コード例 #1
CGUIButton_Impl::CGUIButton_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent, const char* szCaption )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI (gah, there's gotta be an another way)
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUIBUTTON_NAME, szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );

    m_pWindow->setText ( CGUI_Impl::GetUTFString(szCaption) );

    m_pWindow->setSize ( CEGUI::Absolute, CEGUI::Size ( 128.0f, 24.0f ) );
    m_pWindow->setVisible ( true );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #2
CGUIScrollPane_Impl::CGUIScrollPane_Impl( CGUI_Impl * pGUI, CGUIElement_Impl * pParent )
	// Store the manager instance
	m_pManager = pGUI;

	// Get a unique name for cegui
	String strName = pGUI->GetUniqueName();

	// Create the window and set default settings
	m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager()->createWindow( "CGUI/ScrollablePane", strName.Get() );
	m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent( false );
	m_pWindow->setRect( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f ) );
	m_pWindow->setVisible( true );

	// Store the pointer to this element
	m_pWindow->setUserData( (void *)this );

	// Register our events

	// If a parent is set, add it to it's childs list, if not add it as a child to the gui manager
	if( pParent )
		SetParent( pParent );
		pGUI->AddChild( this );
		SetParent( NULL );

	// Set defaults
	SetHorizontalScrollStepSize( 100.0f );
	SetVerticalScrollStepSize( 100.0f );
コード例 #3
ファイル: CGUIScrollPane_Impl.cpp プロジェクト: EagleShen/MTA
CGUIScrollPane_Impl::CGUIScrollPane_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Initialize
    m_pGUI = pGUI;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI (gah, there's gotta be an another way)
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUISCROLLPANE_NAME, szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    m_pWindow->setRect ( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect (0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f) );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );
    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the m_pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
    SetHorizontalScrollStepSize ( 100.0f );
    SetVerticalScrollStepSize ( 100.0f );
コード例 #4
CGUITab_Impl::CGUITab_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement_Impl* pParent, const char* szCaption )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );
    // Create the window and set default settings
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( "DefaultWindow", szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    m_pWindow->setText ( szCaption );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );

        // Adjust the tab button (pParent should be a TabControl!)
        reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::TabControl* > ( ((CGUITabPanel_Impl*)pParent)->m_pWindow ) -> setAbsoluteTabHeight ( 24.0f );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #5
CGUITabPanel_Impl::CGUITabPanel_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Initialize
    m_pGUI = pGUI;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI (gah, there's gotta be an another way)
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUITABPANEL_NAME, szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    m_pWindow->setRect ( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect (0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f) );
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::TabControl* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setAbsoluteTabTextPadding ( 10.0f );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent ( CEGUI::TabControl::EventSelectionChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber ( &CGUITabPanel_Impl::Event_OnSelectionChanged, this ) );
    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the m_pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #6
ファイル: CGUIButton_Impl.cpp プロジェクト: DarkKlo/maf2mp
CGUIButton_Impl::CGUIButton_Impl( CGUI_Impl * pGUI, String strCaption, CGUIElement_Impl * pParent )
	// Store the manager instance
	m_pManager = pGUI;

	// Get a unique name for cegui
	String strName = pGUI->GetUniqueName();

	// Create the window and set default settings
	m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager()->createWindow( "CGUI/Button", strName.Get() );
	m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent( false );
	SetText( strCaption );
	m_pWindow->setSize( CEGUI::Absolute, CEGUI::Size( 128.0f, 24.0f ) );
	m_pWindow->setVisible( true );

	// Store the pointer to this element
	m_pWindow->setUserData( (void *)this );

	// Register our events

	// If a parent is set, add it to it's childs list, if not add it as a child to the gui manager
	if( pParent )
		SetParent( pParent );
		pGUI->AddChild( this );
		SetParent( NULL );
コード例 #7
ファイル: CGUIWindow_Impl.cpp プロジェクト: EagleShen/MTA
CGUIWindow_Impl::CGUIWindow_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent, const char* szCaption, const SString& strLayoutFile )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings

    if ( !strLayoutFile.empty () )
        // Load from XML file
        m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->loadWindowLayout ( strLayoutFile );

    if ( !m_pWindow )
        // Create new here
        m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUIWINDOW_NAME, szUnique );
        m_pWindow->setRect ( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect (0.10f, 0.10f, 0.60f, 0.90f) );
        m_pWindow->setAlpha ( 0.8f );

        // Give the window a caption
        m_pWindow->setText ( CGUI_Impl::GetUTFString(szCaption) );

    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    // Set fixed minimum size to 96x48
    m_pWindow->setMetricsMode ( CEGUI::Absolute );
    m_pWindow->setMinimumSize ( CEGUI::Size ( 96.0f, 48.0f ) );
    // Some window specific style options
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::FrameWindow* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setTitlebarFont ( "default-bold-small" );

    // Register our events
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent ( CEGUI::FrameWindow::EventCloseClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber ( &CGUIWindow_Impl::Event_OnCloseClick, this ) );
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent ( CEGUI::FrameWindow::EventKeyDown, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber ( &CGUIWindow_Impl::Event_OnKeyDown, this ) );
    AddEvents ();

    // Disable rolling up, because we don't need it and it causes a freeze
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::FrameWindow* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setRollupEnabled ( false );

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #8
CGUIGridList_Impl::CGUIGridList_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent, bool bFrame )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Initialize
    m_hUniqueHandle = 0;
    m_iIndex = 0;
    m_bIgnoreTextSpacer = false;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI (gah, there's gotta be an another way)
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings
    if ( bFrame )
        m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUIGRIDLIST_NAME, szUnique );
        m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUIGRIDLISTNOFRAME_NAME, szUnique );

