Connection" ) { std::string className =; if ( reportedClassNameSet.find( className ) == reportedClassNameSet.end() ) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Class \"" << className << "\" has no \"[Nn]ame\" attribute." << std::endl << std::endl; reportedClassNameSet.insert( className ); } return ""; } } _umlClassNameAttributeMap.insert( std::make_pair( umlClass, umlNameAttribute ) ); } std::string udmObjectName = ""; if ( umlNameAttribute != Udm::null ) { udmObjectName = udmObject.getStringAttr( umlNameAttribute ); if ( umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" && udmObjectName == static_cast< std::string >( ) ) { udmObjectName = ""; } } if ( udmObjectName == "" && umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" ) { UmlAssociationRoleSet umlAssociationRoleSet = getAllUmlAssociationRoles( umlClass ); for( UmlAssociationRoleSet::iterator arsItr = umlAssociationRoleSet.begin() ; arsItr != umlAssociationRoleSet.end() ; ++arsItr ) { UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet = udmObject.getAssociation( *arsItr, Udm::TARGETFROMCLASS ); for( UdmObjectSet::iterator uosItr = udmObjectSet.begin() ; uosItr != udmObjectSet.end() ; ++uosItr ) { if ( !udmObjectName.empty() ) udmObjectName += ":"; udmObjectName += (*this)(*uosItr); } } if ( umlNameAttribute != Udm::null ) { udmObject.setStringAttr( umlNameAttribute, udmObjectName ); } } Udm::Object udmObjectParent = udmObject.GetParent(); if ( udmObjectParent != Udm::null ) { const auto& it = ObjectNameCache.find(udmObjectParent); if (it != ObjectNameCache.end()) { udmObjectName = it->second + "/" + udmObjectName; } else { udmObjectName = operator()( udmObjectParent ) + "/" + udmObjectName; } } return udmObjectName; }
bool UdmComparator::compareNodeAux( Udm::Object udmObject1, Udm::Object udmObject2 ) { bool retval = true; _udmObjectMap.insert( std::make_pair( udmObject1, udmObject2 ) ); const Uml::Class ¨Class1 = udmObject1.type(); const Uml::Class ¨Class2 = udmObject2.type(); if ( umlClass1 != umlClass2 ) { std::cerr << "Classes of objects \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" and \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" do not match!" << std::endl << std::endl; return false; } getObjectNameSingleton().ObjectNameCache.insert(std::make_pair(udmObject1, getObjectNameSingleton()(udmObject1))); getObjectNameSingleton().ObjectNameCache.insert(std::make_pair(udmObject2, getObjectNameSingleton()(udmObject2))); UmlAttributeSet umlAttributeSet = _classNameFilter.filterUmlAttributeSet( umlClass1 ); for( UmlAttributeSet::iterator uasItr = umlAttributeSet.begin() ; uasItr != umlAttributeSet.end() ; ++uasItr ) { Uml::Attribute umlAttribute = *uasItr; std::string umlAttributeName =; std::string value1, value2; std::string umlAttributeType = umlAttribute.type(); if ( umlAttributeType == "Boolean" ) { value1 = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( udmObject1.getBooleanAttr( umlAttribute ) ); value2 = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( udmObject2.getBooleanAttr( umlAttribute ) ); } else if ( umlAttributeType == "Integer" ) { value1 = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( udmObject1.getIntegerAttr( umlAttribute ) ); value2 = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( udmObject2.getIntegerAttr( umlAttribute ) ); } else if ( umlAttributeType == "Real" ) { value1 = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( udmObject1.getRealAttr( umlAttribute ) ); value2 = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( udmObject2.getRealAttr( umlAttribute ) ); } else { value1 = udmObject1.getStringAttr( umlAttribute ); value2 = udmObject2.getStringAttr( umlAttribute ); } if ( value1 != value2 ) { Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); std::cerr << "Value of \"" << umlAttributeName << "\" attribute value differs for \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" objects: \"" << value1 << "\" vs. \"" << value2 << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } } UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet1 = _classNameFilter.filterUdmObjectSet( udmObject1.GetChildObjects() ); UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet2 = _classNameFilter.filterUdmObjectSet( udmObject2.GetChildObjects() ); if ( udmObjectSet1.size() != udmObjectSet2.size() ) { std::cerr << "\"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" objects have a different number of children: " << udmObjectSet1.size() << "," << udmObjectSet2.size() << std::endl << std::endl; tallyChildrenClasses( udmObjectSet1, udmObjectSet2 ); retval = false; } udmObjectSet1 = _classNameFilter.filterConnections( udmObjectSet1 ); udmObjectSet2 = _classNameFilter.filterConnections( udmObjectSet2 ); UdmChildObjectSet udmChildObjectSet1; udmChildObjectSet1.rehash(udmObjectSet1.size()); std::copy(udmObjectSet1.begin(), udmObjectSet1.end(), std::inserter(udmChildObjectSet1, udmChildObjectSet1.begin())); if ( udmChildObjectSet1.size() != udmObjectSet1.size() ) { std::cerr << "Object \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" in the first model has children that cannot be distinguished (duplicate name?)." << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } UdmChildObjectSet udmChildObjectSet2; udmChildObjectSet2.rehash(udmObjectSet2.size()); std::copy(udmObjectSet2.begin(), udmObjectSet2.end(), std::inserter(udmChildObjectSet2, udmChildObjectSet2.begin())); if ( udmChildObjectSet2.size() != udmObjectSet2.size() ) { std::cerr << "Object \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" in the second model has children that cannot be distinguished (duplicate name?)." << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } UdmChildObjectSet::iterator ucsItr1 = udmChildObjectSet1.begin(); for (; ucsItr1 != udmChildObjectSet1.end(); ++ucsItr1) { UdmChildObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmChildObjectSet2.find(*ucsItr1); if (ucsItr2 == udmChildObjectSet2.end()) { std::cerr << "No corresponding object for \"" << ucsItr1->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\" in first model found in second model." << std::endl; Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); retval = false; continue; } if (compareNodeAux(ucsItr1->object, ucsItr2->object) == false) { retval = false; Report::get_singleton().addToDifferences( udmObject1 ); } udmChildObjectSet2.erase(ucsItr2); } UdmChildObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmChildObjectSet2.begin(); for (; ucsItr2 != udmChildObjectSet2.end(); ++ucsItr2) { std::cerr << "No corresponding object for \"" << ucsItr2->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\" in second model found in first model." << std::endl; Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); retval = false; } // if ( !retval ) return false; UmlAssociationRoleSet umlAssociationRoleSet = getAllUmlAssociationRoles( umlClass1 ); for( UmlAssociationRoleSet::iterator arsItr = umlAssociationRoleSet.begin() ; arsItr != umlAssociationRoleSet.end() ; ++arsItr ) { Uml::AssociationRole umlAssociationRole = *arsItr; UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet1 = _classNameFilter.filterUdmObjectSet( udmObject1.getAssociation( Uml::theOther( umlAssociationRole ) ) ); UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet2 = _classNameFilter.filterUdmObjectSet( udmObject2.getAssociation( Uml::theOther( umlAssociationRole ) ) ); if ( udmObjectSet1.size() != udmObjectSet2.size() ) { std::cerr << "Objects \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" and \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\"" << std::endl; std::cerr << "have a different number of \"" << << "\" associations: " << udmObjectSet1.size() << " vs. " << udmObjectSet2.size() << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } UdmAssociationObjectSet udmAssociationObjectSet1; udmAssociationObjectSet1.rehash(udmObjectSet1.size()); std::copy(udmObjectSet1.begin(), udmObjectSet1.end(), std::inserter(udmAssociationObjectSet1, udmAssociationObjectSet1.begin())); if ( udmAssociationObjectSet1.size() != udmObjectSet1.size() ) { std::cerr << "Object \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has \"" << << "\" associated objects that cannot be distinguished (probably due to duplicate name)." << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } UdmAssociationObjectSet udmAssociationObjectSet2; udmAssociationObjectSet2.rehash(udmObjectSet2.size()); std::copy(udmObjectSet2.begin(), udmObjectSet2.end(), std::inserter(udmAssociationObjectSet2, udmAssociationObjectSet2.begin())); if ( udmAssociationObjectSet2.size() != udmObjectSet2.size() ) { std::cerr << "Object \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has \"" << << "\" associated objects that cannot be distinguished (probably due to duplicate name)." << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } UdmAssociationObjectSet::iterator ucsItr1 = udmAssociationObjectSet1.begin(); for( ; ucsItr1 != udmAssociationObjectSet1.end(); ++ucsItr1 ) { UdmAssociationObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmAssociationObjectSet2.find(*ucsItr1); if ( ucsItr2 == udmAssociationObjectSet2.end()) { std::cerr << "In first model, \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has a \"" << << "\" association object \"" << ucsItr1->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\", but not in the second model." << std::endl; Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); retval = false; continue; } Udm::Object udmAssociationObject1 = ucsItr1->object; Udm::Object udmAssociationObject2 = ucsItr2->object; udmAssociationObjectSet2.erase(ucsItr2); if ( udmAssociationObject1 == Udm::null ) { if ( udmAssociationObject2 != Udm::null ) { Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); std::cerr << "Association Error:" << std::endl; std::cerr << "In first model, object \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "is \"" << << "\" associated with Udm::null" << std::endl; std::cerr << "However, in the second model, \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" is \"" << << "\" associated with \"" << udmAssociationObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } } else if ( udmAssociationObject2 == Udm::null ) { Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); std::cerr << "Association Error:" << std::endl; std::cerr << "In second model, object \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "is \"" << << "\" associated with Udm::null" << std::endl; std::cerr << "However, in the first model, \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" is \"" << << "\" associated with \"" << udmAssociationObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } else { UdmObjectMap::iterator uomItr = _udmObjectMap.find( udmAssociationObject1 ); if ( uomItr != _udmObjectMap.end() ) { Udm::Object udmMappedObject = uomItr->second; if ( udmMappedObject != udmAssociationObject2 ) { Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 ); std::cerr << "Association Error:" << std::endl; std::cerr << "In first model, \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" is \"" << << "\" associated with \"" << udmAssociationObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << "In second model, \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" is \"" << << "\" associated with \"" << udmAssociationObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << "However, \"" << udmAssociationObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" of the first model corresponds to \"" << udmMappedObject.getPath( "/" ) << "\"" << std::endl; std::cerr << "instead of \"" << udmAssociationObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" as it should." << std::endl << std::endl; retval = false; } } } } UdmAssociationObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmAssociationObjectSet2.begin(); for( ; ucsItr2 != udmAssociationObjectSet2.end(); ++ucsItr2 ) { std::cerr << "In second model, \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has a \"" << << "\" association object \"" << ucsItr2->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\", but not in the first model." << std::endl; Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject2 ); retval = false; continue; } } Report::get_singleton().addToReport( udmObject1 ); return retval; }
