void NCDPlaceholderDb_Free (NCDPlaceholderDb *o) { for (size_t i = 0; i < o->count; i++) { BFree(o->arr[i].varnames); } BFree(o->arr); }
int OTPChecker_Init (OTPChecker *mc, int num_otps, int cipher, int num_tables, BThreadWorkDispatcher *twd) { ASSERT(num_otps > 0) ASSERT(BEncryption_cipher_valid(cipher)) ASSERT(num_tables > 0) // init arguments mc->num_otps = num_otps; mc->cipher = cipher; mc->num_tables = num_tables; mc->twd = twd; // set no handlers mc->handler = NULL; // set number of entries if (mc->num_otps > INT_MAX / 2) { goto fail0; } mc->num_entries = 2 * mc->num_otps; // set no tables used mc->tables_used = 0; mc->next_table = 0; // initialize calculator if (!OTPCalculator_Init(&mc->calc, mc->num_otps, cipher)) { goto fail0; } // allocate tables if (!(mc->tables = BAllocArray(mc->num_tables, sizeof(mc->tables[0])))) { goto fail1; } // allocate entries if (!(mc->entries = BAllocArray2(mc->num_tables, mc->num_entries, sizeof(mc->entries[0])))) { goto fail2; } // initialize tables for (int i = 0; i < mc->num_tables; i++) { struct OTPChecker_table *table = &mc->tables[i]; table->entries = mc->entries + (size_t)i * mc->num_entries; OTPChecker_Table_Empty(mc, table); } // have no work mc->tw_have = 0; DebugObject_Init(&mc->d_obj); return 1; fail2: BFree(mc->tables); fail1: OTPCalculator_Free(&mc->calc); fail0: return 0; }
void SinglePacketBuffer_Free (SinglePacketBuffer *o) { DebugObject_Free(&o->d_obj); // free buffer BFree(o->buf); }
void PacketBuffer_Free (PacketBuffer *buf) { DebugObject_Free(&buf->d_obj); // free buffer BFree(buf->buf_data); }
void OTPCalculator_Free (OTPCalculator *calc) { // free debug object DebugObject_Free(&calc->d_obj); // free buffer BFree(calc->data); }
static void func_globalfree (struct NCDInterpModuleGroup *group) { struct global *g = group->group_state; ASSERT(LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&g->instances)) // free global state structure BFree(g); }
static void replace_func_die (void *vo) { struct replace_instance *o = vo; // free output BFree((char *)o->output.ptr); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); }
void OTPChecker_Free (OTPChecker *mc) { DebugObject_Free(&mc->d_obj); // free work if (mc->tw_have) { BThreadWork_Free(&mc->tw); } // free entries BFree(mc->entries); // free tables BFree(mc->tables); // free calculator OTPCalculator_Free(&mc->calc); }
void free_info (struct instance *o) { ASSERT(o->have_info) // free ssid BFree(o->info_ssid); // set not have info o->have_info = 0; }
static int set_servers (struct global *g) { int ret = 0; // count servers size_t num_entries = count_entries(g); // allocate sort array struct dns_sort_entry *sort_entries = BAllocArray(num_entries, sizeof(sort_entries[0])); if (!sort_entries) { goto fail0; } // fill sort array num_entries = 0; for (LinkedList1Node *n = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&g->instances); n; n = LinkedList1Node_Next(n)) { struct instance *o = UPPER_OBJECT(n, struct instance, instances_node); for (LinkedList1Node *en = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->entries); en; en = LinkedList1Node_Next(en)) { struct dns_entry *e = UPPER_OBJECT(en, struct dns_entry, list_node); sort_entries[num_entries].line = e->line; sort_entries[num_entries].priority= e->priority; num_entries++; } } // sort by priority // use a custom insertion sort instead of qsort() because we want a stable sort struct dns_sort_entry temp; BInsertionSort(sort_entries, num_entries, sizeof(sort_entries[0]), dns_sort_comparator, &temp); ExpString estr; if (!ExpString_Init(&estr)) { goto fail1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { if (!ExpString_Append(&estr, sort_entries[i].line)) { goto fail2; } } // set servers if (!NCDIfConfig_set_resolv_conf(ExpString_Get(&estr), ExpString_Length(&estr))) { goto fail2; } ret = 1; fail2: ExpString_Free(&estr); fail1: BFree(sort_entries); fail0: return ret; }
static void func_die (void *vo) { struct instance *o = vo; while (o->num-- > 0) { BFree(((struct substring *)o->arr.v)[o->num].data); } free(o->arr.v); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); }
