コード例 #1
ファイル: Kirikiri.cpp プロジェクト: adrix89/araltrans03
BOOL CKirikiriApp::Option()
	BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;

	CKirikiriOptionDlg od;
	if(m_ScriptMgr.m_bCacheToZIP && m_ScriptMgr.m_bCacheToFile) od.m_nCacheMode = 2;
	else if(m_ScriptMgr.m_bCacheToFile) od.m_nCacheMode = 1;
	else od.m_nCacheMode = 0;

	od.m_bAlsoSrc = m_ScriptMgr.m_bCacheSrc;

	od.m_bUseCP2 = m_bUseCodePoint2;

	od.m_nCP2Type = m_nCodePoint2Type;

	if( od.DoModal() == IDOK )
		COptionNode tmpRoot;
		COptionNode* pChildNode = NULL;
		COptionNode* pChildChildNode = NULL;

		// 저장소 운용 모드
		pChildNode = tmpRoot.CreateChild();
		pChildChildNode = pChildNode->CreateChild();
			case 1: pChildChildNode->SetValue(_T("FILE")); break;
			case 2: pChildChildNode->SetValue(_T("HYBRID")); break;
			default: pChildChildNode->SetValue(_T("ZIP"));

		// 원문 저장 여부
			pChildChildNode = pChildNode->CreateChild();

		if (od.m_bUseCP2)
			TCHAR szValue[10];
			pChildNode = tmpRoot.CreateChild();
			pChildChildNode = pChildNode->CreateChild();
			wsprintf(szValue, _T("%d"), od.m_nCP2Type);


	return bRetVal;
コード例 #2
// ac and av are commandline options passed along from main()
// Commandline options override config file options.
void ZigConfig::Init( int ac, char* av[] )
	// try to read in opts from file
		std::string inname = JoinPath( ZigUserDir(), "options" );
		std::ifstream in( inname.c_str() );
		int linenum = 0;
		while( in.good() )
			std::string line;
			std::getline( in, line );

			std::vector< std::string > opts;
			SplitLine( line, opts );

			if( opts.empty() )		// ignore blank lines

			ApplyOption( *this, opts );

	// now apply commandline opts on top.
	int i=1;
	while( i<ac )
		std::vector< std::string > opt;
		if( av[i][0] != '-' )
			throw Wobbly( "Syntax error: '%s'", av[i] );
		opt.push_back( &av[i][1] );
		// collect args for this option
		while( i<ac && av[i][0] != '-' )
			opt.push_back( av[i] );
		ApplyOption( *this, opt );
コード例 #3
ファイル: ATCodeMgr.cpp プロジェクト: adrix89/araltrans03
BOOL CATCodeMgr::Option()
    BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;

    CString strCurOptionString = m_optionRoot.ChildrenToString();

    COptionNode tmpRoot;
    if( tmpRoot.ParseChildren(strCurOptionString) == FALSE ) return FALSE;

    COptionDlg od;
    if( od.DoModal() == IDOK )

    return bRetVal;
コード例 #4
ファイル: FontMapper.cpp プロジェクト: adrix89/araltrans03
// OnPluginOption
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BOOL __stdcall OnPluginOption()
	BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;

	// Show option dialog and Interact with user.
	if (g_hAralWnd && IsWindow(g_hAralWnd))
		memcpy(&g_sTempOption, &g_sMainOption, sizeof(FONT_MAPPER_OPTION));
		if (DialogBox((HINSTANCE)g_hThisModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_OPTION_DLG), g_hAralWnd, OptionDialogProc) == IDOK)
			if(ApplyOption(&g_sTempOption) == TRUE)
				memcpy(&g_sMainOption, &g_sTempOption, sizeof(FONT_MAPPER_OPTION));
				CSettingMgr::OptionToXml(&g_sMainOption, g_wszPluginOption, MAX_OPTION_LEN);
				bRetVal = TRUE;


	return bRetVal;
コード例 #5
ファイル: FontMapper.cpp プロジェクト: adrix89/araltrans03
// OnPluginInit
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BOOL __stdcall OnPluginInit(HWND hAralWnd, LPWSTR wszPluginOption)
	BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;

		// Initializing Code
		g_hAralWnd = hAralWnd;
		if(NULL == g_hAralWnd || INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == g_hAralWnd)
			throw _T("Invalid AralTrans Window Handle!");

		g_wszPluginOption = wszPluginOption;
		if(NULL == g_wszPluginOption)
			throw _T("Invalid Option String Pointer!");

		// Get AT container
		HMODULE hATCTNR3 = GetModuleHandle(_T("ATCTNR3.DLL"));
			throw _T("Can not find ATCTNR3.DLL handle!");

