int merge(yarp::os::Bottle& mergeArg, folderType fType, bool verbose) { ConstString contextName; if (mergeArg.size() >1 ) contextName=mergeArg.get(1).asString().c_str(); if (contextName=="") { printf("No %s name provided\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "context" : "robot"); return 0; } yarp::os::ResourceFinder rf; rf.setVerbose(verbose); if (mergeArg.size() >2 ) { for (int i=2; i<mergeArg.size(); ++i) { ConstString fileName=mergeArg.get(i).asString(); if(fileName != "") { ResourceFinderOptions opts; opts.searchLocations=ResourceFinderOptions::User; ConstString userFileName=rf.findPath((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName + PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName).c_str(), opts); ConstString hiddenFileName=rf.findPath((getFolderStringNameHidden(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName+ PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName).c_str(), opts); opts.searchLocations=ResourceFinderOptions::Installed; ConstString installedFileName=rf.findPath((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName+ PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName).c_str(), opts); if (userFileName!="" && hiddenFileName != "" && installedFileName !="") fileMerge(installedFileName, userFileName, hiddenFileName); else if (userFileName!="" && installedFileName !="") printf("Need to use mergetool\n"); else printf("Could not merge file %s\n", fileName.c_str()); } } } else { ResourceFinderOptions opts; opts.searchLocations=ResourceFinderOptions::User; ConstString userPath=rf.findPath((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); ConstString hiddenUserPath=rf.findPath((getFolderStringNameHidden(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); opts.searchLocations=ResourceFinderOptions::Installed; ConstString installedPath=rf.findPath((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); recursiveMerge(installedPath, userPath, hiddenUserPath); } return 0; }
/*! @brief Convert a YARP list into a %JavaScript object. @param[in] jct The %JavaScript engine context. @param[in,out] theData The output object. @param[in] inputValue The value to be processed. */ static void convertList(JSContext * jct, JS::MutableHandleValue theData, const yarp::os::Bottle & inputValue) { ODL_ENTER(); //#### ODL_P2("jct = ", jct, "inputValue = ", &inputValue); //#### JSObject * valueArray = JS_NewArrayObject(jct, 0); if (valueArray) { JS::RootedObject arrayRooted(jct); JS::RootedValue anElement(jct); JS::RootedId aRootedId(jct); arrayRooted = valueArray; for (int ii = 0, mm = inputValue.size(); mm > ii; ++ii) { yarp::os::Value aValue(inputValue.get(ii)); convertValue(jct, &anElement, aValue); if (JS_IndexToId(jct, ii, &aRootedId)) { JS_SetPropertyById(jct, arrayRooted, aRootedId, anElement); } } theData.setObject(*valueArray); } ODL_EXIT(); //#### } // convertList
bool RandomRequestHandler::processRequest(const YarpString & request, const yarp::os::Bottle & restOfInput, const YarpString & senderChannel, yarp::os::ConnectionWriter * replyMechanism) { #if (! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_)) # if MAC_OR_LINUX_ # pragma unused(request,senderChannel) # endif // MAC_OR_LINUX_ #endif // ! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_) ODL_OBJENTER(); //#### ODL_S3s("request = ", request, "restOfInput = ", restOfInput.toString(), //#### "senderChannel = ", senderChannel); //#### ODL_P1("replyMechanism = ", replyMechanism); //#### bool result = true; try { int count; _response.clear(); if (0 < restOfInput.size()) { yarp::os::Value number(restOfInput.get(0)); if (number.isInt()) { count = number.asInt(); } else { count = -1; } } else { count = 1; } if (count > 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii) { _response.addDouble(yarp::os::Random::uniform()); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (count > 0)"); //#### } sendResponse(replyMechanism); } catch (...) { ODL_LOG("Exception caught"); //#### throw; } ODL_OBJEXIT_B(result); //#### return result; } // RandomRequestHandler::processRequest
void WorldRpcInterface::setRot( const yarp::os::Bottle& command, yarp::os::Bottle& reply, int& n ) { KinematicModel::CompositeObject* object = getObject( command, reply, n ); if ( object ) { if ((command.size() - n) == 3) { double x = command.get(n).asDouble()*M_PI/180.; n++; //std::cout << x << std::endl; // x position double y = command.get(n).asDouble()*M_PI/180.; n++; //std::cout << y << std::endl; // y position double z = command.get(n).asDouble()*M_PI/180.; n++; //std::cout << z << std::endl; // z position object->setCartesianOrientation( QVector3D(x,y,z) ); reply.addString("Set rotation (about x,y,z in degrees)."); } else { // replace rotation part of object's T matrix QMatrix4x4 rt = object->getT(); for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j<3; j++) { rt(i, j) = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; } } object->setT(rt); reply.addString("Set full rotation matrix."); } } }
bool skinManager::bottleToVector(const yarp::os::Bottle& b, yarp::sig::Vector& v){ for(int i=0; i<b.size(); i++) if(b.get(i).isDouble() || b.get(i).isInt()) v.push_back(b.get(i).asDouble()); else return false; return true; }
void wysiwyd::wrdac::SubSystem_Reactable::SendOSC(yarp::os::Bottle &oscMsg) { yarp::os::Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("osc"); for(int i=0; i<oscMsg.size(); i++) cmd.add(oscMsg.get(i)); std::cout<<"OSC>>"<<cmd.toString().c_str()<<std::endl; portRTrpc.write(cmd); }
void findFileBase(Property& config, const char *name, bool isDir, Bottle& output, bool justTop) { ConstString cap = config.check("capability_directory",Value("app")).asString(); Bottle defCaps = config.findGroup("default_capability").tail(); // check current directory if (ConstString(name)==""&&isDir) { output.addString(getPwd()); if (justTop) return; } ConstString str = check(getPwd(),"","",name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } if (configFilePath!="") { ConstString str = check(configFilePath.c_str(),"","",name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } } // check app dirs for (int i=0; i<apps.size(); i++) { str = check(root.c_str(),cap,apps.get(i).asString().c_str(), name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } } // check ROOT/app/default/ for (int i=0; i<defCaps.size(); i++) { str = check(root.c_str(),cap,defCaps.get(i).asString().c_str(), name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } } if (justTop) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(RTARGET,"||| did not find %s\n", name); } } }
