コード例 #1
ファイル: a_time.c プロジェクト: Ana06/openssl
int ASN1_TIME_set_string(ASN1_TIME *s, const char *str)
    /* Try UTC, if that fails, try GENERALIZED */
    if (ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string(s, str))
        return 1;
    return ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_set_string(s, str);
コード例 #2
ファイル: commands.c プロジェクト: CESNET/proxyrenewal
static int
get_times(glite_renewal_core_context ctx, char *proxy_file,
	  time_t *not_after_x509, time_t *not_after_voms)
   X509 *cert = NULL;
   STACK_OF(X509) *chain = NULL;
   int ret, i;
   time_t now, end_time, end_time_x509;
   struct vomsdata *voms_data = NULL;
   struct voms **voms_cert = NULL;
   char *s, *c;

   ret = load_proxy(ctx, proxy_file, &cert, NULL, &chain, NULL); 
   if (ret)
      return ret;

   ret = get_voms_cert(ctx, cert, chain, &voms_data);
   if (ret)
      goto end;

   end_time = 0;
   if (voms_data != NULL) {
      for (voms_cert = voms_data->data; voms_cert && *voms_cert; voms_cert++) {
          t = ASN1_UTCTIME_new();
          if (t == NULL) {
             glite_renewal_core_set_err(ctx, "ASN1_UTCTIME_new() failed");
             ret = 1;
             goto end;

          /* date2 contains a GENERALIZEDTIME format (YYYYMMDDHHSS[.fff]Z)
           * value, which must be converted to the UTC (YYMMDDHHSSZ) format */
          s = strdup((*voms_cert)->date2 + 2);
          if (s == NULL) {
             glite_renewal_core_set_err(ctx, "Not enough memory");
             ret = ENOMEM;
             goto end;
          c = strchr(s, '.');
          if (c) {
             *c++ = 'Z';
             *c = '\0';
          ret = ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string(t, s);
          if (ret == 0) {
             glite_renewal_core_set_err(ctx, "ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string() failed\n");
             ret = 1;
             goto end;

          if (end_time == 0 || ASN1_UTCTIME_cmp_time_t(t, end_time) < 0)
             globus_gsi_cert_utils_make_time(t, &end_time);


   globus_gsi_cert_utils_make_time(X509_get_notAfter(cert), &end_time_x509);
   now = time(NULL);
   if (end_time_x509 + RENEWAL_CLOCK_SKEW < now) {
      glite_renewal_core_set_err(ctx, "Expired proxy in %s", proxy_file);
      goto end;

   /* Myproxy seems not to do check on expiration and return expired proxies
      if credentials in repository are expired */
   for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(chain); i++) {
      t = X509_get_notAfter(sk_X509_value(chain, i));
      if (ASN1_UTCTIME_cmp_time_t(t, now - RENEWAL_CLOCK_SKEW) < 0) {
          glite_renewal_core_set_err(ctx, "Expired proxy in %s", proxy_file);
          ret = EDG_WLPR_PROXY_EXPIRED;
          goto end;

   *not_after_voms = end_time;
   *not_after_x509 = end_time_x509;
   ret = 0;

   if (voms_data)
   if (chain)
      sk_X509_pop_free(chain, X509_free);
   if (cert)

   return ret;
コード例 #3
ファイル: certsearch.c プロジェクト: fm4dd/webcert
int file_select(const struct dirent *entry) {
         cert                        = X509_new();
         certsubject                 = X509_NAME_new();
	 int i                       = 0;
	 char buf[80]                = "";

  /* check for "." and ".." directory entries */
  if(entry->d_name[0]=='.') return 0;

  /* Check for <id>.pem file name extensions */
  if(strstr(entry->d_name, ".pem") == NULL) return 0;

  /* generate the full file name and path to open it */
  snprintf(certfilestr, sizeof(certfilestr), "%s/%s",
                           CACERTSTORE, entry->d_name);

  /* if we cannot open the file, we move on  to the next */
  if ((certfile = fopen(certfilestr, "r")) == NULL) return 0;

  /* now we load the certificate data */
  if (! (cert = PEM_read_X509(certfile,NULL,NULL,NULL))) return 0;

  /* if search type is dn, check if dn field contains the search value */
  if (strcmp(search, "dn") == 0) {

    /* get the subject information to compare the entries in it */
    if (! (certsubject = X509_get_subject_name(cert))) return 0;

    /* now we cycle through all entries of the subject */
    for (i = 0; i < X509_NAME_entry_count(certsubject); i++) {
      e = X509_NAME_get_entry(certsubject, i);
      OBJ_obj2txt(buf, 80, X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(e), 0);

      /* when the search file matches the cert subject field  */
      /* check if the field value is equal the search value   */
      if(strstr(buf, field) != NULL)
        if(strstr( (char *) X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(e), dnvalue) != NULL) return 1;

  /* if search type is exp, check expiration date is between start and end date */
  if (strcmp(search, "exp") == 0) {

    /* get the certificates expiration date */
    expiration_date = X509_get_notAfter(cert);

    /* copy the certificate expiration date into a string */
    membio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    ASN1_TIME_print(membio, expiration_date);
    BIO_gets(membio, membio_buf, sizeof(membio_buf));
    //int_error(membio_buf); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* parse the expiration date string into a time struct */
    memset (&expiration_tm, '\0', sizeof(expiration_tm));
    strptime(membio_buf, "%h %d %T %Y %z", &expiration_tm);
    // int_error(asctime(&expiration_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* parse the CGI start date string into the start_tm struct */
    memset (&start_tm, '\0', sizeof(start_tm));
    strptime(exp_startstr, "%d.%m.%Y %R", &start_tm);
    // int_error(asctime(&start_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* parse the CGI end date string into the end_tm struct */
    memset (&end_tm, '\0', sizeof(end_tm));
    strptime(exp_endstr, "%d.%m.%Y %R", &end_tm);
    // int_error(asctime(&end_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* check if expiration date >= start date and <= end date */
    if ( difftime(mktime(&start_tm), mktime(&expiration_tm)) <=0 &&
         difftime(mktime(&end_tm), mktime(&expiration_tm)) >= 0 ) return 1;
  /* if search type is ena, check enable date is between start and end date */
  if (strcmp(search, "ena") == 0) {

    /* get the certificates enable date */
    start_date = X509_get_notBefore(cert);

    /* copy the certificate expiration date into a string */
    membio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    ASN1_TIME_print(membio, start_date);
    BIO_gets(membio, membio_buf, sizeof(membio_buf));

    /* parse the expiration date string into a time struct */
    memset (&enable_tm, '\0', sizeof(enable_tm));
    strptime(membio_buf, "%h %d %T %Y %z", &enable_tm);
    // int_error(asctime(&enable_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* parse the CGI start date string into the start_tm struct */
    memset (&start_tm, '\0', sizeof(start_tm));
    strptime(ena_startstr, "%d.%m.%Y %R", &start_tm);
    // int_error(asctime(&start_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* parse the CGI end date string into the end_tm struct */
    memset (&end_tm, '\0', sizeof(end_tm));
    strptime(ena_endstr, "%d.%m.%Y %R", &end_tm);
    // int_error(asctime(&end_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

    /* check if expiration date >= start date and <= end date */
    if ( difftime(mktime(&start_tm), mktime(&enable_tm)) <=0 &&
         difftime(mktime(&end_tm), mktime(&enable_tm)) >= 0 ) return 1;
  /* if search type is rev, check if cert was revoked between start and end date */
  if (strcmp(search, "rev") == 0) {
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
     * Parse the CGI start date string into the start_tm struct   *
     * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    memset (&start_tm, '\0', sizeof(start_tm));
    strptime(rev_startstr, "%d.%m.%Y %R", &start_tm);
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
     * Parse the CGI end date string into the end_tm struct       *
     * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    memset (&end_tm, '\0', sizeof(end_tm));
    strptime(rev_endstr, "%d.%m.%Y %R", &end_tm);
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
     * Get all revoked certificates from revocation DB index.txt  *
     * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    CA_DB *db = NULL;
    DB_ATTR db_attr;

    if((db = load_index(INDEXFILE, &db_attr)) == NULL)
      int_error("Error cannot load CRL certificate database file");

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
     * Get the certs serial number, convert it into a hex string  *
     * -----------------------------------------------------------*/
    BIGNUM *bn = NULL;
    bn = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(X509_get_serialNumber(cert), NULL);
    if (!bn)
     int_error("Cannot extract serial number from cert into BIGNUM");
    char *serialstr = BN_bn2hex(bn);

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
     * Check if the cert is revoked, looking up its serial in DB  *
     * -----------------------------------------------------------*/
    char *const *pp;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_num(db->db->data); i++) {
      pp = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, i);

      if ( (strcmp(pp[DB_serial], serialstr) == 0)
           && (pp[DB_type][0] == DB_TYPE_REV) )  {

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
         * Revoked, get the certs revocation date from the database   *
         * -----------------------------------------------------------*/
        char *p = strchr(pp[DB_rev_date], ',');
        if (p) *p = '\0'; // if revocation reason is given, terminate before 
        char *revokedstr = BUF_strdup(pp[DB_rev_date]);
        revocation_date = ASN1_UTCTIME_new();
        ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string(revocation_date, revokedstr);
        //int_error(revokedstr); /* debug correct time parsing */

        /* copy the certificate revocation date into a string */
        membio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
        ASN1_TIME_print(membio, revocation_date);
        BIO_gets(membio, membio_buf, sizeof(membio_buf));

        /* parse the revocation date string into a time struct */
        memset (&revoked_tm, '\0', sizeof(revoked_tm));
        strptime(membio_buf, "%h %d %T %Y %z", &revoked_tm);
        //int_error(asctime(&revoked_tm)); /* debug correct time parsing */

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
         * Check if revocation date >= start date and <= end date     *
         * -----------------------------------------------------------*/
        if ( difftime(mktime(&start_tm), mktime(&revoked_tm)) <=0 &&
             difftime(mktime(&end_tm), mktime(&revoked_tm)) >= 0 ) return 1;
  /* if search type is ser, check if serial is between start and end serial */
  if (strcmp(search, "ser") == 0) {

    /* convert the serial strings to BIGNUM */
    BN_dec2bn(&startserialbn, startserstr);
    BN_dec2bn(&endserialbn, endserstr);

    /* get the certificates serial number and convert it to BIGNUM */
    if ((certserial = X509_get_serialNumber(cert)) == NULL)
       int_error("Error: Getting certificate serial number in ASN1 format.");
    if ((certserialbn = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(certserial, NULL)) == NULL)
       int_error("Error: converting certserial number from ASN1 to BIGNUM.");

    /* debugging output to see values of BIGNUM */
    //membio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    //BN_print(membio, endserialbn);
    //BIO_gets(membio, membio_buf, sizeof(membio_buf));

    /* check if certserial >= startserial and <= endserial */
    if ( BN_cmp(startserialbn, certserialbn) <= 0 &&
         BN_cmp(endserialbn, certserialbn) >= 0 ) return 1;

  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: utctime.hpp プロジェクト: Cyarix/freelan
		inline void utctime::set_time(const std::string& str) const
			throw_error_if_not(ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string(ptr().get(), str.c_str()) != 0);