int ADIOI_End_call(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, void *extra_state) { int error_code; ADIO_End(&error_code); return error_code; }
int ADIOI_End_call(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, void *extra_state) { int error_code; ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(comm); ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(keyval); ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(attribute_val); ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(extra_state); ADIO_End(&error_code); return error_code; }
int ADIOI_End_call(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, void *extra_state) { int error_code; ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(comm); ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(attribute_val); ADIOI_UNREFERENCED_ARG(extra_state); MPI_Keyval_free(&keyval); /* The end call will be called after all possible uses of this keyval, even * if a file was opened with MPI_COMM_SELF. Note, this assumes LIFO * MPI_COMM_SELF attribute destruction behavior mandated by MPI-2.2. */ if (ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval != MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID) MPI_Keyval_free(&ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval); ADIO_End(&error_code); return error_code; }