コード例 #1
void	CAAudioFileConverter::WriteCAFInfo()
	FSRef fsref;
	AudioFileID afid = 0;
	CAFSourceInfo info;
	UInt32 size;
	try {
		XThrowIfError(FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)mParams.input.filePath, &fsref, NULL), "couldn't locate input file");
		XThrowIfError(AudioFileOpen(&fsref, fsRdPerm, 0, &afid), "couldn't open input file");
		size = sizeof(AudioFileTypeID);
		XThrowIfError(AudioFileGetProperty(afid, kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat, &size, &info.filetype), "couldn't get input file's format");
		afid = 0;
		XThrowIfError(FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)mOutName, &fsref, NULL), "couldn't locate output file");
		XThrowIfError(AudioFileOpen(&fsref, fsRdWrPerm, 0, &afid), "couldn't open output file");
		const char *srcFilename = strrchr(mParams.input.filePath, '/');
		if (srcFilename++ == NULL) srcFilename = mParams.input.filePath;
		ASBD_NtoB(&mSrcFormat, (AudioStreamBasicDescription *)info.asbd);
		int namelen = std::min(kMaxFilename-1, (int)strlen(srcFilename));
		memcpy(info.filename, srcFilename, namelen);
		info.filename[namelen++] = 0;
		info.filetype = EndianU32_NtoB(info.filetype);
		XThrowIfError(AudioFileSetUserData(afid, 'srcI', 0, offsetof(CAFSourceInfo, filename) + namelen, &info), "couldn't set CAF file's source info chunk");
	catch (...) {
		if (afid)
コード例 #2
ファイル: HLAudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: fruitsamples/HAL
void	HLAudioFile::Open(bool inForReading, bool inForWriting)
	if(mOpenCount == 0)
		//	only actully open the file the first time
		//	save off the permissions
		mOpenForReading = inForReading;
		mOpenForWriting = inForWriting;
		//	open the file
		SInt8 thePermissions = 0;
			thePermissions += fsRdPerm;
			thePermissions += fsWrPerm;
		OSStatus theError = AudioFileOpen(&mFSRef, thePermissions, 0, &mAudioFileID);
		ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLAudioFile::Open: couldn't open the file");
		//	file is already open, so it's an error if someone tries to add permissions
		ThrowIf((mOpenForReading && !mOpenForWriting) && inForWriting, CAException(fBsyErr), "HLAudioFile::Open: can't add write permissions");
		ThrowIf((!mOpenForReading && mOpenForWriting) && inForReading, CAException(fBsyErr), "HLAudioFile::Open: can't add read permissions");

	//	increment the open count
コード例 #3
ファイル: CAAudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: gesius/AudioComplete
// _______________________________________________________________________________________
void	CAAudioFile::Open(const FSRef &fsref)
	LOG_FUNCTION("CAAudioFile::Open", "%p", this);
	XThrowIf(mMode != kClosed, kExtAudioFileError_InvalidOperationOrder, "file already open");
	mFSRef = fsref;
	XThrowIfError(AudioFileOpen(&mFSRef, fsRdPerm, 0, &mAudioFile), "open audio file");
	mOwnOpenFile = true;
	mMode = kReading;
コード例 #4
OSStatus InputFile (const char *filename, AudioFileID &outFile)
	FSRef fsRef;
	OSStatus result = noErr;
	require_noerr (result = FSPathMakeRef ((const UInt8*)filename, &fsRef, 0), home);

	require_noerr (result = AudioFileOpen (&fsRef, fsRdPerm, 0, &outFile), home); 

