コード例 #1
        axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
                adb_X509IssuerSerialType_t* _X509IssuerSerialType,
                const axutil_env_t *env,
                axiom_node_t **dp_parent,
                axis2_bool_t *dp_is_early_node_valid,
                axis2_bool_t dont_care_minoccurs)
          axiom_node_t *parent = *dp_parent;
          axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS;
             const axis2_char_t* text_value = NULL;
             axutil_qname_t *qname = NULL;
            axutil_qname_t *element_qname = NULL; 
               axiom_node_t *first_node = NULL;
               axis2_bool_t is_early_node_valid = AXIS2_TRUE;
               axiom_node_t *current_node = NULL;
               axiom_element_t *current_element = NULL;
            AXIS2_ENV_CHECK(env, AXIS2_FAILURE);
            AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, _X509IssuerSerialType, AXIS2_FAILURE);

              while(parent && axiom_node_get_node_type(parent, env) != AXIOM_ELEMENT)
                  parent = axiom_node_get_next_sibling(parent, env);
              if (NULL == parent)
                /* This should be checked before everything */
                AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, 
                            "Failed in building adb object for X509IssuerSerialType : "
                            "NULL element can not be passed to deserialize");
                return AXIS2_FAILURE;
                      first_node = axiom_node_get_first_child(parent, env);

                      * building X509IssuerName element
                                   current_node = first_node;
                                   is_early_node_valid = AXIS2_FALSE;
                                    while(current_node && axiom_node_get_node_type(current_node, env) != AXIOM_ELEMENT)
                                        current_node = axiom_node_get_next_sibling(current_node, env);
                                    if(current_node != NULL)
                                        current_element = (axiom_element_t *)axiom_node_get_data_element(current_node, env);
                                        qname = axiom_element_get_qname(current_element, env, current_node);
                                 element_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "X509IssuerName", "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#", NULL);

                           if ( 
                                (current_node   && current_element && (axutil_qname_equals(element_qname, env, qname))))
                              if( current_node   && current_element && (axutil_qname_equals(element_qname, env, qname)))
                                is_early_node_valid = AXIS2_TRUE;
                                      text_value = axiom_element_get_text(current_element, env, current_node);
                                      if(text_value != NULL)
                                            status = adb_X509IssuerSerialType_set_X509IssuerName(_X509IssuerSerialType, env,
                                             * axis2_qname_t *qname = NULL;
                                             * axiom_attribute_t *the_attri = NULL;
                                             * qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "nil", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "xsi");
                                             * the_attri = axiom_element_get_attribute(current_element, env, qname);
                                            /* currently thereis a bug in the axiom_element_get_attribute, so we have to go to this bad method */

                                            axiom_attribute_t *the_attri = NULL;
                                            axis2_char_t *attrib_text = NULL;
                                            axutil_hash_t *attribute_hash = NULL;

                                            attribute_hash = axiom_element_get_all_attributes(current_element, env);

                                            attrib_text = NULL;
                                                 axutil_hash_index_t *hi;
                                                 void *val;
                                                 const void *key;
                                                 for (hi = axutil_hash_first(attribute_hash, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) 
                                                     axutil_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val);
                                                     if(strstr((axis2_char_t*)key, "nil|http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"))
                                                         the_attri = (axiom_attribute_t*)val;

                                                attrib_text = axiom_attribute_get_value(the_attri, env);
                                                /* this is hoping that attribute is stored in "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", this happnes when name is in default namespace */
                                                attrib_text = axiom_element_get_attribute_value_by_name(current_element, env, "nil");

                                            if(attrib_text && 0 == axutil_strcmp(attrib_text, "1"))
                                                AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "NULL value is set to a non nillable element X509IssuerName");
                                                status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
                                                /* after all, we found this is a empty string */
                                                status = adb_X509IssuerSerialType_set_X509IssuerName(_X509IssuerSerialType, env,
                                 if(AXIS2_FAILURE ==  status)
                                     AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "failed in setting the value for X509IssuerName ");
                                         axutil_qname_free(element_qname, env);
                                     return AXIS2_FAILURE;
                              else if(!dont_care_minoccurs)
                                      axutil_qname_free(element_qname, env);
                                  /* this is not a nillable element*/
                                  AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "non nillable or minOuccrs != 0 element X509IssuerName missing");
                                  return AXIS2_FAILURE;
                     axutil_qname_free(element_qname, env);
                     element_qname = NULL;

                      * building X509SerialNumber element
                                     * because elements are ordered this works fine
                                   if(current_node != NULL && is_early_node_valid)
                                       current_node = axiom_node_get_next_sibling(current_node, env);
                                        while(current_node && axiom_node_get_node_type(current_node, env) != AXIOM_ELEMENT)
                                            current_node = axiom_node_get_next_sibling(current_node, env);
                                        if(current_node != NULL)
                                            current_element = (axiom_element_t *)axiom_node_get_data_element(current_node, env);
                                            qname = axiom_element_get_qname(current_element, env, current_node);
                                   is_early_node_valid = AXIS2_FALSE;
                                 element_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "X509SerialNumber", "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#", NULL);

                           if ( 
                                (current_node   && current_element && (axutil_qname_equals(element_qname, env, qname))))
                              if( current_node   && current_element && (axutil_qname_equals(element_qname, env, qname)))
                                is_early_node_valid = AXIS2_TRUE;
                                      text_value = axiom_element_get_text(current_element, env, current_node);
                                      if(text_value != NULL)
                                            status = adb_X509IssuerSerialType_set_X509SerialNumber(_X509IssuerSerialType, env,
                                          AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "NULL value is set to a non nillable element X509SerialNumber");
                                          status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
                                 if(AXIS2_FAILURE ==  status)
                                     AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "failed in setting the value for X509SerialNumber ");
                                         axutil_qname_free(element_qname, env);
                                     return AXIS2_FAILURE;
                              else if(!dont_care_minoccurs)
                                      axutil_qname_free(element_qname, env);
                                  /* this is not a nillable element*/
                                  AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "non nillable or minOuccrs != 0 element X509SerialNumber missing");
                                  return AXIS2_FAILURE;
                     axutil_qname_free(element_qname, env);
                     element_qname = NULL;
          return status;