Esempio n. 1
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
	// Initializing Calibration Related

	// ARTagHelper artagHelper	( colorImgWidth, colorImgHeight, ARTAG_CONFIG_FILE,		ARTAG_POS_FILE );
	ARTagHelper artagHelper		( colorImgWidth, colorImgHeight, ARTAG_CONFIG_A3_FILE,	ARTAG_POS_A3_FILE );

	ExtrCalibrator extrCalibrator ( 6, KINECT_INTR_FILE, KINECT_DIST_FILE );
	// unsigned char * kinectImgBuf = new unsigned char[colorImgWidth * colorImgHeight * 3];

	// Initializing OpenNI Settings

	int ctlWndKey = -1;

	XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;
	xn::EnumerationErrors errors;

	// Initialize Context Object
	nRetVal = g_Context.InitFromXmlFile ( CONFIG_XML_PATH, g_ScriptNode, &errors );
		XnChar strError[1024];
		errors.ToString ( strError, 1024 );
		printf ( "XN_STATUS_NO_NODE_PRESENT:\n%s\n", strError );
		system ( "pause" );
		return ( nRetVal );
	else if ( nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK )
		printf ( "Open FAILED:\n%s\n", xnGetStatusString ( nRetVal ) );	
		system ( "pause" );
		return ( nRetVal );

	// Handle the Depth Generator Node.
	nRetVal = g_Context.FindExistingNode ( XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH, g_DepthGen );
	if ( nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK )
		printf ( "No Depth Node Exists! Please Check your XML.\n" );
		return ( nRetVal );
	// Handle the Image Generator node
	nRetVal = g_Context.FindExistingNode ( XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE, g_ImageGen );
	if ( nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK )
		printf ( "No Image Node Exists! Please Check your XML.\n" );
		return ( nRetVal );

	// g_DepthGen.GetAlternativeViewPointCap().SetViewPoint( g_ImageGen );

	g_DepthGen.GetMetaData ( g_DepthMD );
	g_ImageGen.GetMetaData ( g_ImageMD );

	assert ( g_ImageMD.PixelFormat() == XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24 );
	assert ( g_DepthMD.PixelFormat() == XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_16_BIT );

	// Create OpenCV Showing Window and Related Data Structures


	cv::Mat depthImgMat  ( g_DepthMD.YRes(), g_DepthMD.XRes(), CV_16UC1 );
	cv::Mat depthImgShow ( g_DepthMD.YRes(), g_DepthMD.XRes(), CV_8UC3  );
	cv::Mat colorImgMat  ( g_ImageMD.YRes(), g_ImageMD.XRes(), CV_8UC3 );


	cv::setMouseCallback ( IMAGE_WIN_NAME, ClickOnMouse, 0 );


	bool flipColor = true;

	// Start to Loop

	while ( ctlWndKey != ESC_KEY_VALUE ) 
		// Try to Get New Frame From Kinect
		nRetVal = g_Context.WaitAnyUpdateAll ();

		g_DepthGen.GetMetaData ( g_DepthMD );
		g_ImageGen.GetMetaData ( g_ImageMD );

		assert ( g_DepthMD.FullXRes() == g_DepthMD.XRes() && g_DepthMD.FullYRes() == g_DepthMD.YRes() );
		assert ( g_ImageMD.FullXRes() == g_ImageMD.XRes() && g_ImageMD.FullYRes() == g_ImageMD.YRes() );

		GlobalUtility::CopyColorRawBufToCvMat8uc3 ( (const XnRGB24Pixel *)(g_ImageMD.Data()), colorImgMat );


		GlobalUtility::CopyDepthRawBufToCvMat16u  ( (const XnDepthPixel *)(g_DepthMD.Data()), depthImgMat );
		// GlobalUtility::ConvertDepthCvMat16uToYellowCvMat ( depthImgMat, depthImgShow );
		GlobalUtility::ConvertDepthCvMat16uToGrayCvMat ( depthImgMat, depthImgShow );

		cv::imshow ( DEPTH_WIN_NAME, depthImgShow );


		ctlWndKey = cvWaitKey ( 15 );

		if ( ctlWndKey == 'f' || ctlWndKey == 'F' ) 

			artagHelper.FindMarkerCorners ( (unsigned char *)(g_ImageMD.Data()) );
			artagHelper.PrintMarkerCornersPos2dInCam ();
			extrCalibrator.ExtrCalib ( artagHelper );

			std::cout << "\nKinect Extr Matrix:" << std::endl;
			extrCalibrator.PrintMatrix ( extrCalibrator.GetMatrix ( ExtrCalibrator::EXTR ) );

			std::cout	<< "Reprojection ERROR = " 
						<< extrCalibrator.ComputeReprojectionErr ( artagHelper ) << std::endl
						// << extrCalibrator.ComputeReprojectionErr ( artagHelper.m_MarkerCornerPosCam2d, artagHelper.m_MarkerCornerPos3d, 24 ) << std::endl
						<< "Valid Marker Number = " << artagHelper.GetValidMarkerNumber() << std::endl
						<< std::endl;

			extrCalibrator.SaveMatrix ( ExtrCalibrator::EXTR, KINECT_EXTR_FILE );
		if ( ctlWndKey == 's' || ctlWndKey == 'S' )
			flipColor = !flipColor;

		if ( flipColor ) { 
			cv::cvtColor ( colorImgMat, colorImgMat, CV_RGB2BGR );

		artagHelper.DrawMarkersInCameraImage ( colorImgMat );
		cv::imshow ( IMAGE_WIN_NAME, colorImgMat );

	g_Context.Release ();
	system	( "pause" );
	exit	( EXIT_SUCCESS );