    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    m_pWindow->setRect ( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect (0.00f, 0.00f, 0.40f, 0.40f ) );

    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::MultiColumnList* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setUserColumnDraggingEnabled ( false );
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::MultiColumnList* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setShowHorzScrollbar ( false );
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::MultiColumnList* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setSelectionMode ( CEGUI::MultiColumnList::RowSingle );
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::MultiColumnList* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setSortDirection( CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment::None );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    // Register our events
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent ( CEGUI::MultiColumnList::EventSortColumnChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber ( &CGUIGridList_Impl::Event_OnSortColumn, this ) );
    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #9
CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::CGUIWebBrowser_Impl(CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent)
    // Initialize
    m_pImagesetManager = pGUI->GetImageSetManager();
    m_pImageset = nullptr;
    m_pImage = nullptr;
    m_pGUI = pGUI;
    m_pManager = pGUI;
    m_pWebView = nullptr;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI
    char szUnique[CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];

    // Create the control and set default properties
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager()->createWindow(CGUIWEBBROWSER_NAME, szUnique);
    m_pWindow->setRect(CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element


    // Apply browser events
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Window::EventMouseButtonDown, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::Event_MouseButtonDown, this));
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Window::EventMouseButtonUp, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::Event_MouseButtonUp, this));
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Window::EventMouseMove, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::Event_MouseMove, this));
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Window::EventMouseWheel, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::Event_MouseWheel, this));
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Window::EventActivated, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::Event_Activated, this));
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Window::EventDeactivated, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUIWebBrowser_Impl::Event_Deactivated, this));

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if (pParent)
コード例 #10
ファイル: socketevtdispatch.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
void wxSocketEventDispatcher::RunLoop(int timeout)
    struct timeval tv;
    tv.tv_sec = 0;
    tv.tv_usec = timeout;
    fd_set readset;
    fd_set writeset;

    int max_fd = FillSets( &readset, &writeset);
    if (select( max_fd+1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &tv ) == 0)
      // No socket input/output. Don't add events.
      AddEvents(&readset, &writeset);
コード例 #11
CGUILabel_Impl::CGUILabel_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent, const char* szText )
    m_pManager = pGUI;
    m_pFont = pGUI->GetDefaultFont ();

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI (gah, there's gotta be an another way)
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUILABEL_NAME, szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    AddEvents ();

    // Do some hardcore disabling on the labels
    //m_pWindow->moveToBack ( );
    //m_pWindow->disable ( );
    m_pWindow->setZOrderingEnabled ( false );
    //m_pWindow->setAlwaysOnTop ( true );

    SetFrameEnabled ( false );
    SetHorizontalAlign ( CGUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
    SetVerticalAlign ( CGUI_ALIGN_TOP );
    SetText ( szText );
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::StaticText* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setBackgroundEnabled ( false );

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #12
ファイル: CGUIMemo_Impl.cpp プロジェクト: AdiBoy/mtasa-blue
CGUIMemo_Impl::CGUIMemo_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent, const char* szEdit )
    m_pManager = pGUI;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the window and set default settings
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUIMEMO_NAME, szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    //m_pWindow->setRect ( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect (0.00f, 0.00f, 0.40f, 0.40f ) );

    // Register our events
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent ( CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber ( &CGUIMemo_Impl::Event_TextChanged, this ) );
    m_pWindow->subscribeEvent ( CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox::EventKeyDown, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber ( &CGUIMemo_Impl::Event_OnKeyDown, this ) );
    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        if ( CGUITabList* pTabList = dynamic_cast < CGUITabList* > ( pParent ) )
            pTabList->AddItem ( this );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        pGUI->AddItem ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #13
CGUIStaticImage_Impl::CGUIStaticImage_Impl ( CGUI_Impl* pGUI, CGUIElement* pParent )
    // Initialize
    m_pImagesetManager  = pGUI->GetImageSetManager ();
    m_pImageset         = NULL;
    m_pImage            = NULL;
    m_pGUI              = pGUI;
    m_pManager = pGUI;
    m_pTexture = NULL;
    m_bCreatedTexture = false;

    // Get an unique identifier for CEGUI
    char szUnique [CGUI_CHAR_SIZE];
    pGUI->GetUniqueName ( szUnique );

    // Create the control and set default properties
    m_pWindow = pGUI->GetWindowManager ()->createWindow ( CGUISTATICIMAGE_NAME, szUnique );
    m_pWindow->setDestroyedByParent ( false );
    m_pWindow->setRect ( CEGUI::Relative, CEGUI::Rect ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
    reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::StaticImage* > ( m_pWindow ) -> setBackgroundEnabled ( false );

    // Store the pointer to this CGUI element in the CEGUI element
    m_pWindow->setUserData ( reinterpret_cast < void* > ( this ) );

    AddEvents ();

    // If a parent is specified, add it to it's children list, if not, add it as a child to the pManager
    if ( pParent )
        SetParent ( pParent );
        pGUI->AddChild ( this );
        SetParent ( NULL );
コード例 #14
ファイル: stage01.cpp プロジェクト: CrisHao/WaitingBus
void Stage01::TipBoardOkCallBack(cocos2d::Ref* pSender)
	tipboard->runAction( MoveTo::create(1, Point(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height + 150) ) );
コード例 #15
ファイル: guidescene.cpp プロジェクト: CrisHao/WaitingBus
void GuideLayer::onEnterTransitionDidFinish()