コード例 #1
ファイル: vgsp.c プロジェクト: mlochbaum/jsource
static A jtgrd1spz(J jt,A w,I wf,I wcr){A z;I*ws,zn;
 GATV(z,INT,zn,1+wf,ws); if(!wcr)*(AS(z)+wf)=1;
 R z;
}    /* allocate result for grd1sp__ */
コード例 #2
ファイル: fst_xsr.c プロジェクト: gitgun/dLabPro
 * Manual page at fst_man.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CFst_Rcs(CFst* _this, INT32 nUnit, FLOAT64 nSeed)

  return IERROR(_this,FST_INTERNAL,__FILE__,__LINE__,0);
  /* NOTE: __UNENTANGLE_FST was defined (probably in dlp_config.h or fst.def).
   *       Undefine it to use this feature!

#else /* #ifdef __UNENTANGLE_FST */

  INT32      nU     = 0;                                                        /* Current unit                       */
  FST_ITYPE nS     = 0;                                                        /* Current state                      */
  FST_ITYPE nS2    = 0;                                                        /* Current state                      */
  FST_ITYPE nFS    = 0;                                                        /* First state of current unit        */
  FST_ITYPE nXS    = 0;                                                        /* Number of states of current unit   */
  FST_ITYPE nT     = 0;                                                        /* Current transition                 */
  FST_ITYPE nFT    = 0;                                                        /* First transition of current unit   */
  FST_ITYPE nXT    = 0;                                                        /* Number of tran. of current unit    */
  CData*    idP    = NULL;                                                     /* Incidence matrix                   */
  CData*    idB    = NULL;                                                     /* Constanct vector of (idP-E)idX=idB */
  CData*    idI    = NULL;                                                     /* idI = (idP-E)^-1                   */
  CData*    idX    = NULL;                                                     /* Solution of (idP-E)idX=idB         */
  FST_WTYPE nPSum  = 0.;                                                       /* Probability sum/state              */
  INT32      nIcW   = -1;                                                       /* Index of probability comp. in td   */
  INT32      nIcRcs = -1;                                                       /* Index of ref. counter comp. in sd  */
  INT32      nIcRct = -1;                                                       /* Index of ref. counter comp. in td  */

  /* Validation */

  if (CFst_Wsr_GetType(_this,&nIcW)!=FST_WSR_PROB)
    return IERROR(_this,FST_MISS,"transition probability component",NC_TD_PSR,"transition table");

  /* Initialize - Find or add reference counters */
  nIcRcs = CData_FindComp(AS(CData,_this->sd),NC_SD_RC);
  nIcRct = CData_FindComp(AS(CData,_this->td),NC_TD_RC);
  if (nIcRcs<0)
    nIcRcs = CData_GetNComps(AS(CData,_this->sd))-1;
  if (nIcRct<0)
    nIcRct = CData_GetNComps(AS(CData,_this->td))-1;

  /* Initialize - Create auxilary instances */

  /* Loop over units */
  for (nU=nUnit<0?0:nUnit; nU<UD_XXU(_this); nU++)
    nFS = UD_FS(_this,nU);
    nXS = UD_XS(_this,nU);
    nFT = UD_FT(_this,nU);
    nXT = UD_XT(_this,nU);

    /* Export transposed ergodic incidence matrix */
    IF_NOK(CData_AddNcomps(idP,DLP_TYPE(FST_WTYPE),UD_XS(_this,nU)+1)) break;
    IF_NOK(CData_Allocate (idP,UD_XS(_this,nU)+1)                    ) break;
    IF_NOK(CData_AddNcomps(idB,DLP_TYPE(FST_WTYPE),1                )) break;
    IF_NOK(CData_Allocate (idB,UD_XS(_this,nU)+1)                    ) break;

    /* Fill transposed incidence matrix
       (summing up probabilities of parallel transitions) */
    for (nT=nFT; nT<nFT+nXT; nT++)
      *(FST_WTYPE*)CData_XAddr(idP,TD_TER(_this,nT),TD_INI(_this,nT)) +=

    for (nS=0; nS<nXS; nS++)
      if ((SD_FLG(_this,nS+nFS)&0x01)==0x01)     /* Connect final states with start state */
        for (nS2=1, nPSum=0.; nS2<nXS; nS2++)
          nPSum += *(FST_WTYPE*)CData_XAddr(idP,nS2,nS);

        *(FST_WTYPE*)CData_XAddr(idP,0,nS) = 1.-nPSum;