		// Get AT container procedures
		ZeroMemory(&g_sATCTNR3, sizeof(CONTAINER_PROC_ENTRY));
		g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api			= (PROC_HookWin32Api) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "HookWin32Api");
		g_sATCTNR3.procUnhookWin32Api		= (PROC_UnhookWin32Api) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "UnhookWin32Api");
		g_sATCTNR3.procHookCodePoint		= (PROC_HookCodePoint) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "HookCodePoint");
		g_sATCTNR3.procUnhookCodePoint		= (PROC_UnhookCodePoint) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "UnhookCodePoint");
		g_sATCTNR3.procCreateTransCtx		= (PROC_CreateTransCtx) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "CreateTransCtx");
		g_sATCTNR3.procDeleteTransCtx		= (PROC_DeleteTransCtx) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "DeleteTransCtx");
		g_sATCTNR3.procTranslateUsingCtx	= (PROC_TranslateUsingCtx) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "TranslateUsingCtx");
		g_sATCTNR3.procIsAppLocaleLoaded	= (PROC_IsAppLocaleLoaded) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "IsAppLocaleLoaded");
		g_sATCTNR3.procSuspendAllThread		= (PROC_SuspendAllThread) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "SuspendAllThread");
		g_sATCTNR3.procResumeAllThread		= (PROC_ResumeAllThread) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "ResumeAllThread");
		g_sATCTNR3.procIsAllThreadSuspended = (PROC_IsAllThreadSuspended) GetProcAddress(hATCTNR3, "IsAllThreadSuspended");

		if(!(g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api && g_sATCTNR3.procUnhookWin32Api
			&& g_sATCTNR3.procHookCodePoint && g_sATCTNR3.procUnhookCodePoint
			&& g_sATCTNR3.procCreateTransCtx && g_sATCTNR3.procDeleteTransCtx
			&& g_sATCTNR3.procTranslateUsingCtx && g_sATCTNR3.procIsAppLocaleLoaded
			&& g_sATCTNR3.procSuspendAllThread && g_sATCTNR3.procResumeAllThread
			&& g_sATCTNR3.procIsAllThreadSuspended))
			throw _T("Failed to get container procedures!");

		// Suspend All Threads

		// Hook Font API
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.dll", L"CreateFontA", NewCreateFontA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'CreateFontA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.dll", L"CreateFontW", NewCreateFontW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'CreateFontW'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.dll", L"CreateFontIndirectA", NewCreateFontIndirectA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'CreateFontIndirectA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.dll", L"CreateFontIndirectW", NewCreateFontIndirectW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'CreateFontIndirectW'!");

		// Hook Drawing API
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.DLL", L"GetGlyphOutlineA", NewGetGlyphOutlineA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'GetGlyphOutlineA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.DLL", L"GetGlyphOutlineW", NewGetGlyphOutlineW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'GetGlyphOutlineW'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.DLL", L"TextOutA", NewTextOutA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'TextOutA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.DLL", L"TextOutW", NewTextOutW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'TextOutW'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.DLL", L"ExtTextOutA", NewExtTextOutA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'ExtTextOutA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"GDI32.DLL", L"ExtTextOutW", NewExtTextOutW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'ExtTextOutW'!");

		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"USER32.DLL", L"DrawTextA", NewDrawTextA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'DrawTextA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"USER32.DLL", L"DrawTextW", NewDrawTextW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'DrawTextW'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"USER32.DLL", L"DrawTextExA", NewDrawTextExA, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'DrawTextExA'!");
		if( g_sATCTNR3.procHookWin32Api( L"USER32.DLL", L"DrawTextExW", NewDrawTextExW, 10 ) == FALSE )
			throw _T("Failed to hook 'DrawTextExW'!");

		// Prevent Applocale Redirection
		HKEY hKey = NULL;
		LONG lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hCategoryKey, _T("Software\\AralGood"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);

		// 키를 여는데 성공했다면
		if(lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			DWORD type = REG_DWORD;
			DWORD size = MAX_PATH*2;
			BYTE dir[MAX_PATH*2];

			if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("M2WAddr"), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&dir, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				memcpy( &g_pfnOrigMultiByteToWideChar, &dir, sizeof(DWORD) );

			if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("W2MAddr"), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&dir, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				memcpy( &g_pfnOrigWideCharToMultiByte, &dir, sizeof(DWORD) );

		// 옵션 스트링 파싱
		g_wszPluginOption = wszPluginOption;

		// 모든 쓰레드 재가동

		bRetVal = TRUE;

	catch (LPCTSTR strErr)
		::MessageBox(NULL, strErr, _T("Font Mapper"), MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST);

	if( bRetVal == TRUE )
		// for Test
		//wcscpy_s(g_wszPluginOption, MAX_OPTION_LEN, L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=yes><FontMapperSetting><ProgramCodePage>932</ProgramCodePage><CharacterEncoding>True</CharacterEncoding></FontMapperSetting>");

		// 옵션 적용
		if(CSettingMgr::XmlToOption(g_wszPluginOption, &g_sMainOption) == TRUE)

	return bRetVal;