コード例 #1
ファイル: ASE.cpp プロジェクト: berezhkovskaya/Carousel3D
void clASELoader::ASE_ReadGeomObject( iIStream* FStream, int Depth, int ParentIdx )

	int RealParentIdx = ParentIdx;

	LString GeomObjectName( "" );

	clVAMender* Mesh = NULL;

	LMatrix4 NodeTM;


	int MaterialIndex  = -1;

	bool MotionBlur    = false;
	bool CastShadow    = true;
	bool ReceiveShadow = true;

	while ( !FStream->Eof() )
		LString Line = FStream->ReadLineTrimLeadSpaces();

		if ( LStr::ContainsSubStr( Line, "}" ) )
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_NodeTM ) )
			NodeTM = ASE_ReadNodeTM( FStream );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_TMAnimation ) )
			ASE_ReadTMAnimation( FStream );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_NodeName ) )
			GeomObjectName = LStr::GetToken( Line, 2 );

			Env->Logger->Log( L_DEBUG, "Reading geom object: " + GeomObjectName );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_NodeParent ) )
			LString ParentName = LStr::GetToken( Line, 2 );

			int Parent = FMesh->FindRigidByName( ParentName );

			if ( Parent != -1 )
				RealParentIdx = Parent;
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_GeomObject ) ||
		          LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_Group      ) )
			// recursive structure
			ASE_ReadGeomObject( FStream, Depth + 1, RealParentIdx );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_ShapeObject ) )
			// recursive structure
			ASE_ReadShapeObject( FStream );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_Mesh ) )
			FATAL( Mesh != NULL, "Mesh was already defined. Check " + ASE_Mesh + " in ASE file" );

			Mesh = ASE_ReadMesh( FStream );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_MaterialRef ) )
			MaterialIndex = LStr::ToInt( LStr::GetToken( Line, 2 ) );

			FATAL( MaterialIndex >= static_cast<int>( FMaterialList.size() ),
			       "Invalid " + ASE_MaterialRef + " value in ASE file: " + LStr::ToStr( MaterialIndex ) + " (current size: " + LStr::ToStr( FMaterialList.size() ) + ")" );

			FATAL( !Mesh, "Mesh should be defined prior to " + ASE_MaterialRef );
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_MotionBlur ) )
			MotionBlur = LStr::ToInt( LStr::GetToken( Line, 2 ) ) > 0;
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_CastShadow ) )
			CastShadow = LStr::ToInt( LStr::GetToken( Line, 2 ) ) > 0;
		else if ( LStr::StartsWith( Line, ASE_ReceiveShadow ) )
			ReceiveShadow = LStr::ToInt( LStr::GetToken( Line, 2 ) ) > 0;
			ASE_SkipBlock( FStream, Line );

	if ( FMaterialList.size() == 0 )
		// no materials were found in ASE file - use basic default
		sASEMaterial Material;


		FMaterialList.resize( 1 );
		FMaterialList[ 0 ] = Material;

		MaterialIndex = 0;

	if ( MaterialIndex == -1 )
		MaterialIndex = 0;

	if ( !Mesh )

	if ( FMaterialList[ MaterialIndex ].FSubMaterials.size() == 0 )
		Mesh->ReplaceAllSubMaterials( -1 );

	// create geometry with default material
	Env->Logger->Log( L_DEBUG, "Building vertex arrays..." );

	clVertexAttribs* VA = Mesh->CreateVertexAttribs( -1 );

	if ( VA )
		VA->SetMotionBlur( MotionBlur );
		VA->SetCastShadow( CastShadow );
		VA->SetReceiveShadow( ReceiveShadow );

		AddNode( RealParentIdx, VA, FMaterialList[ MaterialIndex ], GeomObjectName, NodeTM );

	// create geometry with submaterials
	for ( size_t i = 0; i != FMaterialList[ MaterialIndex ].FSubMaterials.size(); ++i )
		clVertexAttribs* VA = Mesh->CreateVertexAttribs( static_cast<int>( i ) );

		if ( VA )
			VA->SetMotionBlur( MotionBlur );
			VA->SetCastShadow( CastShadow );
			VA->SetReceiveShadow( ReceiveShadow );

			Env->Logger->Log( L_DEBUG, "Extracting submaterial: " + FMaterialList[ MaterialIndex ].FSubMaterials[i].FName );

			AddNode( RealParentIdx, VA, FMaterialList[ MaterialIndex ].FSubMaterials[i], GeomObjectName, NodeTM );
//         Mesh->GetLastError() contains textual error description

	delete Mesh;

コード例 #2
ファイル: aseread.cpp プロジェクト: paud/d2x-xl
static int ASE_ReadSubModel (CFILE *cfP, tASEModel *pm)
	tASESubModelList	*pml;
	tASESubModel		*psm;

if (CharTok (" \t") != '{')
	return ASE_Error ("syntax error");
if (!(pml = (tASESubModelList *) D2_ALLOC (sizeof (tASESubModelList))))
	return ASE_Error ("out of memory");
memset (pml, 0, sizeof (*pml));
pml->pNextModel = pm->pSubModels;
pm->pSubModels = pml;
psm = &pm->pSubModels->sm;
psm->nId = pm->nSubModels++;
psm->nBomb = -1;
psm->nMissile = -1;
psm->nGun = -1;
psm->nGunPoint = -1;
psm->nBullets = -1;
psm->bRender = 1;
psm->nType = 0;
psm->bBarrel = 0;
while ((pszToken = ASE_ReadLine (cfP))) {
	if (*pszToken == '}')
		return 1;
	if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*NODE_NAME")) {
		strcpy (psm->szName, StrTok (" \t\""));
		if (strstr (psm->szName, "$GUNPNT"))
			psm->nGunPoint = atoi (psm->szName + 8);
		if (strstr (psm->szName, "$BULLETS"))
			psm->nBullets = 1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "GLOW") != NULL) 
			psm->bGlow = 1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$DUMMY") != NULL)
			psm->bRender = 0;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$THRUSTER") != NULL)
			psm->bThruster = 1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$WINGTIP") != NULL) {
			psm->bWeapon = 1;
			psm->nGun = 0;
			psm->nBomb =
			psm->nMissile = -1;
			psm->nType = atoi (psm->szName + 8) + 1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$GUN") != NULL) {
			psm->bWeapon = 1;
			psm->nGun = atoi (psm->szName + 4) + 1;
			psm->nWeaponPos = atoi (psm->szName + 6) + 1;
			psm->nBomb =
			psm->nMissile = -1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$BARREL") != NULL) {
			psm->bWeapon = 1;
			psm->nGun = atoi (psm->szName + 7) + 1;
			psm->nWeaponPos = atoi (psm->szName + 9) + 1;
			psm->nBomb =
			psm->nMissile = -1;
			psm->bBarrel = 1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$MISSILE") != NULL) {
			psm->bWeapon = 1;
			psm->nMissile = atoi (psm->szName + 8) + 1;
			psm->nWeaponPos = atoi (psm->szName + 10) + 1;
			psm->nGun =
			psm->nBomb = -1;
		else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$BOMB") != NULL) {
			psm->bWeapon = 1;
			psm->nBomb = atoi (psm->szName + 6) + 1;
			psm->nGun =
			psm->nMissile = -1;
	else if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*NODE_PARENT")) {
		strcpy (psm->szParent, StrTok (" \t\""));
	if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*NODE_TM")) {
		if (!ASE_ReadNode (cfP, pm))
			return ASE_Error (NULL);
	else if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*MESH")) {
		if (!ASE_ReadMesh (cfP, pm))
			return ASE_Error (NULL);
	else if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*MATERIAL_REF")) {
		psm->nBitmap = IntTok (" \t");
return ASE_Error ("unexpected end of file");