コード例 #1
ファイル: SDcard.c プロジェクト: vnamiran/UCIsd_NMV
AtaError mmcConfigFs(char *fileName) {
    Uint16 index;
    AtaError ata_error;
    unsigned int diskType;

    ata_error = ATA_ERROR_NONE;

    for (index = 0; index < CSL_MMCSD_ATA_BUF_SIZE; index++) {
        gMmcWriteBuf[index] = 0x4142;
        AtaWrBuf[index] = 0x4344;
        gMmcReadBuf[index] = 0x0;

    /* Call init function initialize ATA state structure */
    gpstrAtaDrive->AtaInitAtaMediaState = (AtaError (*)(void *)) MMC_initState;
    gpstrAtaMMCState->hMmcSd = mmcsdHandle;
    gpstrAtaDrive->pAtaMediaState = gpstrAtaMMCState;

    /* Set the temp write buffer */
    gpstrAtaDrive->_AtaWriteBuffer = AtaWrBuf;

    /* Call ATA_systemInit() to intialize some values whcih are
     used by chk_mmc() function */
    ata_error = ATA_systemInit(gpstrAtaDrive, diskType);

    chk_mmc(gpstrAtaDrive, &diskType);
    if (diskType != CSL_MMCSD_ATAFS_DISKTYPE) {
        ata_error = ATA_systemInit(gpstrAtaDrive, diskType);
        if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
            printf("ATA_systemInit Failed\n");
            printf("Format the SD card\n");
            return (ata_error);

    printf("\nATA File System Initialization successful\n");

    /* Find the first file available */
    ata_error = ATA_fileInit(gpstrAtaDrive, pAtaFile);
    if (ata_error) {
        printf("ATA_fileInit error (0x%x)\n", ata_error);
        return (ata_error);

    ata_error = ATA_setLongDirectoryName(pAtaFile, fileName);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_setLongDirectoryName Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);

    ata_error = ATA_createDirectoryLong(pAtaFile, fileName);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_createDirectoryLong Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);

    ata_error = ATA_cdRoot(pAtaFile);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_cdRoot Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);

    do {
        ata_error = ATA_findNext(pAtaFile);
        if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
            printf("Cannot find created directory\n");
            return (ata_error);

        ata_error = ATA_getLongName(pAtaFile, ataFileName, 0, 10);
        if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
            printf("ATA_getLongName failed\n");
            return (ata_error);
    } while (strcmp(ataFileName, fileName) != 0);

    ata_error = ATA_cd(pAtaFile);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_cdRoot Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);

    /* Set the file name */
    ATA_setFileName(pAtaFile, fileName, "txt");

    ata_error = ATA_create(pAtaFile);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_create Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);
    } else {
        printf("\nFile Creation on SD card is Successful\n");

    /* Write data to the file */
    ata_error = ATA_write(pAtaFile, gMmcWriteBuf, CSL_MMCSD_ATA_BUF_SIZE);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_write Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);
    } else {
        printf("\nWriting Data to the file on SD card successful\n");

    /* Reset the file pointer to the beginning */
    ATA_seek(pAtaFile, 0);

    /* Read the data from the file in little endian mode */
    ata_error = ATA_readLittleEndian(pAtaFile, gMmcReadBuf,
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_readLittleEndian Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);
    } else {
        printf("\nReading Data from the file on SD card successful\n");

    /* Close the file */
    ata_error = ATA_close(pAtaFile);
    if (ata_error != ATA_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("ATA_close Failed\n");
        return (ata_error);

    /* Compare the data read and data written */
    for (index = 0; index < CSL_MMCSD_ATA_BUF_SIZE; index++) {
        if (gMmcWriteBuf[index] != gMmcReadBuf[index]) {
            ata_error = 1;
            printf("\nMMCSD Read and Write Buffers do not Match\n");

    if (ata_error == 0) {
        printf("\nMMCSD Read and Write Buffers Match\n");

    return (ata_error);
コード例 #2
AtaError ATA_setLongFileName( AtaFile *pAtaFile, char *szLongName )
	AtaUint16 i=0, error =0;
	AtaUint16 j=0;
	char pStr[7], pStr5 = '.';
	char *pStr3,pStr4[8];AtaUint16 filename_length;AtaUint16 ext_length = 0;
	char tempname[256];AtaUint16 name_length;
	AtaFile tempFile;AtaUint16 checkarray[100];
/*SUSMIT - New short file creation function*/
	AtaUint16 temp_number = 0;
/*SUSMIT - New short file creation function*/
/*SUSMIT - New code for checking two same short names occurring out of valid LFNs which are less than 8chars long*/
	AtaUint16 flag = 0, ftemp = 0;
/*SUSMIT - New code for checking two same short names occurring out of valid LFNs which are less than 8chars long*/
	char *end_point;
	AtaUint16 numdots = 0;
	AtaUint16 ch1 = '.';

    if (pAtaFile==NULL) return(ATA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); //KR042710

	char *sch1 = " /\\[]:;=,\"";
	char sch[11];
	for(i=0;i<11;i++) sch[i] = (char)(sch1[i]);
	name_length = strlen(szLongName)+1;
	memmove(tempname, szLongName, name_length);
	/*Remove unwanted characters - Susmit*/
	pStr3 = strpbrk( szLongName, sch );

	while( pStr3 )
		j = pStr3 - szLongName;

		for(i=0; i<strlen(pStr3);i++)
		szLongName[j+i] = pStr3[i+1];
		pStr3 = strpbrk( szLongName, sch );
	/*Remove unwanted dots - Susmit*/
	pStr3 = strchr( szLongName, ch1 );
	while(pStr3) {
		pStr3 = strchr( pStr3, ch1 ); }
/*SUSMIT - Fix for no dots at all*/
/*	numdots--;*/
	if(numdots) numdots--;
/*SUSMIT - Fix for no dots at all*/
	while(numdots--) {
		pStr3 = strchr( szLongName, ch1 );
		j = pStr3 - szLongName;
		for(i=0; i<strlen(pStr3);i++)
		szLongName[j+i] = pStr3[i+1];

	end_point = strrchr(szLongName, pStr5);
	filename_length =  (AtaUint16)(end_point - szLongName);
	if(end_point == NULL) filename_length = strlen(szLongName);

	for(i=0;i<strlen(szLongName);i++) szLongName[i]=toupper(szLongName[i]);
	if(filename_length>8) szLongName[i]='\0';
	//_AtaMemmove1((char *)pAtaFile->Filename, 9);
	memmove((char *)pAtaFile->Filename, "		",9);

	/* check the whole directory for any synonym file names, whose
	first 6 characters are identical to first 6 characters of long name
		memmove( (char*)pStr, (char*)szLongName, (short)6 );
		*(pStr+6) = '\0';
/*		ATA_fileInit(pAtaFile->pDrive, &tempFile);*//*SUSMIT - Root Dir Bug*/
		for(i=0;i<99;i++) checkarray[i] = 0;
		memmove(&tempFile, pAtaFile, sizeof(AtaFile));
		error = ATA_findFirst(&tempFile);
		j = 0;
		while( !error )
			//_AtaMemmove1((char *)pStr4, 7);
			memmove((char *)pStr4, "	   ", 7);
			memmove((char *)pStr4, (char *)((&tempFile)->Filename),6);
			pStr3 = strstr( pStr, pStr4 );
			if( pStr3 != NULL ) {
				temp_number = (AtaUint16)(tempFile.Filename[7])-48;
				error = ATA_findNext( &tempFile );
				if(temp_number>99) continue;
				checkarray[temp_number] = 1;
				continue; }
			//_AtaMemmove1((char *)pStr4, 7);
			memmove((char *)pStr4, "	   ", 7);
			memmove((char *)pStr4, (&tempFile)->Filename,5);
			pStr3 = strstr( pStr, pStr4 );
			if( pStr3 != NULL ) {
				temp_number = (AtaUint16)(tempFile.Filename[7])-48;
				temp_number += ((AtaUint16)(tempFile.Filename[6])-48)*10;
				error = ATA_findNext( &tempFile );
				if(temp_number>99) continue;
				checkarray[temp_number] = 1; continue;}
			error = ATA_findNext( &tempFile );
		if(j>=99) return(ATA_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
		for(i=1;i<99;i++) if(checkarray[i] == 0) break;
		if(j) j = i-1;
/*SUSMIT - New short file creation function*/

