TrajectoryFrame TrajectoryFrameReader::frame() { TrajectoryFrame frame; if (!haveProbedForNextFrame_) { readNextFrame(); } if (!nextFrameExists_) { GMX_THROW(APIError("There is no next frame, so there should have been no attempt to use the data, e.g. by reacting to a call to readNextFrame().")); } // Prepare for reading future frames haveProbedForNextFrame_ = false; nextFrameExists_ = false; // The probe filled trxframeGuard_ with new data, so return it frame.frame_ = trxframeGuard_.get(); if (!frame.frame_->bStep) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Cannot handle trajectory frame that lacks a step number")); } if (!frame.frame_->bTime) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Cannot handle trajectory frame that lacks a time")); } return frame; }
void SearchController::resultsAction() { checkParams({"id"}); const int id = params()["id"].toInt(); int limit = params()["limit"].toInt(); int offset = params()["offset"].toInt(); const auto searchHandlers = sessionManager()->session()->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS); if (!searchHandlers.contains(id)) throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound); const SearchHandlerPtr searchHandler = searchHandlers[id]; const QList<SearchResult> searchResults = searchHandler->results(); const int size = searchResults.size(); if (offset > size) throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, tr("Offset is out of range")); // normalize values if (offset < 0) offset = size + offset; if (offset < 0) // check again throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, tr("Offset is out of range")); if (limit <= 0) limit = -1; if ((limit > 0) || (offset > 0)) setResult(getResults(searchResults.mid(offset, limit), searchHandler->isActive(), size)); else setResult(getResults(searchResults, searchHandler->isActive(), size)); }
void AnalysisDataDisplacementModule::frameStarted(const AnalysisDataFrameHeader &header) { // Initialize times. if (_impl->bFirst) { _impl->t0 = header.x(); } else if (_impl->dt <= 0) { _impl->dt = header.x() - _impl->t0; if (_impl->dt < 0 || gmx_within_tol(_impl->dt, 0.0, GMX_REAL_EPS)) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Identical or decreasing frame times")); } } else { if (!gmx_within_tol(header.x() - _impl->t, _impl->dt, GMX_REAL_EPS)) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Frames not evenly spaced")); } } _impl->t = header.x(); // Allocate memory for all the positions once it is possible. if (_impl->max_store == -1 && !_impl->bFirst) { _impl->max_store = _impl->nmax * (int)(_impl->tmax/_impl->dt + 1); srenew(_impl->oldval, _impl->max_store); } // Increment the index where current positions are stored. _impl->ci += _impl->nmax; if (_impl->ci >= _impl->max_store) { _impl->ci = 0; } /* for (int i = 0; i < _impl->nmax; ++i) { _impl->p[_impl->ci + i].bPres = false; } */ _impl->nstored++; _impl->bFirst = false; }
EnergyFrame EnergyFrameReader::frame() { EnergyFrame energyFrame; if (!haveProbedForNextFrame_) { readNextFrame(); } if (!nextFrameExists_) { GMX_THROW(APIError("There is no next frame, so there should have been no attempt to use the data, e.g. by reacting to a call to readNextFrame().")); } // The probe filled enxframe_ with new data, so now we use that data to fill energyFrame t_enxframe *enxframe = enxframeGuard_.get(); energyFrame.time_ = enxframe->t; energyFrame.step_ = enxframe->step; for (auto &index : indicesOfEnergyFields_) { if (index.second >= enxframe->nre) { GMX_THROW(InternalError(formatString("Index %d for energy %s not present in energy frame with %d energies", index.second, index.first.c_str(), enxframe->nre))); } energyFrame.values_[index.first] = enxframe->ener[index.second].e; } // Prepare for reading future frames haveProbedForNextFrame_ = false; nextFrameExists_ = false; return energyFrame; }
