コード例 #1
 * token ID                1 byte
 * status		   4 bytes
 * return value            4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_exit(int retval, int err)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 2 * sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, err);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, retval);

	return (t);
コード例 #2
 * token ID                1 byte
 * audit ID                4 bytes
 * effective user ID       4 bytes
 * effective group ID      4 bytes
 * real user ID            4 bytes
 * real group ID           4 bytes
 * process ID              4 bytes
 * session ID              4 bytes
 * terminal ID
 *   port ID               4 bytes/8 bytes (32-bit/64-bit value)
 *   machine address       4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_process32(au_id_t auid, uid_t euid, gid_t egid, uid_t ruid, gid_t rgid,
    pid_t pid, au_asid_t sid, au_tid_t *tid)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 9 * sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, auid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, euid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, egid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, ruid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, rgid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, pid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, sid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, tid->port);

	 * Note: Solaris will write out IPv6 addresses here as a 32-bit
	 * address type and 16 bytes of address, but for IPv4 addresses it
	 * simply writes the 4-byte address directly.  We support only IPv4
	 * addresses for process32 tokens.
	ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->machine, sizeof(u_int32_t));

	return (t);
コード例 #3
 * token ID                1 byte
 * owner user ID           4 bytes
 * owner group ID          4 bytes
 * creator user ID         4 bytes
 * creator group ID        4 bytes
 * access mode             4 bytes
 * slot sequence #         4 bytes
 * key                     4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_ipc_perm(struct ipc_perm *perm)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int16_t pad0 = 0;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 12 * sizeof(u_int16_t) +


	 * Systems vary significantly in what types they use in struct
	 * ipc_perm; at least a few still use 16-bit uid's and gid's, so
	 * allow for that, as BSM define 32-bit values here.
	 * Some systems define the sizes for ipc_perm members as 2 bytes;
	 * BSM defines 4 so pad with 0.
	 * XXXRW: Possibly shoulid be conditionally compiled, and more cases
	 * need to be handled.
	if (sizeof(perm->uid) != sizeof(u_int32_t)) {
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, perm->uid);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, perm->gid);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, perm->cuid);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0);
		ADD_U_INT16(dptr, perm->cgid);
	} else {
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, perm->uid);
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, perm->gid);
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, perm->cuid);
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, perm->cgid);

	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, perm->mode);

	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0);

	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, perm->seq);

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, perm->key);

	return (t);
コード例 #4
 * token ID				1 byte
 * count				4 bytes
 * text					count null-terminated strings
token_t *
au_to_exec_args(char **argv)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	const char *nextarg;
	int i, count = 0;
	size_t totlen = 0;

	nextarg = *argv;

	while (nextarg != NULL) {
		int nextlen;

		nextlen = strlen(nextarg);
		totlen += nextlen + 1;
		nextarg = *(argv + count);

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t) + totlen);

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, count);

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		nextarg = *(argv + i);
		ADD_MEM(dptr, nextarg, strlen(nextarg) + 1);

	return (t);
コード例 #5
 * token ID				1 byte
 * count				4 bytes
 * text					count null-terminated strings
token_t *
au_to_exec_env(char **envp)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	int i, count = 0;
	size_t totlen = 0;
	const char *nextenv;

	nextenv = *envp;

	while (nextenv != NULL) {
		int nextlen;

		nextlen = strlen(nextenv);
		totlen += nextlen + 1;
		nextenv = *(envp + count);

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t) + totlen);

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, count);

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		nextenv = *(envp + i);
		ADD_MEM(dptr, nextenv, strlen(nextenv) + 1);

	return (t);
コード例 #6
token_t *
au_to_attr64(struct vnode_au_info *vni)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int16_t pad0_16 = 0;
	u_int32_t pad0_32 = 0;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 2 * sizeof(u_int16_t) +
	    3 * sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int64_t) * 2);

	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, AUT_ATTR64);

	 * BSD defines the size for the file mode as 2 bytes; BSM defines 4
	 * so pad with 0.
	 * XXXRW: Possibly should be conditionally compiled.
	 * XXXRW: Should any conversions take place on the mode?
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, pad0_16);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, vni->vn_mode);