      *(FST_WTYPE*)CData_XAddr(idP,nS,nS)-=1.;   /* Subtract eigenvalue 1 from main diagonal */
      *(FST_WTYPE*)CData_XAddr(idP,nXS,nS)=1.;   /* Additional equation implementing constraint sum(P_state)=1 */
      *(FST_WTYPE*)CData_XAddr(idP,nS,nXS)=1.;   /* Additional variable making incidence matrix quadratic */

    /* Fill constant vector */

    /* Calculate eigenvector of length 1 and eigenvalue 1
       --> stationary state probabilities */

    /* Fill in state reference counters */
    if (nSeed>0.) nSeed /= CData_Dfetch(idX,0,0); else nSeed = 1.;
    for (nS=0; nS<nXS; nS++)

    /* Calculate stationary transition probabilities */
    for (nT=nFT; nT<nFT+nXT; nT++)
        CData_Dfetch(AS(CData,_this->sd),TD_INI(_this,nT)+nFS,nIcRcs) *

    /* Clean up */

    /* Stop in single unit mode */
    if (nUnit>=0) break;

  return O_K;

#endif /* #ifdef __UNENTANGLE_FST */
コード例 #3
ファイル: cp.c プロジェクト: mlochbaum/jsource
 av=AV(a); an=AN(a);
 zv=AV(z); zz=zv+AN(z);
  *zv++=c=*wv; d=1+c;
   if(zv==zz){i=zv-AV(z); RZ(z=ext(0,z)); zv=AV(z)+i; zz=AV(z)+AN(z);}
   d=c; if(0>c)c+=an; ASSERT(0<=c&&c<an,EVINDEX); *zv++=c=av[c];
  ICPY(zv,wv,wn); zu=zv; zv+=wn;
   if(zv==zz){i=zv-AV(z); RZ(z=ext(0,z)); zv=AV(z)+i; zz=AV(z)+AN(z); zu=zv-wn;}
   b=1; DO(wn, d=c=*zu++; if(0>c)c+=an; ASSERT(0<=c&&c<an,EVINDEX); *zv++=c=av[c]; if(c!=d)b=0;);
 i=zv-AV(z); *AS(z)=d=i/wn-1; AN(z)=d*wn; ICPY(1+AS(z),AS(w),wr); 
 R z;
}    /* {&a^:(<_) w */

static DF1(jtindexseqlim1){A fs;
 R AT(w)&B01+INT?tclosure(VAV(fs)->g,w):powseqlim(w,fs);
}    /* {&x^:(<_) w */

static DF2(jtindexseqlim2){
 R 1==AR(a)&&AT(a)&INT&&AT(w)&B01+INT?tclosure(a,w):powseqlim(w,amp(ds(CFROM),a));
}    /* a {~^:(<_) w */

static DF1(jtpowseq){A fs,gs,x;I n=IMAX;V*sv;
コード例 #4
ファイル: fst_xsr.c プロジェクト: gitgun/dLabPro
 * Manual page at fst_man.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CFst_Probs(CFst* _this, INT32 nUnit)
  INT32          nU     = 0;                                                     /* Current unit                      */
  FST_ITYPE     nS     = 0;                                                     /* Current state                     */
  FST_ITYPE     nT     = 0;                                                     /* Current transition                */
  FST_ITYPE     nXS    = 0;                                                     /* Number of states in current unit  */
  INT16         nWsrt  = 0;                                                     /* Weight semiring type              */
  INT32          nIcW   = -1;                                                    /* Weight component in td            */
  INT32          nIcPfl = -1;                                                    /* Floor probability component in sd */
  INT32          nIcRct = -1;                                                    /* Reference counter component in td */
  INT32          nTrCnt = 0;                                                     /* Number of outgoing trans./state   */
  FST_WTYPE     nW     = 0.;                                                    /* Current weight                    */
  FST_WTYPE     nRc    = 0.;                                                    /* Current reference counter/prob.   */
  FST_WTYPE     nRcSum = 0.;                                                    /* Reference counter sum/state       */
  FST_WTYPE     nTW    = 0.;                                                    /* trans.weight                      */
  FST_WTYPE     nTWAgg = 0.;                                                    /* trans.weight aggregator for MAP   */
  CData*        idTd   = NULL;                                                  /* Pointer to transition table       */
  FST_TID_TYPE* lpTI   = NULL;                                                  /* Automaton iterator data structure */
  BYTE*         lpT    = NULL;                                                  /* Current transition (iteration)    */
  FST_WTYPE     nMAP   = _this->m_bUsemap ? _this->m_nMapexp : 0.;              /* MAP exponent (0:off,1:min,-1:max) */
  INT32          nMAPi  = 0;                                                     /* MAP iteration index               */