void recv_handler_done (BSocksClient *o, int data_len) { ASSERT(data_len >= 0) ASSERT(data_len <= o->control.recv_total - o->control.recv_len) DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); o->control.recv_len += data_len; if (o->control.recv_len < o->control.recv_total) { do_receive(o); return; } switch (o->state) { case STATE_SENT_HELLO: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received hello"); struct socks_server_hello imsg; memcpy(&imsg, o->buffer, sizeof(imsg)); if (ntoh8(imsg.ver) != SOCKS_VERSION) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "wrong version"); goto fail; } size_t auth_index; for (auth_index = 0; auth_index < o->num_auth_info; auth_index++) { if (o->auth_info[auth_index].auth_type == ntoh8(imsg.method)) { break; } } if (auth_index == o->num_auth_info) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "server didn't accept any authentication method"); goto fail; } const struct BSocksClient_auth_info *ai = &o->auth_info[auth_index]; switch (ai->auth_type) { case SOCKS_METHOD_NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "no authentication"); auth_finished(o); } break; case SOCKS_METHOD_USERNAME_PASSWORD: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "password authentication"); if (ai->password.username_len == 0 || ai->password.username_len > 255 || ai->password.password_len == 0 || ai->password.password_len > 255 ) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "invalid username/password length"); goto fail; } // allocate password packet bsize_t size = bsize_fromsize(1 + 1 + ai->password.username_len + 1 + ai->password.password_len); if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { goto fail; } // write password packet char *ptr = o->buffer; *ptr++ = 1; *ptr++ = ai->password.username_len; memcpy(ptr, ai->password.username, ai->password.username_len); ptr += ai->password.username_len; *ptr++ = ai->password.password_len; memcpy(ptr, ai->password.password, ai->password.password_len); ptr += ai->password.password_len; // start sending PacketPassInterface_Sender_Send(o->control.send_if, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, size.value); // set state o->state = STATE_SENDING_PASSWORD; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } } break; case STATE_SENT_REQUEST: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received reply header"); struct socks_reply_header imsg; memcpy(&imsg, o->buffer, sizeof(imsg)); if (ntoh8(imsg.ver) != SOCKS_VERSION) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "wrong version"); goto fail; } if (ntoh8(imsg.rep) != SOCKS_REP_SUCCEEDED) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "reply not successful"); goto fail; } int addr_len; switch (ntoh8(imsg.atyp)) { case SOCKS_ATYP_IPV4: addr_len = sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv4); break; case SOCKS_ATYP_IPV6: addr_len = sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv6); break; default: BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "reply has unknown address type"); goto fail; } // receive the rest of the reply start_receive(o, (uint8_t *)o->buffer + sizeof(imsg), addr_len); // set state o->state = STATE_RECEIVED_REPLY_HEADER; } break; case STATE_SENT_PASSWORD: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received password reply"); if (o->buffer[0] != 1) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "password reply has unknown version"); goto fail; } if (o->buffer[1] != 0) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "password reply is negative"); goto fail; } auth_finished(o); } break; case STATE_RECEIVED_REPLY_HEADER: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received reply rest"); // free buffer BFree(o->buffer); o->buffer = NULL; // free control I/O free_control_io(o); // init up I/O init_up_io(o); // set state o->state = STATE_UP; // call handler o->handler(o->user, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_UP); return; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return; fail: report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR); }
static void replace_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct replace_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; // read arguments NCDValRef input_arg; NCDValRef regex_arg; NCDValRef replace_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 3, &input_arg, ®ex_arg, &replace_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail1; } if (!NCDVal_IsString(input_arg) || !NCDVal_IsList(regex_arg) || !NCDVal_IsList(replace_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail1; } // check number of regex/replace if (NCDVal_ListCount(regex_arg) != NCDVal_ListCount(replace_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "number of regex's is not the same as number of replacements"); goto fail1; } size_t num_regex = NCDVal_ListCount(regex_arg); // allocate array for compiled regex's regex_t *regs = BAllocArray(num_regex, sizeof(regs[0])); if (!regs) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BAllocArray failed"); goto