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, vni->vn_uid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, vni->vn_gid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, vni->vn_fsid);

	 * Some systems use 32-bit file ID's, other's use 64-bit file IDs.
	 * Attempt to handle both, and let the compiler sort it out.  If we
	 * could pick this out at compile-time, it would be better, so as to
	 * avoid the else case below.
	if (sizeof(vni->vn_fileid) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, pad0_32);
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, vni->vn_fileid);
	} else if (sizeof(vni->vn_fileid) == sizeof(uint64_t))
		ADD_U_INT64(dptr, vni->vn_fileid);
		ADD_U_INT64(dptr, 0LL);

	ADD_U_INT64(dptr, vni->vn_dev);

	return (t);
コード例 #7
token_t *
kau_to_socket(struct socket_au_info *soi)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr;
	u_int16_t so_type;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 2 * sizeof(u_int16_t) +
	    sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int16_t) + sizeof(u_int32_t));
	/* Coerce the socket type into a short value */
	so_type = soi->so_type;
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, so_type);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, soi->so_lport);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, soi->so_laddr);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, soi->so_rport);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, soi->so_raddr);

	return (t);
コード例 #8
 * token ID                1 byte
 * sequence number         4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_seq(long audit_count)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, audit_count);

	return (t);
コード例 #9
 * token ID                1 byte
 * object ID type          1 byte
 * object ID               4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_ipc(char type, int id)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, 2 * sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, type);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, id);

	return (t);
コード例 #10
 * token ID                1 byte
 * error status            1 byte
 * return value            4 bytes/8 bytes (32-bit/64-bit value)
token_t *
au_to_return32(char status, u_int32_t ret)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, 2 * sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, status);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, ret);

	return (t);
コード例 #11
 * token ID                1 byte
 * seconds of time         4 bytes
 * milliseconds of time    4 bytes
 * file name len           2 bytes
 * file pathname           N bytes + 1 terminating NULL byte
token_t *
au_to_file(const char *file, struct timeval tm)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int16_t filelen;
	u_int32_t timems;

	filelen = strlen(file);
	filelen += 1;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 2 * sizeof(u_int32_t) +
	    sizeof(u_int16_t) + filelen);

	timems = tm.tv_usec/1000;

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, tm.tv_sec);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, timems);	/* We need time in ms. */
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, filelen);
	ADD_STRING(dptr, file, filelen);

	return (t);
コード例 #12
 * token ID                1 byte
 * address type/length     4 bytes
 * address                16 bytes
token_t *
au_to_in_addr_ex(struct in6_addr *internet_addr)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int32_t type = AU_IPv6;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 5 * sizeof(uint32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, type);
	ADD_MEM(dptr, internet_addr, 4 * sizeof(uint32_t));

	return (t);
コード例 #13
 * token ID                1 byte
 * record byte count       4 bytes
 * version #               1 byte    [2]
 * event type              2 bytes
 * event modifier          2 bytes
 * seconds of time         4 bytes/8 bytes (32-bit/64-bit value)
 * milliseconds of time    4 bytes/8 bytes (32-bit/64-bit value)
token_t *
au_to_header32_tm(int rec_size, au_event_t e_type, au_emod_t e_mod,
    struct timeval tm)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int32_t timems;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t) +
	    sizeof(u_char) + 2 * sizeof(u_int16_t) + 2 * sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, rec_size);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, e_type);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, e_mod);

	timems = tm.tv_usec/1000;
	/* Add the timestamp */
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, tm.tv_sec);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, timems);	/* We need time in ms. */

	return (t);
コード例 #14
 * token ID                1 byte
 * trailer magic number    2 bytes
 * record byte count       4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_trailer(int rec_size)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int16_t magic = AUT_TRAILER_MAGIC;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int16_t) +

	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, magic);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, rec_size);

	return (t);
コード例 #15
 * token ID                1 byte
 * number groups           2 bytes
 * group list              count * 4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_newgroups(u_int16_t n, gid_t *groups)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	int i;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int16_t) +
	    n * sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		ADD_U_INT32(dptr, groups[i]);

	return (t);
コード例 #16
 * token ID                1 byte
 * audit ID                4 bytes
 * effective user ID       4 bytes
 * effective group ID      4 bytes
 * real user ID            4 bytes
 * real group ID           4 bytes
 * process ID              4 bytes
 * session ID              4 bytes
 * terminal ID
 *   port ID               4 bytes/8 bytes (32-bit/64-bit value)
 *   machine address       4 bytes
token_t *
au_to_subject32(au_id_t auid, uid_t euid, gid_t egid, uid_t ruid, gid_t rgid,
    pid_t pid, au_asid_t sid, au_tid_t *tid)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + 9 * sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, auid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, euid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, egid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, ruid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, rgid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, pid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, sid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, tid->port);
	ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->machine, sizeof(u_int32_t));

	return (t);
コード例 #17
 * token ID                1 byte
 * argument #              1 byte
 * argument value          4 bytes/8 bytes (32-bit/64-bit value)
 * text length             2 bytes
 * text                    N bytes + 1 terminating NULL byte
token_t *
au_to_arg32(char n, const char *text, u_int32_t v)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int16_t textlen;

	textlen = strlen(text);
	textlen += 1;

	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, 2 * sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t) +
	    sizeof(u_int16_t) + textlen);

	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, AUT_ARG32);
	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, n);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, v);
	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, textlen);
	ADD_STRING(dptr, text, textlen);

	return (t);
コード例 #18
token_t *
au_to_process64_ex(au_id_t auid, uid_t euid, gid_t egid, uid_t ruid,
    gid_t rgid, pid_t pid, au_asid_t sid, au_tid_addr_t *tid)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	if (tid->at_type == AU_IPv4)
		GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) +
		    7 * sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int64_t) +
		    2 * sizeof(u_int32_t));
	else if (tid->at_type == AU_IPv6)
		GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) +
		    7 * sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int64_t) +
		    5 * sizeof(u_int32_t));
		panic("au_to_process64_ex: invalidate at_type (%d)",

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, auid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, euid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, egid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, ruid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, rgid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, pid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, sid);
	ADD_U_INT64(dptr, tid->at_port);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, tid->at_type);
	ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->at_addr[0], sizeof(u_int32_t));
	if (tid->at_type == AU_IPv6) {
		ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->at_addr[1], sizeof(u_int32_t));
		ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->at_addr[2], sizeof(u_int32_t));
		ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->at_addr[3], sizeof(u_int32_t));

	return (t);
コード例 #19
token_t *
au_to_subject64_ex(au_id_t auid, uid_t euid, gid_t egid, uid_t ruid,
    gid_t rgid, pid_t pid, au_asid_t sid, au_tid_addr_t *tid)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;

	KASSERT((tid->at_type == AU_IPv4) || (tid->at_type == AU_IPv6),
	    ("au_to_subject64_ex: type %u", (unsigned int)tid->at_type));

	if (tid->at_type == AU_IPv4)
		GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) +
		    7 * sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int64_t) +
		    2 * sizeof(u_int32_t));
		GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) +
		    7 * sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int64_t) +
		    5 * sizeof(u_int32_t));

	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, auid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, euid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, egid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, ruid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, rgid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, pid);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, sid);
	ADD_U_INT64(dptr, tid->at_port);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, tid->at_type);
	if (tid->at_type == AU_IPv6)
		ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->at_addr[0], 4 * sizeof(u_int32_t));
		ADD_MEM(dptr, &tid->at_addr[0], sizeof(u_int32_t));

	return (t);
コード例 #20
static token_t *
au_to_exec_strings(char *strs, int count, u_char type)
	token_t *t;
	u_char *dptr = NULL;
	u_int32_t totlen;
	int ctr;
	char *p;

	totlen = 0;
	ctr = count;
	p = strs;
	while (ctr-- > 0) {
		totlen += strlen(p) + 1;
		p = strs + totlen;
	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int32_t) + totlen);
	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, type);
	ADD_U_INT32(dptr, count);
	ADD_STRING(dptr, strs, totlen);

	return (t);