コード例 #1
PetscErrorCode BSSCR_DRIVER_flex( KSP ksp, Mat stokes_A, Vec stokes_x, Vec stokes_b, Mat approxS, KSP ksp_K,
                                  MatStokesBlockScaling BA, PetscTruth sym, KSP_BSSCR * bsscrp_self )
    char name[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char ubefore[100];
    char uafter[100];
    char pbefore[100];
    char pafter[100];
    PetscTruth flg, flg2, truth, useAcceleratingSmoothingMG, useFancySmoothingMG;
    PetscTruth usePreviousGuess, useNormInfStoppingConditions, useNormInfMonitor, found, extractMats;
    Mat K,G,D,C;
    Vec u,p,f,h;
    Mat S;
    Vec h_hat,t,t2,q,v;

    KSP ksp_inner;
    KSP ksp_S;
    KSP ksp_cleaner;
    KSPType ksp_inner_type;
    PetscTruth has_cnst_nullspace;
    PC pc_S, pc_MG, pcInner;
    PetscInt monitor_index,max_it,min_it;
    Vec nsp_vec = PETSC_NULL; 
    PetscReal scr_rtol;
    PetscReal inner_rtol;
    PetscReal vSolver_rtol;
    PetscScalar uNormInf, pNormInf;
    PetscScalar uNorm, pNorm, rNorm, fNorm;
    PetscInt  uSize, pSize;
    PetscInt    lmin,lmax;
    PetscInt  iterations;
    PetscReal   min,max;
    PetscReal p_sum;

    MGContext mgCtx;
    PC shellPC;

    double t0, t1;
    double mgSetupTime, scrSolveTime, a11SingleSolveTime, solutionAnalysisTime;
    Index nx,ny,nz;
    PetscInt j,start,end;

    static int been_here = 0;  /* Ha Ha Ha !! */

    /* get sub matrix / vector objects */
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 0,0, &K );
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 0,1, &G );
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 1,0, &D );
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 1,1, &C );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_x, 0, &u );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_x, 1, &p );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_b, 0, &f );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_b, 1, &h );

    /* PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "\t Adress of stokes_x is %p\n", stokes_x); */
    /* VecNorm( u, NORM_2, &uNorm ); */
    /* PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "\t u Norm is %.6e in %s: address is %p\n",uNorm,__func__,u); */
    /* VecNorm( p, NORM_2, &pNorm ); */
    /* PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "\t p Norm is %.6e in %s: addres is %p\n",pNorm,__func__,p); */
    /* Create Schur complement matrix */
    //MatCreateSchurFromBlock( stokes_A, 0.0, "MatSchur_A11", &S );
    MatCreateSchurComplement(K,K,G,D,C, &S);
    /* configure inner solver */
    if (ksp_K!=PETSC_NULL) {
        MatSchurComplementSetKSP( S, ksp_K );
        MatSchurComplementGetKSP( S, &ksp_inner );
    else {
        MatSchurComplementGetKSP( S, &ksp_inner );
        KSPSetType( ksp_inner, "cg" );
    KSPGetPC( ksp_inner, &pcInner );

    /* If we're using multigrid, replace the preconditioner here
       so we get the same options prefix. */

    if(bsscrp_self->mg) {
        mgSetupTime=setupMG( bsscrp_self, ksp_inner, pcInner, K, &mgCtx );

    KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_inner, "A11_" );
    KSPSetFromOptions( ksp_inner );

    useNormInfStoppingConditions = PETSC_FALSE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL ,"-A11_use_norm_inf_stopping_condition", &useNormInfStoppingConditions, &found );
        BSSCR_KSPSetNormInfConvergenceTest( ksp_inner ); 

    useNormInfMonitor = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-A11_ksp_norm_inf_monitor", &useNormInfMonitor, &found );
        KSPMonitorSet( ksp_inner, BSSCR_KSPNormInfMonitor, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL );
    useNormInfMonitor = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-A11_ksp_norm_inf_to_norm_2_monitor", &useNormInfMonitor, &found );
        KSPMonitorSet( ksp_inner, BSSCR_KSPNormInfToNorm2Monitor, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL );

    /* create right hand side */
    /* h_hat = G'*inv(K)*f - h */
    MatGetVecs( S, PETSC_NULL, &h_hat );

    KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_inner, "A11_" );
    KSPSetFromOptions( ksp_inner );