void CUdmApp::UdmMain( Udm::DataNetwork* p_backend, // Backend pointer(already open!) Udm::Object focusObject, // Focus object set<Udm::Object> selectedObjects, // Selected objects long param, // Parameters CComPtr<IMgaProject> mgaProject) { /*char currtime[128]; time_t now = time(0); struct tm* tm = localtime(&now); sprintf(currtime,"%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", (tm->tm_mon + 1), tm->tm_mday, (tm->tm_year+1900), tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); std::string ct(currtime); */ std::string start_time = getTimeNow(); try{ CyPhyML::RootFolder cyphy_rf = CyPhyML::RootFolder::Cast(p_backend->GetRootObject()); set<CyPhyML::CWC> cwcs; if( focusObject!=Udm::null && (Uml::IsDerivedFrom(focusObject.type(), CyPhyML::CWC::meta))) { cwcs.insert(CyPhyML::CWC::Cast(focusObject)); } else { for(set<Udm::Object>::iterator i=selectedObjects.begin();i!=selectedObjects.end();++i) { Udm::Object currObj = *i; if(Uml::IsDerivedFrom(currObj.type(), CyPhyML::CWC::meta)) { cwcs.insert(CyPhyML::CWC::Cast(currObj)); } // User has selected a Configurations container -- elaborate all CWC within. if(Uml::IsDerivedFrom(currObj.type(), CyPhyML::Configurations::meta)) { set<CWC> s_cwc = Configurations::Cast(currObj).CWC_children(); for (set<CWC>::const_iterator i = s_cwc.begin(); i != s_cwc.end(); i++) { cwcs.insert(*i); } } } } if(cwcs.empty()){ AfxMessageBox(L"Please open a CWC model or select CWC model(s) to invoke the interpreter."); return; } CyPhyML::Configurations cfg_model = (*(cwcs.begin())).Configurations_parent(); CyPhyML::DesignContainer rootDC = cfg_model.DesignContainer_parent(); CyPhyML::Configurations cfgModel; bool useCurrent = true; bool flatten = false; std::string outFdr; // Hide dialog box in silent mode OR if user isn't pressing CTRL if (param == GME_SILENT_MODE || !((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000))) { param = GME_SILENT_MODE; } if (param == GME_SILENT_MODE) { useCurrent = true; flatten = false; outFdr = "notused"; } else { CConfigExportDialog cfgExDlg; if (cfgExDlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { useCurrent = cfgExDlg.m_useCurrent; flatten = cfgExDlg.m_flatten; outFdr = (LPCSTR)((CStringA)cfgExDlg.m_outputfdr); } else return; } int idCnt = cwcs.size(); CStatusDialog prgDlg; if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.Create(IDD_PROGRESS_DIALOG); GetStatusDlg(&prgDlg); prgDlg.SetProgress("Preparing to export models..."); } if(!useCurrent) { if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.SetRange(40*idCnt); } std::string outfileBase = outFdr+"\\"+getFileNameNoExt((LPCSTR)((CStringA)mgaPath)); for(set<CyPhyML::CWC>::iterator i=cwcs.begin();i!=cwcs.end();++i) { CyPhyML::CWC cwc = *i; std::string outfile = outfileBase+"_"+(std::string)".mga"; std::string msg ="create new CyPhy model for: "+(std::string)"..."; if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.SetProgress(CString(msg.c_str())); } Udm::SmartDataNetwork outDN(CyPhyML::diagram); outDN.CreateNew(outfile,"CyPhyML", CyPhyML::RootFolder::meta, Udm::CHANGES_LOST_DEFAULT); CyPhyML::RootFolder out_rf = CyPhyML::RootFolder::Cast(outDN.GetRootObject()); UdmUtil::copy_assoc_map copymap; udmCopy(p_backend->GetRootObject().__impl(), outDN.GetRootObject().__impl(),&outDN,copymap,"mga"); // UdmUtil::CopyObjectHierarchy(p_backend->GetRootObject().__impl(), outDN.GetRootObject().__impl(), &outDN, copymap); UdmUtil::copy_assoc_map::iterator map_it = copymap.find(cwc); ASSERT(map_it!