void Sky::CreateSkyboxNode() { if (world_.Expired() || urhoNode_) return; Urho3D::Scene* urhoScene = world_->UrhoScene(); urhoNode_ = urhoScene->CreateChild("Skybox"); Urho3D::Skybox* skybox = urhoNode_->CreateComponent<Urho3D::Skybox>(); Urho3D::ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<Urho3D::ResourceCache>(); skybox->SetModel(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Model>("Models/Box.mdl")); }
void MainGameState::Start() { std::cout << "starting main game " << std::endl; Urho3D::ResourceCache *cache = GetSubsystem<Urho3D::ResourceCache>(); // We will be needing to load resources. // All the resources used in this example comes with Urho3D. // If the engine can't find them, check the ResourcePrefixPath. // Seems like the mouse must be in cursor mode before creating the UI or it won't work. // Let's use the default style that comes with Urho3D. // GetSubsystem<Urho3D::UI>()->GetRoot()->AddChild(texts["FPS_text"]); // Let's create some text to display. // Add a button, just as an interactive UI sample. // Note, must be part of the UI system before SetSize calls! GetSubsystem<Urho3D::UI>()->GetRoot()->AddChild(ui_elements["side_bar"]); // Now we can change the mouse mode. // Let's setup a scene to render. scene_ = new Urho3D::Scene(context_); // Let the scene have an Octree component! scene_->CreateComponent<Urho3D::Octree>(); // Let's add an additional scene component for fun. scene_->CreateComponent<Urho3D::DebugRenderer>(); // Let's put some sky in there. // Again, if the engine can't find these resources you need to check // the "ResourcePrefixPath". These files come with Urho3D. Urho3D::Node *skyNode = scene_->CreateChild("Sky"); skyNode->SetScale(500.0f); // The scale actually does not matter Urho3D::Skybox *skybox = skyNode->CreateComponent<Urho3D::Skybox>(); skybox->SetModel(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Model>("Models/Box.mdl")); skybox->SetMaterial(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Material>("Materials/Skybox.xml")); int worldsize = 40; Urho3D::SharedPtr<Urho3D::Node> bed_rock(new Urho3D::Node(context_)); for (int x = -worldsize; x < worldsize; x++) { for (int y = -worldsize; y < worldsize; y++) { Urho3D::Vector3 pos = Urho3D::Vector3(x, y, 0); EntityNode *boxNode_ = new EntityNode(context_, &m_entity_manager); bed_rock->AddChild(boxNode_); boxNode_->SetPosition(pos); Urho3D::StaticModel *boxObject = boxNode_->CreateComponent<Urho3D::StaticModel>(); boxObject->SetModel(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Model>("Models/Box.mdl")); boxObject->SetMaterial(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Material>("Materials/Mushroom.xml")); boxObject->SetCastShadows(true); boxNode_->assign<terrain_type>("Stone", STONE); } } z_levels.push_back(bed_rock); for (int z = 1; z <= m_world_height; z++) { Urho3D::SharedPtr<Urho3D::Node> cur_level(new Urho3D::Node(context_)); for (int x = -worldsize; x < worldsize; x++) for (int y = -worldsize; y < worldsize; y++) { /* if (sqrt(x * x + y * y) / 30 < 20 + 4 * sin(5 * sin(6 * (glm::dot(glm::normalize(glm::vec2(x, y)), glm::vec2(0, 1)))))) */ double noise = m_noise_gen.noise_3D(0.02 * x, 0.002 * y, 0.02 * z) + m_noise_gen.noise_3D(x, 4 * y, z); std::cout << 2 - ((z) / (float)m_world_height) << " " << m_noise_gen.noise_2D(x, y) + 1 << std::endl; if ((z / (float)m_world_height) < 0.1 * m_noise_gen.noise_2D(0.1 * x, y * 0.1) + 1) { if (noise > 0.2) { Urho3D::Vector3 pos = Urho3D::Vector3(x, y, z); auto lol = new TerrainFactory(context_, &m_entity_manager,cache ); cur_level->AddChild(lol->create_stone_terrain(pos)); } else if (true) { Urho3D::Vector3 pos = Urho3D::Vector3(x, y, z); EntityNode *boxNode_ = new EntityNode(context_, &m_entity_manager); cur_level->AddChild(boxNode_); boxNode_->SetPosition(pos); Urho3D::StaticModel *boxObject = boxNode_->CreateComponent<Urho3D::StaticModel>(); boxObject->SetModel(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Model>("Models/Box.mdl")); boxObject->SetMaterial(cache->GetResource<Urho3D::Material>( "Materials/NinjaSnowWar/Snow.xml")); boxObject->SetCastShadows(true); boxNode_->assign<terrain_type>("Stone", STONE); } } } z_levels.push_back(cur_level); if (z > m_world_height - m_world_render_depth) scene_->AddChild(cur_level); } std::cout << z_levels.size() << std::endl; // We need a camera from which the viewport can render. cameraNode_ = scene_->CreateChild("Camera"); m_camera = cameraNode_->CreateComponent<Urho3D::Camera>(); m_camera->SetFarClip(2000); cameraNode_->Pitch(45); cameraNode_->Yaw(180); cameraNode_->SetPosition(Urho3D::Vector3(0, 0, m_world_height + m_world_render_depth)); // Create two lights { Urho3D::Node *lightNode = scene_->CreateChild("Light"); lightNode->SetPosition(Urho3D::Vector3(-5, 0, m_world_height + 20)); Urho3D::Light *light = lightNode->CreateComponent<Urho3D::Light>(); light->SetLightType(Urho3D::LIGHT_POINT); light->SetRange(50); light->SetBrightness(1.2); light->SetColor(Urho3D::Color(1, .5, .8, 1)); light->SetCastShadows(true); } // add one to the camera node as well // Now we setup the viewport. Ofcourse, you can have more than one! Urho3D::Renderer *renderer = GetSubsystem<Urho3D::Renderer>(); Urho3D::SharedPtr<Urho3D::Viewport> viewport( new Urho3D::Viewport(context_, scene_, cameraNode_->GetComponent<Urho3D::Camera>())); renderer->SetViewport(0, viewport); // We subscribe to the events we'd like to handle. // In this example we will be showing what most of them do, // but in reality you would only subscribe to the events // you really need to handle. // These are sort of subscribed in the order in which the engine // would send the events. Read each handler method's comment for // details. std::cout << "start main done" << std::endl; }