std::pair<double, double> benchmark_reductor( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { const size_t N = 16 * 1024 * 1024; const size_t M = 1024 / 16; double time_elapsed; std::vector<real> A = random_vector<real>(N); std::vector<real> B = random_vector<real>(N); vex::vector<real> a(ctx, A); vex::vector<real> b(ctx, B); vex::Reductor<real, vex::SUM> sum(ctx); real sum_cl = sum(a * b); sum_cl = 0; prof.tic_cpu("OpenCL"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) sum_cl += sum(a * b); ctx.finish(); time_elapsed = prof.toc("OpenCL"); double gflops = 2.0 * N * M / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = 2.0 * N * M * sizeof(real) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << "Reduction (" << vex::type_name<real>() << ")\n" << " OpenCL" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; if (options.bm_cpu) { real sum_cpp = 0; prof.tic_cpu("C++"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) sum_cpp += std::inner_product(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), static_cast<real>(0)); time_elapsed = prof.toc("C++"); { double gflops = 2.0 * N * M / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = 2.0 * N * M * sizeof(real) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << " C++" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; } std::cout << " res = " << fabs( (sum_cl - sum_cpp) / sum_cpp ) << std::endl << std::endl; } return std::make_pair(gflops, bwidth); }
double rng_throughput(const vex::Context &ctx, size_t N, size_t M) { vex::Random<real, GF> rnd; vex::Reductor<real, vex::MAX> max(ctx); real s = max( rnd( vex::element_index(0, N), std::rand() ) ); vex::stopwatch<> w; for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) s = std::max(s, max( rnd( vex::element_index(0, N), std::rand() ) )); ctx.finish(); return N * M / w.toc(); }
std::pair<double,double> benchmark_saxpy( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { const size_t N = 1024 * 1024; const size_t M = 1024; double time_elapsed; std::vector<real> A(N, 0); std::vector<real> B = random_vector<real>(N); std::vector<real> alphavec = random_vector<real>(1); real alpha = alphavec[0]; vex::vector<real> a(ctx, A); vex::vector<real> b(ctx, B); auto ta = vex::tag<1>(a); ta = alpha * ta + b; ta = 0; prof.tic_cpu("OpenCL"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) ta = alpha * ta + b; ctx.finish(); time_elapsed = prof.toc("OpenCL"); double gflops = (2.0 * N * M) / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = (3.0 * N * M * sizeof(real)) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << "Vector SAXPY (" << vex::type_name<real>() << ")\n" << " OCL" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; if (options.bm_cpu) { prof.tic_cpu("C++"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) for(size_t j = 0; j < N; j++) A[j] = alpha * A[j] + B[j]; time_elapsed = prof.toc("C++"); { double gflops = (2.0 * N * M) / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = (3.0 * N * M * sizeof(real)) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << " C++" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; } vex::copy(A, b); vex::Reductor<real, vex::SUM> sum(ctx); a -= b; std::cout << " res = " << sum(a * a) << std::endl << std::endl; } return std::make_pair(gflops, bwidth); }
