int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 4) { std:: cerr << "make templete volume with initial value:" << std::endl; std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "<ref. vol> <set val(float)> <out vol>" << std::endl; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo;[1]); float setval = atof( argv[2] ); outputVol.voxelType(volinfo.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(volinfo.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(volinfo.boundingBox()); int dimx = outputVol.XDim(); int dimy = outputVol.YDim(); int dimz = outputVol.ZDim(); fprintf( stderr, "dim: %d %d %d\n", dimx, dimy, dimz ); for( int kz = 0; kz<dimz; kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<dimy; jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<dimx; ix++) outputVol(ix,jy,kz, setval); VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[argc-1]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
/*using namespace std; class VolMagickOpStatus : public VolMagick::VoxelOperationStatusMessenger { public: void start(const VolMagick::Voxels *vox, Operation op, VolMagick::uint64 numSteps) const { _numSteps = numSteps; } void step(const VolMagick::Voxels *vox, Operation op, VolMagick::uint64 curStep) const { const char *opStrings[] = { "CalculatingMinMax", "CalculatingMin", "CalculatingMax", "SubvolumeExtraction", "Fill", "Map", "Resize", "Composite", "BilateralFilter", "ContrastEnhancement"}; fprintf(stderr,"%s: %5.2f %%\r",opStrings[op],(((float)curStep)/((float)((int)(_numSteps-1))))*100.0); } void end(const VolMagick::Voxels *vox, Operation op) const { printf("\n"); } private: mutable VolMagick::uint64 _numSteps; }; typedef boost::tuple<double, double, double> Color; */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "[vol 1] [vol 2] [out vol] [threshold]"; std:: cerr << "first volume + second volume = output volume. The voxels are remapped giving two different intensity ranges for the volumes, and threshold will be used for the second volume if it was set \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo2;[2]); std::cout << volinfo2.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; std::cout<<"minVol2 , maxVol2: "<<volinfo2.min()<<" "<<volinfo2.max()<<std::endl; double thold = 0.0001; if( argc > 3) thold = atof( argv[4] ); if( thold < 0.0001 ) thold = 0.0001; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; double min1 = volinfo1.min(); double range1 = volinfo1.max()-volinfo1.min(); double min2 = volinfo2.min(); double range2 = volinfo2.max()-volinfo2.min(); for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { std::cout<<kz<<".."; for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, 0); if( (inputVol(ix,jy,kz)- min1 ) > 0.0001 ) outputVol(ix,jy,kz, ( (inputVol(ix,jy,kz)-min1)/range1)*128.0 ); if( (inputVol2(ix,jy,kz)-min2) > thold) outputVol(ix,jy,kz, ( (inputVol2(ix,jy,kz)-min2)/range2)*128.0 + 128.0); } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[3]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <output volume>. \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = inputVol.XMin(); bbox.maxx = inputVol.XMax(); bbox.miny = inputVol.YMin(); bbox.maxy = inputVol.YMax(); bbox.minz = 2.0*inputVol.ZMin() - inputVol.ZMax(); bbox.maxz = inputVol.ZMax(); VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = inputVol.XDim(); dim.ydim = inputVol.YDim(); dim.zdim = (int)((bbox.maxz -bbox.minz)/inputVol.ZSpan())+1; // cout<<bbox.minz <<" " << bbox.maxz<<" "<< bbox.maxy <<endl; // cout<<dim.zdim <<" " << dim.ydim << endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(dim); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim()/2; kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, inputVol(inputVol.XDim()-1-ix, inputVol.YDim()-1-jy, inputVol.ZDim()-1-kz)); for( int kz=outputVol.ZDim()/2; kz < outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, inputVol(ix, jy, kz+1-inputVol.ZDim())); VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[2]); cout<<"done!"<<endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 4) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " first volume - second volume, output volume, threshold " << std::endl; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume float threshold = atof(argv[4]); VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo2;[2]); std::cout << volinfo2.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; std::cout<<"minVol2 , maxVol2: "<<volinfo2.min()<<" "<<volinfo2.max()<<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; // int step = 1; // if(argc==5) step= atoi(argv[argc-1]); outputVol= inputVol; for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol2.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol2.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol2.XDim(); ix++) { // if(inputVol2(ix, jy, kz)<= inputVol(ix, jy, kz)) // { outputVol(ix, jy, kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)-inputVol2(ix,jy,kz)); // } // else outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[3]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "<first volume> <second volume> <output volume> <int Interpolate number> \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume int number = atoi(argv[4]); VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo2;[2]); std::cout << volinfo2.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; std::cout<<"minVol2 , maxVol2: "<<volinfo2.min()<<" "<<volinfo2.max()<<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); for (int num = 1; num < number; num ++) { std::cout<<"\xd"<<(float)(num)/(float)(number-1)*100.00<<"% is finished"; for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) outputVol(ix,jy,kz, (inputVol(ix,jy,kz)*(1.0-(float)(num/(float)(number-1))) + inputVol2(ix,jy,kz))*(float)(num/(float)(number-1)) ); stringstream s; s<<argv[3]<< num <<".rawiv"; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, s.str()); } std::cout<<"done!"<<std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 4) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " first volume - second volume = output volume, step \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo2;[2]); std::cout << volinfo2.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; std::cout<<"minVol2 , maxVol2: "<<volinfo2.min()<<" "<<volinfo2.max()<<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; int step = 1; if(argc==5) step= atoi(argv[argc-1]); outputVol= inputVol; for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol2.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol2.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol2.XDim(); ix++) { if(inputVol2(ix, jy, kz)> inputVol2.min()) { for(int k=kz-step; k<=kz+step; k++) for(int j=jy-step; j<= jy+step; j++) for(int i=ix-step; i<= ix+step; i++) { if(i*j*k >=0 && i< inputVol2.XDim()-1 && j <inputVol2.YDim()-1 && k < inputVol2.ZDim()-1) outputVol(i, j, k, inputVol.min()); } } } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[3]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc<4) { cerr << "Usage: inputfile, projectionAngles, outputfile" << endl; return 1; } try { typedef boost::int64_t int64_t; VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::Volume startPtVol; VolMagick::Volume endPtVol; VolMagick::Volume rotatedVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume static double PI = 3.14159265; std::cout<<"vol read\n"; int numProcs = omp_get_num_procs(); std::cout<<"Num of processors: "<< numProcs<<"\n"; int64_t numAngles = 0; FILE* fp = fopen(argv[2],"r"); std::cout<<"Counting angles \n"; float tmp; while(fscanf(fp, "%f", &tmp) != EOF) numAngles++; fclose(fp); // initialize projection output volume // outputVol.dimension(VolMagick::Dimension(inputVol.XDim(), inputVol.YDim(), numAngles)); VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = inputVol.XDim(); dim.ydim = inputVol.YDim(); dim.zdim = numAngles; VolMagick::VoxelType vox = VolMagick::Float; outputVol.voxelType(vox); VolMagick::BoundingBox outputBB; outputBB.minx = inputVol.boundingBox().minx; outputBB.maxx = inputVol.boundingBox().maxx; outputBB.maxy = inputVol.boundingBox().maxy; outputBB.miny = inputVol.boundingBox().miny; outputBB.minz = 0; outputBB.maxz = numAngles-1; outputVol.boundingBox(outputBB); outputVol.dimension(dim); // check std::cout<<outputVol.XDim()<<" "<<outputVol.YDim()<<" "<<outputVol.ZDim()<<"\n"; std::cout<<outputVol.boundingBox().maxx<<" "<<outputVol.boundingBox().maxy<<" "<<outputVol.boundingBox().maxz<<"\n"; std::cout<<outputVol.boundingBox().minx<<" "<<outputVol.boundingBox().miny<<" "<<outputVol.boundingBox().minz<<"\n"; std::cout<<outputVol.voxelType()<<"\n"; // // // VolMagick::createVolumeFile(argv[3], outputBB, dim, inputVol.voxelType()); VolMagick::createVolumeFile(argv[3], outputVol); std::cout<<"Total number of angles: "<<numAngles<<"\n"; float *angles = new float[numAngles]; FILE* fp1 = fopen(argv[2], "r"); for(int64_t i=0; i<numAngles; i++) { float tempangle; fscanf(fp1, "%f", &tempangle); tempangle = tempangle*PI/180; angles[i] = tempangle; } fclose(fp1); // int startTime; // startTime = clock(); time_t t0, t1; t0 = time(NULL); /// Collect start points and end points for each ray. Start point will always be along the X axis and the End point will be along the Z axis. // The direction of the line does not matter since integration is the same startpoint to end point or vice versa. // The start point is -ve then it imples that the "Z" coordinate is at zero. Else it is assumed that the Z coordinate is at max ZDim and the // only inded needed to be stored is the "X" coordinate. // Similarly if the end point (Z) is -ve then it implies that the "X" axis is at zero. Else if it is positive then the X axis is at max XDim. /// step