Esempio n. 2
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
	// Initialize OpenNI Settings

	XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;
	xn::ScriptNode scriptNode;
	xn::EnumerationErrors errors;

	// Initialize Context Object

	nRetVal = g_Context.InitFromXmlFile ( CONFIG_XML_PATH, scriptNode, &errors );
	if ( nRetVal == XN_STATUS_NO_NODE_PRESENT ) {
		XnChar strError[1024];
		errors.ToString(strError, 1024);
		printf ( "XN_STATUS_NO_NODE_PRESENT:\n%s\n", strError );
		system ( "pause" );

		return ( nRetVal );
	else if ( nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK ) {
		printf ( "Open failed: %s\n", xnGetStatusString(nRetVal) );	
		system ( "pause" );

		return ( nRetVal );

	// Handle Image & Depth Generator Node

	bool colorFlag = true;
	bool depthFlag = true;

	nRetVal = g_Context.FindExistingNode ( XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH, g_DepthGen );
	if ( nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK ) {
		printf("No depth node exists!\n");
		depthFlag = false;
	nRetVal = g_Context.FindExistingNode ( XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE, g_ImageGen );
	if ( nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK ) {
		printf("No image node exists!\n");
		colorFlag = false;

	// g_DepthGen.GetAlternativeViewPointCap().SetViewPoint( g_ImageGen );

	if ( depthFlag ) {
		g_DepthGen.GetMetaData ( g_DepthMD );
		assert ( g_DepthMD.PixelFormat() == XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_16_BIT );
	if ( colorFlag ) {
		g_ImageGen.GetMetaData ( g_ImageMD );
		assert ( g_ImageMD.PixelFormat() == XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24 );

	g_DepthImgShow = cv::Mat ( g_DepthMD.YRes(), g_DepthMD.XRes(), CV_8UC1  );
	g_DepthImgMat  = cv::Mat ( g_DepthMD.YRes(), g_DepthMD.XRes(), CV_16UC1 );
	g_ColorImgMat  = cv::Mat ( g_ImageMD.YRes(), g_ImageMD.XRes(), CV_8UC3  );
	// Start to Loop

	bool flipColor = true;
	int ctlWndKey = -1;

	g_StartTickCount = GetTickCount();
	g_HeadTrackingFrameCount = 0;
	while ( ctlWndKey != ESC_KEY_VALUE ) 
		nRetVal = g_Context.WaitOneUpdateAll ( g_DepthGen );
		// nRetVal = g_Context.WaitAnyUpdateAll();


		if ( colorFlag ) 
			g_ImageGen.GetMetaData ( g_ImageMD );

			assert ( g_ImageMD.FullXRes() == g_ImageMD.XRes() );
			assert ( g_ImageMD.FullYRes() == g_ImageMD.YRes() );

			GlobalUtility::CopyColorRawBufToCvMat8uc3 ( (const XnRGB24Pixel *)(g_ImageMD.Data()), g_ColorImgMat );
			if ( ctlWndKey == 's' || ctlWndKey == 'S' ) {												// Switch
				flipColor = !flipColor;
			if ( flipColor ) {
				cv::cvtColor ( g_ColorImgMat, g_ColorImgMat, CV_RGB2BGR );

			cv::namedWindow ( IMAGE_WIN_NAME, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
			cv::imshow ( IMAGE_WIN_NAME, g_ColorImgMat );



		if ( depthFlag ) 
			// assert ( g_DepthMD.FullXRes() == g_DepthMD.XRes() );
			// assert ( g_DepthMD.FullYRes() == g_DepthMD.YRes() );

			GlobalUtility::CopyDepthRawBufToCvMat16u ( (const XnDepthPixel *)(g_DepthMD.Data()), g_DepthImgMat );
			GlobalUtility::ConvertDepthCvMat16uToGrayCvMat ( g_DepthImgMat, g_DepthImgShow );

						GlobalUtility::DoubleToString(g_ImageMD.FPS()) + " FPS", 
						cv::Point(10, 450), 
						cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255, 0),

			cv::namedWindow ( DEPTH_WIN_NAME, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
			cv::imshow ( DEPTH_WIN_NAME, g_DepthImgShow );


		XnFieldOfView fov;
		g_DepthGen.GetFieldOfView( fov );

		std::cout	<< "HFov = " << fov.fHFOV << std::endl
					<< "VFov = " << fov.fVFOV << std::endl;

		ctlWndKey = cvWaitKey ( 5 );

		g_CurrTickCount = GetTickCount();
		std::cout	<< "FPS = " 
					<< 1000 / ( ( double )( g_CurrTickCount - g_StartTickCount ) / ( double )( g_HeadTrackingFrameCount ) ) 
					<< std::endl;

	g_Context.Release ();

	exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS );