/* * Handle the received message and implement the action. * * receivedMsgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pReceivedMsgBody pointer to the body part of the * received message. * pSendMsg pointer to a message that we * can fill in with the response. * * @return SERVER_SUCCESS_KEEP_RUNNING unless * exitting in which case SERVER_EXIT_NORMALLY. */ static ServerReturnCode doAction (TaskHandlerMsgType receivedMsgType, UInt8 * pReceivedMsgBody, Msg *pSendMsg) { ServerReturnCode returnCode = SERVER_SUCCESS_KEEP_RUNNING; Bool success = false; ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pReceivedMsgBody); ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsg != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsg); /* We always respond with the same message type */ pSendMsg->msgType = (MsgType) receivedMsgType; /* Fill in the length so far */ pSendMsg->msgLength += sizeof (pSendMsg->msgType); /* Now handle each message specifically */ switch (receivedMsgType) { /* * Messages to do with the server itself */ case TASK_HANDLER_SERVER_START: { success = initTaskList(); } break; case TASK_HANDLER_SERVER_STOP: { success = clearTaskList(); returnCode = SERVER_EXIT_NORMALLY; } break; /* * Messages to do with tasks */ case TASK_HANDLER_NEW_TASK: { success = handleNewTaskReq ((RoboOneTaskReq *) pReceivedMsgBody); } break; case TASK_HANDLER_TICK: { success = tickTaskHandler(); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (receivedMsgType); } break; } /* Note: the following code assumes packing of 1 and that the start of a Cnf message contains the Bool 'success' */ pSendMsg->msgBody[0] = success; pSendMsg->msgLength += sizeof (Bool); return returnCode; }
/* * Handle a motion oriented task. * * pMTaskReq pointer to the Motion task * to be handled. * pMTaskInd pointer a place to put the response. * * @return result code from RoboOneMotionResult. */ RoboOneMotionResult handleMotionTaskReq (RoboOneMotionTaskReq *pMotionTaskReq, RoboOneMotionTaskInd *pMotionTaskInd) { RoboOneMotionResult result = MOTION_RESULT_GENERAL_FAILURE; ASSERT_PARAM (pMotionTaskReq != PNULL, (unsigned long) pMotionTaskReq); ASSERT_PARAM (pMotionTaskInd != PNULL, (unsigned long) pMotionTaskInd); printDebug ("Task Handler: Motion Protocol Task received command %d.\n", pMotionTaskReq->command); return result; }
/* * Handle a message that does a battery swap. * * msgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pReceivedMsgBody a pointer to the data to be * passed to the battery swap * function. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionSwapBattery (HardwareMsgType msgType, UInt8 *pReceivedMsgBody, UInt8 *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; HardwareBatterySwapData *pBatterySwapData = PNULL; ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pReceivedMsgBody); ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); switch (msgType) { case HARDWARE_SWAP_RIO_BATTERY: { pBatterySwapData = &(((HardwareSwapRioBatteryReq *) pReceivedMsgBody)->batterySwapData); success = swapRioBattery (pBatterySwapData->systemTime, pBatterySwapData->remainingCapacity); ((HardwareSwapRioBatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareSwapRioBatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); } break; case HARDWARE_SWAP_O1_BATTERY: { pBatterySwapData = &(((HardwareSwapO1BatteryReq *) pReceivedMsgBody)->batterySwapData); success = swapO1Battery (pBatterySwapData->systemTime, pBatterySwapData->remainingCapacity); ((HardwareSwapO1BatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareSwapO1BatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); } break; case HARDWARE_SWAP_O2_BATTERY: { pBatterySwapData = &(((HardwareSwapO2BatteryReq *) pReceivedMsgBody)->batterySwapData); success = swapO2Battery (pBatterySwapData->systemTime, pBatterySwapData->remainingCapacity); ((HardwareSwapO2BatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareSwapO2BatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); } break; case HARDWARE_SWAP_O3_BATTERY: { pBatterySwapData = &(((HardwareSwapO3BatteryReq *) pReceivedMsgBody)->batterySwapData); success = swapO3Battery (pBatterySwapData->systemTime, pBatterySwapData->remainingCapacity); ((HardwareSwapO3BatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareSwapO3BatteryCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (msgType); } break; } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
int ccs811_set_int_mode(ccs811_t *dev, ccs811_int_mode_t mode) { ASSERT_PARAM(dev != NULL); if (dev->params.int_pin == GPIO_UNDEF) { DEBUG_DEV("nINT pin not configured", dev); return CCS811_ERROR_NO_INT_PIN; } ccs811_meas_mode_reg_t reg; /* read measurement mode register value */ if (_reg_read(dev, CCS811_REG_MEAS_MODE, (uint8_t *)®, 1) != CCS811_OK) { DEBUG_DEV("could not set interrupt mode, could not read register " "CCS811_REG_MEAS_MODE", dev); return CCS811_ERROR_I2C; } reg.int_datardy = mode != CCS811_INT_NONE; reg.int_thresh = mode == CCS811_INT_THRESHOLD; /* write back measurement mode register */ if (_reg_write(dev, CCS811_REG_MEAS_MODE, (uint8_t *)®, 1) != CCS811_OK) { DEBUG_DEV("could not set interrupt mode, could not write register " "CCS811_REG_MEAS_MODE", dev); return CCS811_ERROR_I2C; } dev->params.int_mode = mode; return CCS811_OK; }
/* * Handle a response from the Hindbrain. * * pTaskInd pointer to the Hindbrain Direct * progress indication message. */ static void handleHDTaskInd (RoboOneHDTaskInd *pHDTaskInd) { ASSERT_PARAM (pHDTaskInd != PNULL, (unsigned long) pHDTaskInd); /* Strictly speaking should semaphore access to this global data but in practice * it is for information only and would only occur if the user performed actions * inhumanly fast so is very unlikely ever to cause overlapping access */ gRoboOneGlobals.roboOneTaskInfo.lastResultReceived = pHDTaskInd->result; gRoboOneGlobals.roboOneTaskInfo.lastResultReceivedIsValid = true; gRoboOneGlobals.roboOneTaskInfo.lastIndString[0] = 0; switch (pHDTaskInd->result) { case HD_RESULT_SUCCESS: { removeCtrlCharacters (&(pHDTaskInd->string[0]), &(gRoboOneGlobals.roboOneTaskInfo.lastIndString[0])); printDebug ("RO Server, HD Protocol: response '%s'.\n", &(gRoboOneGlobals.roboOneTaskInfo.lastIndString[0])); } break; case HD_RESULT_SEND_FAILURE: { printDebug ("RO Server, HD Protocol: failure to send task to Hindbrain.\n"); } break; case HD_RESULT_GENERAL_FAILURE: { printDebug ("RO Server, HD Protocol: general failure.\n"); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (pHDTaskInd->result); } break; } }
/* * Handle the arrival of a task. * * pState pointer to the state structure. * pTaskReq pointer to the new task. */ static void eventTasksAvailable (RoboOneState *pState, RoboOneTaskReq *pTaskReq) { Bool success; ASSERT_PARAM (pState != PNULL, (unsigned long) pState); ASSERT_PARAM (pTaskReq != PNULL, (unsigned long) pTaskReq); /* Forward the task to the task handler */ success = taskHandlerServerSendReceive (TASK_HANDLER_NEW_TASK, pTaskReq, sizeof (*pTaskReq)); /* TODO: something more sensible than this */ if (!success) { printDebug ("!!!Task handler failed to accept command!!!.\n"); } }
/* * Handle a message that will cause us to start. * * batteriesOnly if true, only start up the battery * related items on the OneWire bus * (useful when just synchronising * remaining battery capacity values), * otherwise setup the PIOs as well. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionHardwareServerStart (Bool batteriesOnly, HardwareServerStartCnf *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); /* First of all, start up the OneWire bus */ success = startOneWireBus(); if (success) { /* Find and setup the devices on the OneWire bus */ success = setupDevices (batteriesOnly); if (!success) { /* If the setup fails, print out what devices we can find */ findAllDevices(); } } pSendMsgBody->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->success); return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Send a message to a client of the task handler. * * pHeader the header containing details * of the destination for the * response. * msgType the message type to send. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the body of the * REquest message to send. * May be PNULL. * sendMsgBodyLength the length of the data that * pSendMsg points to. * * @return true if the message send is * successful otherwise false. */ Bool taskHandlerResponder (RoboOneTaskReqHeader *pHeader, TaskHandlerMsgType msgType, void *pSendMsgBody, UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength) { ClientReturnCode returnCode; Bool success = false; Msg *pSendMsg; Char *pIpAddress = ""; ASSERT_PARAM (pHeader != PNULL, (unsigned long) pHeader); ASSERT_PARAM (msgType < MAX_NUM_TASK_HANDLER_MSGS, msgType); ASSERT_PARAM (sendMsgBodyLength <= MAX_MSG_BODY_LENGTH, sendMsgBodyLength); pSendMsg = malloc (sizeof (*pSendMsg)); if (pSendMsg != PNULL) { if (pHeader->sourceServerIpAddressStringPresent) { pIpAddress = &(pHeader->sourceServerIpAddressString[0]); } /* Put in the bit before the body */ pSendMsg->msgLength = 0; pSendMsg->msgType = msgType; pSendMsg->msgLength += sizeof (pSendMsg->msgType); /* Put in any body to send */ if (pSendMsgBody != PNULL) { memcpy (&pSendMsg->msgBody[0], pSendMsgBody, sendMsgBodyLength); } pSendMsg->msgLength += sendMsgBodyLength; printDebug ("TH Responder: sending message %s, length %d, to port %d, IP address %s, hex dump:\n", pgTaskHandlerMessageNames[pSendMsg->msgType], pSendMsg->msgLength, pHeader->sourceServerPort, pIpAddress); printHexDump (pSendMsg, pSendMsg->msgLength + 1); returnCode = runMessagingClient (pHeader->sourceServerPort, pIpAddress, pSendMsg, PNULL); printDebug ("TH Responder: message system returnCode: %d\n", returnCode); if (returnCode == CLIENT_SUCCESS) { success = true; } free (pSendMsg); } return success; }
/** * @brief: USE UART2 to output debug message * */ void app_traceInfo_output(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; _mqx_uint err; err = _mutex_lock(&g_trace_mutex); ASSERT_PARAM(MQX_EOK == err); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf((char*)output_msg, sizeof(output_msg), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); //uart0_send_string(output_msg); uart_send_string(UART1_BASE_PTR, output_msg); err = _mutex_unlock(&g_trace_mutex); ASSERT_PARAM(MQX_EOK == err); }
/* * Handle a whole message received from the client * and send back a response. * * pReceivedMsg a pointer to the buffer containing the * incoming message. * pSendMsg a pointer to a message buffer to put * the response into. Not touched if return * code is a failure one. * * @return whatever doAction() returns. */ ServerReturnCode serverHandleMsg (Msg *pReceivedMsg, Msg *pSendMsg) { ServerReturnCode returnCode; ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsg != PNULL, (unsigned long) pReceivedMsg); ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsg != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsg); /* Check the type */ ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsg->msgType < MAX_NUM_HARDWARE_MSGS, pReceivedMsg->msgType); printDebug ("HW Server received message %s, length %d.\n", pgHardwareMessageNames[pReceivedMsg->msgType], pReceivedMsg->msgLength); printHexDump (pReceivedMsg, pReceivedMsg->msgLength + 1); /* Do the thang */ returnCode = doAction ((HardwareMsgType) pReceivedMsg->msgType, pReceivedMsg->msgBody, pSendMsg); printDebug ("HW Server responding with message %s, length %d.\n", pgHardwareMessageNames[pSendMsg->msgType], pSendMsg->msgLength); return returnCode; }
/* * Handle a message that reads lifetime * charge/discharge. * * msgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadChargeDischarge (HardwareMsgType msgType, UInt8 *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; HardwareChargeDischarge chargeDischarge; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); chargeDischarge.charge = 0; chargeDischarge.discharge = 0; switch (msgType) { case HARDWARE_READ_RIO_BATT_LIFETIME_CHARGE_DISCHARGE: { success = readRioBattLifetimeChargeDischarge (&chargeDischarge.charge, &chargeDischarge.discharge); ((HardwareReadRioBattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); memcpy ((&((HardwareReadRioBattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge), &chargeDischarge, sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge)); sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O1_BATT_LIFETIME_CHARGE_DISCHARGE: { success = readO1BattLifetimeChargeDischarge (&chargeDischarge.charge, &chargeDischarge.discharge); ((HardwareReadO1BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); memcpy ((&((HardwareReadO1BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge), &chargeDischarge, sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge)); sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O2_BATT_LIFETIME_CHARGE_DISCHARGE: { success = readO2BattLifetimeChargeDischarge (&chargeDischarge.charge, &chargeDischarge.discharge); ((HardwareReadO2BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); memcpy ((&((HardwareReadO2BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge), &chargeDischarge, sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge)); sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O3_BATT_LIFETIME_CHARGE_DISCHARGE: { success = readO3BattLifetimeChargeDischarge (&chargeDischarge.charge, &chargeDischarge.discharge); ((HardwareReadO3BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); memcpy ((&((HardwareReadO3BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge), &chargeDischarge, sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge)); sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattLifetimeChargeDischargeCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->chargeDischarge); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (msgType); } break; } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Handle a message that sends a string to the * Orangutan, AKA Hindbrain. * * pString the null terminated string to send. * waitForResponse true if a response is required. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionSendOString (Char *pInputString, Bool waitForResponse, HardwareSendOStringCnf *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; Char *pResponseString = PNULL; UInt32 *pResponseStringLength = PNULL; Char displayBuffer[MAX_O_STRING_LENGTH]; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); ASSERT_PARAM (pInputString != PNULL, (unsigned long) pInputString); printDebug ("HW Server: received '%s', sending to Orangutan.\n", removeCtrlCharacters (pInputString, &(displayBuffer[0]))); pResponseStringLength = &(pSendMsgBody->string.stringLength); *pResponseStringLength = 0; if (waitForResponse) { pResponseString = &(pSendMsgBody->string.string[0]); *pResponseStringLength = sizeof (pSendMsgBody->string.string); } success = sendStringToOrangutan (pInputString, pResponseString, pResponseStringLength); pSendMsgBody->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->success); sendMsgBodyLength += *pResponseStringLength + sizeof (*pResponseStringLength); /* Assumes packing of 1 */ if (success) { if (pResponseString != PNULL) { printDebug ("HW Server: received '%s', back from Orangutan.\n", removeCtrlCharacters (pResponseString, &(displayBuffer[0]))); } else { printDebug ("HW Server: send successful, not waiting for a response.\n"); } } else { printDebug ("HW Server: send failed.\n"); } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/** * @brief: UART2 must be init before call this function * */ void trace_init(void) { _mqx_uint err; err = _mutex_init(&g_trace_mutex, NULL); ASSERT_PARAM(err == MQX_EOK); // init_uart0(uart0_irq_handler); init_uart1(uart1_irq_handler); }
/* * Handle a message that reads current. * * msgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadCurrent (HardwareMsgType msgType, UInt8 *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; SInt16 current = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); switch (msgType) { case HARDWARE_READ_RIO_BATT_CURRENT: { success = readRioBattCurrent (¤t); ((HardwareReadRioBattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadRioBattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current = current; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O1_BATT_CURRENT: { success = readO1BattCurrent (¤t); ((HardwareReadO1BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO1BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current = current; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O2_BATT_CURRENT: { success = readO2BattCurrent (¤t); ((HardwareReadO2BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO2BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current = current; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O3_BATT_CURRENT: { success = readO3BattCurrent (¤t); ((HardwareReadO3BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO3BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current = current; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattCurrentCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->current); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (msgType); } break; } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Handle a message that reads remaining capacity. * * msgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadRemainingCapacity (HardwareMsgType msgType, UInt8 *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; UInt16 remainingCapacity = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); switch (msgType) { case HARDWARE_READ_RIO_REMAINING_CAPACITY: { success = readRioRemainingCapacity (&remainingCapacity); ((HardwareReadRioRemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioRemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadRioRemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity = remainingCapacity; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioRemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O1_REMAINING_CAPACITY: { success = readO1RemainingCapacity (&remainingCapacity); ((HardwareReadO1RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO1RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity = remainingCapacity; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O2_REMAINING_CAPACITY: { success = readO2RemainingCapacity (&remainingCapacity); ((HardwareReadO2RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO2RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity = remainingCapacity; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O3_REMAINING_CAPACITY: { success = readO3RemainingCapacity (&remainingCapacity); ((HardwareReadO3RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO3RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity = remainingCapacity; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3RemainingCapacityCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->remainingCapacity); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (msgType); } break; } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Handle a message that reads temperature. * * msgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadTemperature (HardwareMsgType msgType, UInt8 *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; double temperature = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); switch (msgType) { case HARDWARE_READ_RIO_BATT_TEMPERATURE: { success = readRioBattTemperature (&temperature); ((HardwareReadRioBattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadRioBattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature = temperature; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O1_BATT_TEMPERATURE: { success = readO1BattTemperature (&temperature); ((HardwareReadO1BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO1BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature = temperature; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O2_BATT_TEMPERATURE: { success = readO2BattTemperature (&temperature); ((HardwareReadO2BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO2BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature = temperature; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O3_BATT_TEMPERATURE: { success = readO3BattTemperature (&temperature); ((HardwareReadO3BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO3BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature = temperature; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattTemperatureCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->temperature); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (msgType); } break; } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Handle a message that reads voltage. * * msgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadVoltage (HardwareMsgType msgType, UInt8 *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; UInt16 voltage = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); switch (msgType) { case HARDWARE_READ_RIO_BATT_VOLTAGE: { success = readRioBattVoltage (&voltage); ((HardwareReadRioBattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadRioBattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage = voltage; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadRioBattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O1_BATT_VOLTAGE: { success = readO1BattVoltage (&voltage); ((HardwareReadO1BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO1BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage = voltage; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO1BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O2_BATT_VOLTAGE: { success = readO2BattVoltage (&voltage); ((HardwareReadO2BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO2BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage = voltage; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO2BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage); } break; case HARDWARE_READ_O3_BATT_VOLTAGE: { success = readO3BattVoltage (&voltage); ((HardwareReadO3BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->success); ((HardwareReadO3BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage = voltage; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (((HardwareReadO3BattVoltageCnf *) pSendMsgBody)->voltage); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (msgType); } break; } return sendMsgBodyLength; }
int ccs811_power_up (ccs811_t *dev) { ASSERT_PARAM(dev != NULL); if (dev->params.wake_pin != GPIO_UNDEF) { DEBUG_DEV("Setting nWAKE pin low", dev); gpio_clear(dev->params.wake_pin); } return ccs811_set_mode(dev, dev->params.mode); }
int ccs811_read_ntc(const ccs811_t *dev, uint32_t r_ref, uint32_t *r_ntc) { ASSERT_PARAM(dev != NULL); ASSERT_PARAM(r_ntc != NULL); uint8_t data[4]; /* read baseline register */ if (_reg_read(dev, CCS811_REG_NTC, data, 4) != CCS811_OK) { DEBUG_DEV("could not read the V_REF and V_NTC " "from register CCS811_REG_NTC", dev); return -CCS811_ERROR_I2C; } /* calculation from application note ams AN000372 */ uint32_t v_ref = (uint16_t)(data[0]) << 8 | data[1]; uint32_t v_ntc = (uint16_t)(data[2]) << 8 | data[3]; *r_ntc = v_ntc * r_ref / v_ref; return CCS811_OK; }