size for search float delta = 0.5; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, numAngles/numProcs) for(int64_t anum = 0; anum<numAngles; anum++) { std::cout<<"Current angle: "<<angles[anum]<<"\n"<<"Processor ID: "<<omp_get_thread_num()<<"\n"; // int anum = 1; for(int64_t y=0; y<inputVol.YDim(); y++) for(int64_t r=0; r<inputVol.XDim(); r++) { float tempangle = angles[anum]; // float tempangle = 0; float MaxS = sqrt(inputVol.XDim()*inputVol.XDim()/4.0 + inputVol.ZDim()*inputVol.ZDim()/4.0); float MinS = -1*MaxS; for(float s = MinS; s<MaxS; s=s+delta) { float r_origShift = r - (float)inputVol.XDim()/2; float xx = r_origShift*cos(tempangle) - s*sin(tempangle) + inputVol.XDim()/2; //std::cout<<r_origShift<<".."; float zz = r_origShift*sin(tempangle) + s*cos(tempangle) + inputVol.ZDim()/2; int in_x = (int) xx; int in_z = (int) zz; // if(xx>inputVol.boundingBox().minx && xx<inputVol.boundingBox().maxx && zz>inputVol.boundingBox().minz && zz<inputVol.boundingBox().maxz) if(in_x>0 && in_x<inputVol.XDim() && in_z>0 && in_z<inputVol.ZDim()) // outputVol(r, y, anum, (outputVol(r, y, anum) + inputVol.interpolate(xx, y, zz)*delta )); outputVol(r, y, anum, (outputVol(r, y, anum) + inputVol(in_x, y, in_z)*delta )); } } } // int endTime; // endTime = clock(); t1 = time(NULL); std::cout<<"Time elapsed: "<<(long)(t1-t0); // std::cout<<"Time elapsed: "<<(endTime-startTime)/(1000); std::cout<<"\n"; std::cout<<"Created outputfile\n"; VolMagick::writeVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[3]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "First argument is the mask volume (128), second argument is the input intensity map, third argument is the outputfile\n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is mask volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is input volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo2;[2]); std::cout << volinfo2.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; std::cout<<"minVol2 , maxVol2: "<<volinfo2.min()<<" "<<volinfo2.max()<<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; if(volinfo1.max()!=0) float inputVol1Scaling = volinfo1.min()/volinfo1.max(); if(volinfo2.max()!=0) float inputVol2Scaling = volinfo2.min()/volinfo2.max(); for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { // std::cout<<kz<<".."; for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, 0); if(inputVol(ix,jy,kz)) // outputVol(ix,jy, kz, inputVol2(ix,jy,kz)); outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol2(ix,jy,kz)); } } std::cout<<"done !" <<std::endl; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[argc-1]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 4) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "<input vol 1> <input vol 2> <output vol> \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo;[1]); VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo2;[2]); std::cout << volinfo2.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; std::cout<<"minVol2 , maxVol2: "<<volinfo2.min()<<" "<<volinfo2.max()<<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; double min=100000000.0; double max=-100000000.0; for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { std::cout<<kz<<".."; for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)+inputVol2(ix,jy,kz)); if (inputVol(ix,jy,kz)+inputVol2(ix,jy,kz) < min) { min = inputVol(ix,jy,kz)+inputVol2(ix,jy,kz); } if (inputVol(ix,jy,kz)+inputVol2(ix,jy,kz) >max) { max = inputVol(ix,jy,kz)+inputVol2(ix,jy,kz); } } } std::cout << std::endl << "New Min/Max " << min << " " << max << std::endl; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(argv[3],volinfo); VolMagick::writeVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[3]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 6) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <xmin> <ymin> <zmin> <output volume> \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; float span[3]; span[0]=inputVol.XSpan(); span[1]=inputVol.YSpan(); span[2]=inputVol.ZSpan(); VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = atof(argv[2]); bbox.miny = atof(argv[3]); bbox.minz = atof(argv[4]); bbox.maxx = bbox.minx + volinfo1.XMax()-volinfo1.XMin(); bbox.maxy = bbox.miny + volinfo1.YMax()-volinfo1.YMin(); bbox.maxz = bbox.minz + volinfo1.ZMax()-volinfo1.ZMin(); /* VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = (int) ((bbox.maxx-bbox.minx)/ span[0])+1; dim.ydim = (int) ((bbox.maxy-bbox.miny)/ span[1])+1; dim.zdim = (int) ((bbox.maxz-bbox.minz)/ span[2])+1; */ outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(volinfo1.