void AnalysisDataModuleManager::notifyPointsAdd(const AnalysisDataPointSetRef &points) const { GMX_ASSERT(impl_->state_ == Impl::eInFrame, "notifyFrameStart() not called"); // TODO: Add checks for column spans (requires passing the information // about the column counts from somewhere). //GMX_ASSERT(points.lastColumn() < columnCount(points.dataSetIndex()), // "Invalid columns"); GMX_ASSERT(points.frameIndex() == impl_->currIndex_, "Points do not correspond to current frame"); if (impl_->bSerialModules_) { if (!impl_->bAllowMissing_ && !points.allPresent()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Missing data not supported by a module")); } Impl::ModuleList::const_iterator i; for (i = impl_->modules_.begin(); i != impl_->modules_.end(); ++i) { if (!i->bParallel) { i->module->pointsAdded(points); } } } }
void AbstractAnalysisData::Impl::presentData(AbstractAnalysisData *data, AnalysisDataModuleInterface *module) { module->dataStarted(data); bool bCheckMissing = bAllowMissing_ && !(module->flags() & AnalysisDataModuleInterface::efAllowMissing); for (int i = 0; i < data->frameCount(); ++i) { AnalysisDataFrameRef frame = data->getDataFrame(i); GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(frame.isValid(), "Invalid data frame returned"); // TODO: Check all frames before doing anything for slightly better // exception behavior. if (bCheckMissing && !frame.allPresent()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Missing data not supported by a module")); } module->frameStarted(frame.header()); module->pointsAdded(frame.points()); module->frameFinished(frame.header()); } if (!bInData_) { module->dataFinished(); } }
void AnalysisDataModuleManager::notifyParallelPointsAdd( const AnalysisDataPointSetRef &points) const { // TODO: Add checks for column spans (requires passing the information // about the column counts from somewhere). //GMX_ASSERT(points.lastColumn() < columnCount(points.dataSetIndex()), // "Invalid columns"); if (impl_->bParallelModules_) { if (!impl_->bAllowMissing_ && !points.allPresent()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Missing data not supported by a module")); } Impl::ModuleList::const_iterator i; for (i = impl_->modules_.begin(); i != impl_->modules_.end(); ++i) { if (i->bParallel) { i->module->pointsAdded(points); } } } }
void Application::createDisplay(uint width, uint height, uint redBits, uint greenBits, uint blueBits, uint alphaBits, uint depthBits, uint stencilBits, DisplayMode mode, const std::string &title) { GLboolean status; status = glfwOpenWindow(width, height, redBits, greenBits, blueBits, alphaBits, depthBits, stencilBits, mode == DISP_FULLSCREEN ? GLFW_FULLSCREEN : GLFW_WINDOW); if(status == GL_FALSE) { throw APIError("Failed to create display."); } // fetch window size (fixes X11 fullscreen bug) glfwGetWindowSize(reinterpret_cast<int*>(&displayWidth_), reinterpret_cast<int*>(&displayHeight_)); glfwSetWindowTitle(title.c_str()); // title is set separately initOpenGL(); setOrthoView(); // register the callbacks (after a window is open) glfwSetKeyCallback(Application::keyCallback); //glfwSetCharCallback(Application::charCallback); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(Application::mouseButtonCallback); glfwSetMousePosCallback(Application::mouseMoveCallback); glfwSetMouseWheelCallback(Application::mouseWheelCallback); quit_ = false; }
void AnalysisDataModuleManager::Impl::presentData(AbstractAnalysisData *data, AnalysisDataModuleInterface *module) { if (state_ == eNotStarted) { return; } GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(state_ != eInFrame, "Cannot apply a modules in mid-frame"); module->dataStarted(data); const bool bCheckMissing = bAllowMissing_ && !(module->flags() & AnalysisDataModuleInterface::efAllowMissing); for (int i = 0; i < data->frameCount(); ++i) { AnalysisDataFrameRef frame = data->getDataFrame(i); GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(frame.isValid(), "Invalid data frame returned"); // TODO: Check all frames before doing anything for slightly better // exception behavior. if (bCheckMissing && !frame.allPresent()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Missing data not supported by a module")); } module->frameStarted(frame.header()); for (int j = 0; j < frame.pointSetCount(); ++j) { module->pointsAdded(frame.pointSet(j)); } module->frameFinished(frame.header()); } if (state_ == eFinished) { module->dataFinished(); } }
void AnalysisDataVectorPlotModule::pointsAdded(const AnalysisDataPointSetRef &points) { if (points.firstColumn() % DIM != 0 || points.columnCount() % DIM != 0) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Partial data points")); } if (!isFileOpen()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < points.columnCount(); i += 3) { for (int d = 0; d < DIM; ++d) { if (bWrite_[i]) { writeValue(points.values()[i + d]); } } if (bWrite_[DIM]) { const rvec y = { points.y(i), points.y(i + 1), points.y(i + 2) }; AnalysisDataValue value(norm(y)); writeValue(value); } } }
void AbstractAnalysisData::notifyPointsAdd(int firstcol, int n, const real *y, const real *dy, const bool *present) const { GMX_ASSERT(_impl->_bInData, "notifyDataStart() not called"); GMX_ASSERT(_impl->_bInFrame, "notifyFrameStart() not called"); GMX_ASSERT(firstcol >= 0 && n > 0 && firstcol + n <= _ncol, "Invalid column"); if (present && !_impl->_bAllowMissing) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!present[i]) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Missing data not supported by a module")); } } } Impl::ModuleList::const_iterator i; for (i = _impl->_modules.begin(); i != _impl->_modules.end(); ++i) { (*i)->pointsAdded(_impl->_currx, _impl->_currdx, firstcol, n, y, dy, present); } }
EnergyFrameReaderPtr openEnergyFileToReadFields(const std::string &filename, const std::vector<std::string> &namesOfRequiredEnergyFields) { ener_file_ptr energyFile(open_enx(filename.c_str(), "r")); if (!energyFile) { GMX_THROW(FileIOError("Could not open energy file " + filename + " for reading")); } /* Read in the names of energy fields used in this file. The * resulting data structure would leak if an exception was thrown, * so transfer the contents that we actually need to a map we can * keep. * * TODO Technically, the insertions into the map could throw * std::bad_alloc and we could leak memory allocated by * do_enxnms(), but there's nothing we can do about this right * now. */ std::map<std::string, int> indicesOfEnergyFields; { int numEnergyTerms; gmx_enxnm_t *energyNames = nullptr; do_enxnms(energyFile.get(), &numEnergyTerms, &energyNames); for (int i = 0; i != numEnergyTerms; ++i) { const char *name = energyNames[i].name; auto requiredEnergy = std::find_if(std::begin(namesOfRequiredEnergyFields), std::end(namesOfRequiredEnergyFields), [name](const std::string &n){ return 0 ==; }); if (requiredEnergy != namesOfRequiredEnergyFields.end()) { indicesOfEnergyFields[name] = i; } } // Clean up old data structures free_enxnms(numEnergyTerms, energyNames); } // Throw if we failed to find the fields we need if (indicesOfEnergyFields.size() != namesOfRequiredEnergyFields.size()) { std::string requiredEnergiesNotFound = "Did not find the following required energies in mdrun output:\n"; for (auto &name : namesOfRequiredEnergyFields) { auto possibleIndex = indicesOfEnergyFields.find(name); if (possibleIndex == indicesOfEnergyFields.end()) { requiredEnergiesNotFound += name + "\n"; } } GMX_THROW(APIError(requiredEnergiesNotFound)); } return EnergyFrameReaderPtr(new EnergyFrameReader(indicesOfEnergyFields, energyFile.release())); }
void SearchController::startAction() { checkParams({"pattern", "category", "plugins"}); if (!Utils::ForeignApps::pythonInfo().isValid()) throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, "Python must be installed to use the Search Engine."); const QString pattern = params()["pattern"].trimmed(); const QString category = params()["category"].trimmed(); const QStringList plugins = params()["plugins"].split('|'); QStringList pluginsToUse; if (plugins.size() == 1) { const QString pluginsLower = plugins[0].toLower(); if (pluginsLower == "all") pluginsToUse = SearchPluginManager::instance()->allPlugins(); else