fail1; } size_t num_done_regex = 0; // compile regex's, check arguments while (num_done_regex < num_regex) { NCDValRef regex = NCDVal_ListGet(regex_arg, num_done_regex); NCDValRef replace = NCDVal_ListGet(replace_arg, num_done_regex); if (!NCDVal_IsStringNoNulls(regex) || !NCDVal_IsString(replace)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong regex/replace type for pair %zu", num_done_regex); goto fail2; } // null terminate regex NCDValNullTermString regex_nts; if (!NCDVal_StringNullTerminate(regex, ®ex_nts)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "NCDVal_StringNullTerminate failed"); goto fail2; } int res = regcomp(®s[num_done_regex], regex_nts.data, REG_EXTENDED); NCDValNullTermString_Free(®ex_nts); if (res != 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "regcomp failed for pair %zu (error=%d)", num_done_regex, res); goto fail2; } num_done_regex++; } // init output string ExpString out; if (!ExpString_Init(&out)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpString_Init failed"); goto fail2; } // input state MemRef in = NCDVal_StringMemRef(input_arg); size_t in_pos = 0; // process input while (in_pos < in.len) { // find first match int have_match = 0; size_t match_regex = 0; // to remove warning regmatch_t match = {0, 0}; // to remove warning for (size_t j = 0; j < num_regex; j++) { regmatch_t this_match; this_match.rm_so = 0; this_match.rm_eo = in.len - in_pos; if (regexec(®s[j], in.ptr + in_pos, 1, &this_match, REG_STARTEND) == 0 && (!have_match || this_match.rm_so < match.rm_so)) { have_match = 1; match_regex = j; match = this_match; } } // if no match, append remaining data and finish if (!have_match) { if (!ExpString_AppendBinaryMr(&out, MemRef_SubFrom(in, in_pos))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpString_AppendBinaryMr failed"); goto fail3; } break; } // append data before match if (!ExpString_AppendBinaryMr(&out, MemRef_Sub(in, in_pos, match.rm_so))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpString_AppendBinaryMr failed"); goto fail3; } // append replacement data NCDValRef replace = NCDVal_ListGet(replace_arg, match_regex); if (!ExpString_AppendBinaryMr(&out, NCDVal_StringMemRef(replace))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpString_AppendBinaryMr failed"); goto fail3; } in_pos += match.rm_eo; } // set output o->output = ExpString_GetMr(&out); // free compiled regex's while (num_done_regex-- > 0) { regfree(®s[num_done_regex]); } // free array BFree(regs); // signal up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail3: ExpString_Free(&out); fail2: while (num_done_regex-- > 0) { regfree(®s[num_done_regex]); } BFree(regs); fail1: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); }
static void func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct instance *o = vo; o->i = i; // read arguments NCDValRef delimiter_arg; NCDValRef input_arg; NCDValRef limit_arg = NCDVal_NewInvalid(); if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 2, &delimiter_arg, &input_arg) && !NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 3, &delimiter_arg, &input_arg, &limit_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } if (!NCDVal_IsString(delimiter_arg) || !NCDVal_IsString(input_arg) || (!NCDVal_IsInvalid(limit_arg) && !NCDVal_IsString(limit_arg))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail0; } size_t limit = SIZE_MAX; if (!NCDVal_IsInvalid(limit_arg)) { uintmax_t n; if (!ncd_read_uintmax(limit_arg, &n) || n == 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "bad limit argument"); goto fail0; } n--; limit = (n <= SIZE_MAX ? n : SIZE_MAX); } const char *del_data = NCDVal_StringData(delimiter_arg); size_t del_len = NCDVal_StringLength(delimiter_arg); if (del_len == 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "delimiter must be nonempty"); goto fail0; } size_t *table = BAllocArray(del_len, sizeof(table[0])); if (!table) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpArray_init failed"); goto fail0; } build_substring_backtrack_table(del_data, del_len, table); if (!ExpArray_init(&o->arr, sizeof(struct substring), 8)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpArray_init failed"); goto fail1; } o->num = 0; const char *data = NCDVal_StringData(input_arg); size_t len = NCDVal_StringLength(input_arg); while (1) { size_t start; int is_end = 0; if (limit == 0 || !find_substring(data, len, del_data, del_len, table, &start)) { start = len; is_end = 1; } if (!ExpArray_resize(&o->arr, o->num + 1)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "ExpArray_init failed"); goto fail2; } struct substring *elem = &((struct substring *)o->arr.v)[o->num]; if (!(elem->data = BAlloc(start))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BAlloc failed"); goto fail2; } memcpy(elem->data, data, start); elem->len = start; o->num++; if (is_end) { break; } data += start + del_len; len -= start + del_len; limit--; } BFree(table); // signal up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail2: while (o->num-- > 0) { BFree(((struct substring *)o->arr.v)[o->num].data); } free(o->arr.v); fail1: BFree(table); fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); }
void NCDBProcessOpts_Free (NCDBProcessOpts *o) { if (o->username) { BFree(o->username); } }
int NCDBProcessOpts_Init2 (NCDBProcessOpts *o, NCDValRef opts_arg, NCDBProcessOpts_func_unknown func_unknown, void *func_unknown_user, NCDModuleInst *i, int blog_channel, int *out_keep_stdout, int *out_keep_stderr) { if (!NCDVal_IsInvalid(opts_arg) && !NCDVal_IsMap(opts_arg)) { NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log(i, blog_channel, BLOG_ERROR, "options must be a map"); goto fail0; } o->username = NULL; o->do_setsid = 0; int keep_stdout = 0; int keep_stderr = 0; if (!NCDVal_IsInvalid(opts_arg)) { for (NCDValMapElem me = NCDVal_MapFirst(opts_arg); !NCDVal_MapElemInvalid(me); me = NCDVal_MapNext(opts_arg, me)) { NCDValRef key = NCDVal_MapElemKey(opts_arg, me); NCDValRef val = NCDVal_MapElemVal(opts_arg, me); if (NCDVal_IsString(key) && NCDVal_StringEquals(key, "keep_stdout")) { keep_stdout = ncd_read_boolean(val); } else if (NCDVal_IsString(key) && NCDVal_StringEquals(key, "keep_stderr")) { keep_stderr = ncd_read_boolean(val); } else if (NCDVal_IsString(key) && NCDVal_StringEquals(key, "do_setsid")) { o->do_setsid = ncd_read_boolean(val); } else if (NCDVal_IsString(key) && NCDVal_StringEquals(key, "username")) { if (!NCDVal_IsStringNoNulls(val)) { NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log(i, blog_channel, BLOG_ERROR, "username must be a string without nulls"); goto fail1; } b_cstring cstr = NCDVal_StringCstring(val); o->username = b_cstring_strdup(cstr, 0, cstr.length); if (!o->username) { NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log(i, blog_channel, BLOG_ERROR, "b_cstring_strdup failed"); goto fail1; } } else { if (!func_unknown || !func_unknown(func_unknown_user, key, val)) { NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log(i, blog_channel, BLOG_ERROR, "unknown option"); goto fail1; } } } } o->nfds = 0; if (keep_stdout) { o->fds[o->nfds] = 1; o->fds_map[o->nfds++] = 1; } if (keep_stderr) { o->fds[o->nfds] = 2; o->fds_map[o->nfds++] = 2; } o->fds[o->nfds] = -1; if (out_keep_stdout) { *out_keep_stdout = keep_stdout; } if (out_keep_stderr) { *out_keep_stderr = keep_stderr; } return 1; fail1: if (o->username) { BFree(o->username); } fail0: return 0; }
int main () { uint16_t a = 17501; uint64_t c = 82688926; uint16_t d1 = 1517; uint16_t d2 = 1518; uint8_t e = 72; const char *f = "hello world"; const char *g = "helo"; // encode message int len = msg1_SIZEa + msg1_SIZEc + msg1_SIZEd + msg1_SIZEd + msg1_SIZEe + msg1_SIZEf(strlen(f)) + msg1_SIZEg; uint8_t *msg = (uint8_t *)BAlloc(len); ASSERT_FORCE(msg) msg1Writer writer; msg1Writer_Init(&writer, msg); msg1Writer_Adda(&writer, a); msg1Writer_Addc(&writer, c); msg1Writer_Addd(&writer, d1); msg1Writer_Addd(&writer, d2); msg1Writer_Adde(&writer, e); uint8_t *f_dst = msg1Writer_Addf(&writer, strlen(f)); memcpy(f_dst, f, strlen(f)); uint8_t *g_dst = msg1Writer_Addg(&writer); memcpy(g_dst, g, strlen(g)); int len2 = msg1Writer_Finish(&writer); ASSERT_EXECUTE(len2 == len) // parse message msg1Parser parser; ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Init(&parser, msg, len)) // check parse results uint16_t p_a; uint64_t p_c; uint16_t p_d1; uint16_t p_d2; uint8_t p_e; uint8_t *p_f; int p_f_len; uint8_t *p_g; ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Geta(&parser, &p_a)) ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Getc(&parser, &p_c)) ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Getd(&parser, &p_d1)) ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Getd(&parser, &p_d2)) ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Gete(&parser, &p_e)) ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Getf(&parser, &p_f, &p_f_len)) ASSERT_EXECUTE(msg1Parser_Getg(&parser, &p_g)) ASSERT(p_a == a) ASSERT(p_c == c) ASSERT(p_d1 == d1) ASSERT(p_d2 == d2) ASSERT(p_e == e) ASSERT(p_f_len == strlen(f) && !memcmp(p_f, f, p_f_len)) ASSERT(!memcmp(p_g, g, strlen(g))) ASSERT(msg1Parser_GotEverything(&parser)) BFree(msg); return 0; }