  /* Validation */                                                              /* --------------------------------- */
  CHECK_THIS_RV(NOT_EXEC);                                                      /* Check this pointer                */
  CFst_Check(_this);                                                            /* Check FST(s)                      */

  /* Initialize */                                                              /* --------------------------------- */
  idTd   = AS(CData,_this->td);                                                 /* Get pointer to transition table   */
  nIcRct = CData_FindComp(AS(CData,_this->td),NC_TD_RC);                        /* Find reference counters           */
  nWsrt  = CFst_Wsr_GetType(_this,&nIcW);                                       /* Find weights and get type         */
  switch (nWsrt)                                                                /* branch for weight semiring type   */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    case FST_WSR_NONE:                                                          /*   No weights                      */
      CData_AddComp(idTd,NC_TD_PSR,DLP_TYPE(FST_WTYPE));                        /*     Add some                      */
      nIcW = CData_GetNComps(idTd)-1;                                           /*     Get index of new weight comp. */
      for (nT=0; nT<UD_XXT(_this); nT++)                                        /*     Initialize probabilities      */
        CData_Dstore(idTd,1.,nT,nIcW);                                          /*     ...                           */
      break;                                                                    /*     *                             */
    case FST_WSR_PROB:                                                          /*   Probabilities                   */
      break;                                                                    /*     * (nothing to be done)        */
    case FST_WSR_TROP: /* fall through */                                       /*   Tropical weights                */
    case FST_WSR_LOG:                                                           /*   Logarithmic weights             */
      for (nT=0; nT<UD_XXT(_this); nT++)                                        /*     Loop over all transitions     */
        CData_Dstore(idTd,                                                      /*       Convert to probabilities    */
          exp(-1.*CData_Dfetch(idTd,nT,nIcW)),nT,nIcW);                         /*       |                           */
      break;                                                                    /*     *                             */
    default:                                                                    /*   Unknown weight semiring         */
      DLPASSERT(FMSG("Unknown weight semiring"));                               /*     New weight semiring type?     */
      CData_SetCname(idTd,nIcW,NC_TD_PSR);                                      /*     Rename to probabilities       */
      for (nT=0; nT<UD_XXT(_this); nT++)                                        /*     Initialize probabilities      */
        CData_Dstore(idTd,1.,nT,nIcW);                                          /*     ...                           */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */
  if (_this->m_nSymbols>0 && _this->m_nRcfloor>0.)                              /* Smoothing enabled                 */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    if (CData_FindComp(AS(CData,_this->sd),"~PFL")<0)                           /*   No floor prob. comp. at states  */
      CData_AddComp(AS(CData,_this->sd),"~PFL",DLP_TYPE(FST_WTYPE));            /*     Add it                        */
    nIcPfl = CData_FindComp(AS(CData,_this->sd),"~PFL");                        /*   Get index of floor prob. comp.  */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Loop over units */                                                         /* --------------------------------- */
  for (nU=nUnit<0?0:nUnit; nU<UD_XXU(_this); nU++)                              /* For all units ...                 */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    lpTI = CFst_STI_Init(_this,nU,FSTI_SORTINI);                                /*   Get sorted transition iterator  */