bool TruncateFloatFilterInputHandler::handleInput(const yarp::os::Bottle & input, const YarpString & senderChannel, yarp::os::ConnectionWriter * replyMechanism, const size_t numBytes) { #if (! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_)) # if MAC_OR_LINUX_ # pragma unused(senderChannel,replyMechanism,numBytes) # endif // MAC_OR_LINUX_ #endif // ! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_) ODL_OBJENTER(); //#### ODL_S2s("senderChannel = ", senderChannel, "got ", input.toString()); //#### ODL_P1("replyMechanism = ", replyMechanism); //#### ODL_I1("numBytes = ", numBytes); //#### bool result = true; try { yarp::os::Bottle outBottle; for (int ii = 0, mm = input.size(); mm > ii; ++ii) { yarp::os::Value aValue(input.get(ii)); if (aValue.isInt()) { outBottle.addInt(aValue.asInt()); } else if (aValue.isDouble()) { outBottle.addInt(static_cast<int>(aValue.asDouble())); } } if ((0 < outBottle.size()) && _outChannel) { if (! _outChannel->write(outBottle)) { ODL_LOG("(! _outChannel->write(message))"); //#### #if defined(MpM_StallOnSendProblem) Stall(); #endif // defined(MpM_StallOnSendProblem) } } } catch (...) { ODL_LOG("Exception caught"); //#### throw; } ODL_OBJEXIT_B(result); //#### return result; } // TruncateFloatFilterInputHandler::handleInput
/* Respond function */ bool opcManager::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& bCommand, yarp::os::Bottle& bReply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "connect + name\n" + "quit \n"; bReply.clear(); string keyWord = bCommand.get(0).asString().c_str(); if (keyWord == "quit") { bReply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (keyWord == "help") { cout << helpMessage; bReply.addString("ok"); } else if (keyWord == "connect") { bReply = connect(bCommand); } else if (keyWord == "updateBeliefs") { bReply.addString("nack"); if (bCommand.size() == 2) { if (bCommand.get(1).isString()) { bReply.addList() = updateBelief(bCommand.get(1).toString().c_str()); } } } else if (keyWord == "synchronise") { bReply.addString("ack"); bReply.addList() = synchoniseOPCs(); } else if (keyWord == "executeActivity") { bReply.addString("ack"); bReply.addList() = simulateActivity(bCommand); } else if (keyWord == "diffOPC") { bReply.addString("ack"); bReply.addList() = diffOPC(); } return true; }
bool GaussianAE::decode(const yarp::os::Bottle &packet, size_t &pos) { if (LabelledAE::decode(packet, pos) && pos + 3 <= packet.size()) { _gaei[0] = packet.get(pos++).asInt(); _gaei[1] = packet.get(pos++).asInt(); _gaei[2] = packet.get(pos++).asInt(); return true; } return false; }
void WorldRpcInterface::startSimSyncer(const yarp::os::Bottle& command, yarp::os::Bottle& reply, int& n) { if ((command.size() - n) != 1) { reply.addString("Please provide the refresh period for the synchronization thread in seconds"); return; } double period = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; if (model->getSimSyncer().isRunning()) { model->getSimSyncer().stop(); } model->getSimSyncer().setRefreshPeriod(period); model->getSimSyncer().start(); reply.addString("ok"); }
bool FTCalibrationDataset::fromBottle(const yarp::os::Bottle &bot) { if( bot.size() != 2 || !(bot.get(0).isString()) || !(bot.get(1).isList()) || !(bot.get(1).asList()->size() == 2) || !(bot.get(1).asList()->get(0).isString()) || !(bot.get(1).asList()->get(0).asString() == "mass") || !(bot.get(1).asList()->get(1).isDouble()) ) { return false; } dataset_name = bot.get(0).asString(); added_mass = bot.get(1).asList()->get(1).asDouble(); return true; }
bool WorldRpcInterface::parseSimRTBottle(const std::string name, const yarp::os::Bottle& command, int& n, QMatrix4x4 &rt) { if ( (command.size()-n) != 6) { return false; } //position double px = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; double py = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; double pz = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; // rotation double rx = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; double ry = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; double rz = command.get(n).asDouble(); n++; // special simulator rotation: QQuaternion qrx = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle( QVector3D(1, 0, 0), -rz); QQuaternion qry = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle( QVector3D(0, 1, 0), -rx); QQuaternion qrz = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle( QVector3D(0, 0, 1), ry); rt.setToIdentity(); rt.rotate(qry * (qrz*qrx)); // cylinders are rotated 90 degrees on the z-axis with respect to iCubSIM: QRegExp rxtype("([^\\d]+)(?:\\s*\\d+)"); // check for: {[one or more non-numeric characters]: return as part 1} {[zero or more whitespace characters followed by one or more numeric characters]: do not return} int pos = rxtype.indexIn(QString(name.c_str())); if (pos > -1) { yarp::os::Value type(rxtype.cap(1).toStdString().c_str()); int vtype = type.asVocab(); if (vtype == VOCAB_CYL || vtype == VOCAB_SCYL) { rt.rotate( QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle( QVector3D(0, 0, 1), 90)); } } // position translation rt(0, 3) = -(pz + 0.026); rt(1, 3) = -px; rt(2, 3) = py-0.5976; return true; }
bool AnalogServerHandler::_handleIAnalog(yarp::os::Bottle &cmd, yarp::os::Bottle &reply) { yTrace(); if (is==0) return false; int msgsize=cmd.size(); int code=cmd.get(1).asVocab(); switch (code) { case VOCAB_CALIBRATE: if (msgsize==2) is->calibrateSensor(); else { //read Vector of values and pass to is->calibrate(); } return true; break; case VOCAB_CALIBRATE_CHANNEL: if (msgsize==3) { int ch=cmd.get(2).asInt(); is->calibrateChannel(ch); } if (msgsize==4) { int ch=cmd.get(2).asInt(); double v=cmd.get(3).asDouble(); is->calibrateChannel(ch, v); } return true; break; default: return false; } }
std::string WireTwiddler::fromTemplate(const yarp::os::Bottle& msg) { string result = ""; // assume we want to remove any meta-information int len = msg.size(); int code = -1; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { Value&v = msg.get(i); int icode = v.getCode(); if (i==0) code = icode; if (icode!=code) code = -1; } string codeName = nameThatCode(code); if (code == -1) { result += "list "; } else { result += "vector "; result += codeName; result += " "; } result += NetType::toString(len).c_str(); result += " "; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { Value&v = msg.get(i); if (!v.isList()) { if (code == -1) { result += nameThatCode(v.getCode()); result += " "; } result += "* "; } else { result += fromTemplate(*v.asList()); } } return result; }
/*! @brief Convert a YARP dictionary into a %JavaScript object. @param[in] jct The %JavaScript engine context. @param[in,out] theData The output object. @param[in] inputAsList The input dictionary as a list. */ static void convertDictionary(JSContext * jct, JS::MutableHandleValue theData, const yarp::os::Bottle & inputAsList) { ODL_ENTER(); //#### ODL_P3("jct = ", jct, "theData = ", &theData, "inputAsList = ", &inputAsList); //#### JS::RootedObject empty(jct); JSObject * valueObject = JS_NewObject(jct, NULL); if (valueObject) { JS::RootedObject objectRooted(jct); JS::RootedValue anElement(jct); objectRooted = valueObject; for (int ii = 0, mm = inputAsList.size(); mm > ii; ++ii) { yarp::os::Value anEntry(inputAsList.get(ii)); if (anEntry.isList()) { yarp::os::Bottle * entryAsList = anEntry.asList(); if (entryAsList && (2 == entryAsList->size())) { yarp::os::Value aValue(entryAsList->get(1)); convertValue(jct, &anElement, aValue); JS_SetProperty(jct, objectRooted, entryAsList->get(0).toString().c_str(), anElement); } } } theData.setObject(*valueObject); } ODL_EXIT(); //#### } // convertDictionary
/* Respond function */ bool babbler::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& bCommand, yarp::os::Bottle& bReply) { std::string helpMessage = std::string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "F + (int)Frequency\n" + "RF \n" + "quit \n"; bReply.clear(); std::string keyWord = bCommand.get(0).asString().c_str(); if (keyWord == "quit") { bReply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (keyWord == "help") { cout << helpMessage; bReply.addString("ok"); } else if (keyWord == "F") { if (bCommand.size() == 2) { if (bCommand.get(1).isInt()) { setNewFrequency(bCommand.get(1).asInt()); bReply.addInt(f); } } } else if (keyWord == "RF") { bReply.addInt(newRandomFrequency()); } return true; }
bool NetworkProfiler::getPortmonitorParams(std::string portName, yarp::os::Bottle& param) { //e.g., get in /portname" yarp::os::Bottle cmd; cmd.addString("get"); cmd.addString("in"); cmd.addString(portName.c_str()); Contact srcCon = Contact::fromString(portName); bool ret = yarp::os::NetworkBase::write(srcCon, cmd, param, true, true, 2.0); if(!ret) { yError()<<"Cannot write to"<<portName; return false; } if(param.size() > 1) { if(param.get(0).isString() && param.get(0).asString() == "fail") { yError()<<param.toString(); return false; } else if(param.get(0).isInt() && param.get(0).asInt() == -1) { yError()<<param.toString(); return false; } } return true; }
void showBottle(yarp::os::Bottle& anUnknownBottle, int indentation) { for (int i = 0; i < anUnknownBottle.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < indentation; j++) { printf(" "); } printf("[%d]: ", i); yarp::os::Value& element = anUnknownBottle.get(i); switch (element.getCode()) { case BOTTLE_TAG_INT: printf("int %d\n", element.asInt()); break; case BOTTLE_TAG_DOUBLE: printf("float %g\n", element.asDouble()); break; case BOTTLE_TAG_STRING: printf("string \"%s\"\n", element.asString().c_str()); break; case BOTTLE_TAG_BLOB: printf("binary blob of length %d\n", element.asBlobLength()); break; case BOTTLE_TAG_VOCAB: printf("vocab [%s]\n", yarp::os::Vocab::decode(element.asVocab()).c_str()); break; default: if (element.isList()) { yarp::os::Bottle *lst = element.asList(); printf("list of %d elements\n", lst->size()); showBottle(*lst, indentation + 2); } else { printf("unrecognized type\n"); } break; } } }
bool MatchRequestHandler::processRequest(const YarpString & request, const yarp::os::Bottle & restOfInput, const YarpString & senderChannel, yarp::os::ConnectionWriter * replyMechanism) { #if (! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_)) # if MAC_OR_LINUX_ # pragma unused(request,senderChannel) # endif // MAC_OR_LINUX_ #endif // ! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_) ODL_OBJENTER(); //#### ODL_S3s("request = ", request, "restOfInput = ", restOfInput.toString(), //#### "senderChannel = ", senderChannel); //#### ODL_P1("replyMechanism = ", replyMechanism); //#### bool result = true; try { // We are expecting an integer and a string as the parameter _response.clear(); if (2 == restOfInput.size()) { yarp::os::Value condition(restOfInput.get(0)); yarp::os::Value argument(restOfInput.get(1)); if (condition.isInt() && argument.isString()) { int conditionAsInt = condition.asInt(); YarpString argAsString(argument.toString()); ODL_S1s("argAsString <- ", argAsString); //#### size_t endPos; Parser::MatchExpression * matcher = Parser::MatchExpression::CreateMatcher(argAsString, argAsString.length(), 0, endPos, _validator); if (matcher) { ODL_LOG("(matcher)"); //#### // Hand off the processing to the Registry Service. First, put the 'OK' response // in the output buffer, as we have successfully parsed the request. _response.addString(MpM_OK_RESPONSE_); if (! static_cast<RegistryService &>(_service).processMatchRequest(matcher, 0 != conditionAsInt, _response)) { ODL_LOG("(! static_cast<RegistryService &>(_service)." //#### "processMatchRequest(matcher, 0 != conditionAsInt, " //#### "_response))"); //#### _response.clear(); _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid criteria"); } delete matcher; } else { ODL_LOG("! (matcher)"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid criteria"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (argument.isString())"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid criteria"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (1 == restOfInput.size())"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Missing criteria or extra arguments to request"); } sendResponse(replyMechanism); } catch (...) { ODL_LOG("Exception caught"); //#### throw; } ODL_OBJEXIT_B(result); //#### return result; } // MatchRequestHandler::processRequest
bool UnrealOutputViconInputHandler::handleInput(const yarp::os::Bottle & input, const YarpString & senderChannel, yarp::os::ConnectionWriter * replyMechanism, const size_t numBytes) { #if (! defined(OD_ENABLE_LOGGING_)) # if MAC_OR_LINUX_ # pragma unused(senderChannel,replyMechanism) # endif // MAC_OR_LINUX_ #endif // ! defined(OD_ENABLE_LOGGING_) ODL_OBJENTER(); //#### ODL_S2s("senderChannel = ", senderChannel, "got ", input.toString()); //#### ODL_P1("replyMechanism = ", replyMechanism); //#### ODL_I1("numBytes = ", numBytes); //#### bool result = true; try { if (_owner.isActive()) { if (INVALID_SOCKET == _outSocket) { cerr << "invalid socket" << endl; //!!!! } else { int numSubjects = input.size(); if (0 < numSubjects) { bool okSoFar = true; #if (! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer)) std::stringstream outBuffer; #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) // cerr << "# subjects = " << numSubjects << endl; //!!!! #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) _outBuffer.reset().addLong(numSubjects).addString(LINE_END_); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << numSubjects << LINE_END_; #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) for (int ii = 0; okSoFar && (numSubjects > ii); ++ii) { yarp::os::Value & aValue = input.get(ii); if (aValue.isList()) { yarp::os::Bottle * asBottle = aValue.asList(); if (asBottle) { if (2 == asBottle->size()) { yarp::os::Value & firstValue = asBottle->get(0); if (firstValue.isString()) { YarpString subjName = firstValue.asString(); yarp::os::Value & secondValue = asBottle->get(1); if (secondValue.isDict()) { yarp::os::Property * segments = secondValue.asDict(); // cerr << subjName.c_str() << endl; //!!!! if (segments) { YarpString segmentsAsString = segments->toString(); // cerr << ":" << segments->toString() << //!!!! // ":" << endl; //!!!! yarp::os::Bottle segmentsAsBottle = segmentsAsString; cerr << ":" << segmentsAsBottle.size() << ":" << segmentsAsBottle.toString() << ":" << endl; //!!!! #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) _outBuffer.addString(subjName).addTab(); _outBuffer.addLong(segmentsAsBottle.size()). addString("\t0" LINE_END_); okSoFar = dumpSegments(_outBuffer, segmentsAsBottle, _scale); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << subjName.c_str() << "\t" << segmentsAsBottle.size() << "\t0" LINE_END_; okSoFar = dumpSegments(outBuffer, segmentsAsBottle, _scale); #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) } else { cerr << "bad segments pointer" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else if (secondValue.isList()) { yarp::os::Bottle * asList = secondValue.asList(); if (asList) { yarp::os::Property segments; if (ListIsReallyDictionary(*asList, segments)) { YarpString segmentsAsString = segments.toString(); // cerr << ":" << segments->toString() << ":" << // endl; //!!!! yarp::os::Bottle segmentsAsBottle = segmentsAsString; cerr << ":" << segmentsAsBottle.size() << ":" << segmentsAsBottle.toString() << ":" << endl; //!!!! #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) _outBuffer.addString(subjName).addTab(); _outBuffer.addLong(segmentsAsBottle.size()). addString("\t0" LINE_END_); okSoFar = dumpSegments(_outBuffer, segmentsAsBottle, _scale); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << subjName.c_str() << "\t" << segmentsAsBottle.size() << "\t0" LINE_END_; okSoFar = dumpSegments(outBuffer, segmentsAsBottle, _scale); #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) } else { cerr << "not a dictionary" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "bad segments pointer" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "not a dictionary" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "not a string" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "not 2 pieces in list" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "bad subject pointer" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "subject is not a list" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } if (okSoFar) { #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) _outBuffer.addString("END" LINE_END_); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << "END" LINE_END_; #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) const char * outString; size_t outLength; #if (! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer)) std::string buffAsString(outBuffer.str()); #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outString = _outBuffer.getString(outLength); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outString = buffAsString.c_str(); outLength = buffAsString.length(); #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) if (outString && outLength) { int retVal = send(_outSocket, outString, static_cast<int>(outLength), 0); cerr << "send--> " << retVal << endl; //!!!! if (0 > retVal) { _owner.deactivateConnection(); } else { SendReceiveCounters toBeAdded(0, 0, retVal, 1); _owner.incrementAuxiliaryCounters(toBeAdded); } } } } else { cerr << "no subjects" << endl; //!!!! } } } } catch (...) { ODL_LOG("Exception caught"); //#### throw; } ODL_OBJEXIT_B(result); //#### return result; } // UnrealOutputViconInputHandler::handleInput
virtual bool respond(const yarp::os::Bottle &command, yarp::os::Bottle &reply) { reply.clear(); yDebug("receiving command from port\n"); int index = 0; int cmdSize = command.size(); while(cmdSize>0) { switch(command.get(index).asVocab()) { case VOCAB4('s','u','s','p'): reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); vc->halt(); cmdSize--; index++; break; case VOCAB3('r','u','n'): reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); vc->go(); cmdSize--; index++; break; //this set current position reference case VOCAB3('s','e','t'): if (command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double pos=command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setRef(i, pos); index +=3; cmdSize-=3; } else { cmdSize--; index++; yError("Invalid set message, ignoring\n"); } reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); break; //this set maximum velocity (limiter) case VOCAB4('s','v','e','l'): if(command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double vel = command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setVel(i,vel); index += 3; cmdSize-=3;; reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); } else { cmdSize--; index++; yError("Invalid set vel message, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); } break; case VOCAB4('g','a','i','n'): if(command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double gain = command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setGain(i,gain); index+=3; cmdSize-=3; reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); } else { cmdSize--; index++; yError("Invalid set gain message, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); } break; case VOCAB4('h','e','l','p'): fprintf(stdout,"VelocityControl module, valid commands are:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [susp] suspend the controller (command zero velocity)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [run] start (and resume after being suspended) the controller\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [quit] quit the module (exit)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [set] <j> <p> move joint j to p (degrees)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [svel] <j> <v> set maximum speed for joint j to v (deg/sec)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [gain] <j> <k> set P gain for joint j to k\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [help] to get this help\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n typical commands:\n gain 0 10\n svel 0 10\n run\n set 0 x\n\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); reply.addString("VelocityControl module, valid commands are:"); reply.addString("- [susp] suspend the controller (command zero velocity)"); reply.addString("- [run] start (and resume after being suspended) the controller"); reply.addString("- [quit] quit the module (exit)"); reply.addString("- [set] <j> <p> move joint j to p (degrees)"); reply.addString("- [svel] <j> <v> set maximum speed for joint j to v (deg/sec)"); reply.addString("- [gain] <j> <k> set P gain for joint j to k"); reply.addString("- [help] to get this help"); reply.addString("\n typical commands:\n gain 0 10\n svel 0 10\n run\n set 0 x\n\n"); break; default: yError("Invalid command, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); //cmdSize--; //index++; //return respond(command, reply); // call default break; } return true; } return false; }