	return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: osoumen/C700
bool AudioFile::IsVarid()
#if MAC
	AudioFileID mAudioFileID;
	FSRef	ref;
	Boolean	isDirectory=false;
	FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)GetFilePath(), &ref, &isDirectory);
	OSStatus err = AudioFileOpen(&ref, fsRdPerm, 0, &mAudioFileID);
	if (err == noErr) {
		return true;
	return false;
コード例 #6
void	CAAudioFileConverter::ReadCAFInfo()
	FSRef fsref;
	AudioFileID afid = 0;
	CAFSourceInfo info;
	UInt32 size;
	OSStatus err;
	try {
		XThrowIfError(FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)mParams.input.filePath, &fsref, NULL), "couldn't locate input file");
		XThrowIfError(AudioFileOpen(&fsref, fsRdPerm, 0, &afid), "couldn't open input file");
		size = sizeof(AudioFileTypeID);
		XThrowIfError(AudioFileGetProperty(afid, kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat, &size, &info.filetype), "couldn't get input file's format");
		if (info.filetype == kAudioFileCAFType) {
			size = sizeof(info);
			err = AudioFileGetUserData(afid, 'srcI', 0, &size, &info);
			if (!err) {
				// restore the following from the original file info:
				//	filetype
				//	data format
				//	filename
				AudioStreamBasicDescription destfmt;
				ASBD_BtoN((AudioStreamBasicDescription *)info.asbd, &destfmt);
				mParams.output.dataFormat = destfmt;
				mParams.output.fileType = EndianU32_BtoN(info.filetype);
				if (mParams.output.filePath == NULL) {
					int len = strlen(mParams.input.filePath) + strlen(info.filename) + 2;
					char *newname = (char *)malloc(len);	// $$$ leaked
					const char *dir = dirname(mParams.input.filePath);
					if (dir && (dir[0] !='.' && dir[1] != '/'))
						sprintf(newname, "%s/%s", dir, info.filename);
						strcpy(newname, info.filename);
					mParams.output.filePath = newname;
					mParams.flags = (mParams.flags & ~kOpt_OverwriteOutputFile) | kOpt_NoSanitizeOutputFormat;
	catch (...) {
		if (afid)
コード例 #7
ファイル: HLAudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: fruitsamples/HAL
void	HLAudioFile::Prepare()
	//	open the file
	AudioFileID theAudioFileID = 0;
	OSStatus theError = AudioFileOpen(&mFSRef, fsRdPerm, 0, &theAudioFileID);
	ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLAudioFile::Prepare: couldn't open the file");
	//	get the format
	UInt32 theSize = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
	theError = AudioFileGetProperty(theAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &theSize, &mFormat);
	//	close the file before we might throw an exception
	//	check the error
	ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLAudioFile::Prepare: couldn't get the format");
コード例 #8
ファイル: AudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: AaronMeyers/Cinder
/*AudioFile::AudioFile( shared_ptr<IStream> aStream ) : mStream( aStream )
AudioFile::AudioFile( const std::string &aFilePath )
#if defined( FLI_MAC )
	FSRef fsref;
	OSStatus fileRefError = FSPathMakeRef( (const UInt8 *)aFilePath.c_str(), &fsref, NULL );
	if( fileRefError ) {
		//handle error
		std::cout << "Input file not found" << std::endl;
	OSStatus audioFileOpenError = AudioFileOpen(&fsref, fsRdPerm, 0, &mNativeFileRef);
	if( audioFileOpenError ) {
		//handle error
		std::cout << "AudioFileOpen failed" << std::endl;
コード例 #9
ファイル: HLAudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: fruitsamples/HAL
bool	HLAudioFileFactory::ObjectIsA(const FSRef& inFSRef) const
	bool theAnswer = false;
	//	make an AT file so we can query a few things
	AudioFileID theAudioFileID;
	OSStatus theError = AudioFileOpen(const_cast<FSRef*>(&inFSRef), fsRdPerm, 0, &theAudioFileID);
	//	ask the AT file what kind it is
	if(theError == 0)
		UInt32 theSize = sizeof(UInt32);
		UInt32 theType = 0;
		theError = AudioFileGetProperty(theAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat, &theSize, &theType);
		if(theError == 0)
			theAnswer = theType == mObjectType;
	return theAnswer;
コード例 #10
ファイル: AudioFile.cpp プロジェクト: osoumen/C700
bool AudioFile::Load()
#if MAC
