//TODO Move somewhere else void Cedric_ApplyLightingFirstPartRefactor(Entity *io) { if(!io) return; io->special_color = Color3f::white; float poisonpercent = 0.f; float trappercent = 0.f; float secretpercent = 0.f; if((io->ioflags & IO_NPC) && io->_npcdata->poisonned > 0.f) { poisonpercent = io->_npcdata->poisonned * ( 1.0f / 20 ); if(poisonpercent > 1.f) poisonpercent = 1.f; } if((io->ioflags & IO_ITEM) && io->poisonous > 0.f && io->poisonous_count) { poisonpercent = (float)io->poisonous * (1.0f / 20); if(poisonpercent > 1.f) poisonpercent = 1.f; } if((io->ioflags & IO_FIX) && io->_fixdata->trapvalue > -1) { trappercent = player.TRAP_DETECT - (float)io->_fixdata->trapvalue; if(trappercent > 0.f) { trappercent = 0.6f + trappercent * ( 1.0f / 100 ); trappercent = clamp(trappercent, 0.6f, 1.f); } } if((io->ioflags & IO_FIX) && io->secretvalue > -1) { secretpercent = player.TRAP_SECRET - (float)io->secretvalue; if(secretpercent > 0.f) { secretpercent = 0.6f + secretpercent * ( 1.0f / 100 ); secretpercent = clamp(secretpercent, 0.6f, 1.f); } } if(poisonpercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f::green; } if(trappercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f(trappercent, 1.f - trappercent, 1.f - trappercent); } if(secretpercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f(1.f - secretpercent, 1.f - secretpercent, secretpercent); } if(io->ioflags & IO_FREEZESCRIPT) { io->special_color = Color3f::blue; } if(io->sfx_flag & SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH) { if(io->show == SHOW_FLAG_TELEPORTING) { float fTime = io->sfx_time + framedelay; io->sfx_time = checked_range_cast<unsigned long>(fTime); if (io->sfx_time >= (unsigned long)(arxtime)) io->sfx_time = (unsigned long)(arxtime); } else { float elapsed = float(arxtime) - io->sfx_time; if(elapsed > 0.f) { if(elapsed < 3000.f) { // 5 seconds to red float ratio = elapsed * (1.0f / 3000); io->special_color = Color3f(1.f, 1.f - ratio, 1.f - ratio); AddRandomSmoke(io, 1); } else if(elapsed < 6000.f) { // 5 seconds to White float ratio = (elapsed - 3000.f) * (1.0f / 3000); io->special_color = Color3f(1.f, ratio, ratio); AddRandomSmoke(io, 2); } else { // SFX finish io->sfx_time = 0; if(io->ioflags & IO_NPC) { MakePlayerAppearsFX(io); AddRandomSmoke(io, 50); Color3f rgb = io->_npcdata->blood_color.to<float>(); EERIE_SPHERE sp; sp.origin = io->pos; sp.radius = 200.f; long count = 6; while(count--) { SpawnGroundSplat(&sp, &rgb, rnd() * 30.f + 30.f, 1); sp.origin.y -= rnd() * 150.f; ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Splat(sp.origin, 200.f, io->_npcdata->blood_color); sp.origin.x = io->pos.x + rnd() * 200.f - 100.f; sp.origin.y = io->pos.y + rnd() * 20.f - 10.f; sp.origin.z = io->pos.z + rnd() * 200.f - 100.f; sp.radius = rnd() * 100.f + 100.f; } long nn = GetFreeDynLight(); if(nn >= 0) { DynLight[nn].exist = 1; DynLight[nn].intensity = 0.7f + 2.f * rnd(); DynLight[nn].fallend = 600.f; DynLight[nn].fallstart = 400.f; DynLight[nn].rgb.r = 1.0f; DynLight[nn].rgb.g = 0.8f; DynLight[nn].rgb.b = .0f; DynLight[nn].pos.x = io->pos.x; DynLight[nn].pos.y = io->pos.y - 80.f; DynLight[nn].pos.z = io->pos.z; DynLight[nn].duration = 600; } if(io->sfx_flag & SFX_TYPE_INCINERATE) { io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_INCINERATE; io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH; long num = ARX_SPELLS_GetSpellOn(io, SPELL_INCINERATE); if(num < 0) num = ARX_SPELLS_GetSpellOn(io, SPELL_MASS_INCINERATE); if(num >= 0) { spells[num].tolive = 0; float damages = 20 * spells[num].caster_level; damages = ARX_SPELLS_ApplyFireProtection(io, damages); if (ValidIONum(spells[num].caster)) ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io, damages, spells[num].caster, 1, &entities[spells[num].caster]->pos); else ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io, damages, spells[num].caster, 1, &io->pos); ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_FIRE_HIT, &io->pos); } } else { io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH; ARX_INTERACTIVE_DestroyIOdelayed(io); } } } } } } }
//TODO Move somewhere else void Cedric_ApplyLightingFirstPartRefactor(Entity *io) { if(!io) return; io->special_color = Color3f::white; float poisonpercent = 0.f; float trappercent = 0.f; float secretpercent = 0.f; if((io->ioflags & IO_NPC) && io->_npcdata->poisonned > 0.f) { poisonpercent = io->_npcdata->poisonned * ( 1.0f / 20 ); if(poisonpercent > 1.f) poisonpercent = 1.f; } if((io->ioflags & IO_ITEM) && io->poisonous > 0.f && io->poisonous_count) { poisonpercent = io->poisonous * (1.0f / 20); if(poisonpercent > 1.f) poisonpercent = 1.f; } if((io->ioflags & IO_FIX) && io->_fixdata->trapvalue > -1) { trappercent = player.TRAP_DETECT - io->_fixdata->trapvalue; if(trappercent > 0.f) { trappercent = 0.6f + trappercent * ( 1.0f / 100 ); trappercent = glm::clamp(trappercent, 0.6f, 1.f); } } if((io->ioflags & IO_FIX) && io->secretvalue > -1) { secretpercent = player.TRAP_SECRET - io->secretvalue; if(secretpercent > 0.f) { secretpercent = 0.6f + secretpercent * ( 1.0f / 100 ); secretpercent = glm::clamp(secretpercent, 0.6f, 1.f); } } if(poisonpercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f::green; } if(trappercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f(trappercent, 1.f - trappercent, 1.f - trappercent); } if(secretpercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f(1.f - secretpercent, 1.f - secretpercent, secretpercent); } if(io->ioflags & IO_FREEZESCRIPT) { io->special_color = Color3f::blue; } if(io->sfx_flag & SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH) { if(io->show == SHOW_FLAG_TELEPORTING) { io->sfx_time = io->sfx_time + ArxDurationMs(g_framedelay); if (io->sfx_time >= arxtime.now()) io->sfx_time = arxtime.now(); } else { const ArxDuration elapsed = arxtime.now() - io->sfx_time; if(elapsed > ArxDuration_ZERO) { if(elapsed < ArxDurationMs(3000)) { // 5 seconds to red float ratio = toMs(elapsed) * (1.0f / 3000); io->special_color = Color3f(1.f, 1.f - ratio, 1.f - ratio); io->highlightColor += Color3f(std::max(ratio - 0.5f, 0.f), 0.f, 0.f) * 255; AddRandomSmoke(io, 1); } else if(elapsed < ArxDurationMs(6000)) { // 5 seconds to White float ratio = toMs(elapsed) * (1.0f / 3000); io->special_color = Color3f::red; io->highlightColor += Color3f(std::max(ratio - 0.5f, 0.f), 0.f, 0.f) * 255; AddRandomSmoke(io, 2); } else { // SFX finish io->sfx_time = ArxInstant_ZERO; if(io->ioflags & IO_NPC) { MakePlayerAppearsFX(io); AddRandomSmoke(io, 50); Color3f rgb = io->_npcdata->blood_color.to<float>(); Sphere sp = Sphere(io->pos, 200.f); long count = 6; while(count--) { Sphere splatSphere = Sphere(sp.origin, Random::getf(30.f, 60.f)); PolyBoomAddSplat(splatSphere, rgb, 1); sp.origin.y -= Random::getf(0.f, 150.f); ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Splat(sp.origin, 200.f, io->_npcdata->blood_color); sp.origin = io->pos + randomVec3f() * Vec3f(200.f, 20.f,200.f) - Vec3f(100.f, 10.f, 100.f); sp.radius = Random::getf(100.f, 200.f); } EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(); if(light) { light->intensity = Random::getf(0.7f, 2.7f); light->fallend = 600.f; light->fallstart = 400.f; light->rgb = Color3f(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.f); light->pos = io->pos + Vec3f(0.f, -80.f, 0.f); light->duration = ArxDurationMs(600); } if(io->sfx_flag & SFX_TYPE_INCINERATE) { io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_INCINERATE; io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH; SpellBase * spell = spells.getSpellOnTarget(io->index(), SPELL_INCINERATE); if(!spell) spell = spells.getSpellOnTarget(io->index(), SPELL_MASS_INCINERATE); if(spell) { spells.endSpell(spell); float damages = 20 * spell->m_level; damages = ARX_SPELLS_ApplyFireProtection(io, damages); if (ValidIONum(spell->m_caster)) ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io, damages, spell->m_caster, true, &entities[spell->m_caster]->pos); else ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io, damages, spell->m_caster, true, &io->pos); ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_FIRE_HIT, &io->pos); } } else { io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH; ARX_INTERACTIVE_DestroyIOdelayed(io); } } } } } } }
void ManageCombatModeAnimations() { arx_assert(entities.player()); Entity * const io = entities.player(); AnimLayer & layer1 = io->animlayer[1]; ANIM_HANDLE ** alist=io->anims; WeaponType weapontype = ARX_EQUIPMENT_GetPlayerWeaponType(); if(weapontype == WEAPON_BARE && LAST_WEAPON_TYPE != weapontype) { if(layer1.cur_anim != alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]); AimTime = 0; } } switch(weapontype) { case WEAPON_BARE: // BARE HANDS PLAYER MANAGEMENT if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]) { AimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_START + CurrFightPos * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_START+j*3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE+j*3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(io, SM_STRIKE, "bare"); PlayerWeaponBlocked = -1; CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT+j*3]) { if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT], EA_LOOP); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); PlayerWeaponBlocked = -1; } else if(layer1.ctime > layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.2f && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.8f && PlayerWeaponBlocked == -1 ) { long id = -1; if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT]) { id = io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach; } else { // Strike Right id = io->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach; } if(id != -1) { Sphere sphere; sphere.origin = io->obj->vertexlist3[id].v; sphere.radius = 25.f; EntityHandle num; if(CheckAnythingInSphere(sphere, PlayerEntityHandle, 0, &num)) { float dmgs = (player.m_miscFull.damages + 1) * STRIKE_AIMTIME; if(ARX_DAMAGES_TryToDoDamage(io->obj->vertexlist3[id].v, dmgs, 40, PlayerEntityHandle)) { PlayerWeaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(sphere.origin, int(dmgs), 2); if(ValidIONum(num)) { ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(entities[num]->material, MATERIAL_FLESH, 1.f, 1.f, sphere.origin, NULL); } } } } } } break; case WEAPON_DAGGER: // DAGGER PLAYER MANAGEMENT // Waiting and receiving Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_WAIT]) { AimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_START + CurrFightPos * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_START+j*3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE+j*3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(io, SM_STRIKE, "dagger"); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT+j*3]) { if(layer1.ctime > layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.3f && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.7f) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; if(PlayerWeaponBlocked == -1 && ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, STRIKE_AIMTIME, 0)) { PlayerWeaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } } if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_WAIT], EA_LOOP); layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); PlayerWeaponBlocked = -1; } if(PlayerWeaponBlocked != -1 && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.9f) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, STRIKE_AIMTIME, 1); } } } break; case WEAPON_1H: // 1HANDED PLAYER MANAGEMENT // Waiting and Received Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_WAIT]) { AimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + CurrFightPos * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_START+j*3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE+j*3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(io, SM_STRIKE, "1h"); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT+j*3]) { if(layer1.ctime > layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.3f && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.7f) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; if(PlayerWeaponBlocked == -1 && ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, STRIKE_AIMTIME, 0)) { PlayerWeaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } } if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_WAIT], EA_LOOP); layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = 0; PlayerWeaponBlocked = -1; } if(PlayerWeaponBlocked != -1 && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.9f) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, STRIKE_AIMTIME, 1); } } } break; case WEAPON_2H: // 2HANDED PLAYER MANAGEMENT // Waiting and Receiving Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_WAIT]) { AimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + CurrFightPos * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_START+j*3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE+j*3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(io, SM_STRIKE, "2h"); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT+j*3]) { if(layer1.ctime > layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.3f && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.7f) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; if(PlayerWeaponBlocked == -1 && ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, STRIKE_AIMTIME, 0)) { PlayerWeaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } } if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_WAIT], EA_LOOP); layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE); CurrFightPos = 0; AimTime = 0; PlayerWeaponBlocked = -1; } if(PlayerWeaponBlocked != -1 && layer1.ctime < layer1.cur_anim->anims[layer1.altidx_cur]->anim_time * 0.9f) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, STRIKE_AIMTIME, 1); } } } break; case WEAPON_BOW: // MISSILE PLAYER MANAGEMENT if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE]) { if(GLOBAL_SLOWDOWN != 1.f) BOW_FOCAL += Original_framedelay; else BOW_FOCAL += framedelay; if(BOW_FOCAL > 710) BOW_FOCAL = 710; } // Waiting and Receiving Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_WAIT]) { AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); if(eeMousePressed1() && Player_Arrow_Count() > 0) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_1]); io->isHit = false; } } if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_1] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { AimTime = 0; changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_2]); EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_LinkObjectToObject(io->obj, arrowobj, "left_attach", "attach", NULL); } // Now go for strike cycle... if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_2] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE], EA_LOOP); AimTime = (unsigned long)(arxtime); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE] && !eeMousePressed1()) { EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_UnLinkObjectFromObject(io->obj, arrowobj); changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE]); SendIOScriptEvent(io, SM_STRIKE, "bow"); StrikeAimtime(); STRIKE_AIMTIME = (float)(BOW_FOCAL)/710.f; Entity * quiver = Player_Arrow_Count_Decrease(); float poisonous = 0.f; if(quiver) { poisonous = quiver->poisonous; if(quiver->poisonous_count > 0) { quiver->poisonous_count--; if(quiver->poisonous_count <= 0) quiver->poisonous = 0; } ARX_DAMAGES_DurabilityLoss(quiver, 1.f); // TODO is this needed ?, quivers seem to self destruct via script, but maybe not all if(ValidIOAddress(quiver) && quiver->durability <= 0.f) { ARX_INTERACTIVE_DestroyIOdelayed(quiver); } } float aimratio = STRIKE_AIMTIME; if(sp_max && poisonous < 3.f) poisonous = 3.f; Vec3f orgPos = player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, 40.f, 0.f); if(io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach >= 0) { orgPos = io->obj->vertexlist3[io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach].v; } Anglef orgAngle = player.angle; PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, orgPos, orgAngle); if(sp_max) { Anglef