static bool dumpSegments(std::stringstream & outBuffer, yarp::os::Bottle & segmentsAsBottle, const double scale) #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) { ODL_ENTER(); //#### ODL_P2("outBuffer = ", &outBuffer, "segmentsAsBottle = ", &segmentsAsBottle); //#### ODL_D1("scale = ", scale); //#### bool okSoFar = true; int numSegments = segmentsAsBottle.size(); if (0 < numSegments) { for (int ii = 0; okSoFar && (numSegments > ii); ++ii) { yarp::os::Value & aValue = segmentsAsBottle.get(ii); if (aValue.isList()) { yarp::os::Bottle * asList = aValue.asList(); if (asList && (2 == asList->size())) { yarp::os::Value & keyValue = asList->get(0); yarp::os::Value & valueValue = asList->get(1); if (keyValue.isString() && valueValue.isList()) { YarpString keyString = keyValue.asString(); yarp::os::Bottle * valueList = valueValue.asList(); #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer.addString(keyString); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << keyString.c_str(); #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) if (valueList && (7 == valueList->size())) { int numValues = valueList->size(); for (int jj = 0; okSoFar && (numValues > jj); ++jj) { double elementAsDouble; yarp::os::Value & valueElement = valueList->get(jj); if (valueElement.isDouble()) { elementAsDouble = valueElement.asDouble(); } else if (valueElement.isInt()) { elementAsDouble = valueElement.asInt(); } else { cerr << "value not an integer or a float" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } if (okSoFar) { if (3 > jj) { elementAsDouble *= scale; } #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer.addTab().addDouble(elementAsDouble); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << "\t" << elementAsDouble; #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) } } #if defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer.addString(LINE_END_); #else // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) outBuffer << LINE_END_; #endif // ! defined(MpM_UseCustomStringBuffer) } else { cerr << "bad list pointer or incorrect list size" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "segment not a string and a list" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "segment not a 2-element list" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } else { cerr << "segment not a list" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } } } else { cerr << "no segments" << endl; //!!!! okSoFar = false; } ODL_EXIT_B(okSoFar); //#### return okSoFar; } // dumpSegments
void TaskYarpInterface::parseIncomingMessage(yarp::os::Bottle& input, yarp::os::Bottle& reply) { int btlSize = input.size(); for (auto i=0; i<btlSize; ++i) { int msg; int testInt = input.get(0).asInt(); std::string testStr = input.get(0).asString(); if ((testStr=="") && (testInt!=0)) { msg = TASK_MESSAGE(testInt); } else { msg = TaskMessageHandler::stringToTaskManagerMessageTag(testStr); } switch (msg) { case GET_TASK_STATE: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_TASK_STATE"; } TaskState state = this->task->getTaskState(); state.putIntoBottle(reply); }break; case GET_STIFFNESS: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_STIFFNESS"; } util::pourEigenMatrixIntoBottle(this->getStiffnessMatrix(), reply); }break; case GET_DAMPING: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_DAMPING"; } util::pourEigenMatrixIntoBottle(this->getDampingMatrix(), reply); }break; case GET_WEIGHTS: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_WEIGHTS"; } util::pourEigenVectorIntoBottle(this->getWeight(), reply); }break; case GET_DESIRED_TASK_STATE: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_DESIRED_TASK_STATE"; } TaskState state = this->task->getDesiredTaskState(); state.putIntoBottle(reply); }break; case GET_TASK_POSITION: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_TASK_POSITION"; } if ((this->task->getMetaTaskType()==Task::META_TASK_TYPE::POSITION) || (this->task->getMetaTaskType()==Task::META_TASK_TYPE::COM)) { Eigen::Vector3d pos = this->task->getTaskState().getPosition().getTranslation(); util::pourEigenVectorIntoBottle(pos, reply); } }break; case GET_DESIRED_TASK_POSITION: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_DESIRED_TASK_POSITION"; } if ((this->task->getMetaTaskType()==Task::META_TASK_TYPE::POSITION) || (this->task->getMetaTaskType()==Task::META_TASK_TYPE::COM)) { Eigen::Vector3d pos = this->task->getDesiredTaskState().getPosition().getTranslation(); util::pourEigenVectorIntoBottle(pos, reply); } }break; case GET_ACTIVITY_STATUS: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_ACTIVITY_STATUS"; } if (this->isActivated()) { reply.addInt(TASK_IS_ACTIVATED); } else { reply.addInt(TASK_IS_DEACTIVATED); } }break; case GET_DIMENSION: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_DIMENSION"; } OCRA_WARNING("this->task->getWeight() " << this->task->getWeight().size()) reply.addInt(this->task->getWeight().size()); }break; case GET_TYPE: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_TYPE"; } reply.addInt(this->task->getMetaTaskType()); }break; case GET_TYPE_AS_STRING: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_TYPE"; } reply.addString(this->task->getMetaTaskTypeAsString()); }break; case GET_NAME: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_NAME"; } reply.addString(this->task->getName()); }break; case GET_CONTROL_PORT_NAMES: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_CONTROL_PORT_NAMES"; } reply.addString(this->inputControlPortName); reply.addString(this->outputControlPortName); reply.addString(this->desiredStateOutputPortName); }break; case GET_TASK_PORT_NAME: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_TASK_PORT_NAME"; } reply.addString(this->getPortName()); }break; case GET_TASK_ERROR: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: GET_TASK_ERROR"; } util::pourEigenVectorIntoBottle(this->getTaskError(), reply); }break; case SET_STIFFNESS: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_STIFFNESS"; } ++i; setStiffness(input.get(i).asDouble()); reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_STIFFNESS_VECTOR: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_STIFFNESS_VECTOR"; } int indexesToSkip; this->setStiffness(util::pourBottleIntoEigenVector(util::trimBottle(input, i+1), indexesToSkip) ); i += indexesToSkip; reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_STIFFNESS_MATRIX: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_STIFFNESS_MATRIX"; } int indexesToSkip; this->setStiffness(util::pourBottleIntoEigenMatrix(util::trimBottle(input, i+1), indexesToSkip) ); i += indexesToSkip; reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_DAMPING: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_DAMPING"; } ++i; this->setDamping(input.get(i).asDouble()); reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_DAMPING_VECTOR: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_DAMPING_VECTOR"; } int indexesToSkip; this->setDamping(util::pourBottleIntoEigenVector(util::trimBottle(input, i+1), indexesToSkip) ); i += indexesToSkip; reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_DAMPING_MATRIX: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_DAMPING_MATRIX"; } int indexesToSkip; this->setDamping(util::pourBottleIntoEigenMatrix(util::trimBottle(input, i+1), indexesToSkip) ); i += indexesToSkip; reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_WEIGHT: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_WEIGHT"; } ++i; this->setWeight(input.get(i).asDouble()); reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_WEIGHT_VECTOR: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_WEIGHT_VECTOR"; } int indexesToSkip; this->setWeight(util::pourBottleIntoEigenVector(util::trimBottle(input, i+1), indexesToSkip) ); i += indexesToSkip; reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); }break; case SET_DESIRED_TASK_STATE: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_DESIRED_TASK_STATE"; } int indexesToSkip; TaskState state; bool extractSuccess = state.extractFromBottle(util::trimBottle(input, i+1), indexesToSkip); i += indexesToSkip; if (extractSuccess) { // TODO: Set to setDesiredTaskState (needs internal traj gen.) See Task::setDesiredTaskState() this->setDesiredTaskStateDirect(state); reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); } else { reply.addInt(OCRA_FAILURE); } }break; case SET_DESIRED_TASK_POSITION: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: SET_DESIRED_TASK_POSITION"; } if (((this->task->getMetaTaskType()==Task::META_TASK_TYPE::POSITION) || (this->task->getMetaTaskType()==Task::META_TASK_TYPE::COM)) && (input.size()>=4)){ Eigen::Vector3d pos(input.get(i+1).asDouble(), input.get(i+2).asDouble(), input.get(i+3).asDouble()); TaskState state; state.setPosition(Eigen::Displacementd(pos, Eigen::Rotation3d::Identity())); // TODO: Set to setDesiredTaskState (needs internal traj gen.) See Task::setDesiredTaskState() this->setDesiredTaskStateDirect(state); i += 3; reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); } else { reply.addInt(OCRA_FAILURE); } }break; case ACTIVATE: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: ACTIVATE"; } if(this->activate()) { reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); } else { reply.addInt(OCRA_FAILURE); } }break; case DEACTIVATE: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: DEACTIVATE"; } if(this->deactivate()) { reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); } else { reply.addInt(OCRA_FAILURE); } }break; case OPEN_CONTROL_PORTS: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: OPEN_CONTROL_PORTS"; } if(openControlPorts()) { reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); } else { reply.addInt(OCRA_FAILURE); } }break; case CLOSE_CONTROL_PORTS: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: CLOSE_CONTROL_PORTS"; } if(closeControlPorts()) { reply.addInt(OCRA_SUCCESS); } else { reply.addInt(OCRA_FAILURE); } }break; case HELP: { if (logMessages) { << " ["<< this->task->getName() <<"]: " << "Processing request: HELP"; } }break; default: { yLog.warning() << "Unrecognized request tag."; }break; } } }
bool OpcInspector::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& command, yarp::os::Bottle& reply) { string key1 = command.get(0).asString().c_str(); if( key1 == "relation") { string key2 = command.get(1).asString().c_str(); if( key2 == "add") { string subject = command.get(2).asString().c_str(); string verb = command.get(3).asString().c_str(); string object = command.get(4).asString().c_str(); string ccplace = "none"; string cctime = "none"; string ccmanner = "none"; if (command.size()>5) ccplace = command.get(5).asString().c_str(); if (command.size()>6) cctime = command.get(6).asString().c_str(); if (command.size()>7) ccmanner = command.get(7).asString().c_str(); if(opc->getEntity(subject) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + subject + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(subject); } if(opc->getEntity(verb) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + verb + "not present in OPC. Created as an action"); opc->addAction(verb); } if(opc->getEntity(object) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + object + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(object); } if(ccplace!= "none" && opc->getEntity(ccplace) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + ccplace + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(ccplace); } if(cctime!= "none" && opc->getEntity(cctime) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + cctime + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(cctime); } if(ccmanner!= "none" && opc->getEntity(ccmanner) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + ccmanner + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(ccmanner); } Relation r(subject,verb,object,ccplace,cctime,ccmanner); opc->addRelation(r); reply.addString("Relation addded"); } if( key2 == "rem") { string subject = command.get(2).asString().c_str(); string verb = command.get(3).asString().c_str(); string object = command.get(4).asString().c_str(); string ccplace = "none"; string cctime = "none"; string ccmanner = "none"; if (command.size()>5) ccplace = command.get(5).asString().c_str(); if (command.size()>6) cctime = command.get(6).asString().c_str(); if (command.size()>7) ccmanner = command.get(7).asString().c_str(); if(opc->getEntity(subject) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + subject + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(subject); } if(opc->getEntity(verb) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + verb + "not present in OPC. Created as an action"); opc->addAction(verb); } if(opc->getEntity(object) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + object + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(object); } if(ccplace!= "none" && opc->getEntity(ccplace) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + ccplace + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(ccplace); } if(cctime!= "none" && opc->getEntity(cctime) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + cctime + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(cctime); } if(ccmanner!= "none" && opc->getEntity(ccmanner) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + ccmanner + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(ccmanner); } Relation r(subject,verb,object,ccplace,cctime,ccmanner); opc->removeRelation(r); reply.addString("Relation removed"); } if( key2 == "check") { string subject = command.get(2).asString().c_str(); string verb = command.get(3).asString().c_str(); string object = command.get(4).asString().c_str(); string ccplace = "any"; string cctime = "any"; string ccmanner = "any"; if (command.size()>5) ccplace = command.get(5).asString().c_str(); if (command.size()>6) cctime = command.get(6).asString().c_str(); if (command.size()>7) ccmanner = command.get(7).asString().c_str(); if(opc->getEntity(subject) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + subject + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(subject); } if(opc->getEntity(verb) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + verb + "not present in OPC. Created as an action"); opc->addAction(verb); } if(opc->getEntity(object) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + object + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(object); } if(ccplace!= "any" && opc->getEntity(ccplace) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + ccplace + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(ccplace); } if(cctime!= "any" && opc->getEntity(cctime) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + cctime + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(cctime); } if(ccmanner!= "any" && opc->getEntity(ccmanner) == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + ccmanner + "not present in OPC. Created as an adjective"); opc->addAdjective(ccmanner); } Relation r(subject,verb,object,ccplace,cctime,ccmanner); bool result = opc->containsRelation(r); if (result) reply.addString("OPC contains " + r.toString()); else reply.addString("OPC does not contain " + r.toString()); } } if( key1 == "object") { string key2 = command.get(1).asString().c_str(); string objectName = command.get(2).asString().c_str(); Object* objPtr = (Object* )opc->getEntity(objectName); if( objPtr == NULL) { reply.addString("Warning: " + objectName + "not present in OPC. Created as a generic object"); objPtr = opc->addObject(objectName); } if( key2 == "display") { reply.addString(objPtr->toString()); } if( key2 == "show") { objPtr->m_present = true; opc->commit(objPtr); } if( key2 == "hide") { objPtr->m_present = false; opc->commit(objPtr); } } return true; }