/* * Handle a whole message received from the client * and send back a response. * * pReceivedMsg a pointer to the buffer containing the * incoming message. * pSendMsg a pointer to a message buffer to put * the response into. Not touched if return * code is a failure one. * * @return whatever doAction() returns. */ ServerReturnCode serverHandleMsg (Msg *pReceivedMsg, Msg *pSendMsg) { ServerReturnCode returnCode; ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsg != PNULL, (unsigned long) pReceivedMsg); ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsg != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsg); /* Check the type */ ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsg->msgType < MAX_NUM_TASK_HANDLER_MSGS, pReceivedMsg->msgType); printDebug ("TH Server received message %s, length %d.\n", pgTaskHandlerMessageNames[pReceivedMsg->msgType], pReceivedMsg->msgLength); printHexDump (pReceivedMsg, pReceivedMsg->msgLength + 1); /* Do the thang */ returnCode = doAction ((TaskHandlerMsgType) pReceivedMsg->msgType, pReceivedMsg->msgBody, pSendMsg); if (pSendMsg->msgLength > 0) { printDebug ("TH Server responding with message %s, length %d.\n", pgTaskHandlerMessageNames[pSendMsg->msgType], pSendMsg->msgLength); } return returnCode; }
/* * Handle a whole message received from the client. * * pReceivedMsg a pointer to the buffer containing the * incoming message. * pSendMsg a pointer to a message buffer to put * the response into, may be PNULL as * this server never sends responses. * * @return whatever doAction() returns. */ ServerReturnCode serverHandleMsg (Msg *pReceivedMsg, Msg *pSendMsg) { ServerReturnCode returnCode; ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsg != PNULL, (unsigned long) pReceivedMsg); /* Never return any confirmations so set this length to zero */ if (pSendMsg != PNULL) { pSendMsg->msgLength = 0; } /* Check the type */ ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsg->msgType < MAX_NUM_TIMER_MSGS, pReceivedMsg->msgType); printDebug ("T Server received message %s, length %d.\n", pgTimerMessageNames[pReceivedMsg->msgType], pReceivedMsg->msgLength); printHexDump (pReceivedMsg, pReceivedMsg->msgLength + 1); /* Do the thang */ returnCode = doAction ((TimerMsgType) pReceivedMsg->msgType, pReceivedMsg->msgBody); return returnCode; }
void Lptmr_Init(int count, int clock_source) { _mqx_uint mqx_ret; SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK; SIM_SOPT1 &= ~SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK; SIM_SOPT1 |= SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL(2); // ERCLK32 is RTC OSC CLOCK PORTC_PCR1 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK; PORTC_PCR1 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(1);//enable ptc1 alt1 functions to select RTC_CLKIN function /********************************************************************************* * On L2K tower board, we use external 32kHz clock instead of 32kHz crystal, so please * don't enable the 32kHz crystal oscillator **********************************************************************************/ /* RTC_CR |= RTC_CR_OSCE_MASK | RTC_CR_CLKO_MASK | RTC_CR_SC8P_MASK ; */ LPTMR0_PSR &= ~LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_MASK; LPTMR0_PSR |= LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE(0); // 0000 is div 2 LPTMR0_PSR |= LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK; // LPO feeds directly to LPT LPTMR0_PSR &= ~LPTMR_PSR_PCS_MASK; LPTMR0_PSR |= LPTMR_PSR_PCS(clock_source); // use the choice of clock if (clock_source== 0) APP_TRACE("\n LPTMR Clock source is the MCGIRCLK \n\r"); if (clock_source== 1) APP_TRACE("\n LPTMR Clock source is the LPOCLK \n\r"); if (clock_source== 2) APP_TRACE("\n LPTMR Clock source is the ERCLK32 \n\r"); if (clock_source== 3) APP_TRACE("\n LPTMR Clock source is the OSCERCLK \n\r"); LPTMR0_CMR = LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE(count); //Set compare value LPTMR0_CSR |=( LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK // Clear any pending interrupt | LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK // LPT interrupt enabled |!LPTMR_CSR_TPP_MASK //TMR Pin polarity |!LPTMR_CSR_TFC_MASK // Timer Free running counter is reset whenever TMR counter equals compare |!LPTMR_CSR_TMS_MASK //LPTMR0 as Timer ); enable_irq(28) ; _int_install_isr(LDD_ivIndex_INT_LPTimer, lptmr_isr, NULL); mqx_ret = _lwsem_create(&g_lptmr_int_sem, 0); ASSERT_PARAM(MQX_OK == mqx_ret); // // ready for this interrupt. // set_irq_priority(28, 2); }
int ccs811_power_down (ccs811_t *dev) { ASSERT_PARAM(dev != NULL); ccs811_mode_t tmp_mode = dev->params.mode; int res = ccs811_set_mode(dev, CCS811_MODE_IDLE); dev->params.mode = tmp_mode; if (dev->params.wake_pin != GPIO_UNDEF) { DEBUG_DEV("Setting nWAKE pin high", dev); gpio_set(dev->params.wake_pin); } return res; }
/* * Handle a message that reads the general * purpose IO pins * * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadGeneralPurposeIOs (HardwareReadGeneralPurposeIOsCnf *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; UInt8 pinsState = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); success = readGeneralPurposeIOs (&pinsState); pSendMsgBody->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->success); pSendMsgBody->pinsState = pinsState; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->pinsState); return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Handle a message that will cause us to stop. * * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionHardwareServerStop (HardwareServerStopCnf *pSendMsgBody) { UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); /* Shut the OneWire stuff down gracefully */ stopOneWireBus (); /* Shut the Orangutan down in case it was up */ closeOrangutan(); pSendMsgBody->success = true; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->success); return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/* * Handle an indication of task progress. * * pTaskInd pointer to the task indication * to be handled. */ static void handleTaskInd (RoboOneTaskInd *pTaskInd) { ASSERT_PARAM (pTaskInd != PNULL, (unsigned long) pTaskInd); switch (pTaskInd->body.protocol) { /* Only the Hindbrain Direct protocol is used by this program */ case TASK_PROTOCOL_HD: { handleHDTaskInd ((RoboOneHDTaskInd *) &(pTaskInd->body.detail.hdInd)); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (pTaskInd->body.protocol); } break; } }
/* * Send a timer expiry message. * * pTimer the timer related to the * expiry message to send. * * @return true if the message send is * is successful, otherwise false. */ static Bool sendTimerExpiryMsg (Timer *pTimer) { ClientReturnCode returnCode; Bool success = false; ASSERT_PARAM (pTimer != PNULL, (unsigned long) pTimer); printDebug ("Timer Server: sending expiry message to port %d, msgType 0x%08x, length %d, hex dump:\n", pTimer->sourcePort, pTimer->expiryMsg.msgType, pTimer->expiryMsg.msgLength); printHexDump (&(pTimer->expiryMsg), pTimer->expiryMsg.msgLength + 1); returnCode = runMessagingClient (pTimer->sourcePort, PNULL, &(pTimer->expiryMsg), PNULL); printDebug ("Timer Server: message system returnCode: %d\n", returnCode); if (returnCode == CLIENT_SUCCESS) { success = true; } return success; }
/* * Handle a message that reads the charge state. * * pSendMsgBody pointer to the relevant message * type to fill in with a response, * which will be overlaid over the * body of the response message. * * @return the length of the message body * to send back. */ static UInt16 actionReadChargerState (HardwareReadChargerStateCnf *pSendMsgBody) { Bool success; UInt16 sendMsgBodyLength = 0; HardwareChargeState chargeState; chargeState.flashDetectPossible = false; memset (&chargeState.state, 0, sizeof (chargeState.state)); ASSERT_PARAM (pSendMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pSendMsgBody); success = readChargerState (&(chargeState.state[0]), &chargeState.flashDetectPossible); pSendMsgBody->success = success; sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->success); memcpy (&(pSendMsgBody->chargeState), &chargeState, sizeof (pSendMsgBody->chargeState)); sendMsgBodyLength += sizeof (pSendMsgBody->chargeState); return sendMsgBodyLength; }
/** * @brief: init MMA8451 INT1 interrupt pin * @note: PTA14 * PULL UP * Interrupt on falling edge * */ void init_MMA8451_interrupt(void) { INT_ISR_FPTR isr; // PTA14 -- MMA8451 INT1 // ALT1 /* PORTA_PCR14: ISF=0, MUX=1, IQRC=0x0A(1010), PE=1, PS=1 */ /*zga: in kl25, this pin is connected from chip to mcu*/ /*But in our cup design, pta5 is used as interrupt pin*/ // PORTA_PCR14 = 0x000A0103; //GPIOA_PDDR &= ~(1<<14); PORTA_PCR5 = 0x000A0103; GPIOA_PDDR &= ~(1<<5); isr = _int_install_isr(LDD_ivIndex_INT_PORTA, MMA8451_INT1_isr_service, NULL); ASSERT_PARAM(isr != NULL); // ENABLE PTE5 Falling interrupt enable_irq(30); set_irq_priority(30, 2); }
/* * Handle the received message and implement the action. * * receivedMsgType the msgType, extracted from the * received mesage. * pReceivedMsgBody pointer to the body part of the * received message. * * @return Always SERVER_SUCCESS_KEEP_RUNNING. */ static ServerReturnCode doAction (TaskHandlerMsgType receivedMsgType, UInt8 * pReceivedMsgBody) { ASSERT_PARAM (pReceivedMsgBody != PNULL, (unsigned long) pReceivedMsgBody); /* Now handle each message specifically */ switch (receivedMsgType) { case TASK_HANDLER_TASK_IND: { handleTaskInd ((RoboOneTaskInd *) pReceivedMsgBody); } break; default: { ASSERT_ALWAYS_PARAM (receivedMsgType); } break; } return SERVER_SUCCESS_KEEP_RUNNING; }