	AudioFileID mAudioFileID;
    AudioStreamBasicDescription fileDescription, outputFormat;
    SInt64 dataSize64;
    UInt32 dataSize;
	OSStatus err;
	UInt32 size;
    // ファイルを開く
	FSRef	ref;
	Boolean	isDirectory=false;
	FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)GetFilePath(), &ref, &isDirectory);
	err = AudioFileOpen(&ref, fsRdPerm, 0, &mAudioFileID);
    if (err) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioFileOpen failed");
        return false;
    // 開いたファイルの基本情報を fileDescription へ
    size = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
	err = AudioFileGetProperty(mAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, 
							   &size, &fileDescription);
    if (err) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioFileGetProperty failed");
        return false;
    // 開いたファイルのデータ部のバイト数を dataSize へ
    size = sizeof(SInt64);
	err = AudioFileGetProperty(mAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount, 
							   &size, &dataSize64);
    if (err) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioFileGetProperty failed");
        return false;
	dataSize = static_cast<UInt32>(dataSize64);
	AudioFileTypeID	fileTypeID;
	size = sizeof( AudioFileTypeID );
	err = AudioFileGetProperty(mAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat, &size, &fileTypeID);
	if (err) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioFileGetProperty failed");
        return false;
	// Instrument情報を初期化
	mInstData.basekey	= 60;
	mInstData.lowkey	= 0;
	mInstData.highkey	= 127;
	mInstData.loop		= 0;
	Float64		st_point=0.0,end_point=0.0;
	if ( fileTypeID == kAudioFileAIFFType || fileTypeID == kAudioFileAIFCType ) {
		AudioFileGetUserDataSize(mAudioFileID, 'INST', 0, &size);
		if ( size > 4 ) {
			UInt8	*instChunk = new UInt8[size];
			AudioFileGetUserData(mAudioFileID, 'INST', 0, &size, instChunk);
			mInstData.basekey = instChunk[0];
			mInstData.lowkey = instChunk[2];
			mInstData.highkey = instChunk[3];
			if ( instChunk[9] > 0 ) {	//ループフラグを確認
				UInt32	writable;
				err = AudioFileGetPropertyInfo(mAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyMarkerList,
											   &size, &writable);
				if (err) {
					//NSLog(@"AudioFileGetPropertyInfo failed");
					return NULL;
				UInt8	*markersBuffer = new UInt8[size];
				AudioFileMarkerList	*markers = reinterpret_cast<AudioFileMarkerList*>(markersBuffer);
				err = AudioFileGetProperty(mAudioFileID, kAudioFilePropertyMarkerList, 
										   &size, markers);
				if (err) {
					//NSLog(@"AudioFileGetProperty failed");
					return NULL;
				for (unsigned int i=0; i<markers->mNumberMarkers; i++) {
					if (markers->mMarkers[i].mMarkerID == instChunk[11] ) {
						st_point = markers->mMarkers[i].mFramePosition;
					else if (markers->mMarkers[i].mMarkerID == instChunk[13] ) {
						end_point = markers->mMarkers[i].mFramePosition;
				if ( st_point < end_point ) {
					mInstData.loop = 1;
				delete [] markersBuffer;
			delete [] instChunk;
	else if ( fileTypeID == kAudioFileWAVEType ) {
		AudioFileGetUserDataSize( mAudioFileID, 'smpl', 0, &size );
		if ( size >= sizeof(WAV_smpl) ) {
			UInt8	*smplChunk = new UInt8[size];
			AudioFileGetUserData( mAudioFileID, 'smpl', 0, &size, smplChunk );
			WAV_smpl	*smpl = (WAV_smpl *)smplChunk;
			smpl->loops = EndianU32_LtoN( smpl->loops );
			if ( smpl->loops > 0 ) {
				mInstData.loop = true;
				mInstData.basekey = EndianU32_LtoN( smpl->note );
				st_point = EndianU32_LtoN( smpl->start );
				end_point = EndianU32_LtoN( smpl->end ) + 1;	//SoundForge等では最終ポイントを含める解釈
				//end_point = EndianU32_LtoN( smpl->end );	//PeakではなぜかAIFFと同じ
			else {
				mInstData.basekey = EndianU32_LtoN( smpl->note );
			delete [] smplChunk;
	SInt64	dataSamples = dataSize / fileDescription.mBytesPerFrame;
	if ( dataSamples > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		dataSize = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES * fileDescription.mBytesPerFrame;
	if ( st_point > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		st_point = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES;
	if ( end_point > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		end_point = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES;
    // 波形一時読み込み用メモリを確保
    char *fileBuffer;
	unsigned int	fileBufferSize;
	if (mInstData.loop) {
		fileBufferSize = dataSize+EXPAND_BUFFER*fileDescription.mBytesPerFrame;
	else {
		fileBufferSize = dataSize;
	fileBuffer = new char[fileBufferSize];
	memset(fileBuffer, 0, fileBufferSize);
	// ファイルから波形データの読み込み
	err = AudioFileReadBytes(mAudioFileID, false, 0, &dataSize, fileBuffer);
    if (err) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioFileReadBytes failed");
        delete [] fileBuffer;
        return false;
    Float64	adjustment = 1.0;
	if (mInstData.loop) {
		UInt32	plusalpha=0, framestocopy;
		while (plusalpha < EXPAND_BUFFER) {
			framestocopy = 
			plusalpha += framestocopy;
		dataSize += plusalpha*fileDescription.mBytesPerFrame;
		adjustment = ( (long long)((end_point-st_point)/16) ) / ((end_point-st_point)/16.0);
		st_point *= adjustment;
		end_point *= adjustment;
	outputFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
    outputFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian;
	outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1;
	outputFormat.mBytesPerFrame = sizeof(float);
	outputFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32;
	outputFormat.mBytesPerPacket = outputFormat.mBytesPerFrame;
    // バイトオーダー変換用のコンバータを用意
    AudioConverterRef converter;
	err = AudioConverterNew(&fileDescription, &outputFormat, &converter);
    if (err) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioConverterNew failed");
        delete [] fileBuffer;
        return false;
//	if (fileDescription.mSampleRate != outputFormat.mSampleRate) {
//		size = sizeof(UInt32);
//		UInt32	setProp = kAudioConverterQuality_Max;
//		AudioConverterSetProperty(converter, kAudioConverterSampleRateConverterQuality,
//								  size, &setProp);
//        size = sizeof(UInt32);
//		setProp = kAudioConverterSampleRateConverterComplexity_Mastering;
//		AudioConverterSetProperty(converter, kAudioConverterSampleRateConverterComplexity,
//								  size, &setProp);
//	}
	UInt32	outputSize = dataSize;
	size = sizeof(UInt32);
	err = AudioConverterGetProperty(converter, kAudioConverterPropertyCalculateOutputBufferSize, 
									&size, &outputSize);
	if (err) {
		//NSLog(@"AudioConverterGetProperty failed");
		delete [] fileBuffer;
        return false;
    UInt32 monoSamples = outputSize/sizeof(float);
    // バイトオーダー変換
    float *monoData = new float[monoSamples];
	AudioConverterConvertBuffer(converter, dataSize, fileBuffer,
								&outputSize, monoData);
    if(outputSize == 0) {
        //NSLog(@"AudioConverterConvertBuffer failed");
        delete [] fileBuffer;
        return false;
    Float64 inputSampleRate = fileDescription.mSampleRate;
    Float64 outputSampleRate = fileDescription.mSampleRate * adjustment;
    int	outSamples = monoSamples;
    if ( outputSampleRate == inputSampleRate ) {
        m_pAudioData = new short[monoSamples];
        for (int i=0; i<monoSamples; i++) {
            m_pAudioData[i] = static_cast<short>(monoData[i] * 32768);
    else {
        outSamples = static_cast<int>(monoSamples / (inputSampleRate / outputSampleRate));
        m_pAudioData = new short[outSamples];
        resampling(monoData, monoSamples, inputSampleRate,
                   m_pAudioData, &outSamples, outputSampleRate);
    // 後始末
    delete [] monoData;
    delete [] fileBuffer;
	if ( st_point > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		mInstData.lp = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES;
	else {
		mInstData.lp			= st_point;
	if ( end_point > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		mInstData.lp_end = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES;
	else {
		mInstData.lp_end		= end_point;
	mInstData.srcSamplerate	= outputSampleRate;
    mLoadedSamples			= outSamples;
	mIsLoaded = true;
	return true;

	// ファイルを開く
	HMMIO	hmio = NULL;
	DWORD		size;

	hmio = mmioOpen( mPath, NULL, MMIO_READ );
	if ( !hmio ) {
		return false;
	// RIFFチャンクを探す
	MMCKINFO	riffChunkInfo;
	riffChunkInfo.fccType = mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E');
	err = mmioDescend( hmio, &riffChunkInfo, NULL, MMIO_FINDRIFF );
	if ( err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;
	if ( (riffChunkInfo.ckid != FOURCC_RIFF) || (riffChunkInfo.fccType != mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E') ) ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;

	// フォーマットチャンクを探す
	MMCKINFO	formatChunkInfo;
	formatChunkInfo.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' ');
	err = mmioDescend( hmio, &formatChunkInfo, &riffChunkInfo, MMIO_FINDCHUNK );
	if ( err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;
	if ( formatChunkInfo.cksize < sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;

	WAVEFORMATEX	pcmWaveFormat;
	DWORD			fmsize = (formatChunkInfo.cksize > sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)) ? sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX):formatChunkInfo.cksize;
	size = mmioRead( hmio, (HPSTR)&pcmWaveFormat, fmsize );
	if ( size != fmsize ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;
	if ( pcmWaveFormat.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;
	mmioAscend(hmio, &formatChunkInfo, 0);

	// Instrument情報を初期化
	mInstData.basekey	= 60;
	mInstData.lowkey	= 0;
	mInstData.highkey	= 127;
	mInstData.loop		= 0;

	MMCKINFO	smplChunkInfo;
	smplChunkInfo.ckid = mmioFOURCC('s', 'm', 'p', 'l');
	err = mmioDescend( hmio, &smplChunkInfo, &riffChunkInfo, MMIO_FINDCHUNK );
	if ( err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
		smplChunkInfo.cksize = 0;
	double	st_point=0.0;
	double	end_point=0.0;
	if ( smplChunkInfo.cksize >= sizeof(WAV_smpl) ) {
		unsigned char	*smplChunk = new unsigned char[smplChunkInfo.cksize];
		size = mmioRead(hmio,(HPSTR)smplChunk, smplChunkInfo.cksize);
		WAV_smpl	*smpl = (WAV_smpl *)smplChunk;

		if ( smpl->loops > 0 ) {
			mInstData.loop = 1;
			mInstData.basekey = smpl->note;
			st_point = smpl->start;
			end_point = smpl->end + 1;	//SoundForge等では最終ポイントを含める解釈
		else {
			mInstData.basekey = smpl->note;
		delete [] smplChunk;
	mmioAscend(hmio, &formatChunkInfo, 0);

	MMCKINFO dataChunkInfo;
	dataChunkInfo.ckid = mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a');
	err = mmioDescend( hmio, &dataChunkInfo, &riffChunkInfo, MMIO_FINDCHUNK );
	if( err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;

	// 波形一時読み込み用メモリを確保
	unsigned int	dataSize = dataChunkInfo.cksize;
	int				bytesPerSample = pcmWaveFormat.nBlockAlign;
	char			*fileBuffer;
	unsigned int	fileBufferSize;

	int	dataSamples = dataSize / pcmWaveFormat.nBlockAlign;
	if ( dataSamples > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		dataSize = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES * pcmWaveFormat.nBlockAlign;
	if ( st_point > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		st_point = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES;
	if ( end_point > MAXIMUM_SAMPLES ) {
		end_point = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES;
	if (mInstData.loop) {
		fileBufferSize = dataSize+EXPAND_BUFFER*bytesPerSample;
	else {
		fileBufferSize = dataSize;
	fileBuffer = new char[fileBufferSize];
	memset(fileBuffer, 0, fileBufferSize);
	// ファイルから波形データの読み込み
	size = mmioRead(hmio, (HPSTR)fileBuffer, dataSize);
	if ( size != dataSize ) {
		mmioClose( hmio, 0 );
		return false;

	double	inputSampleRate = pcmWaveFormat.nSamplesPerSec;
	double	outputSampleRate = inputSampleRate;
	if (mInstData.loop) {
		unsigned int	plusalpha=0;
		double			framestocopy;
		while (plusalpha < EXPAND_BUFFER) {
			framestocopy = 
			plusalpha += static_cast<unsigned int>(framestocopy);
		dataSize += plusalpha*bytesPerSample;
		double	adjustment = ( (long long)((end_point-st_point)/16) ) / ((end_point-st_point)/16.0);
		outputSampleRate *= adjustment;
		st_point *= adjustment;
		end_point *= adjustment;

	int	bytesPerChannel = bytesPerSample / pcmWaveFormat.nChannels;
	unsigned int	inputPtr = 0;
	unsigned int	outputPtr = 0;
	int				monoSamples = dataSize / bytesPerSample;
	float	range = static_cast<float>((1<<(bytesPerChannel*8-1)) * pcmWaveFormat.nChannels);
	float	*monoData = new float[monoSamples];
	while (inputPtr < dataSize) {
		int	frameSum = 0;
		for (int ch=0; ch<pcmWaveFormat.nChannels; ch++) {
			for (int i=0; i<bytesPerChannel; i++) {
				if (i<bytesPerChannel-1) {
					frameSum += (unsigned char)fileBuffer[inputPtr] << (8*i);
				else {
					frameSum += fileBuffer[inputPtr] << (8*i);
		monoData[outputPtr] = frameSum / range;

	int	outSamples = monoSamples;
	if ( outputSampleRate == inputSampleRate ) {
		m_pAudioData = new short[monoSamples];
		for (int i=0; i<monoSamples; i++) {
			m_pAudioData[i] = static_cast<short>(monoData[i] * 32768);
	else {
		outSamples = static_cast<int>(monoSamples / (inputSampleRate / outputSampleRate));
		m_pAudioData = new short[outSamples];
		resampling(monoData, monoSamples, inputSampleRate,
				   m_pAudioData, &outSamples, outputSampleRate);

	// 後始末
	delete [] fileBuffer;
	delete [] monoData;

	mInstData.lp			= static_cast<int>(st_point);
	mInstData.lp_end		= static_cast<int>(end_point);
	mInstData.srcSamplerate	= outputSampleRate;
    mLoadedSamples			= outSamples;

	mIsLoaded = true;

	return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: oalOSX.cpp プロジェクト: Aye1/RVProject
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ALUTAPI ALvoid ALUTAPIENTRY alutLoadWAVFile(ALbyte *file,ALenum *format,ALvoid **data,ALsizei *size,ALsizei *freq)
	OSStatus		err = noErr;
	AudioFileID		audioFile = 0;
	FSRef			fsRef;

	*data = NULL; // in case of failure, do not return some unitialized value as a bogus address

	if (IsRelativePath(file))
		char			absolutePath[256];
		// we need to make a full path here so FSPathMakeRef() works properly
		MakeAbsolutePath(file, absolutePath, 256);
		// create an fsref from the file parameter
		err = FSPathMakeRef ((const UInt8 *) absolutePath, &fsRef, NULL);
		err = FSPathMakeRef ((const UInt8 *) file, &fsRef, NULL);
	if (err == noErr)
		err = AudioFileOpen(&fsRef, fsRdPerm, 0, &audioFile);
		if (err == noErr)
			UInt32							dataSize;
			CAStreamBasicDescription		asbd;
			dataSize = sizeof(CAStreamBasicDescription);
			AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &dataSize, &asbd);
			*format = GetOALFormatFromASBD(asbd);
			if (IsFormatSupported(*format))
				*freq = (UInt32) asbd.mSampleRate;
				SInt64	audioDataSize = 0;
				dataSize = sizeof(audioDataSize);
				err = AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount, &dataSize, &audioDataSize);
				if (err == noErr)
					*size = audioDataSize;
					*data = NULL;
					*data = calloc(1, audioDataSize);
					if (*data)
						dataSize = audioDataSize;
						err = AudioFileReadBytes(audioFile, false, 0, &dataSize, *data);
						if ((asbd.mFormatID == kAudioFormatLinearPCM) && (asbd.mBitsPerChannel > 8))
							// we just got 16 bit pcm data out of a WAVE file on a big endian platform, so endian swap the data
							AudioConverterRef				converter;
							CAStreamBasicDescription		outFormat = asbd;
							void *							tempData = NULL;
							// ste format to big endian
							outFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
							// make some place for converted data
							tempData = calloc(1 , audioDataSize);
							err = AudioConverterNew(&asbd, &outFormat, &converter);
							if ((err == noErr) && (tempData != NULL))
								UInt32		bufferSize = audioDataSize;
								err = AudioConverterConvertBuffer(converter, audioDataSize, *data, &bufferSize, tempData);
								if (err == noErr)
									memcpy(*data, tempData, audioDataSize);
							if (tempData) free (tempData);
			err = AudioFileClose(audioFile);