//--------------------------------------------------------- CVariogram_Dialog::CVariogram_Dialog(void) : CSGDI_Dialog(_TL("Variogram")) { m_pPoints = NULL; m_nPoints = 0; m_Attribute = 0; m_pVariogram = NULL; m_pModel = NULL; m_Distance = -1; //----------------------------------------------------- wxArrayString Formulas; Formulas.Empty(); Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * x")); // 1st order polynom (linear) Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * x + c * x^2")); // 2nd order polynom (quadric) Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3")); // 3rd order polynom (cubic) Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3 + e * x^4")); // 4th order polynom Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * sqrt(x)")); // square root Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * ln(x)")); // logarithmic Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * x^c")); // exponential Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * (1 - exp(-(x / b)^2))")); // gaussian Formulas.Add(SG_T("a + b * ifelse(x > c, 1, 1.5 * x / c - 0.5 * x^3 / c^3)")); // spherical //----------------------------------------------------- Add_Button(_TL("Ok") , wxID_OK); Add_Button(_TL("Cancel") , wxID_CANCEL); Add_Spacer(); m_pSettings = Add_Button (_TL("Settings"), wxID_ANY); Add_Spacer(); m_pPairs = Add_CheckBox (_TL("Number of Pairs"), false); Add_Spacer(); m_pFormulas = Add_Choice (_TL("Predefined Functions"), Formulas, 0); Add_Spacer(); m_pDistance = Add_Slider (_TL("Function Fitting Range"), 1, 0, 1); Add_Spacer(); m_pParameters = Add_TextCtrl (_TL("Function Parameters"), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY); //----------------------------------------------------- Add_Output( m_pDiagram = new CVariogram_Diagram(this), m_pFormula = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, SG_T("a + b * x"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER), 1, 0 ); //----------------------------------------------------- m_Settings.Set_Name(_TL("Variogram Settings")); m_Settings.Add_Value (NULL, "SKIP" , _TL("Skip" ), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Int , 1, 1, true); m_Settings.Add_Value (NULL, "LAGDIST", _TL("Lag Distance" ), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 1, 0.0, true); m_Settings.Add_Value (NULL, "MAXDIST", _TL("Maximum Distance"), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 1, 0.0, true); m_Settings.Add_String(NULL, "MODEL" , _TL("Model" ), _TL(""), SG_T("a + b * x")); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- CPoints_View_Dialog::CPoints_View_Dialog(CSG_PointCloud *pPoints) : CSGDI_Dialog(_TL("Point Cloud Viewer"), SGDI_DLG_STYLE_START_MAXIMISED) { SetWindowStyle(wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE); //----------------------------------------------------- m_Settings.Create(NULL, _TL("Point Cloud Viewer Settings"), _TL("")); m_pView = new CPoints_View_Control (this, pPoints, m_Settings); m_pExtent = new CPoints_View_Extent (this, pPoints, m_Settings, wxSize(200, 200)); //----------------------------------------------------- wxArrayString Attributes; for(int i=0; i<pPoints->Get_Field_Count(); i++) { Attributes.Add(pPoints->Get_Field_Name(i)); } //----------------------------------------------------- Add_Button(_TL("Close"), wxID_OK); m_pBtn_Prop = Add_Button (_TL("Advanced Settings") , wxID_ANY); Add_Spacer(); m_pField_Z = Add_Choice (_TL("Z Attribute") , Attributes, m_pView->m_zField); m_pField_Color = Add_Choice (_TL("Color Attribute") , Attributes, m_pView->m_cField); Add_Spacer(); m_pCheck_Central = Add_CheckBox (_TL("Central Projection") , m_pView->m_bCentral); m_pCheck_Stereo = Add_CheckBox (_TL("Anaglyph") , m_pView->m_bStereo); m_pCheck_Scale = Add_CheckBox (_TL("Scale Point Size") , m_pView->m_bScale); Add_Spacer(); m_pSlide_xRotate = Add_Slider (_TL("X-Rotation") , m_pView->m_xRotate * M_RAD_TO_DEG, -180.0, 180.0); m_pSlide_yRotate = Add_Slider (_TL("Y-Rotation") , m_pView->m_yRotate * M_RAD_TO_DEG, -180.0, 180.0); m_pSlide_zRotate = Add_Slider (_TL("Z-Rotation") , m_pView->m_zRotate * M_RAD_TO_DEG, -180.0, 180.0); m_pSlide_Central = Add_Slider (_TL("Eye Distance") , m_pView->m_dCentral, 1.0, 2000.0); m_pSlide_Detail = Add_Slider (_TL("Level of Detail") , m_pView->m_Detail, 0.0, 1.0); // Add_Spacer(); // m_pParameters = Add_TextCtrl (_TL("Function Parameters"), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY); Add_Spacer(); Add_CustomCtrl(_TL("Extent"), m_pExtent); Add_Output(m_pView); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_3DView_Dialog::Create(CSG_3DView_Panel *pPanel) { m_pPanel = pPanel; m_pCommands = Add_Button (_TL("Commands" ), wxID_ANY); // Add_Spacer(); // m_pBox = Add_CheckBox(_TL("Bounding Box"), m_pPanel->m_Parameters("DRAW_BOX" )->asBool()); // m_pStereo = Add_CheckBox(_TL("Anaglyph" ), m_pPanel->m_Parameters("STEREO" )->asBool()); Add_Spacer(); m_pRotate_X = Add_Slider (_TL("X-Rotation" ), m_pPanel->Get_Projector().Get_xRotation() * M_RAD_TO_DEG, -180.0, 180.0); m_pRotate_Z = Add_Slider (_TL("Z-Rotation" ), m_pPanel->Get_Projector().Get_zRotation() * M_RAD_TO_DEG, -180.0, 180.0); m_pCentral = Add_Slider (_TL("Eye Distance"), m_pPanel->Get_Projector().Get_Central_Distance(), 1.0, 2000.0); Add_Output(m_pPanel); return( true ); }