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); /* float temp; int i, j, k; int xsh = (int)((bbox.minx - inputVol.XMin())/span[0]); int ysh = (int)((bbox.miny - inputVol.YMin())/span[1]); int zsh = (int)((bbox.minz - inputVol.ZMin())/span[2]); */ for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<outputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<outputVol.XDim(); ix++) { // i = ix + xsh; // j = jy + ysh; // k = kz + zsh; // cout <<"ijk "<< i <<" " << j <<" " <<k <<endl; // if(i<0 || i >= inputVol.XDim()|| j<0 || j>= inputVol.YDim() || k <0 || k>=inputVol.ZDim()) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, 0.0); // else outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz) ); } // stringstream s; // s<<argv[3]<< num <<".rawiv"; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[5]); std::cout<<"done!"<<std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 5) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " inputfile NewMin NewMax outputFile \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume // VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1; //[1]); // std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype: "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"InputVol min, max: " << inputVol.min() << ", " << inputVol.max() << std::endl; float newMin = atof(argv[2]); float newMax = atof(argv[3]); for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { std::cout<<kz<<".."; for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, newMin + (inputVol(ix,jy,kz)-inputVol.min())*newMax/(inputVol.max()-inputVol.min()) ); } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(argv[argc-1], outputVol); // VolMagick::writeVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[argc-1]); std::cout<< std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
VolMagick::Volume signedDistanceFunction(const boost::shared_ptr<Geometry>& geom, const VolMagick::Dimension& dim, const VolMagick::BoundingBox& bbox) { int dimx = dim[0], dimy = dim[1], dimz = dim[2]; // read the annotated input file and Mesh mesh; cerr << "Reading input mesh "; read_labeled_mesh(mesh, geom); cerr << "done." << endl; // build a bounding box around the input and store the // origin, span etc. // vector<double> bbox; // construct_bbox(mesh, bbox); VolMagick::BoundingBox box(bbox); if(box.isNull()) { geom->GetReadyToDrawWire(); //make sure we have calculated extents for this geometry already box[0] = geom->m_Min[0]; box[1] = geom->m_Min[1]; box[2] = geom->m_Min[2]; box[3] = geom->m_Max[0]; box[4] = geom->m_Max[1]; box[5] = geom->m_Max[2]; } // construct a kd-tree of all the non-isolated mesh_vertices. vector<VECTOR3> points; vector<Point> pts; for(int i = 0; i < mesh.get_nv(); i ++) { if( mesh.vert_list[i].iso() ) continue; Point p = mesh.vert_list[i].point(); pts.push_back(p); points.push_back(VECTOR3(CGAL::to_double(p.x()), CGAL::to_double(p.y()), CGAL::to_double(p.z()))); } KdTree kd_tree(points, 20); kd_tree.setNOfNeighbours(1); // Now perform a reconstruction to build a tetrahedralized solid // with in-out marked. Triangulation triang; recon(pts, triang); // assign weight to each triangle. vector<double> weights; // assign_sdf_weight(mesh, weights); // comment out for uniform weight. VolMagick::Volume vol; cerr << "SDF " << endl; try { vol.dimension(VolMagick::Dimension(dimx,dimy,dimz)); vol.voxelType(VolMagick::Float); vol.boundingBox(box); for(unsigned int k=0; k<vol.ZDim(); k++) { for(unsigned int j=0; j<vol.YDim(); j++) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<vol.XDim(); i++) { double x = vol.XMin() + i*vol.XSpan(); double y = vol.YMin() + j*vol.YSpan(); double z = vol.ZMin() + k*vol.ZSpan(); double fn_val = sdf(Point(x,y,z), mesh, weights, kd_tree, triang); vol(i,j,k, fn_val); } } fprintf(stderr, "%5.2f %%\r", (float(k)/float(vol.ZDim()-1))*100.0); } vol.desc("multi_sdf"); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } cerr << endl << "done." << endl; return vol; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Initialize log4cplus std::ifstream testfile(""); if (testfile) { testfile.close(); log4cplus::PropertyConfigurator::doConfigure(""); } else { log4cplus::BasicConfigurator::doConfigure(); } if(argc < 9) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume>" << "<xmin> <ymin> <zmin> <xmax> <ymax> <zmax> <output volume> \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout << "minVol1 , maxVol1: " << volinfo1.min() << " " << volinfo1.max() << std::endl;; float span[3]; span[0]=inputVol.XSpan(); span[1]=inputVol.YSpan(); span[2]=inputVol.ZSpan(); VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = atof(argv[2]); bbox.miny = atof(argv[3]); bbox.minz = atof(argv[4]); bbox.maxx = atof(argv[5]); bbox.maxy = atof(argv[6]); bbox.maxz = atof(argv[7]); VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = (int) ((bbox.maxx-bbox.minx)/ span[0])+1; dim.ydim = (int) ((bbox.maxy-bbox.miny)/ span[1])+1; dim.zdim = (int) ((bbox.maxz-bbox.minz)/ span[2])+1; bbox.maxx = bbox.minx + (dim.xdim-1)*span[0]; bbox.maxy = bbox.miny + (dim.ydim-1)*span[1]; bbox.maxz = bbox.minz + (dim.zdim-1)*span[2]; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(dim); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); float temp; int i, j, k; int xsh = (int)((bbox.minx - inputVol.XMin())/span[0]); int ysh = (int)((bbox.miny - inputVol.YMin())/span[1]); int zsh = (int)((bbox.minz - inputVol.ZMin())/span[2]); for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<outputVol.YDim(); jy++) { for( int ix = 0; ix<outputVol.XDim(); ix++) { i = ix + xsh; j = jy + ysh; k = kz + zsh; if (i<0 || i >= inputVol.XDim()|| j<0 || j>= inputVol.YDim() || k <0 || k>=inputVol.ZDim()) { outputVol(ix, jy, kz, 0.0); } else { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(i,j,k)); } } } } std::cout << "creating volume file..." << std::endl; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[8]); std::cout << "done!" << std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc<3) { cout<<argv[0]<<" <input volume> <output volume>"<<endl; return 1; } //Read the rawiv; count the number of unique values. VolMagick::Volume vol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(vol,argv[1]); int x=vol.XDim(),y=vol.YDim(),z=vol.ZDim(); VolMagick::Volume newvol(VolMagick::Dimension(x,y,z),VolMagick::Float,vol.boundingBox()); vector<double> unique; double value; map<int, int> myMap; map<int,int>::iterator it; // cout<<"vol[1]:" << vol(1,1,1) <<endl; // Go through the data set, checking every value. If the value is not in unique, add to unique. for(int i=0;i<x;i++) for(int j=0;j<y;j++) for(int k=0;k<z;k++) { value=vol(i,j,k); int l=0; for(;l<unique.size();l++) if(unique[l]==value) break; if(l==unique.size()) { unique.push_back(value); // myMap[value] = l; } } cout<<"Unique values found are: "; for(int i=0;i<unique.size();i++) { cout<<unique[i]<<" "; myMap[unique[i]]=i; } cout<<endl; // cout<<"mymap size "<<myMap.size() <<endl; // for(it=myMap.begin(); it!=myMap.end(); ++it) // cout<<(*it).first<<" "<<(*it).second <<" "<<endl; // cout << endl; //Now go through the data again, and this time replace the values. for(int i=0;i<x;i++) for(int j=0;j<y;j++) for(int k=0;k<z;k++) { /* value=vol(i,j,k); int l=0; for(;l<unique.size();l++) if(unique[l]==value) break; if(value!=0) newvol(i,j,k, (l+1)); else newvol(i,j,k,0); */ value = vol(i,j,k); // if(value >= unique.size()) newvol(i,j,k, 0); // else newvol(i,j,k, value+1); newvol(i,j,k, myMap[value]); } //Write the file out VolMagick::createVolumeFile(newvol,argv[2]); cout<<"done !"<<endl; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <output volume> [ bool 0/1 ]. \n"; cerr<<"bool 1 keeps the original volume, bool 0 only the reflection, default 0." << endl; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = inputVol.XMin(); bbox.maxx = inputVol.XMax(); bbox.miny = inputVol.YMin(); bbox.maxy = inputVol.YMax(); bbox.minz = inputVol.ZMin(); bbox.maxz = inputVol.ZMax(); VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = inputVol.XDim(); dim.ydim = inputVol.YDim(); dim.zdim = inputVol.ZDim(); // cout<<bbox.minz <<" " << bbox.maxz<<" "<< bbox.maxy <<endl; // cout<<dim.zdim <<" " << dim.ydim << endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(dim); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); //Works for GroEL4.2 for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { float temp=0.0; if(inputVol.ZDim() >= kz && inputVol.ZDim() - kz < inputVol.ZDim() && inputVol.YDim() >= jy && inputVol.YDim() - jy < inputVol.YDim() ) temp = inputVol(ix, inputVol.YDim()-jy, inputVol.ZDim()-kz); outputVol(ix, jy, kz, temp); } if(argc==4 && atoi(argv[3])== 1) { for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { outputVol(ix, jy, kz, outputVol(ix,jy,kz)+inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[2]); cout<<"done!"<<endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
void GeometryInterface::setViewerState() { using namespace std; using namespace boost; // static log4cplus::Logger logger = log4cplus::getFuncLogger(); static log4cplus::Logger logger = FUNCTION_LOGGER; //so it responds to volumeInterfaceViewer.* property changes _geometryInterfaceViewer->setObjectName("geometryInterfaceViewer"); CVC_NAMESPACE::PropertyMap properties; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.rendering_mode"] = "colormapped"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.shaded_rendering_enabled"] = "false"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.draw_bounding_box"] = "true"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.draw_subvolume_selector"] = "false"; // arand, 6-14-2011: changed default below to 0.5 properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.volume_rendering_quality"] = "0.5"; //[0.0,1.0] properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.volume_rendering_near_plane"] = "0.0"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.projection_mode"] = "perspective"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.draw_corner_axis"] = "true"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.draw_geometry"] = "true"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.draw_volumes"] = "true"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.clip_geometry"] = "true"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.volumes"] = ""; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.geometry_line_width"] = "1.2"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.background_color"] = "#000000"; //stereo related properties properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.io_distance"] = "0.062"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.physical_distance_to_screen"] = "2.0"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.physical_screen_width"] = "1.8"; properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.focus_distance"] = "1000.0"; //viewers_transfer_function should be a boost::shared_array<float> //on the data map. properties["geometryInterfaceViewer.transfer_function"] = "none"; cvcapp.addProperties(properties); //set up the volume bounding box to encompass the geometry vector<cvcraw_geometry::cvcgeom_t> geoms = _geometryInterfaceViewer->getGeometriesFromDatamap(); LOG4CPLUS_TRACE(logger, "geoms.size() == " << geoms.size()); // cvcapp.log(3,str(format("%s :: geoms.size() == %s\n") // % BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION // % geoms.size())); if(geoms.empty()) { //just use the default bounding box of a volume _geometryInterfaceViewer->colorMappedVolume(VolMagick::Volume()); _geometryInterfaceViewer->rgbaVolumes(vector<VolMagick::Volume>()); } else { VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; cvcraw_geometry::cvcgeom_t initial_geom; //find a non empty geom to supply an initial bbox BOOST_FOREACH(cvcraw_geometry::cvcgeom_t geom, geoms) if(!geom.empty()) { initial_geom = geom; break; } cvcraw_geometry::cvcgeom_t::point_t minpt; cvcraw_geometry::cvcgeom_t::point_t maxpt; if(initial_geom.empty()) { //no non empty geometry so lets just use the default box _geometryInterfaceViewer->colorMappedVolume(VolMagick::Volume()); _geometryInterfaceViewer->rgbaVolumes(vector<VolMagick::Volume>()); } else { minpt = initial_geom.min_point(); maxpt = initial_geom.max_point(); // arand: slightly enlarging double eps0 = (maxpt[0]-minpt[0])/20.0; double eps1 = (maxpt[1]-minpt[1])/20.0; double eps2 = (maxpt[2]-minpt[2])/20.0; bbox = VolMagick::BoundingBox(minpt[0]-eps0,minpt[1]-eps1,minpt[2]-eps2, maxpt[0]+eps0,maxpt[1]+eps1,maxpt[2]+eps2); } //build a bounding box that encompasses all bounding boxes of the geometries BOOST_FOREACH(cvcraw_geometry::cvcgeom_t geom, geoms) { if(geom.empty()) continue; minpt = geom.min_point(); maxpt = geom.max_point(); VolMagick::BoundingBox geobox(minpt[0],minpt[1],minpt[2], maxpt[0],maxpt[1],maxpt[2]); cvcapp.log(5,str(boost::format("geobox: (%f,%f,%f) (%f,%f,%f)") % geobox.minx % geobox.miny % geobox.minz % geobox.maxx % geobox.maxy % geobox.maxz)); cvcapp.log(5,str(boost::format("bbox: (%f,%f,%f) (%f,%f,%f)") % bbox.minx % bbox.miny % bbox.minz % bbox.maxx % bbox.maxy % bbox.maxz)); bbox += geobox; } VolMagick::Volume newvol; newvol.boundingBox(bbox); _geometryInterfaceViewer->colorMappedVolume(newvol); _geometryInterfaceViewer->rgbaVolumes(vector<VolMagick::Volume>(4,newvol)); } }
/*using namespace std; class VolMagickOpStatus : public VolMagick::VoxelOperationStatusMessenger { public: void start(const VolMagick::Voxels *vox, Operation op, VolMagick::uint64 numSteps) const { _numSteps = numSteps; } void step(const VolMagick::Voxels *vox, Operation op, VolMagick::uint64 curStep) const { const char *opStrings[] = { "CalculatingMinMax", "CalculatingMin", "CalculatingMax", "SubvolumeExtraction", "Fill", "Map", "Resize", "Composite", "BilateralFilter", "ContrastEnhancement"}; fprintf(stderr,"%s: %5.2f %%\r",opStrings[op],(((float)curStep)/((float)((int)(_numSteps-1))))*100.0); } void end(const VolMagick::Voxels *vox, Operation op) const { printf("\n"); } private: mutable VolMagick::uint64 _numSteps; }; typedef boost::tuple<double, double, double> Color; */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "[vol 1] [vol 2...] [out vol]"; std:: cerr << "vol1 + vol2 + .. + voln = output volume. The voxels are remapped giving n different intensity ranges for the volumes, <0~256/n, 0~2*256/n, ..., 0~256>, for example.