bool ANDOR885_Camera::AbortIfAcquiring() { int errorValue; bool error = false; //Check to see if the camera is acquiring. If it is, stop GetStatus(&errorValue); if(errorValue == DRV_ACQUIRING){ //Check to see if the camera is playing. If it is, stop if (isPlaying) CancelWait(); errorValue = AbortAcquisition(); if(errorValue != DRV_SUCCESS){ std::cerr << "ANDOR885_Camera: Error aborting acquisition" << std::endl; error = true; } else { //Wait until camera stops playing. (necessary? Yes, if called in play event.) waitForEndOfAcquisitionMutex->lock(); while (isPlaying) { waitForEndOfAcquisitionCondition->wait(); } waitForEndOfAcquisitionMutex->unlock(); } } return error; }
int main() { init_clara(); C(PrepareAcquisition()); int i; for(i=0;;i++){ C(StartAcquisition()); capture_clara(); } C(AbortAcquisition()); C(FreeInternalMemory()); uninit_clara(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int status; int bitdepth; int width, height; int min, max; int i, j, numgains; float gain; int num_ad; int num_vspeeds; int num_hspeeds; float speed; AndorCapabilities caps; at_32 lNumCameras; at_32 lCameraHandle; int start_n, stop_n; int npix; /* Check command line */ npix = 90; if (argc > 1) sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &npix); /* FIRST, FIND OUT WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS CAMERA. */ printf("Initializing Andor Camera.\n"); /* How many cameras are connected */ printf("GetAvailableCameras = %d\n", GetAvailableCameras(&lNumCameras)); if (lNumCameras == 1) printf("There is %d camera connected.\n", lNumCameras); else printf("There are %d cameras connected.\n", lNumCameras); if (lNumCameras <= 0) exit(0); /* Get the camera we are working with. */ printf("GetCameraHandle = %d\n", GetCameraHandle(0, &lCameraHandle)); printf("SetCurrentCamera = %d\n", SetCurrentCamera(lCameraHandle)); /* Initialize the CCD */ printf("Initialize = %d\n", Initialize("/usr/local/etc/andor")); /* Wait for this to happen */ sleep(2); /* What Capabilities do we have? */ caps.ulSize = sizeof(caps); printf("GetCapabilities = %d\n", GetCapabilities(&caps)); if (caps.ulCameraType & AC_CAMERATYPE_IXON) printf("Camera is an iXon.\n"); else printf("Camera is not an iXon.\n"); if (caps.ulAcqModes & AC_ACQMODE_FRAMETRANSFER) printf("Frame transfer is available.\n"); else printf("Frame transfer is not available.\n"); if (caps.ulSetFunctions & AC_SETFUNCTION_CROPMODE) printf("Crop mode is available.\n"); else printf("Crop mode is not available.\n"); /* Find out what the width and height are */ printf("GetDetector = %d\n", GetDetector(&width, &height)); printf("Andor full size %dx%d.\n", width, height); /* What is the allowable temperature range? */ printf("GetTemperatureRange = %d\n", GetTemperatureRange(&min, &max)); printf("Andor temperature range is %d to %d C.\n", min, max); /* How many preamp gains do we have? */ printf("GetNumberPreAmpGains = %d\n", GetNumberPreAmpGains(&numgains)); printf("Andor number of preamp gains is %d.\n", numgains); /* Let's find out what these gains are */ for (i=0; i<numgains; i++) { printf("GetPreAmpGain = %d\n", GetPreAmpGain(i, &gain)); printf("Andor Preamp Gain %d is %f.\n", i, gain); } /* How many vertical speeds do we have? */ printf("GetNumberVSSpeeds = %d\n", GetNumberVSSpeeds(&num_vspeeds)); printf("Andor number of Vertical Speeds is %d.\n", num_vspeeds); /* Let's find out what these VSpeeds are */ for (i=0; i<num_vspeeds; i++) { printf("GetVSSpeed = %d\n", GetVSSpeed(i, &speed)); printf("Andor Vertical Speed %d is %.2f uS.