コード例 #1
ファイル: swapapogfx.cpp プロジェクト: uri247/wdk80
// Description:
//  Validates input/output format pair during LockForProcess.
// Parameters:
//      u32NumInputConnections - [in] number of input connections attached to this APO
//      ppInputConnections - [in] format of each input connection attached to this APO
//      u32NumOutputConnections - [in] number of output connections attached to this APO
//      ppOutputConnections - [in] format of each output connection attached to this APO
// Return values:
//      S_OK                                Connections are valid.
// See Also:
//  CBaseAudioProcessingObject::LockForProcess
// Remarks:
//  This method is an internal call that is called by the default implementation of
//  CBaseAudioProcessingObject::LockForProcess().  This is called after the connections
//  are validated for simple conformance to the APO's registration properties.  It may be
//  used to verify that the APO is initialized properly and that the connections that are passed
//  agree with the data used for initialization.  Any failure code passed back from this
//  function will get returned by LockForProcess, and cause it to fail.
//  By default, this routine just ASSERTS and returns S_OK.
HRESULT CSwapAPOGFX::ValidateAndCacheConnectionInfo(UINT32 u32NumInputConnections,
                APO_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR** ppInputConnections,
                UINT32 u32NumOutputConnections,
                APO_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR** ppOutputConnections)
    HRESULT hResult;
    CComPtr<IAudioMediaType> pFormat;
    UNCOMPRESSEDAUDIOFORMAT UncompInputFormat, UncompOutputFormat;
    FLOAT32 f32InverseChannelCount;


    _ASSERTE(((0 == u32NumInputConnections) || (NULL != ppInputConnections)) &&
              ((0 == u32NumOutputConnections) || (NULL != ppOutputConnections)));


    // get the uncompressed formats and channel masks
    hResult = ppInputConnections[0]->pFormat->GetUncompressedAudioFormat(&UncompInputFormat);
    IF_FAILED_JUMP(hResult, Exit);
    hResult = ppOutputConnections[0]->pFormat->GetUncompressedAudioFormat(&UncompOutputFormat);
    IF_FAILED_JUMP(hResult, Exit);

    // Since we haven't overridden the IsIn{Out}putFormatSupported APIs in this example, this APO should
    // always have input channel count == output channel count.  The sampling rates should also be eqaul,
    // and formats 32-bit float.
    _ASSERTE(UncompOutputFormat.fFramesPerSecond == UncompInputFormat.fFramesPerSecond);
    _ASSERTE(UncompOutputFormat. dwSamplesPerFrame == UncompInputFormat.dwSamplesPerFrame);

    // Allocate some locked memory.  We will use these as scaling coefficients during APOProcess->ProcessSwapScale
    hResult = AERT_Allocate(sizeof(FLOAT32)*m_u32SamplesPerFrame, (void**)&m_pf32Coefficients);
    IF_FAILED_JUMP(hResult, Exit);

    // Set scalars to decrease volume from 1.0 to 1.0/N where N is the number of channels
    // starting with the first channel.
    f32InverseChannelCount = 1.0f/m_u32SamplesPerFrame;
    for (UINT16 u16Index=0; u16Index<m_u32SamplesPerFrame; u16Index++)
        m_pf32Coefficients[u16Index] = 1.0f - (FLOAT32)(f32InverseChannelCount)*u16Index;

    return hResult;}
コード例 #2
// Description:
//  Report delay added by the APO between samples given on input
//  and samples given on output.
// Parameters:
//      pTime                       - [out] hundreds-of-nanoseconds of delay added
// Return values:
//      S_OK on success, a failure code on failure
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
    IF_TRUE_ACTION_JUMP(NULL == pTime, hr = E_POINTER, Exit);  
    if (IsEqualGUID(m_AudioProcessingMode, AUDIO_SIGNALPROCESSINGMODE_RAW))
        *pTime = 0;
        *pTime = (m_fEnableDelayMFX ? HNS_DELAY : 0);
    return hr;  
コード例 #3
// Description:
//  Verifies that the APO is ready to process and locks its state if so.
// Parameters:
//      u32NumInputConnections - [in] number of input connections attached to this APO
//      ppInputConnections - [in] connection descriptor of each input connection attached to this APO
//      u32NumOutputConnections - [in] number of output connections attached to this APO
//      ppOutputConnections - [in] connection descriptor of each output connection attached to this APO
// Return values:
//      S_OK                                Object is locked and ready to process.
//      E_POINTER                           Invalid pointer passed to function.
//      APOERR_INVALID_CONNECTION_FORMAT    Invalid connection format.
//      APOERR_NUM_CONNECTIONS_INVALID      Number of input or output connections is not valid on
//                                          this APO.
STDMETHODIMP CSwapAPOMFX::LockForProcess(UINT32 u32NumInputConnections,
    APO_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR** ppInputConnections,  
    UINT32 u32NumOutputConnections, APO_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR** ppOutputConnections)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    hr = CBaseAudioProcessingObject::LockForProcess(u32NumInputConnections,
        ppInputConnections, u32NumOutputConnections, ppOutputConnections);
    IF_FAILED_JUMP(hr, Exit);
    if (!IsEqualGUID(m_AudioProcessingMode, AUDIO_SIGNALPROCESSINGMODE_RAW) && m_fEnableDelayMFX)
        m_nDelayFrames = FRAMES_FROM_HNS(HNS_DELAY);
        m_iDelayIndex = 0;


        // Allocate one second's worth of audio
        // This allocation is being done using CoTaskMemAlloc because the delay is very large
        // This introduces a risk of glitches if the delay buffer gets paged out
        // A more typical approach would be to allocate the memory using AERT_Allocate, which locks the memory
        // But for the purposes of this APO, CoTaskMemAlloc suffices, and the risk of glitches is not important
        m_pf32DelayBuffer.Allocate(GetSamplesPerFrame() * m_nDelayFrames);
        WriteSilence(m_pf32DelayBuffer, m_nDelayFrames, GetSamplesPerFrame());
        if (nullptr == m_pf32DelayBuffer)
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto Exit;
    return hr;