\n"; return 1; } try { int nInVols = argc - 2; VolMagick::Volume *inVols = new VolMagick::Volume[ nInVols ]; double *minvols = new double[ nInVols ]; double *ranges = new double[ nInVols ]; double volrangeunit = 256.0 / (double)nInVols; // read volumes and compute min & range for( int i = 0; i < nInVols; i++ ) { VolMagick::readVolumeFile( inVols[i], argv[i+1] ); minvols[i] = inVols[i].min(); ranges[i] = inVols[i].max() - inVols[i].min(); std::cout<< "volume " << i << ": min, max: "<<minvols[i]<<" "<<inVols[i].max()<<std::endl; std::cout<< "volume " << i << ": dim: "<<inVols[i].XDim()<<" "<<inVols[i].YDim()<<" "<<inVols[i].ZDim()<<std::endl; } double thold = 0.0001; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; outputVol.voxelType(inVols[0].voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inVols[0].dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inVols[0].boundingBox()); int dimx = inVols[0].XDim(); int dimy = inVols[0].YDim(); int dimz = inVols[0].ZDim(); for( int kz = 0; kz<dimz; kz++) { std::cout<<kz<<".."; for( int jy = 0; jy<dimy; jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<dimx; ix++) { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, 0); for( int i = 0; i < nInVols; i++ ) if( (inVols[i](ix,jy,kz)- minvols[i] ) > thold ) outputVol(ix,jy,kz, ( (inVols[i](ix,jy,kz)-minvols[i])/ranges[i])*((i+1)*volrangeunit) ); } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[argc-1]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <volume file>" << endl; return 1; } try { #if 0 VolMagick::VolumeCache volcache; #endif VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo; VolMagick::StdErrOpStatus status; VolMagick::setDefaultMessenger(&status); #if 0 VolMagick::Volume sphereVol; sphereVol.dimension(VolMagick::Dimension(128,128,128));//256,256,256)); sphereVol.voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); double center_x = sphereVol.XDim()/2.0; double center_y = sphereVol.YDim()/2.0; double center_z = sphereVol.ZDim()/2.0; double distance; for(unsigned int k=0; k<sphereVol.ZDim(); k++) for(unsigned int j=0; j<sphereVol.YDim(); j++) for(unsigned int i=0; i<sphereVol.XDim(); i++) { distance = sqrt(double((i-center_x)*(i-center_x)+ (j-center_y)*(j-center_y)+ (k-center_z)*(k-center_z))); //sphereVol(i,j,k, distance); if((distance > 15.0) && (distance < 20.0)) sphereVol(i,j,k, 20);//20.0+10*(distance-15.0)/(20.0-15.0)); if((distance >= 20.0) && (distance < 25.0)) sphereVol(i,j,k, 30);//50.0+10*(distance-50.0)/(55.0-50.0)); } VolMagick::writeVolumeFile(sphereVol, argv[1]); #endif #if 0[1]); cout << volinfo.filename() << ":" <<endl; cout << "Num Variables: " << volinfo.numVariables() << endl; cout << "Num Timesteps: " << volinfo.numTimesteps() << endl; cout << "Dimension: " << volinfo.XDim() << "x" << volinfo.YDim() << "x" << volinfo.ZDim() << endl; cout << "Bounding box: "; cout << "(" << volinfo.boundingBox().minx << "," << volinfo.boundingBox().miny << "," << volinfo.boundingBox().minz << ") "; cout << "(" << volinfo.boundingBox().maxx << "," << volinfo.boundingBox().maxy << "," << volinfo.boundingBox().maxz << ") "; cout << endl; double volmin = volinfo.min(), volmax = volinfo.max(); cout << "Min voxel value: " << volmin << endl; cout << "Max voxel value: " << volmax << endl; cout << "Voxel type: " << volinfo.voxelTypeStr() << endl; cout << "Volume name: " << << endl << endl; #endif /* vol.dimension(VolMagick::Dimension(128,128,128)); vol.voxelType(VolMagick::Float); for(unsigned int i=0; i<128; i++) for(unsigned int j=0; j<128; j++) for(unsigned int k=0; k<128; k++) vol(i,j,k,double(i)/128.0); */ #if 0 if(argc > 2) { VolMagick::Volume vol; readVolumeFile(vol,argv[1]); vol.min(volinfo.min()); vol.max(volinfo.max()); //,255.0); //vol.voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); vol.resize(VolMagick::Dimension(512,512,512)); writeVolumeFile(vol,argv[2]); } #endif #if 0 if(argc > 2) { double realmin, realmax; VolMagick::Volume vol; std::vector<VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo> volinfos(argc-2); volinfos[0].read(argv[1]); realmin = volinfos[0].min(); realmax = volinfos[0].max(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<argc-2; i++) { volinfos[i].read(argv[i+1]); if(realmin > volinfos[i].min()) realmin = volinfos[i].min(); if(realmax < volinfos[i].max()) realmax = volinfos[i].max(); } cout << "Realmin: " << realmin << endl; cout << "Realmax: " << realmax << endl; createVolumeFile(argv[argc-1], volinfo.boundingBox(), volinfo.dimension(), std::vector<VolMagick::VoxelType>(1, VolMagick::UChar), 1, argc-2, 0.0, double(argc-3)); for(unsigned int i=0; i<argc-2; i++) { readVolumeFile(vol,argv[i+1]); //so the mapping is correct across all timesteps, we must set the real min and max across time vol.min(realmin); vol.max(realmax);,255.0); vol.voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); writeVolumeFile(vol,argv[argc-1],0,i); } } #endif //vector test #if 0 std::vector<VolMagick::Volume> vols(4); { char filename[256]; cout << "Testing RawV!" << endl; vols[0].voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); vols[0].desc("red"); vols[0].fill(130.0); vols[1].voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); vols[1].desc("green"); vols[1].fill(20.0); vols[2].voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); vols[2].desc("blue"); vols[2].fill(200.0); vols[3].voxelType(VolMagick::Float); vols[3].desc("alpha"); for(unsigned