SharedPtr<Event> HLERequestContext::SleepClientThread(SharedPtr<Thread> thread, const std::string& reason, std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout, WakeupCallback&& callback) { // Put the client thread to sleep until the wait event is signaled or the timeout expires. thread->wakeup_callback = [context = *this, callback](ThreadWakeupReason reason, SharedPtr<Thread> thread, SharedPtr<WaitObject> object) mutable { ASSERT(thread->status == THREADSTATUS_WAIT_HLE_EVENT); callback(thread, context, reason); auto& process = thread->owner_process; // We must copy the entire command buffer *plus* the entire static buffers area, since // the translation might need to read from it in order to retrieve the StaticBuffer // target addresses. std::array<u32_le, IPC::COMMAND_BUFFER_LENGTH + 2 * IPC::MAX_STATIC_BUFFERS> cmd_buff; Memory::ReadBlock(*process, thread->GetCommandBufferAddress(),, cmd_buff.size() * sizeof(u32)); context.WriteToOutgoingCommandBuffer(, *process, Kernel::g_handle_table); // Copy the translated command buffer back into the thread's command buffer area. Memory::WriteBlock(*process, thread->GetCommandBufferAddress(),, cmd_buff.size() * sizeof(u32)); }; auto event = Kernel::Event::Create(Kernel::ResetType::OneShot, "HLE Pause Event: " + reason); thread->status = THREADSTATUS_WAIT_HLE_EVENT; thread->wait_objects = {event}; event->AddWaitingThread(thread); if (timeout.count() > 0) thread->WakeAfterDelay(timeout.count()); return event; }
void AddReceiveWaitingThread(SceUID id, u32 addr, u32 size, int waitMode, u32 transferredBytesAddr) { AddWaitingThread(receiveWaitingThreads, id, addr, size, waitMode, transferredBytesAddr); }