angle; Vec3f pos = player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, 40.f, 0.f); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw()); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch() + 8); angle.setRoll(player.angle.getRoll()); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw()); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch() - 8); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw()); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch() + 4.f); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw()); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch() - 4.f); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); } AimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE]) { BOW_FOCAL -= Original_framedelay; if(BOW_FOCAL < 0) BOW_FOCAL = 0; if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { BOW_FOCAL = 0; changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_WAIT], EA_LOOP); AimTime = 0; PlayerWeaponBlocked = -1; EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_UnLinkObjectFromObject(io->obj, arrowobj); } } break; } LAST_WEAPON_TYPE = weapontype; }
void ManageCombatModeAnimations() { arx_assert(entities.player()); if(player.m_aimTime > 0) { player.m_aimTime += g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration(); } Entity * const io = entities.player(); AnimLayer & layer1 = io->animlayer[1]; ANIM_HANDLE ** alist = io->anims; WeaponType weapontype = ARX_EQUIPMENT_GetPlayerWeaponType(); if(weapontype == WEAPON_BARE && LAST_WEAPON_TYPE != weapontype) { if(layer1.cur_anim != alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]); player.m_aimTime = 0; } } switch(weapontype) { case WEAPON_BARE: { // BARE HANDS PLAYER MANAGEMENT if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]) { player.m_aimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "bare"); player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); // TODO inband signaling AnimationDuration player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) { if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT], EA_LOOP); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); } else if( layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.2f && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.8f && player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)) { ActionPoint id = ActionPoint(); if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT]) { id = io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach; } else { // Strike Right id = io->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach; } if(id != ActionPoint()) { Sphere sphere; sphere.origin = actionPointPosition(io->obj, id); sphere.radius = 25.f; EntityHandle num; if(CheckAnythingInSphere(sphere, EntityHandle_Player, 0, &num)) { float dmgs = (player.m_miscFull.damages + 1) * player.m_strikeAimRatio; if(ARX_DAMAGES_TryToDoDamage(actionPointPosition(io->obj, id), dmgs, 40, EntityHandle_Player)) { player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } ParticleSparkSpawnContinous(sphere.origin, unsigned(dmgs), SpawnSparkType_Success); if(ValidIONum(num)) { static PlatformInstant lastHit = 0; PlatformInstant now = g_platformTime.frameStart(); if(now - lastHit > toPlatformDuration(layer1.ctime)) { ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(entities[num]->material, MATERIAL_FLESH, 1.f, 1.f, sphere.origin, NULL); lastHit = now; } } } } } } } break; } case WEAPON_DAGGER: { // DAGGER PLAYER MANAGEMENT // Waiting and receiving Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_WAIT]) { player.m_aimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "dagger"); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) { if( layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.3f && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.7f ) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; if(player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1) && ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 0)) { player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } } if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_WAIT], EA_LOOP); layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); } if( player.m_weaponBlocked != AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1) && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.9f ) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 1); } } } break; } case WEAPON_1H: { // 1HANDED PLAYER MANAGEMENT // Waiting and Received Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_WAIT]) { player.m_aimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "1h"); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) { if( layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.3f && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.7f ) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; if(player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1) && ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 0)) { player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } } if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_WAIT], EA_LOOP); layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = 0; player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); } if( player.m_weaponBlocked != AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1) && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.9f ) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 1); } } } break; } case WEAPON_2H: { // 2HANDED PLAYER MANAGEMENT // Waiting and Receiving Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_WAIT]) { player.m_aimTime = 0; if(eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]); io->isHit = false; } } // Now go for strike cycle... for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP); player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]); strikeSpeak(io); SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "2h"); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) { if( layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.3f && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.7f ) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; if(player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1) && ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 0)) { player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime; } } if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_WAIT], EA_LOOP); layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE); player.m_strikeDirection = 0; player.m_aimTime = 0; player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); } if( player.m_weaponBlocked != AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1) && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.9f ) { Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]]; ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 1); } } } break; } case WEAPON_BOW: { // MISSILE PLAYER MANAGEMENT if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE]) { player.m_bowAimRatio += bowZoomFromDuration(toMs(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration())); if(player.m_bowAimRatio > 1.f) player.m_bowAimRatio = 1.f; } // Waiting and Receiving Strike Impulse if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_WAIT]) { player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); if(eeMousePressed1() && Player_Arrow_Count() > 0) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_1]); io->isHit = false; } } if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_1] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { player.m_aimTime = 0; changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_2]); EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_LinkObjectToObject(io->obj, arrowobj, "left_attach", "attach", NULL); } // Now go for strike cycle... if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_2] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) { changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE], EA_LOOP); player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1); } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE] && !eeMousePressed1()) { EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_UnLinkObjectFromObject(io->obj, arrowobj); changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE]); SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "bow"); StrikeAimtime(); player.m_strikeAimRatio = player.m_bowAimRatio; Entity * quiver = Player_Arrow_Count_Decrease(); float poisonous = 0.f; if(quiver) { poisonous = quiver->poisonous; if(quiver->poisonous_count > 0) { quiver->poisonous_count--; if(quiver->poisonous_count <= 0) quiver->poisonous = 0; } ARX_DAMAGES_DurabilityLoss(quiver, 1.f); // TODO is this needed ?, quivers seem to self destruct via script, but maybe not all if(ValidIOAddress(quiver) && quiver->durability <= 0.f) { ARX_INTERACTIVE_DestroyIOdelayed(quiver); } } float aimratio = player.m_strikeAimRatio; if(sp_max && poisonous < 3.f) poisonous = 3.f; Vec3f orgPos = player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, 40.f, 0.f); if(io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach != ActionPoint()) { orgPos = actionPointPosition(io->obj, io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach); } Anglef orgAngle = player.angle; PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, orgPos, orgAngle); if(sp_max) { Anglef angle; Vec3f pos = player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, 40.f, 0.f); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch()); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() + 8); angle.setRoll(player.angle.getRoll()); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch()); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() - 8); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch()); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() + 4.f); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); angle.setPitch(player.angle.getPitch()); angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() - 4.f); PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle); } player.m_aimTime = 0; } else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE]) { player.m_bowAimRatio -= bowZoomFromDuration(toMs(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration())); if(player.m_bowAimRatio < 0) player.m_bowAimRatio = 0; if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) { player.m_bowAimRatio = 0; changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_WAIT], EA_LOOP); player.m_aimTime = 0; player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_UnLinkObjectFromObject(io->obj, arrowobj); } } break; } } LAST_WEAPON_TYPE = weapontype; }