int k=0; k<vols[3].ZDim(); k++) for(unsigned int j=0; j<vols[3].YDim(); j++) for(unsigned int i=0; i<vols[3].XDim(); i++) vols[3](i,j,k, sqrt(float((i - (vols[3].XDim()/2.0))*(i - (vols[3].XDim()/2.0)) + (j - (vols[3].YDim()/2.0))*(j - (vols[3].YDim()/2.0)) + (k - (vols[3].ZDim()/2.0))*(k - (vols[3].ZDim()/2.0))))); VolMagick::writeVolumeFile(vols,"test.rawv"); } #endif //cout << "std::streamoff size: " << sizeof(std::streamoff) << endl; //ifstream test("flkajlff"); //hdf5 test VolMagick::Volume sphereVol; sphereVol.dimension(VolMagick::Dimension(128,128,128));//256,256,256)); sphereVol.voxelType(VolMagick::UChar); double center_x = sphereVol.XDim()/2.0; double center_y = sphereVol.YDim()/2.0; double center_z = sphereVol.ZDim()/2.0; double distance; for(unsigned int k=0; k<sphereVol.ZDim(); k++) for(unsigned int j=0; j<sphereVol.YDim(); j++) for(unsigned int i=0; i<sphereVol.XDim(); i++) { distance = sqrt(double((i-center_x)*(i-center_x)+ (j-center_y)*(j-center_y)+ (k-center_z)*(k-center_z))); //sphereVol(i,j,k, distance); if((distance > 15.0) && (distance < 20.0)) sphereVol(i,j,k, 20);//20.0+10*(distance-15.0)/(20.0-15.0)); if((distance >= 20.0) && (distance < 25.0)) sphereVol(i,j,k, 30);//50.0+10*(distance-50.0)/(55.0-50.0)); } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(argv[1], sphereVol.boundingBox(), sphereVol.dimension(), std::vector<VolMagick::VoxelType>(1, VolMagick::UChar), 1,1,0.0,0.0);[1]); VolMagick::writeVolumeFile(sphereVol, argv[1]); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 6) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <second volume> < threshold> <output volume left> <output volume masked> \n"; std::cerr<<"second volume (son) is subset of first volume (mother), threshold is in [0,255], output masked is the volume in first volume with > threshold in the second volume. output volume left is the first volume - output volume masked. " << std::endl; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume float threshold = atof(argv[3]); VolMagick::Volume outputLeft; VolMagick::Volume outputMasked; if(!inputVol2.boundingBox().isWithin(inputVol.boundingBox()) ) throw VolMagick::SubVolumeOutOfBounds("The mask volume bounding box must be within the mother volume's bounding box."); outputLeft.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputLeft.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputLeft.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); outputMasked.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputMasked.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputMasked.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); float x, y, z; float fvalue; float minvalue = (float)inputVol2.min(); float maxvalue = (float)inputVol2.max(); for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) { for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { z = inputVol.ZMin() + kz*inputVol.ZSpan(); y = inputVol.YMin() + jy*inputVol.YSpan(); x = inputVol.XMin() + ix*inputVol.XSpan(); if((z >= (float)inputVol2.ZMin()) && (z <= (float)inputVol2.ZMax()) && ( y >=(float)inputVol2.YMin()) && (y <= (float)inputVol2.YMax()) &&(x >= (float)inputVol2.XMin()) && (x <= (float)inputVol2.XMax()) ) { fvalue = 255.0*(inputVol2.interpolate(x,y,z)-minvalue)/(maxvalue-minvalue); if(fvalue > threshold) { outputMasked(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); outputLeft(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); } else { outputMasked(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); outputLeft(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); } } else { outputMasked(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); outputLeft(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); } } } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputLeft, argv[4]); VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputMasked, argv[5]); std::cout<<"done!"<<std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 5) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] <<" inputfile t_low t_high outputFile \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); std::cout<<"voxeltype "<<inputVol.voxelType()<<std::endl; float tlow = atof(argv[2]); float thigh = atof(argv[3]); if(tlow < 0) { tlow = 0; std::cout<<"tlow should be bigger than 0, set to 0. "<<std::endl; } if(thigh>255) { thigh = 255; std::cout<<"thigh should be smaller than 255, set to 255. " <<std::endl; } for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { float temp = inputVol(ix, jy, kz); float temp1 = 255.0*(temp-volinfo1.min())/(volinfo1.max()-volinfo1.min()); if( (temp1 >= tlow) && (temp1 < thigh)) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, temp); else outputVol(ix, jy, kz, volinfo1.min()); } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[argc-1]); std::cout<<" done!" <<std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }