コード例 #1
ファイル: ATL_pthescal.c プロジェクト: certik/vendor
void Mjoin( PATL, pthescal )
   const enum ATLAS_UPLO      UPLO,
   const int                  M,
   const int                  N,
   const TYPE                 ALPHA,
   TYPE                       * A,
   const int                  LDA
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * Mjoin( PATL, pthescal )  scales a trapezoidal Hermitian m-by-n matrix
 * A by the real scalar alpha.  The imaginary parts of the diagonal ele-
 * ments of A need not be set on input, they are assumed to be zero, and
 * on exit they are set to zero.
 * This is a multi-threaded version of the algorithm.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Variables ..
   pthread_attr_t             attr;
   PT_TREE_T                  root = NULL;
   TYPE                       alpha[2];
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   if( ( M <= 0 ) || ( N <= 0 ) ) return;

   alpha[0] = ALPHA; alpha[1] = ATL_rzero;

   ATL_thread_init( &attr );
   root = Mjoin( PATL, pthescal_nt )( ATL_NTHREADS, &attr, UPLO, M, N,
                                      (void *)(alpha), (void *)(A), LDA );
   ATL_join_tree  ( root );
   ATL_free_tree  ( root );
   ATL_thread_exit( &attr );
 * End of Mjoin( PATL, pthescal )
コード例 #2
ファイル: ATL_ptherk.c プロジェクト: certik/vendor
void Mjoin( PATL, ptherk )
   const enum ATLAS_UPLO      UPLO,
   const enum ATLAS_TRANS     TRANS,
   const int                  N,
   const int                  K,
   const TYPE                 ALPHA,
   const TYPE                 * A,
   const int                  LDA,
   const TYPE                 BETA,
   TYPE                       * C,
   const int                  LDC
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * Mjoin( PATL, ptherk )  performs one of the Hermitian rank k operations
 *    C := alpha * A * conjg( A' ) + beta * C,
 * or
 *    C := alpha * conjg( A' ) * A + beta * C,
 * where alpha and beta are  real  scalars, C is an n by n Hermitian ma-
 * trix and  A is an n by k matrix in the first case and a k by n matrix
 * in the second case.
 * For a  more  detailed description of  the arguments of this function,
 * see the reference implementation in the  ATLAS/src/blas/reference di-
 * rectory.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Variables ..
   PT_TREE_T                  root = NULL;
   pthread_attr_t             attr;
   TYPE                       Calph[2], Cbeta[2];
   void                       * alpha, * beta;
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   if( ( N == 0 ) ||
       ( ( ( ALPHA == ATL_rzero ) || ( K == 0 ) ) && ( BETA == ATL_rone ) ) )

   if( ( ( ALPHA == ATL_rzero ) ) || ( K == 0 ) )
   { Mjoin( PATL, pthescal )( UPLO, N, N, BETA, C, LDC ); return; }

   ATL_thread_init( &attr );
   *Calph = ALPHA; Calph[1] = ATL_rzero; alpha  = (void *)(Calph);
   *Cbeta = BETA;  Cbeta[1] = ATL_rzero; beta   = (void *)(Cbeta);
   root = Mjoin( PATL, ptherk_nt )( ATL_NTHREADS, &attr, UPLO, TRANS,
                                    N, K, alpha, (void *)(A), LDA, beta,
                                    (void *)(C), LDC );
   ATL_join_tree  ( root );
   ATL_free_tree  ( root );
   ATL_thread_exit( &attr );
 * End of Mjoin( PATL, ptherk )
コード例 #3
ファイル: ATL_dyntlaunch.c プロジェクト: AIDman/Kaldi
void *ATL_dyntlaunch(void *vp)
   ATL_thread_t *tp = vp, *btp;
   const int iam = tp->rank, P = tp->P;
   int i, src, dest, nthrP2, mask, abit;
   void *acnt;

   lp = tp->vp;
   acnt = lp->acounts[0];
   btp = tp - iam;
 * Set my affinity if I haven't already
   #ifdef ATL_PAFF_SELF
      if (!tp->paff_set)
   dest = ATL_DecGlobalAtomicCount(acnt, iam);
      dest = tp->P - dest;
      ATL_thread_start(btp+dest, dest, 0, ATL_dyntlaunch, btp+dest);
      dest = ATL_DecGlobalAtomicCount(acnt, iam);
 * Do the operation
   lp->DoWork(lp, tp);
 * Do combine in minimum spanning tree, combining results as required
   for (i=0; (1<<i) < P; i++);
   nthrP2 = i;
   mask = 0;
   for (i=0; i < nthrP2; i++)
      if (!(iam & mask))
         abit = (1<<i);
         if (!(iam & abit))
            src = iam ^ abit;
            if (src < P)
               while (lp->chkin[src] != ATL_CHK_DONE_OP)
               if (lp->DoComb)
                  lp->DoComb(lp->opstruct, iam, src);
            lp->chkin[iam] = ATL_CHK_DONE_OP;
      mask |= abit;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ATL_ptgeadd.c プロジェクト: certik/vendor
void Mjoin( PATL, ptgeadd )
   const int                  M,
   const int                  N,
   const SCALAR               ALPHA,
   const TYPE                 * A,
   const int                  LDA,
   const SCALAR               BETA,
   TYPE                       * C,
   const int                  LDC
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * Mjoin( PATL, ptgeadd ) adds an m-by-n matrix A to the matrix B.
 * This is a multi-threaded version of the algorithm.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * PTYPE   (input)                       const PT_MISC_TYPE_T *
 *         On entry, PTYPE  points  to the data structure containing the
 *         type information.
 * NODE    (input)                       const unsigned int
 *         On entry, NODE specifies the current node number.
 * THREADS (input)                       const unsigned int
 *         On entry, THREADS  specifies the number of threads to be used
 *         for the current operation.
 * ATTR    (input)                       pthread_attr_t *
 *         On entry, ATTR  specifies  the  thread attribute object to be
 *         used for the node functions to be threaded.
 * NB      (input)                       const int
 *         On entry, NB  specifies  the  blocksize  to  be  used for the
 *         problem size partitioning.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Variables ..
   pthread_attr_t             attr;
   PT_TREE_T                  root = NULL;
#ifdef TREAL
   TYPE                       alpha0 = (TYPE)(ALPHA),
                              beta0  = (TYPE)(BETA);
   void                       * alpha, * beta;
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   if( ( M <= 0 ) || ( N <= 0 ) ||
       ( SCALAR_IS_ZERO( ALPHA ) && SCALAR_IS_ONE( BETA ) ) ) return;

#ifdef TREAL
   alpha = (void *)(&alpha0); beta = (void *)(&beta0);
   alpha = (void *)(ALPHA);   beta = (void *)(BETA);
   ATL_thread_init( &attr );
   root = Mjoin( PATL, ptgeadd_nt )( ATL_NTHREADS, &attr, M, N, alpha,
                                     (void *)(A), LDA, beta, (void *)(C),
                                     LDC );
   ATL_join_tree  ( root );
   ATL_free_tree  ( root );
   ATL_thread_exit( &attr );
 * End of Mjoin( PATL, ptgeadd )