void benchmark_scan( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { const size_t N = 16 * 1024 * 1024; const size_t M = 16; typedef typename std::conditional< std::is_same<float, real>::value, cl_uint, cl_ulong >::type key_type; std::default_random_engine rng( std::rand() ); std::uniform_int_distribution<key_type> rnd; std::vector<key_type> x0(N); std::vector<key_type> x1(N); std::generate(x0.begin(), x0.end(), [&]() { return rnd(rng); }); vex::vector<key_type> X0(ctx, x0); vex::vector<key_type> X1(ctx, N); vex::exclusive_scan(X0, X1); ctx.finish(); prof.tic_cpu("VexCL"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) vex::exclusive_scan(X0, X1); ctx.finish(); double tot_time = prof.toc("VexCL"); std::cout << "Scan (" << vex::type_name<key_type>() << ")\n" << " VexCL: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_COMPUTE vex::compute::exclusive_scan(X0, X1); ctx.finish(); prof.tic_cpu("Boost.Compute"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) vex::compute::exclusive_scan(X0, X1); ctx.finish(); tot_time = prof.toc("Boost.Compute"); std::cout << " Boost.Compute: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLOGS vex::clogs::exclusive_scan(X0, X1); ctx.finish(); prof.tic_cpu("CLOGS"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) vex::clogs::exclusive_scan(X0, X1); ctx.finish(); tot_time = prof.toc("CLOGS"); std::cout << " CLOGS: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; #endif if (options.bm_cpu) { prof.tic_cpu("CPU"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) { key_type sum = key_type(); for(size_t j = 0; j < N; ++j) { key_type next = sum + x0[j]; x1[j] = sum; sum = next; } } tot_time = prof.toc("CPU"); std::cout << " CPU: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; } std::cout << std::endl; }
void benchmark_sort( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { const size_t N = 16 * 1024 * 1024; const size_t M = 16; typedef typename std::conditional< std::is_same<float, real>::value, cl_uint, cl_ulong >::type key_type; std::default_random_engine rng( std::rand() ); std::uniform_int_distribution<key_type> rnd; std::vector<key_type> x0(N); std::vector<key_type> x1(N); std::generate(x0.begin(), x0.end(), [&]() { return rnd(rng); }); vex::vector<key_type> X0(ctx, x0); vex::vector<key_type> X1(ctx, N); X1 = X0; vex::sort(X1); double tot_time = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) { X1 = X0; ctx.finish(); prof.tic_cpu("VexCL"); vex::sort(X1); ctx.finish(); tot_time += prof.toc("VexCL"); } std::cout << "Sort (" << vex::type_name<key_type>() << ")\n" << " VexCL: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_COMPUTE X1 = X0; vex::compute::sort(X1); tot_time = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) { X1 = X0; ctx.finish(); prof.tic_cpu("Boost.Compute"); vex::compute::sort(X1); ctx.finish(); tot_time += prof.toc("Boost.Compute"); } std::cout << " Boost.Compute: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLOGS X1 = X0; vex::clogs::sort(X1); tot_time = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) { X1 = X0; ctx.finish(); prof.tic_cpu("CLOGS"); vex::clogs::sort(X1); ctx.finish(); tot_time += prof.toc("CLOGS"); } std::cout << " CLOGS: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; #endif if (options.bm_cpu) { tot_time = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) { std::copy(x0.begin(), x0.end(), x1.begin()); prof.tic_cpu("STL"); std::sort(x1.begin(), x1.end()); tot_time += prof.toc("STL"); } std::cout << " STL: " << N * M / tot_time << " keys/sec\n"; } std::cout << std::endl; }
std::pair<double,double> benchmark_spmv_ccsr( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { // Construct matrix for 3D Poisson problem in cubic domain. const uint n = 128; const uint N = n * n * n; const uint M = 1024; double time_elapsed; const real h2i = (n - 1) * (n - 1); std::vector<size_t> idx; std::vector<size_t> row(3); std::vector<int> col(8); std::vector<real> val(8); std::vector<real> X(n * n * n, static_cast<real>(1e-2)); std::vector<real> Y(n * n * n, 0); idx.reserve(n * n * n); row[0] = 0; row[1] = 1; row[2] = 8; col[0] = 0; val[0] = 1; col[1] = -static_cast<int>(n * n); col[2] = -static_cast<int>(n); col[3] = -1; col[4] = 0; col[5] = 1; col[6] = n; col[7] = (n * n); val[1] = -h2i; val[2] = -h2i; val[3] = -h2i; val[4] = h2i * 6; val[5] = -h2i; val[6] = -h2i; val[7] = -h2i; for(size_t k = 0; k < n; k++) { for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) { for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ( i == 0 || i == (n - 1) || j == 0 || j == (n - 1) || k == 0 || k == (n - 1) ) { idx.push_back(0); } else { idx.push_back(1); } } } } size_t nnz = 6 * (n - 2) * (n - 2) * (n - 2) + n * n * n; // Transfer data to compute devices. vex::SpMatCCSR<real,int> A(ctx.queue(0), n * n * n, 2,,,,; std::vector<vex::command_queue> q1(1, ctx.queue(0)); vex::vector<real> x(q1, X); vex::vector<real> y(q1, Y); // Get timings. y += A * x; y = 0; prof.tic_cpu("OpenCL"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) y += A * x; ctx.finish(); time_elapsed = prof.toc("OpenCL"); double gflops = (2.0 * nnz + N) * M / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = M * (nnz * (2 * sizeof(real) + sizeof(int)) + 4 * N * sizeof(real)) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << "SpMV (CCSR) (" << vex::type_name<real>() << ")\n" << " OpenCL" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; if (options.bm_cpu) { prof.tic_cpu("C++"); for(size_t k = 0; k < M; k++) for(size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { real s = 0; for(size_t j = row[idx[i]]; j < row[idx[i] + 1]; j++) s += val[j] * X[i + col[j]]; Y[i] += s; } time_elapsed = prof.toc("C++"); { double gflops = (2.0 * nnz + N) * M / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = M * (nnz * (2 * sizeof(real) + sizeof(int)) + 4 * N * sizeof(real)) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << " C++" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; } copy(Y, x); y -= x; vex::Reductor<real, vex::SUM> sum(q1); std::cout << " res = " << sum(y * y) << std::endl << std::endl; } return std::make_pair(gflops, bwidth); }
std::pair<double,double> benchmark_spmv( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { // Construct matrix for 3D Poisson problem in cubic domain. const size_t n = 128; const size_t N = n * n * n; const size_t M = 1024; double time_elapsed; const real h2i = (n - 1) * (n - 1); std::vector<size_t> row; std::vector<uint> col; std::vector<real> val; std::vector<real> X(n * n * n, static_cast<real>(1e-2)); std::vector<real> Y(n * n * n, 0); row.reserve(n * n * n + 1); col.reserve(6 * (n - 2) * (n - 2) * (n - 2) + n * n * n); val.reserve(6 * (n - 2) * (n - 2) * (n - 2) + n * n * n); row.push_back(0); for(size_t k = 0, idx = 0; k < n; k++) { for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) { for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++, idx++) { if ( i == 0 || i == (n - 1) || j == 0 || j == (n - 1) || k == 0 || k == (n - 1) ) { col.push_back(idx); val.push_back(1); row.push_back(row.back() + 1); } else { col.push_back(idx - n * n); val.push_back(-h2i); col.push_back(idx - n); val.push_back(-h2i); col.push_back(idx - 1); val.push_back(-h2i); col.push_back(idx); val.push_back(6 * h2i); col.push_back(idx + 1); val.push_back(-h2i); col.push_back(idx + n); val.push_back(-h2i); col.push_back(idx + n * n); val.push_back(-h2i); row.push_back(row.back() + 7); } } } } size_t nnz = row.back(); // Transfer data to compute devices. vex::SpMat<real,uint> A(ctx, n * n * n, n * n * n,,,; vex::vector<real> x(ctx, X); vex::vector<real> y(ctx, Y); // Get timings. y += A * x; y = 0; prof.tic_cpu("OpenCL"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) y += A * x; ctx.finish(); time_elapsed = prof.toc("OpenCL"); double gflops = M / time_elapsed / 1e9 * (2.0 * nnz + N); double bwidth = M / time_elapsed / 1e9 * (nnz * (2 * sizeof(real) + sizeof(size_t)) + 4 * N * sizeof(real)); std::cout << "SpMV (" << vex::type_name<real>() << ")\n" << " OpenCL" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; if (options.bm_cpu) { prof.tic_cpu("C++"); for(size_t k = 0; k < M; k++) for(size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { real s = 0; for(size_t j = row[i]; j < row[i + 1]; j++) s += val[j] * X[col[j]]; Y[i] += s; } time_elapsed = prof.toc("C++"); { double gflops = M / time_elapsed / 1e9 * (2.0 * nnz + N); double bwidth = M / time_elapsed / 1e9 * (nnz * (2 * sizeof(real) + sizeof(size_t)) + 4 * N * sizeof(real)); std::cout << " C++" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; } copy(Y, x); y -= x; vex::Reductor<real, vex::SUM> sum(ctx); std::cout << " res = " << sum(y * y) << std::endl << std::endl; } return std::make_pair(gflops, bwidth); }
std::pair<double, double> benchmark_stencil( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { const long N = 1024 * 1024; const long M = 1024; double time_elapsed; std::vector<real> A = random_vector<real>(N); std::vector<real> B(N); std::vector<real> S(21, static_cast<real>(1) / 21); long center = S.size() / 2; vex::stencil<real> s(ctx, S, center); vex::vector<real> a(ctx, A); vex::vector<real> b(ctx, N); b = a * s; prof.tic_cpu("OpenCL"); for(long i = 0; i < M; i++) b = a * s; ctx.finish(); time_elapsed = prof.toc("OpenCL"); double gflops = 2.0 * S.size() * N * M / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = 2.0 * S.size() * N * M * sizeof(real) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << "Stencil convolution (" << vex::type_name<real>() << ")\n" << " OpenCL" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; if (options.bm_cpu) { prof.tic_cpu("C++"); for(long j = 0; j < M; j++) { for(long i = 0; i < N; i++) { real sum = 0; for(long k = 0; k < (long)S.size(); k++) sum += S[k] * A[std::min<long>(N-1, std::max<long>(0, i + k - center))]; B[i] = sum; } } time_elapsed = prof.toc("C++"); { double gflops = 2.0 * S.size() * N * M / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = 2.0 * S.size() * N * M * sizeof(real) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << " C++" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; } vex::Reductor<real, vex::MAX> max(ctx); copy(B, a); std::cout << " res = " << max(fabs(a - b)) << std::endl << std::endl; } return std::make_pair(gflops, bwidth); }
std::pair<double,double> benchmark_vector( const vex::Context &ctx, vex::profiler<> &prof ) { const size_t N = 1024 * 1024; const size_t M = 1024; double time_elapsed; std::vector<real> A(N, 0); std::vector<real> B = random_vector<real>(N); std::vector<real> C = random_vector<real>(N); std::vector<real> D = random_vector<real>(N); vex::vector<real> a(ctx, A); vex::vector<real> b(ctx, B); vex::vector<real> c(ctx, C); vex::vector<real> d(ctx, D); a += b + c * d; a = 0; prof.tic_cpu("OpenCL"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) a += b + c * d; ctx.finish(); time_elapsed = prof.toc("OpenCL"); double gflops = (3.0 * N * M) / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = (5.0 * N * M * sizeof(real)) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << "Vector arithmetic (" << vex::type_name<real>() << ")\n" << " OCL" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; if (options.bm_cpu) { prof.tic_cpu("C++"); for(size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) for(size_t j = 0; j < N; j++) A[j] += B[j] + C[j] * D[j]; time_elapsed = prof.toc("C++"); { double gflops = (3.0 * N * M) / time_elapsed / 1e9; double bwidth = (5.0 * N * M * sizeof(real)) / time_elapsed / 1e9; std::cout << " C++" << "\n GFLOPS: " << gflops << "\n Bandwidth: " << bwidth << std::endl; } vex::copy(A, b); vex::Reductor<real, vex::SUM> sum(ctx); a -= b; std::cout << " res = " << sum(a * a) << std::endl << std::endl; } return std::make_pair(gflops, bwidth); }