=copymap.end()); Udm::Object to_cwc_obj = (*map_it).second; ASSERT(to_cwc_obj.type() == CyPhyML::CWC::meta); if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.SetProgress(CString(msg.c_str())); } //CyPhyML::Components coms = CyPhyML::Components::Create(out_rf); // = "Configurations ("+start_time+")"; CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_rootFdr = CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies::Create(out_rf); = "Generated configurations"; CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_folder_dc = CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies::Create(ca_rootFdr); =; CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_folder = CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies::Create(ca_folder_dc); = "Configurations ("+start_time+")"; CyPhyCAExporter dexport(ca_folder, CyPhyML::CWC::Cast(to_cwc_obj), flatten); dexport.showGui = param != GME_SILENT_MODE; dexport.createComponentAssembly(); //outDN.SaveAs(outfile); outDN.CloseWithUpdate(); std::string addlog("CyPhy model \"<A HREF=\""+outfile+ "\">"+outfile+"\"</A> generated for "+appendObjLink(cwc)); GMEConsole::Console::Out::writeLine(addlog); } } else { if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.SetRange(25*idCnt); } set<CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies>::iterator cafdr_it; CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_rootFdr; set<CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies> ca_fdrs = cyphy_rf.ComponentAssemblies_kind_children(); for(cafdr_it=ca_fdrs.begin();cafdr_it!=ca_fdrs.end();++cafdr_it) { CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_fdr = *cafdr_it; if((std::string)"Generated configurations") { ca_rootFdr = ca_fdr; break; } } if(ca_rootFdr==Udm::null) { ca_rootFdr = CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies::Create(cyphy_rf); = "Generated configurations"; } CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_folder_dc; std::string rootDC_name =; set<CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies> ca_fdr_fdrs = ca_rootFdr.ComponentAssemblies_kind_children(); for(cafdr_it=ca_fdr_fdrs.begin();cafdr_it!=ca_fdr_fdrs.end();++cafdr_it) { CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_fdr = *cafdr_it; if((std::string) { ca_folder_dc = ca_fdr; break; } } if(ca_folder_dc==Udm::null) { ca_folder_dc = CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies::Create(ca_rootFdr); = rootDC_name; } CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies ca_folder = CyPhyML::ComponentAssemblies::Create(ca_folder_dc); = "Configurations ("+start_time+")"; int txCount = 0; for(set<CyPhyML::CWC>::iterator i=cwcs.begin();i!=cwcs.end();++i) { if (idCnt > 40 && txCount++ == 20) { txCount = 0; COMTHROW(mgaProject->CommitTransaction()); COMTHROW(mgaProject->FlushUndoQueue()); CComPtr<IMgaTerritory> terr; COMTHROW(mgaProject->BeginTransactionInNewTerr(TRANSACTION_GENERAL, &terr)); } CyPhyML::CWC cwc = *i; std::string msg ="create ComponentAssembly for:"+(std::string)"..."; if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.SetProgress(CString(msg.c_str())); } try { CyPhyCAExporter dexport(ca_folder, cwc, flatten); dexport.showGui = param != GME_SILENT_MODE; dexport.createComponentAssembly(); std::string addlog("ComponentAssembly "+appendObjLink(dexport.getComponentAssembly())+" generated for "+appendObjLink(cwc)); GMEConsole::Console::Out::writeLine(addlog); //#ifdef _DEBUG // std::string end_time = getTimeNow(); // = "Configurations ("+start_time+"-"+end_time+")"; //#else // = "Configurations ("+start_time+")"; //#endif } catch(udm_exception &exc) { ca_folder.DeleteObject(); // coms.DeleteObject(); std::string addlog("ComponentAssembly for "+appendObjLink(cwc)+" has failed: "+(std::string)exc.what()); GMEConsole::Console::Out::writeLine(addlog); } catch(...) { std::string addlog("ComponentAssembly for "+appendObjLink(cwc)+" has failed."); GMEConsole::Console::Out::writeLine(addlog); } } } if (param != GME_SILENT_MODE) { prgDlg.OnFinished(); } } catch(udm_exception &exc) { AfxMessageBox(CString(exc.what())); throw exc; } catch(...) { throw; } }