コード例 #1
ファイル: adc.c プロジェクト: timwuu/PK3SP24
 * Function: ADC_ReadPercentage(ADC_CHANNEL channel);
 * Overview: Reads the requested ADC channel and returns the percentage
 *            of that conversions result (0-100%).
 * PreCondition: channel is configured via the ADCConfigure() function
 * Input: ADC_CHANNEL channel - enumeration of the ADC channels
 *        available in this demo.  They should be meaningful names and
 *        not the names of the ADC pins on the device (as the demo code
 *        may be ported to other boards).
 *         i.e. ADC_ReadPercentage(ADC_CHANNEL_POTENTIOMETER);
 * Output: uint8_t indicating the percentage of the result 0-100% or
 *         0xFF for an error
uint8_t ADC_ReadPercentage
( ADC_CHANNEL channel )
    uint8_t percent ;

    switch (channel)
        case ADC_CHANNEL_5:
            break ;
        case ADC_CHANNEL_4:
            break ;
            return 0xFF ;

    //A very crude percentage calculation
    percent = ( ADC_Read10bit ( channel ) / 10 ) ;

    if (percent > 100)
        percent = 100 ;
    return percent ;
コード例 #2
* Function: void APP_DeviceCustomHIDTasks(void);
* Overview: Keeps the Custom HID demo running.
* PreCondition: The demo should have been initialized and started via
*   the APP_DeviceCustomHIDInitialize() and APP_DeviceCustomHIDStart() demos
*   respectively.
* Input: None
* Output: None
void APP_DeviceCustomHIDTasks()
    //Check if we have received an OUT data packet from the host
    if(HIDRxHandleBusy(USBOutHandle) == false)
        //We just received a packet of data from the USB host.
        //Check the first uint8_t of the packet to see what command the host
        //application software wants us to fulfill.
        switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[0])				//Look at the data the host sent, to see what kind of application specific command it sent.
            case COMMAND_TOGGLE_LED:  //Toggle LEDs command
            case COMMAND_GET_BUTTON_STATUS:  //Get push button state
                //Check to make sure the endpoint/buffer is free before we modify the contents
                    ToSendDataBuffer[0] = 0x81;				//Echo back to the host PC the command we are fulfilling in the first uint8_t.  In this case, the Get Pushbutton State command.
                    if(BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_USB_DEVICE_HID_CUSTOM) == false)	//pushbutton not pressed, pull up resistor on circuit board is pulling the PORT pin high
                            ToSendDataBuffer[1] = 0x01;
                    else									//sw3 must be == 0, pushbutton is pressed and overpowering the pull up resistor
                            ToSendDataBuffer[1] = 0x00;
                    //Prepare the USB module to send the data packet to the host
                    USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(CUSTOM_DEVICE_HID_EP, (uint8_t*)&ToSendDataBuffer[0],64);

            case COMMAND_READ_POTENTIOMETER:	//Read POT command.  Uses ADC to measure an analog voltage on one of the ANxx I/O pins, and returns the result to the host
                    uint16_t pot;

                    //Check to make sure the endpoint/buffer is free before we modify the contents
                        //Use ADC to read the I/O pin voltage.  See the relevant HardwareProfile - xxxxx.h file for the I/O pin that it will measure.
                        //Some demo boards, like the PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module board, do not have a potentiometer (when used stand alone).
                        //This function call will still measure the analog voltage on the I/O pin however.  To make the demo more interesting, it
                        //is suggested that an external adjustable analog voltage should be applied to this pin.

                        pot = ADC_Read10bit(ADC_CHANNEL_POTENTIOMETER);

                        ToSendDataBuffer[0] = 0x37;  	//Echo back to the host the command we are fulfilling in the first uint8_t.  In this case, the Read POT (analog voltage) command.
                        ToSendDataBuffer[1] = (uint8_t)pot; //LSB
                        ToSendDataBuffer[2] = pot >> 8;     //MSB

                        //Prepare the USB module to send the data packet to the host
                        USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(CUSTOM_DEVICE_HID_EP, (uint8_t*)&ToSendDataBuffer[0],64);
        //Re-arm the OUT endpoint, so we can receive the next OUT data packet 
        //that the host may try to send us.
        USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(CUSTOM_DEVICE_HID_EP, (uint8_t*)&ReceivedDataBuffer, 64);
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: jwhorto1/board_code
char ReadADC_char(void)
  char          ADC_read;
  uint16_t      ADC_read_int;

