int main(void) { // To enable the writing into a log file, we have to set the handlers to use // We want to write to the stdcout _and_ a log file typedef Yuni::Logs::StdCout< Yuni::Logs::File<> > MyLogHandlers; // Our logger Yuni::Logs::Logger<MyLogHandlers> logs; // Creating the log file (in the current directory, read-write access required) logs.logfile("./sample.log"); if (not logs.logfileIsOpened()) { // An error has occured. That means the log file could not be opened for // writing for some reason // In this sample, we will continue anyway logs.error() << "Impossible to open the log file !"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } << "Log file : " << logs.logfile(); // Hello, world !, all standard verbosity levels logs.checkpoint() << "Hello, " << "world !"; logs.notice() << "Hello, " << "world !"; logs.warning() << "Hello, " << "world !"; logs.error() << "Hello, " << "world !"; logs.debug() << "Hello, " << "world !"; logs.fatal() << "Hello, " << "world !"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // All settings Settings settings; // arguments parsing ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, settings); Parser::PEG::Grammar grammar; grammar.onWarning.connect(& ParseWarning); grammar.onError.connect(& ParseError); String output; for (uint i = 0; i != (uint) settings.filenames.size(); ++i) { const String& url = settings.filenames[i]; if (not IO::File::Exists(url)) { logs.error() << "error: \"" << url << "\" file not found"; hasError = true; continue; } if (grammar.loadFromFile(url)) { //std::cout << grammar << std::endl; output = url; IO::ReplaceExtension(output, "."); switch (settings.format) { case Settings::sfCPP: { << "generating c++ parser from " << url; grammar.exportToCPP(output, settings.namespaceName); break; } } } else { logs.error() << "impossible to load the grammar " << url; hasError = true; } } return (not hasError) ? 0 : EXIT_FAILURE; }