コード例 #1
void CAttributeListImp::AddAttribute(const XMLChar* name, const XMLChar* type, const XMLChar* value, bool specified)
	vector<Attrib>::iterator it = m_attributes.insert(m_attributes.end(), Attrib());
	it->m_name      = name;
	it->m_value     = value;
	it->m_type      = type;
	it->m_specified = specified;
コード例 #2
void CAttributeListImp::AddAttribute(const XMLString& name, const XMLString& type, const XMLString& value)
	vector<Attrib>::iterator it = m_attributes.insert(m_attributes.end(), Attrib());
	it->m_name      = name;
	it->m_value     = value;
	it->m_type      = type;
	it->m_specified = true;
ClrScr(uint toprow,uint botrow,uint attr )
/*         toprow  : 1st line to clear (0..N) */
/*         botrow  : last line to clear (0..N) */
/*         attr    : logical attribute used to clear screen */
  VideoAtr = (uchar)attr;               /* Set the default video attribute   */
  clrrow[0] = (uchar)Attrib(attr);
  clrrow[2] = (uchar)(VideoCols-ColStart);
  while( toprow <= botrow )
      putrc( toprow++, 0, clrrow );
/* File:                                             IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY   */
/*   Cuamap.c                                                                */
/*                                                                           */
/* Description:                                                              */
/*                                                                           */
/*   All the Cua Mapping functions.                                          */
/*                                                                           */
/*...Release 1.01 (04/03/92)                                                 */
/*...                                                                        */
/*... 05/08/92  701   Srinivas  Cua Interface.                               */
/*... 01/12/93  808   Selwyn    Profile fixes/improvements.                  */
#include "all.h"
uchar ScrollShade1[] =  {SHADEDARK,0};
uchar ScrollShade2[] =  {Attrib(vaMenuCsr),' ',0};
uchar hilite[]       =  {RepCnt(1),Attrib(vaMenuCsr),0};
uchar hiatt[]        =  {RepCnt(1),Attrib(vaMenuSel),0};
uchar badhilite[]    =  {RepCnt(1),Attrib(vaBadSel),0};
uchar normal[]       =  {RepCnt(1),Attrib(vaMenuBar),0};
uchar badnormal[]    =  {RepCnt(1),Attrib(vaBadAct),0};
uchar Shadow[]       =  {RepCnt(1),Attrib(vaShadow),0};
uchar ClearField[]   =  {RepCnt(1),' ',0};
uchar InScrollMode   =  FALSE;

extern CmdParms cmd;
extern UINT     MenuRow;

/* GetFuncsFromEvents()                                                      */
/*                                                                           */
UINT   FnameRow;                        /* screen row for file name (0..N)   */
UCHAR  VideoAtr = 0;                    /* default logical video attribute.  */
UINT   HelpRow;                         /* screen row for menu help (0..N)   */
UINT   LinesPer;                        /* currnt # of lines/screen for Code */
UINT   VideoRows;                       /* # of rows per screen              */
UINT   VioStartOffSet;                  /* flag to tell were to start     701*/
UINT   MinPer;                          /* min # of lines of Code            */
UINT   MenuRow;                         /* screen row for menu bar (0..N)    */
UCHAR *VideoPtr = NULL;                 /* -> to logical video buffer     100*/
UINT   TopLine;                         /* current top line for Code (0..N)  */
USHORT ColStart=0, RowStart=0;

/* Attrib is a macro in fmt.h           */

static uchar clrrow[] = { Attrib(00), RepCnt(00), ' ', 0 };

ClrScr(uint toprow,uint botrow,uint attr )
/*         toprow  : 1st line to clear (0..N) */
/*         botrow  : last line to clear (0..N) */
/*         attr    : logical attribute used to clear screen */
  VideoAtr = (uchar)attr;               /* Set the default video attribute   */
  clrrow[0] = (uchar)Attrib(attr);
  clrrow[2] = (uchar)(VideoCols-ColStart);
  while( toprow <= botrow )
      putrc( toprow++, 0, clrrow );

static  uchar *banner[] = {