    ADC_read_int = ADC_Read10bit( (char) 5);
    ADC_read_int = (unsigned int) ((float) ADC_read_int * 0.093) + (int)32;
    // maps 00,0000,0000 to 010,0000 and 11,1111,1111 to 111,1111
    ADC_read = (unsigned char) ADC_read_int;
    if (ADC_read <0x20) ADC_read = 0x20;
    if (ADC_read >0x7F) ADC_read = 0x7F;
    return ADC_read;
コード例 #4
* Function: void APP_HostMSDDataLoggerTasks(void);
* Overview: Keeps the demo running.
* PreCondition: The demo should have been initialized via
*   the APP_HostMSDDataLoggerInitialize()  
* Input: None
* Output: None
void APP_HostMSDDataLoggerTasks()
    if(FILEIO_MediaDetect(&gUSBDrive, &deviceAddress) == false)
        //The device has been removed.  Now we should wait for a new
        //  device to be attached.
        demoState = WAITING_FOR_ATTACH;
    switch( demoState)
        case WAITING_FOR_ATTACH:

        case MOUNTING_DRIVE:
            // Attempt to mount the drive described by gUSBDrive as drive 'A'
            // The deviceAddress parameter describes the USB address of the device; it is initialized by the application in the 
            // USB_ApplicationEventHandler function when a new device is detected.
            if( FILEIO_DriveMount ('A', &gUSBDrive, &deviceAddress) == FILEIO_ERROR_NONE)
                demoState = OPENING_FILE;

        case OPENING_FILE:
            // Opening a file with the FILEIO_OPEN_WRITE option allows us to write to the file.
            // Opening a file with the FILEIO_OPEN_CREATE file will create the file if it does not already exist.
            // Opening a file with the FILEIO_OPEN_TRUNCATE file will truncate it to a 0-length file if it already exists.
                //Opening the file failed.  Since we can't write to the
                //  device, abort the write attempt and wait for the device
                //  to be removed.
                demoState = WRITING_TO_FILE;

                blinkCount = 0;
                sampleRequested = false;
                TIMER_RequestTick(&APP_HostMSDDataLoggerTickHandler, 50);

        case WRITING_TO_FILE:
            if(sampleRequested == true)
                uint16_t  adcResult;
                int charCount;

                sampleRequested = false;
                adcResult = ADC_Read10bit(ADC_USB_HOST_MSD_DATA_SOURCE);

                charCount = sprintf(printBuffer, "%d\r\n", adcResult);
                //Write some data to the new file.
                FILEIO_Write(printBuffer, 1, charCount, &myFile);

            if(BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_USB_HOST_MSD_DATA_LOGGER) == true)
                demoState = CLOSING_FILE;

        case CLOSING_FILE:
            //Always make sure to close the file so that the data gets
            //  written to the drive.

            demoState = UNMOUNT_DRIVE;

        case UNMOUNT_DRIVE:
            // Unmount the drive since it is no longer in use.
            FILEIO_DriveUnmount ('A');

            //Now that we are done writing, we can do nothing until the
            //  drive is removed.
            demoState = WAITING_FOR_DETACH;

        case WAITING_FOR_DETACH:

コード例 #5
* Function: void APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoTasks(void);
* Overview: Keeps the demo running.
* PreCondition: The demo should have been initialized and started via
*   the APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoInitialize() and APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoStart() demos
*   respectively.
* Input: None
* Output: None
void APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoTasks()
    uint8_t numBytesWrite = 0;
    uint8_t packet[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
    uint8_t packetSize;
    packet_data_u data;

    /* Make sure that the CDC driver is ready for a transmission.
    if (mUSBUSARTIsTxTrfReady() == true) {
        uint16_t value;
        uint32_t percent;
        button_state_s cur_state[3];

        memset(cur_state, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(button_state_s));

        bool button1IsPressed = BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_S1);
        bool button2IsPressed = BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_S2);
        bool button3IsPressed = BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_S3);
        value = ADC_Read10bit(ADC_CHANNEL_1);
        percent = ((uint32_t)100 * value) / 0x03FF;
        cur_state[0].pos = 0;
        cur_state[0].state = button1IsPressed ? BUTTON_PRESSED : BUTTON_RELEASED;
        cur_state[0].state |= ((percent >= 95) ? BUTTON_UNMOUNTED : BUTTON_MOUNTED);
        cur_state[0].uid = percent;

        value = ADC_Read10bit(ADC_CHANNEL_2);
        percent = ((uint32_t)100 * value) / 0x03FF;
        cur_state[1].pos = 1;
        cur_state[1].state = button2IsPressed ? BUTTON_PRESSED : BUTTON_RELEASED;
        cur_state[1].state |= ((percent >= 95) ? BUTTON_UNMOUNTED : BUTTON_MOUNTED);
        cur_state[1].uid = percent;