    /* Loop over states */                                                      /*   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
    for (nS=0,nXS=UD_XS(_this,nU); nS<nXS; nS++)                                /*   For all states of the unit ...  */
    /* Loop over MAP-Iterations if MAP enabled */                               /*   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
    for(nMAPi=0;nMAPi<(nMAP!=0.?10:1);nMAPi++)                                  /*   For all MAP-iterations ...      */
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      /* Pass 1: Count outgoing transitions and sum up reference counters */    /*                                   */
      nRcSum = 0.;                                                              /*     Reset ref. ctr. accumulator   */
      nTWAgg = 0.;                                                              /*     Reset MAP TW accumulator      */
      nTrCnt = 0;                                                               /*     Reset transition counter      */
      lpT    = NULL;                                                            /*     Initialize transition pointer */
      while ((lpT=CFst_STI_TfromS(lpTI,nS,lpT))!=NULL)                          /*     Enumerate transitions at nS   */
      {                                                                         /*     >>                            */
        nRc = nIcRct>=0                                                         /*       Get ref. ctr. or prob.      */
            ? CData_Dfetch(idTd,CFst_STI_GetTransId(lpTI,lpT),nIcRct)           /*       |                           */
            : *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT);                                           /*       |                           */
        if (nRc>=0.) nRcSum+=nRc;                                               /*       Accumulate non-neg. values  */
        if (nMAP!=0. && nRc>0.)                                                 /*       if MAP enabled and T. used  */
        {                                                                       /*       >>                          */
          nTW = *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT);                                         /*         get trans.weight          */
          if(nTW<=0.) nTW=0.0001;                                               /*         solve prob. with 0 TW's   */
          nTWAgg += nTW*log(nTW);                                               /*         acc. TW's                 */
        }                                                                       /*       <<                          */
        nTrCnt++;                                                               /*       Count transitions           */
      }                                                                         /*     <<                            */
      if (nIcPfl)                                                               /*     Smoothing eneabled            */
        CData_Dstore(AS(CData,_this->sd),                                       /*       Store floor probability     */
          _this->m_nRcfloor / (nRcSum + _this->m_nSymbols*_this->m_nRcfloor),   /*       |                           */
          nS,nIcPfl);                                                           /*       |                           */
                                                                                /*                                   */
      /* Pass 2: Calculate probabilities */                                     /*                                   */
      if (nTrCnt)                                                               /*     If there were trans. at nS    */
      {                                                                         /*     >>                            */
        lpT = NULL;                                                             /*       Initialize transition ptr.  */
        while ((lpT=CFst_STI_TfromS(lpTI,nS,lpT))!=NULL)                        /*       Enumerate transitions at nS */
        {                                                                       /*       >>                          */
          nRc = nIcRct>=0                                                       /*         Get ref. ctr. or prob.    */
              ? CData_Dfetch(idTd,CFst_STI_GetTransId(lpTI,lpT),nIcRct)         /*         |                         */
              : *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT);                                         /*         |                         */
          if (nMAP!=0.)                                                         /*         if MAP enabled            */
          {                                                                     /*         <<                        */
            nTW = *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT);                                       /*           get trans.weight        */
            if(nTW<=0.) nTW=0.0001;                                             /*           solve prob. with 0 TW's */
            if(nIcRct>=0 && _this->m_nSymbols>0 && _this->m_nRcfloor>0)         /*           do jeffrey smooth?      */
              nRc = nRcSum * (nRc + (FST_WTYPE)_this->m_nRcfloor) /             /*             smooth nRc            */
                (nRcSum + ((FST_WTYPE)_this->m_nSymbols*_this->m_nRcfloor));    /*             |                     */
            nTW = (nRc<=0. ? 0. : (nRc+nMAP*nTW*log(nTW))/(nRcSum+nMAP*nTWAgg));/*           do MAP-iteration        */
            *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT) = nTW;                                       /*           write trans.weight      */
          }                                                                     /*         >>                        */
          else                                                                  /*         else                      */
            if (nIcRct<0 || _this->m_nSymbols<=0 || _this->m_nRcfloor<=0.)      /*         No ref.ctrs. or smoothing */
              *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT) =                                          /*           Store equally distrib.  */
                nRcSum==0. ? 1./(FST_WTYPE)nTrCnt : nRc/nRcSum;                 /*           | or renormalized probs.*/
            else                                                                /*         Ref. ctrs. or smoothing   */
              *CFst_STI_TW(lpTI,lpT) =                                          /*           Store Jeffrey smoothed  */
                (nRc + (FST_WTYPE)_this->m_nRcfloor) /                          /*           | probabilities         */
                (nRcSum + ((FST_WTYPE)_this->m_nSymbols*_this->m_nRcfloor));    /*           |                       */
        }                                                                       /*       <<                          */
      }                                                                         /*     <<                            */
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */
    CFst_STI_Done(lpTI);                                                        /*   Destroy iterator                */
    if (nUnit>=0) break;                                                        /*   Stop in single unit mode        */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Convert back to logarithmic/tropical weights */                            /* --------------------------------- */
  if (nWsrt==FST_WSR_LOG || nWsrt==FST_WSR_TROP)                                /* Loarithmic or tropical weights    */
    for (nT=0; nT<UD_XXT(_this); nT++)                                          /*   Loop over all transitions       */
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      nW = CData_Dfetch(idTd,nT,nIcW);                                          /*     Get probability               */
      nW = nW>0. ? -log(nW) : _this->m_nWceil;                                  /*     Convert to log./trop. weight  */
      CData_Dstore(idTd,nW,nT,nIcW);                                            /*     Store weight                  */
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */

  /* Clean up */                                                                /* --------------------------------- */
  return O_K;                                                                   /* The end                           */