if ((pluginsLower == "enabled") || (pluginsLower == "multi")) pluginsToUse = SearchPluginManager::instance()->enabledPlugins(); else pluginsToUse << plugins; } else { pluginsToUse << plugins; } ISession *const session = sessionManager()->session(); auto activeSearches = session->getData<QSet<int>>(ACTIVE_SEARCHES); if (activeSearches.size() >= MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES) throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, QString("Unable to create more than %1 concurrent searches.").arg(MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES)); const auto id = generateSearchId(); const SearchHandlerPtr searchHandler {SearchPluginManager::instance()->startSearch(pattern, category, pluginsToUse)}; QObject::connect(, &SearchHandler::searchFinished, this, [session, id, this]() { searchFinished(session, id); }); QObject::connect(, &SearchHandler::searchFailed, this, [session, id, this]() { searchFailed(session, id); }); auto searchHandlers = session->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS); searchHandlers.insert(id, searchHandler); session->setData(SEARCH_HANDLERS, QVariant::fromValue(searchHandlers)); activeSearches.insert(id); session->setData(ACTIVE_SEARCHES, QVariant::fromValue(activeSearches)); const QJsonObject result = {{"id", id}}; setResult(result); }
AbstractAnalysisData &TrajectoryAnalysisModule::datasetFromName(const char *name) const { Impl::DatasetContainer::const_iterator item = impl_->datasets_.find(name); if (item == impl_->datasets_.end()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Unknown data set name")); } return *item->second; }
bool EnergyFrameReader::readNextFrame() { if (haveProbedForNextFrame_) { if (nextFrameExists_) { GMX_THROW(APIError("This frame has already been probed for, it should be used before probing again.")); } else { GMX_THROW(APIError("This frame has already been probed for, it doesn't exist, so there should not be subsequent attempts to probe for it.")); } } haveProbedForNextFrame_ = true; // If there's a next frame, read it into enxframe_, and report the result. return nextFrameExists_ = do_enx(energyFileGuard_.get(), enxframeGuard_.get()); }
const real &EnergyFrame::at(const std::string &name) const { auto valueIterator = values_.find(name); if (valueIterator == values_.end()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Cannot get energy value " + name + " unless previously registered when constructing EnergyFrameReader")); } return valueIterator->second; }
AnalysisDataFrameRef AbstractAnalysisData::getDataFrame(int index) const { AnalysisDataFrameRef frame = tryGetDataFrame(index); if (!frame.isValid()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Invalid frame accessed")); } return frame; }
OptionInfo *Options::addOption(const AbstractOption &settings) { AbstractOptionStoragePointer option(settings.createStorage()); if (impl_->findOption(option->name().c_str()) != NULL) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Duplicate option: " + option->name())); } impl_->options_.push_back(move(option)); return &impl_->options_.back()->optionInfo(); }
util::VersionInfo Application::initGLFW() { int maj,min,patch; if(glfwInit() == GL_FALSE) { throw APIError("Initialization of GLFW failed!"); } glfwGetVersion(&maj,&min,&patch); return util::VersionInfo(maj,min,patch); }
// GET param: // - hash (string): torrent hash // - rid (int): last response id void SyncController::torrentPeersAction() { auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse")).toMap(); auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap(); const QString hash {params()["hash"]}; BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->findTorrent(hash); if (!torrent) throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound); QVariantMap data; QVariantHash peers; const QList<BitTorrent::PeerInfo> peersList = torrent->peers(); #ifndef DISABLE_COUNTRIES_RESOLUTION bool resolvePeerCountries = Preferences::instance()->resolvePeerCountries(); #else