		{memmove((char *)pAtaFile->Filename, pStr,5);}
		else{memmove((char *)pAtaFile->Filename, pStr,strlen(pStr));}
		if(j>8) {
		pAtaFile->Filename[5] = '~';
		pAtaFile->Filename[6] = '0'+(AtaUint16)((j+1)/10);
		pAtaFile->Filename[7] = '0'+((j+1)%10);
		pAtaFile->Filename[8] = '\0';
		else {
		pAtaFile->Filename[6] = '~';
		pAtaFile->Filename[7] = '0'+(j+1);
		pAtaFile->Filename[8] = '\0';
		memmove((char *)pAtaFile->Filename, szLongName, filename_length);
	//_AtaMemmove1((char *)pAtaFile->Ext, 4);
	memmove((char *)pAtaFile->Ext,"   ",4);
	pStr3 = strrchr(szLongName, '.');
	if(pStr3 != NULL)
	ext_length = strlen(szLongName) - ((AtaUint16)(pStr3 - szLongName)) -1;
		pAtaFile->Ext[0] = *(pStr3+1);
		pAtaFile->Ext[1] = *(pStr3+2);
		pAtaFile->Ext[2] = *(pStr3+3);
		pAtaFile->Ext[3] = '\0';
	for(i = ext_length;i<3;i++) pAtaFile->Ext[i] = ' ';

/*SUSMIT - New code for checking two same short names occurring out of valid LFNs which are less than 8chars long*/
	if(filename_length <= 8) {
		for(i=0;i<99;i++) checkarray[i] = 0;
		memmove(&tempFile, pAtaFile, sizeof(AtaFile));
		error = ATA_findFirst(&tempFile);
		while(!error) {
			i = 0;ftemp = 0;temp_number = 0;
			while((pAtaFile->Filename[i]!='\0')&&(tempFile.Filename[i]!='~')&&(i<9)) {
				if(pAtaFile->Filename[i] == tempFile.Filename[i]) {ftemp = 1;}
				else {ftemp = 0; break;}
			if(ftemp == 1) {
				if(((tempFile.Filename[i+2]==0x0020)||(tempFile.Filename[i+2]=='\0'))&&(tempFile.Filename[i]=='~')) {temp_number = (AtaUint16)(tempFile.Filename[i+1])-48;}
				else if(((tempFile.Filename[i+3]==0x0020)||(tempFile.Filename[i+3]=='\0'))&&(tempFile.Filename[i]=='~')) {
						temp_number = (AtaUint16)(tempFile.Filename[i+2])-48;
						temp_number += ((AtaUint16)(tempFile.Filename[i+1])-48)*10;
				if(temp_number>99) {error = ATA_findNext(&tempFile);continue;}
				checkarray[temp_number] = 1;
			error = ATA_findNext(&tempFile);
		for(i=1;i<99;i++) {if(checkarray[i] == 0) {break;}}
		if(flag>=99) return(ATA_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
		if(flag) { flag = i-1;
			for(i=0;i<8;i++) if(pAtaFile->Filename[i] == 0x0020) break;
			if(flag>8) {
				if(i<=4) {temp_number = i;} else {temp_number = 5;}
				pAtaFile->Filename[temp_number] = '~';
				pAtaFile->Filename[temp_number+1] = '0'+(AtaUint16)((flag+1)/10);
				pAtaFile->Filename[temp_number+2] = '0'+((flag+1)%10);
				for(i=(temp_number+3);i<8;i++) pAtaFile->Filename[i]=0x0020;
				pAtaFile->Filename[8] = '\0';
			else {
				if(i<=5) {temp_number = i;} else {temp_number = 6;}
				pAtaFile->Filename[temp_number] = '~';
				pAtaFile->Filename[temp_number+1] = '0'+(flag+1);
				for(i=(temp_number+2);i<8;i++) pAtaFile->Filename[i]=0x0020;
				pAtaFile->Filename[8] = '\0';
/*SUSMIT - New code for checking two same short names occurring out of valid LFNs which are less than 8chars long*/
	pAtaFile->Attributes = ATA_ATTR_ARCHIVE;
	pAtaFile->Time = pAtaFile->pDrive->get_time();
	pAtaFile->Date = pAtaFile->pDrive->get_date();
	pAtaFile->reserved1 = 0x0BAD;
	memmove(szLongName, tempname, name_length);