void TestSnapshotSaver::TestSavesCustomProperties() { const CStdString sDocWithNoProperties = GET_TEST_FILE_PATH( _T("No Properties.doc") ); const CStdString sCopyOfDoc = GET_TEST_TEMP_PATH( _T("CopyFile.doc") ); CStdString sDestFile = GET_TEST_TEMP_PATH( _T("ResultsFile.doc") ); ::DeleteFile( sCopyOfDoc.c_str() ); ::DeleteFile( sDestFile.c_str() ); assertTest( ::CopyFile( sDocWithNoProperties.c_str(), sCopyOfDoc.c_str(), FALSE ) ); CustomPropertyStorage propStorage( sCopyOfDoc ); propStorage.SetProperty( _T("Safe"), _T("Init") ); Word::_ApplicationPtr pApp; pApp.CreateInstance( __uuidof( Word::Application ) ); try { const Word::_DocumentPtr pDocument = pApp->Documents->Open( &_variant_t( sCopyOfDoc ) ); SnapshotSaver saver( pDocument ); saver.Save( sDestFile ); CustomPropertyStorage destStorage( sDestFile ); assertMessage( destStorage.GetProperty( _T("Safe") ) == CStdString( _T("Init") ), _T("Custom properties should be persisted in the snapshotted document") ); pApp->Quit(); } catch(...) { pApp->Quit(); throw; } }
void TestSnapshotSaver::TestSave() { const CStdString sSourceFileName = CTestUtils::GetTestFileFolder() + _T("TestApplyChange_BinaryRead\\Synergy24TestDocuments\\FlagForFollowUp.doc"); CStdString sDestFileName = CTestUtils::GetTestFileFolder() + _T("TestApplyChange_BinaryRead\\Synergy24TestDocuments\\rubbish.doc"); ::DeleteFile( sDestFileName ); assertFileNotExists( sDestFileName ); Word::_ApplicationPtr pApp; pApp.CreateInstance( __uuidof( Word::Application ) ); const Word::_DocumentPtr pDocument = pApp->Documents->Open( &_variant_t( sSourceFileName ) ); try { SnapshotSaver snapshotSaver( pDocument ); snapshotSaver.Save( sDestFileName ); } catch(...) { pDocument->Close(); pApp->Quit(); throw; } pDocument->Close(); pApp->Quit(); assertFileExists( sDestFileName ); }
void WordOutputProcessor::Close() { _variant_t vtFalse = VARIANT_FALSE; Word::_DocumentPtr pDoc = m_WordDoc; pDoc->Close(&vtFalse, &vtMissing, &vtFalse); m_hWndEditor = NULL; Word::_ApplicationPtr pApp = m_WordApp; m_WordApp = NULL; pApp->Quit(); }
WordVersions WordVersionChecker::GetWordVersion(Word::_ApplicationPtr& pApp) { _bstr_t bsVer = pApp->GetVersion(); CStdString sVer = bsVer; return ConvertNameToVersion(sVer); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WordMacros::RunMacros(string_t tempFile) { Word::_ApplicationPtr app; if (FAILED(app.CreateInstance("Word.Application"))) { string_t msg = "Невозможно запустить Microsoft Word. Возможно он не установлен на компьютере."; MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(), msg , L"Ошибка", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL); return; } try { _variant_t tamp = (const wchar_t*)tempFile; Word::_DocumentPtr doc = app->Documents->Add(&tamp); VBIDE::_VBProjectPtr vbp = doc->VBProject; VBIDE::_VBComponentsPtr vbc = vbp->VBComponents; VBIDE::_VBComponentPtr item = vbc->Item(1); VBIDE::_CodeModulePtr cm = item->CodeModule; CreateRuningMacros(); string_t name = "M" + string_t(aux::itoa(m_MacroCounter)); cm->AddFromString((const wchar_t*)m_CurMacros); app->Run((const wchar_t*)name); } catch (_com_error & e) { _bstr_t desc = e.Description(); string_t msg = "Невозможно открыть документ Microsoft Word:\n" + tempFile + "\n"; if (desc.length()) msg += std::wstring(desc); MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(), msg , L"Ошибка", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL); } catch (...) { string_t msg = "Невозможно открыть документ Microsoft Word:\n" + tempFile + "\nили проблема с макросами или не смогли открыть шаблон файла"; MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(), msg , L"Ошибка", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL); } app->Visible = VARIANT_TRUE; m_Macros = ""; m_MacroCounter = 0; m_CurMacros = ""; }
void TestRealWordObject::TestGetWordObjectApplication() { CWordCreator wrdCreator; CWordObject wrdNewObject(&wrdCreator); HRESULT hr = wrdNewObject.GetWordObject(false); if(FAILED(hr)) { assertTest(_T("Failed to create Word instance")==false); } Word::_ApplicationPtr pApp; pApp = wrdNewObject.GetApplicationPtr(); assertTest(pApp != NULL); BSTR bstrName; hr = pApp->get_Name(&bstrName); assertTest(SUCCEEDED(hr)); assertTest(_bstr_t(bstrName) == _bstr_t(_T("Microsoft Word"))); }