bool resolvePeerCountries = false; #endif data[KEY_SYNC_TORRENT_PEERS_SHOW_FLAGS] = resolvePeerCountries; for (const BitTorrent::PeerInfo &pi : peersList) { if (pi.address().ip.isNull()) continue; QVariantMap peer; #ifndef DISABLE_COUNTRIES_RESOLUTION if (resolvePeerCountries) { peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY_CODE] =; peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY] = Net::GeoIPManager::CountryName(; } #endif peer[KEY_PEER_IP] = pi.address().ip.toString(); peer[KEY_PEER_PORT] = pi.address().port; peer[KEY_PEER_CLIENT] = pi.client(); peer[KEY_PEER_PROGRESS] = pi.progress(); peer[KEY_PEER_DOWN_SPEED] = pi.payloadDownSpeed(); peer[KEY_PEER_UP_SPEED] = pi.payloadUpSpeed(); peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_DOWN] = pi.totalDownload(); peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_UP] = pi.totalUpload(); peer[KEY_PEER_CONNECTION_TYPE] = pi.connectionType(); peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS] = pi.flags(); peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION] = pi.flagsDescription(); peer[KEY_PEER_RELEVANCE] = pi.relevance(); peer[KEY_PEER_FILES] = torrent->info().filesForPiece(pi.downloadingPieceIndex()).join(QLatin1String("\n")); peers[pi.address().ip.toString() + ':' + QString::number(pi.address().port)] = peer; } data["peers"] = peers; const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()}; setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse))); sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse"), lastResponse); sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse); }
static Any get_clipboard_data(DisplayObj d, Name type) { HGLOBAL mem; HENHMETAFILE hmf; Any rval = FAIL; OpenClipboard(CLIPBOARDWIN); if ( type != NAME_winMetafile && (mem = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT)) ) { wchar_t *data = GlobalLock(mem); wchar_t *copy, *q; q = copy = pceMalloc((wcslen(data)+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); for(; *data; data++) { if ( *data == '\r' && data[1] == '\n' ) { data++; *q++ = '\n'; } else *q++ = *data; } *q = EOS; rval = WCToString(copy, q-copy); pceFree(copy); GlobalUnlock(mem); } else if ( type != NAME_winMetafile && (mem = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)) ) { char far *data = GlobalLock(mem); char *copy, *q; q = copy = pceMalloc(strlen(data)); for(; *data; data++) { if ( *data == '\r' && data[1] == '\n' ) { data++; *q++ = '\n'; } else *q++ = *data; } *q = EOS; rval = CtoString(copy); pceFree(copy); GlobalUnlock(mem); } else if ( type != NAME_text && (hmf = GetClipboardData(CF_ENHMETAFILE)) ) { HENHMETAFILE copy = CopyEnhMetaFile(hmf, NULL); if ( !copy ) { errorPce(d, NAME_winMetafile, CtoName("CopyEnhMetaFile"), APIError()); fail; } rval = CtoWinMetafile(copy); DeleteEnhMetaFile(hmf); } CloseClipboard(); return rval; }
//============================================================================== // main - this is the main module for our application. It handle the // initialization of the window, going into a message loop for // dispatching messages and terminates the window upon successful exit // from the message loop //============================================================================== void cdecl main( void ) { // initialize the main instance of our application if (Main::Initialize()==FALSE) APIError((HWND)NULL,(HWND)NULL); { AppWindow MainWnd; // initialize our application window Main::FramehWnd = MainWnd.GetFrameHandle(); Main::MessageLoop(); // call our message handler for our app } Main::Terminate(); // terminate the application }
AbstractAnalysisData &TrajectoryAnalysisModule::datasetFromIndex(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= datasetCount()) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Out of range data set index")); } Impl::DatasetContainer::const_iterator item = impl_->datasets_.find(impl_->datasetNames_[index]); GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(item != impl_->datasets_.end(), "Inconsistent data set names"); return *item->second; }
bool TrajectoryFrameReader::readNextFrame() { if (haveProbedForNextFrame_) { if (nextFrameExists_) { GMX_THROW(APIError("This frame has already been probed for, it should be used before probing again.")); } else { GMX_THROW(APIError("This frame has already been probed for, it doesn't exist, so there should not be subsequent attempts to probe for it.")); } } haveProbedForNextFrame_ = true; // If there's a next frame, read it into trxframe_, and report the result. if (!haveReadFirstFrame_) { t_trxstatus *trajectoryFile; int flags = TRX_READ_X | TRX_READ_V | TRX_READ_F; nextFrameExists_ = read_first_frame(oenvGuard_.get(), &trajectoryFile, filename_.c_str(), trxframeGuard_.get(), flags); if (!trajectoryFile) { GMX_THROW(FileIOError("Could not open trajectory file " + filename_ + " for reading")); } trajectoryFileGuard_.reset(trajectoryFile); haveReadFirstFrame_ = true; } else { nextFrameExists_ = read_next_frame(oenvGuard_.get(), trajectoryFileGuard_.get(), trxframeGuard_.get()); } return nextFrameExists_; }
void AnalysisDataDisplacementModule::pointsAdded(const AnalysisDataPointSetRef &points) { if (points.firstColumn() % _impl->ndim != 0 || points.columnCount() % _impl->ndim != 0) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Partial data points")); } for (int i = 0; i < points.columnCount(); ++i) { _impl->oldval[_impl->ci + points.firstColumn() + i] = points.y(i); } }
void AnalysisDataDisplacementModule::pointsAdded(real x, real dx, int firstcol, int n, const real *y, const real *dy, const bool *present) { if (firstcol % _impl->ndim != 0 || n % _impl->ndim != 0) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Partial data points")); } for (int i = firstcol; i < firstcol + n; ++i) { _impl->oldval[_impl->ci + i] = y[i]; } }
void AbstractAnalysisData::applyModule(AnalysisDataModuleInterface *module) { if ((columnCount() > 1 && !(module->flags() & AnalysisDataModuleInterface::efAllowMulticolumn)) || (isMultipoint() && !(module->flags() & AnalysisDataModuleInterface::efAllowMultipoint)) || (!isMultipoint() && (module->flags() & AnalysisDataModuleInterface::efOnlyMultipoint))) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Data module not compatible with data object properties")); } GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(_impl->_bDataStart && !_impl->_bInData, "Data module can only be applied to ready data"); _impl->presentData(this, module); }
void AbstractAnalysisData::Impl::presentData(AbstractAnalysisData *data, AnalysisDataModuleInterface *module) { module->dataStarted(data); bool bCheckMissing = _bAllowMissing && !(module->flags() & AnalysisDataModuleInterface::efAllowMissing); int ncol = data->columnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < data->frameCount(); ++i) { real x, dx; const real *y, *dy; const bool *present; if (!data->getDataWErr(i, &x, &dx, &y, &dy, &present)) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Data not available when module added")); } if (bCheckMissing && present) { for (int j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) { if (!present[j]) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Missing data not supported by a module")); } } } module->frameStarted(x, dx); module->pointsAdded(x, dx, 0, ncol, y, dy, present); module->frameFinished(); } if (!_bInData) { module->dataFinished(); } }
void AnalysisDataDisplacementModule::dataStarted(AbstractAnalysisData *data) { if (data->columnCount() % _impl->ndim != 0) { GMX_THROW(APIError("Data has incorrect number of columns")); } _impl->nmax = data->columnCount(); snew(_impl->oldval, _impl->nmax); _impl->ci = -_impl->nmax; int ncol = _impl->nmax / _impl->ndim + 1; _impl->currValues_.reserve(ncol); setColumnCount(ncol); }
void TopologyInformation::getTopologyConf(rvec **x, matrix box) const { if (box) { copy_mat(const_cast<rvec *>(boxtop_), box); } if (x) { if (!xtop_) { *x = NULL; GMX_THROW(APIError("Topology coordinates requested without setting efUseTopX")); } *x = xtop_; } }