        value = ADC_Read10bit(ADC_CHANNEL_3);
        percent = ((uint32_t)100 * value) / 0x03FF;
        cur_state[2].pos = 2;
        cur_state[2].state = button3IsPressed ? BUTTON_PRESSED : BUTTON_RELEASED;
        cur_state[2].state |= ((percent >= 95) ? BUTTON_UNMOUNTED : BUTTON_MOUNTED);
        cur_state[2].uid = percent;

        if ((buttons_state[0].state != cur_state[0].state) || (buttons_state[1].state != cur_state[1].state) || (buttons_state[2].state != cur_state[2].state)) {
            memset(&data, 0x00, sizeof(packet_data_u));
            memcpy(data.buttons_state, cur_state, 3 * sizeof(button_state_s));
            assemblyPacket(GET_BUTTONS_STATE, &data, packet, &packetSize);
            memcpy(writeBuffer, packet, packetSize);
            numBytesWrite = packetSize;

            if (numBytesWrite > 0) {
                putUSBUSART(writeBuffer, numBytesWrite);
            memcpy(buttons_state, cur_state, 3 * sizeof(button_state_s));

    /* Check to see if there is a transmission in progress, if there isn't, then
     * we can see about performing an echo response to data received.
    if( USBUSARTIsTxTrfReady() == true)
        uint16_t i;
        uint16_t validDataLen;
        uint16_t numBytesRead;
        char deviceID[] = "Keys 011";
        char *e;
        packet_type_e type;
        uint8_t payload[MAX_DATA_SIZE];
        uint8_t payloadSize;

        // Collect incoming data in read buffer. Bear in mind, buffer have to had ability receive whole CDC packet.
        if ((readPos + CDC_DATA_OUT_EP_SIZE) >= sizeof(readBuffer)) {
            e = memchr(readBuffer, PREAMBLE, sizeof(readBuffer));
            // Wipe out trash before valid data
            if (e == 0) {
                memset(readBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(readBuffer));
                readPos = 0;
            } else {
                validDataLen = (uint16_t)(&readBuffer[sizeof(readBuffer)] - e);
                memmove(readBuffer, e, validDataLen);
                memset(&readBuffer[validDataLen], 0x00, sizeof(readBuffer) - validDataLen);
                readPos = 0;
        numBytesRead = getsUSBUSART(&readBuffer[readPos], CDC_DATA_OUT_EP_SIZE);
        if (numBytesRead > 0) {
            // Parse all collected incoming data
            do {
                e = memchr(readBuffer, PREAMBLE, sizeof(readBuffer));
                if (e == 0) {
                i = (uint16_t)(e - readBuffer);
                parsePacket(&readBuffer[i], sizeof(readBuffer) - i, &type, payload, &payloadSize);
                numBytesWrite = 0;
                if (type == GET_DEVICE_ID) {
                    memset(&data, 0x00, sizeof(packet_data_u));
                    memcpy(data.device_id, deviceID, 8);
                    assemblyPacket(GET_DEVICE_ID, &data, packet, &packetSize);
                    memcpy(writeBuffer, packet, packetSize);
                    numBytesWrite = packetSize;
                } else if (type == GET_STATUS) {
                    memset(&data, 0x00, sizeof(packet_data_u));
                    data.device_status.errors = ERROR_NONE;
                    data.device_status.rtc = 0;
                    assemblyPacket(GET_STATUS, &data, packet, &packetSize);
                    memcpy(writeBuffer, packet, packetSize);
                    numBytesWrite = packetSize;                    
                } else if (type == SET_LEDS_STATE) {
                    led_state_s *led = (led_state_s *)payload;
                    if (led->state == LED_TURN_ON) {
                        if (led->pos == 0)
                        if (led->pos == 1)
                        if (led->pos == 2)
                    } else {
                        if (led->pos == 0)
                        if (led->pos == 1)
                        if (led->pos == 2)
                } else if (type == RESET_DEVICE) {
                    memset(readBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(readBuffer));
                    readPos = 0;
                } else {
                    memcpy(writeBuffer, &readBuffer[i], 20);
                    numBytesWrite = 20;
                // Clear packet's start marker - PREAMBLE
                memset(&readBuffer[i], 0x00, 1);
                // Send answer
                if (numBytesWrite > 0) {
                    putUSBUSART(writeBuffer, numBytesWrite);
            } while (1);