\n", i, speed); } for(j = 0; j < 1; j++) { if (j == 0) printf("For EMCCD output:\n"); else printf("For CCD output:\n"); /* How many horizontal speeds do we have? */ printf("GetNumberHSSpeeds = %d\n", GetNumberHSSpeeds(0, j, &num_hspeeds)); printf("Andor number of Horizontal Speeds is %d.\n", num_hspeeds); /* Let's find out what these speeds are */ for (i=0; i<num_hspeeds; i++) { printf("GetHSSpeed = %d\n", GetHSSpeed(0, j, i, &speed)); printf("Andor Horizontal Speed %d is %.2f MHz.\n", i, speed); } } /* What is the range of gain settings - This is always wrong */ printf("GetEMGainRange = %d\n", GetEMGainRange(&min, &max)); printf("Andor EM Gain range is %d to %d.\n", min, max); /* How many AD channels are there? */ printf("GetNumberADChannels = %d\n", GetNumberADChannels(&num_ad)); printf("Number of AD channels = %d\n", num_ad); /* What are the bit depths? */ for(i=0; i < num_ad; i++) { printf("GetBitDepth = %d\n", GetBitDepth(i, &bitdepth)); printf("AD channel %d has bit depth %d\n", i, bitdepth); } /* NOW WE START TO SET THINGS UP THE WAY WE WANT THEM */ /* Turn on Cameralink mode */ printf("SetCameraLinkMode = %d\n", SetCameraLinkMode(1)); /* Put us in Frame Transfer Mode */ printf( "Turning on Frame Transfer Mode.\n"); printf("SetFrameTransferMode = %d\n", SetFrameTransferMode(1)); /* Set output amplifier to EMCCD */ printf("SetOutputAmplifier = %d\n", SetOutputAmplifier(0)); /* Turn on advanced EM settings */ printf("SetEMAdvanced = %d\n", SetEMAdvanced(1)); /* Let's see if that worked... we should get 1000 as maximum */ printf("GetEMGainRange = %d\n", GetEMGainRange(&min, &max)); printf("Andor EM Gain range is %d to %d.\n", min, max); /* Set EM gain */ printf("SetEMCCDGain = %d\n", SetEMCCDGain(300)); /* Set our horizontal speed to the desired one. */ printf("SetHSSpeed = %d\n", SetHSSpeed(0, 0)); /* Set our vertical speed to the desired one. */ printf("SetVSSpeed = %d\n", SetVSSpeed(0)); /* Set our gain to the desired one. */ printf("SetPreAmpGain = %d\n", SetPreAmpGain(2)); /* Setup the read mode. I suspect this is the problem */ printf("SetReadMode = %d\n", SetReadMode(4)); /* Try to get frames like this */ printf("SetAcquisitionMode = %d\n", SetAcquisitionMode(5)); printf("PrepareAcquisition = %d\n", PrepareAcquisition()); printf("StartAcquisition %d\n", StartAcquisition()); sleep(1); printf("AbortAcquisition %d\n", AbortAcquisition()); /* This sequence seemed to work with the server */ //printf("SetHSSpeed = %d\n", SetHSSpeed(0, 1)); /* DO we get the right gain range now? */ printf("GetEMGainRange = %d\n", GetEMGainRange(&min, &max)); printf("Andor EM Gain range is %d to %d.\n", min, max); /* We wish to use Cropped mode */ printf("SetIsolatedCropMode = %d\n", SetIsolatedCropMode(1,npix,npix,1,1)); /* Set the image to read the full area of cropped region */ printf("SetImage = %d\n", SetImage(1, 1, 1, npix, 1, npix)); /* Set exposure time to 1mS */ printf("SetExposureTime = %d\n", SetExposureTime(0.001)); /* Set Kinetic Cycle time to the smallest possible value */ printf("SetKineticCycleTime = %d\n",SetKineticCycleTime(0.0)); /* OK, let's see what the frame rate is */ printf("SetAcquisitionMode = %d\n", SetAcquisitionMode(5)); printf("StartAcquisition %d\n", StartAcquisition()); sleep(1); printf("GetTotalNumberImagesAcquired = %d\n", GetTotalNumberImagesAcquired(&start_n)); sleep(5); printf("GetTotalNumberImagesAcquired = %d\n", GetTotalNumberImagesAcquired(&stop_n)); printf("Frame rate seems to be %.2f Hz\n", (double)(stop_n - start_n)/5.0); printf("AbortAcquisition = %d\n",AbortAcquisition()); /* Get one frame... it seems things work better after this */ GetStatus(&status); while(status==DRV_ACQUIRING) GetStatus(&status); printf("SaveAsFITS %d\n", SaveAsFITS("./", 4)); /* That is all */ printf("ShutDown = %d\n", ShutDown()); exit(0); }