int remove(yarp::os::Bottle& removeArg, folderType fType, bool verbose) { ConstString contextName; if (removeArg.size() >1 ) contextName=removeArg.get(1).asString().c_str(); if (contextName=="") { printf("No %s name provided\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "context" : "robot" ); return 0; } yarp::os::ResourceFinder rf; rf.setVerbose(verbose); ResourceFinderOptions opts; opts.searchLocations=ResourceFinderOptions::User; ConstString targetPath=rf.findPath((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); if (targetPath=="") { printf("Could not find %s %s !\n",fType==CONTEXTS ? "context" : "robot", contextName.c_str()); return 0; } else { if (removeArg.size() <3 ) { char choice='n'; printf("Are you sure you want to remove this folder: %s ? (y/n): ", targetPath.c_str()); int got = scanf("%c",&choice); if (choice=='y') { int result= recursiveRemove(targetPath.c_str()); if (result < 0) printf("ERRORS OCCURRED WHILE REMOVING %s\n", targetPath.c_str()); else printf("Removed folder %s\n", targetPath.c_str()); //remove hidden folder: ConstString hiddenPath= rf.findPath((getFolderStringNameHidden(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); if (hiddenPath != "") recursiveRemove(hiddenPath.c_str(), false); return result; } else { printf("Skipped\n"); return 0; } } else { char choice='n'; printf("Are you sure you want to remove files from this folder: %s ? (y/n): ", targetPath.c_str()); int got = scanf("%c",&choice); if (choice=='y') { bool ok=true; bool removeHidden=true; ConstString hiddenPath= rf.findPath((getFolderStringNameHidden(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); if (hiddenPath != "") removeHidden=false; for (int i=2; i<removeArg.size(); ++i) { ConstString fileName=removeArg.get(i).asString(); if(fileName != "") { ok = (recursiveRemove(targetPath+ PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName) >=0 ) && ok; recursiveRemove(hiddenPath + PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName, false); } } if (ok) { printf("Removed selected files from %s\n", targetPath.c_str()); return 0; } else { printf("ERRORS OCCURRED WHILE IMPORTING FILES FOR %s %s\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "CONTEXT" : "ROBOT" , contextName.c_str()); return 1; } } else { printf("Skipped\n"); return 0; } } } }
int import(yarp::os::Bottle& importArg, folderType fType, bool verbose) { ConstString contextName; if (importArg.size() >1 ) contextName=importArg.get(1).asString().c_str(); if (contextName=="") { printf("No %s name provided\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "context" : "robot" ); return 0; } yarp::os::ResourceFinder rf; rf.setVerbose(verbose); ResourceFinderOptions opts; opts.searchLocations=ResourceFinderOptions::Installed; ConstString originalpath=rf.findPath((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str(), opts); ConstString destDirname=rf.getDataHome() + PATH_SEPARATOR + getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR + contextName; //tmp: ConstString hiddenDirname=rf.getDataHome() + PATH_SEPARATOR + getFolderStringNameHidden(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR + contextName; prepareHomeFolder(rf, fType); if (importArg.size() >2 ) { yarp::os::mkdir((destDirname).c_str()); yarp::os::mkdir((hiddenDirname).c_str()); bool ok=true; for (int i=2; i<importArg.size(); ++i) { ConstString fileName=importArg.get(i).asString(); if(fileName != "") { ok = (recursiveCopy(originalpath+ PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName, destDirname + PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName) >=0 ) && ok; recursiveCopy(originalpath+ PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName, hiddenDirname + PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName, true, false); } } if (ok) { printf("Copied selected files to %s\n", destDirname.c_str()); return 0; } else { printf("ERRORS OCCURRED WHILE IMPORTING FILES FOR %s %s\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "CONTEXT" : "ROBOT" , contextName.c_str()); return 1; } } else { int result= recursiveCopy(originalpath, destDirname); recursiveCopy(originalpath, hiddenDirname, true, false); if (result < 0) printf("ERRORS OCCURRED WHILE IMPORTING %s %s\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "CONTEXT" : "ROBOT", contextName.c_str()); else { printf("Copied %s %s from %s to %s .\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "context" : "robot", contextName.c_str(), originalpath.c_str(), destDirname.c_str()); printf("Current locations for this %s:\n", fType==CONTEXTS ? "context" : "robot"); yarp::os::Bottle paths=rf.findPaths((getFolderStringName(fType) + PATH_SEPARATOR +contextName).c_str()); for (int curCont=0; curCont<paths.size(); ++curCont) printf("%s\n", paths.get(curCont).asString().c_str()); } return result; } }
bool PingRequestHandler::processRequest(const YarpString & request, const yarp::os::Bottle & restOfInput, const YarpString & senderChannel, yarp::os::ConnectionWriter * replyMechanism) { #if (! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_)) # if MAC_OR_LINUX_ # pragma unused(request,senderChannel) # endif // MAC_OR_LINUX_ #endif // ! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_) ODL_OBJENTER(); //#### ODL_S3s("request = ", request, "restOfInput = ", restOfInput.toString(), //#### "senderChannel = ", senderChannel); //#### ODL_P1("replyMechanism = ", replyMechanism); //#### bool result = true; try { // Validate the name as a channel name _response.clear(); if (1 == restOfInput.size()) { yarp::os::Value argument(restOfInput.get(0)); if (argument.isString()) { YarpString argAsString(argument.toString()); if (Endpoint::CheckEndpointName(argAsString)) { RegistryService & theService = static_cast<RegistryService &>(_service); theService.reportStatusChange(argAsString, RegistryService::kRegistryPingFromService); if (theService.checkForExistingService(argAsString)) { // This service is already known, so just update the last-checked time. theService.updateCheckedTimeForChannel(argAsString); } else if (theService.checkForExistingService(argAsString)) { // Second try - something happened with the first call. // This service is already known, so just update the last-checked time. theService.updateCheckedTimeForChannel(argAsString); } else { // Send a 'name' request to the channel YarpString aName = GetRandomChannelName(HIDDEN_CHANNEL_PREFIX_ BUILD_NAME_("ping_", DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ROOT_)); ClientChannel * outChannel = new ClientChannel; if (outChannel) { if (outChannel->openWithRetries(aName, STANDARD_WAIT_TIME_)) { if (outChannel->addOutputWithRetries(argAsString, STANDARD_WAIT_TIME_)) { yarp::os::Bottle message1(MpM_NAME_REQUEST_); yarp::os::Bottle reply; if (outChannel->writeBottle(message1, reply)) { if (theService.processNameResponse(argAsString, ServiceResponse(reply))) { yarp::os::Bottle message2(MpM_LIST_REQUEST_); if (outChannel->writeBottle(message2, reply)) { if (theService.processListResponse(argAsString, ServiceResponse(reply))) { // Remember the response _response.addString(MpM_OK_RESPONSE_); theService.updateCheckedTimeForChannel(argAsString); } else { ODL_LOG("! (theService.processList" //#### "Response(argAsString, reply))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid response to " "'list' request"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (outChannel->" //#### "writeBottle(message2, reply))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Could not write to channel"); #if defined(MpM_StallOnSendProblem) Stall(); #endif // defined(MpM_StallOnSendProblem) } } else { ODL_LOG("! (theService.processNameResponse(" //#### "argAsString, reply))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid response to 'name' " "request"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (outChannel->writeBottle(message1, " //#### "reply))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Could not write to channel"); #if defined(MpM_StallOnSendProblem) Stall(); #endif // defined(MpM_StallOnSendProblem) } #if defined(MpM_DoExplicitDisconnect) if (! Utilities::NetworkDisconnectWithRetries(outChannel->name(), argAsString, STANDARD_WAIT_TIME_)) { ODL_LOG("(! Utilities::NetworkDisconnectWith" //#### "Retries(outChannel->name(), " //#### "argAsString, STANDARD_WAIT_TIME_))"); //#### } #endif // defined(MpM_DoExplicitDisconnect) } else { ODL_LOG("! (outChannel->addOutputWithRetries(" //#### "argAsString, STANDARD_WAIT_TIME_))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Could not connect to channel"); _response.addString(argAsString); } #if defined(MpM_DoExplicitClose) outChannel->close(); #endif // defined(MpM_DoExplicitClose) } else { ODL_LOG("! (outChannel->openWithRetries(aName, " //#### "STANDARD_WAIT_TIME_))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Channel could not be opened"); } BaseChannel::RelinquishChannel(outChannel); } else { ODL_LOG("! (outChannel)"); } } } else { ODL_LOG("! (Endpoint::CheckEndpointName(argAsString))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid channel name"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (argument.isString())"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid channel name"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (1 == restOfInput.size())"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Missing channel name or extra arguments to request"); } sendResponse(replyMechanism); } catch (...) { ODL_LOG("Exception caught"); //#### throw; } ODL_OBJEXIT_B(result); //#### return result; } // PingRequestHandler::processRequest
void Transforms_client_storage::onRead(yarp::os::Bottle &b) { m_now = Time::now(); RecursiveLockGuard guard(m_mutex); if (m_count>0) { double tmpDT = m_now - m_prev; m_deltaT += tmpDT; if (tmpDT>m_deltaTMax) m_deltaTMax = tmpDT; if (tmpDT<m_deltaTMin) m_deltaTMin = tmpDT; //compare network time /*if (tmpDT*1000<TRANSFORM_TIMEOUT) { state = b.get(5).asInt(); } else { state = TRANSFORM_TIMEOUT; }*/ } m_prev = m_now; m_count++; m_lastBottle = b; Stamp newStamp; getEnvelope(newStamp); //initialization (first received data) if (m_lastStamp.isValid() == false) { m_lastStamp = newStamp; } //now compare timestamps // if ((1000 * (newStamp.getTime() - m_lastStamp.getTime()))<TRANSFORM_TIMEOUT) if (1) { m_state = IFrameTransform::TRANSFORM_OK; m_transforms.clear(); int bsize= b.size(); for (int i = 0; i < bsize; i++) { //this includes: timed yarp transforms, static yarp transforms, ros transforms Bottle* bt = b.get(i).asList(); if (bt != nullptr) { FrameTransform t; t.src_frame_id = bt->get(0).asString(); t.dst_frame_id = bt->get(1).asString(); t.timestamp = bt->get(2).asDouble(); t.translation.tX = bt->get(3).asDouble(); t.translation.tY = bt->get(4).asDouble(); t.translation.tZ = bt->get(5).asDouble(); t.rotation.w() = bt->get(6).asDouble(); t.rotation.x() = bt->get(7).asDouble(); t.rotation.y() = bt->get(8).asDouble(); t.rotation.z() = bt->get(9).asDouble(); m_transforms.push_back(t); } } } else { m_state = IFrameTransform::TRANSFORM_TIMEOUT; } m_lastStamp = newStamp; }
bool UnregisterRequestHandler::processRequest(const YarpString & request, const yarp::os::Bottle & restOfInput, const YarpString & senderChannel, yarp::os::ConnectionWriter * replyMechanism) { #if (! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_)) # if MAC_OR_LINUX_ # pragma unused(request,senderChannel) # endif // MAC_OR_LINUX_ #endif // ! defined(ODL_ENABLE_LOGGING_) ODL_OBJENTER(); //#### ODL_S3s("request = ", request, "restOfInput = ", restOfInput.toString(), //#### "senderChannel = ", senderChannel); //#### ODL_P1("replyMechanism = ", replyMechanism); //#### bool result = true; try { // Validate the name as a channel name _response.clear(); if (1 == restOfInput.size()) { yarp::os::Value argument(restOfInput.get(0)); if (argument.isString()) { YarpString argAsString(argument.toString()); if (Endpoint::CheckEndpointName(argAsString)) { RegistryService & theService = static_cast<RegistryService &>(_service); theService.reportStatusChange(argAsString, RegistryService::kRegistryUnregisterService); // Forget the information associated with the channel name if (theService.removeServiceRecord(argAsString)) { _response.addString(MpM_OK_RESPONSE_); if (argAsString != MpM_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT_NAME_) { theService.removeCheckedTimeForChannel(argAsString); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (theService.removeServiceRecord(argAsString))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Could not remove service"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (Endpoint::CheckEndpointName(argAsString))"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid channel name"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (argument.isString())"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Invalid channel name"); } } else { ODL_LOG("! (1 == restOfInput.size())"); //#### _response.addString(MpM_FAILED_RESPONSE_); _response.addString("Missing channel name or extra arguments to request"); } sendResponse(replyMechanism); } catch (...) { ODL_LOG("Exception caught"); //#### throw; } ODL_OBJEXIT_B(result); //#### return result; } // UnregisterRequestHandler::processRequest