    KSPSolve(ksp_inner,f,t);/* t=f/K */
    //bsscr_writeVec( t, "ts", "Writing t vector");
    MatMult(D,t,h_hat);/* G'*t */
    VecAXPY(h_hat, -1.0, h);/* h_hat = h_hat - h */
    //bsscr_writeVec( h_hat, "h_hat", "Writing h_hat Vector in Solver");
    //MatSchurApplyReductionToVecFromBlock( S, stokes_b, h_hat );
    /* create solver for S p = h_hat */

    KSPCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp_S );
    KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_S, "scr_");
    Stg_KSPSetOperators( ksp_S, S,S, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN );
    KSPSetType( ksp_S, "cg" );
    /* Build preconditioner for S */
    KSPGetPC( ksp_S, &pc_S );
    BSSCR_BSSCR_StokesCreatePCSchur2( K,G,D,C,approxS,pc_S,sym, bsscrp_self );


    /* Set specific monitor test */
    KSPGetTolerances( ksp_S, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, &max_it );
    //BSSCR_KSPLogSetMonitor( ksp_S, max_it, &monitor_index );
    /* Pressure / Velocity Solve */   
    scrSolveTime = MPI_Wtime();
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\t* Pressure / Velocity Solve \n");

    usePreviousGuess = PETSC_FALSE; 
        PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-scr_use_previous_guess", &usePreviousGuess, &found );
    if(usePreviousGuess) {   /* Note this should actually look at checkpoint information */
        KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( ksp_S, PETSC_TRUE );
    else {
        KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( ksp_S, PETSC_FALSE );
    //KSPSetRelativeRhsConvergenceTest( ksp_S );

    useNormInfStoppingConditions = PETSC_FALSE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL ,"-scr_use_norm_inf_stopping_condition", &useNormInfStoppingConditions, &found );

    useNormInfMonitor = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-scr_ksp_norm_inf_monitor", &useNormInfMonitor, &found );
        KSPMonitorSet( ksp_S, BSSCR_KSPNormInfToNorm2Monitor, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL );

    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\t* KSPSolve( ksp_S, h_hat, p )\n");
    /* if h_hat needs to be fixed up ..take out any nullspace vectors here */
    /* we want to check that there is no "noise" in the null-space in the h vector */
    /* this causes problems when we are trying to solve a Jacobian system when the Residual is almost converged */
        bsscrp_self->buildPNS(ksp);/* build and set nullspace vectors on bsscr - which is on ksp (function pointer is set in KSPSetUp_BSSCR */

    PetscScalar norm, a, a1, a2, hnorm, pnorm, gnorm;
    VecNorm(h_hat, NORM_2, &hnorm);

    if((hnorm < 1e-6) && (hnorm > 1e-20)){
    /* test to see if v or t are in nullspace of G and orthogonalize wrt h_hat if needed */
    KSPRemovePressureNullspace_BSSCR(ksp, h_hat);
    /* set convergence test to use min_it */
    found = PETSC_FALSE;
    min_it = 0;
    PetscOptionsGetInt( PETSC_NULL,"-scr_ksp_set_min_it_converge", &min_it, &found);
    if(found && min_it > 0){
        BSSCR_KSPSetConvergenceMinIts(ksp_S, min_it, bsscrp_self);
    KSPSolve( ksp_S, h_hat, p );
    bsscr_writeVec( p, pafter, "Writing p Vector in Solver");
    if((hnorm < 1e-6) && (hnorm > 1e-20)){
    KSPRemovePressureNullspace_BSSCR(ksp, p);

    scrSolveTime =  MPI_Wtime() - scrSolveTime;
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\n\t* KSPSolve( ksp_S, h_hat, p )  Solve  Finished in time: %lf seconds\n\n", scrSolveTime);
    /* Resolve with this pressure to obtain solution for u */
    /* obtain solution for u */       
    VecDuplicate( u, &t );
    MatMult( G, p, t);
    VecAYPX( t, -1.0, f ); /* t <- -t + f */
    MatSchurComplementGetKSP( S, &ksp_inner );
    a11SingleSolveTime = MPI_Wtime();         /* ----------------------------------  Final V Solve */
        KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( ksp_inner, PETSC_TRUE ); 

    KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_inner, "backsolveA11_" );
    KSPSetFromOptions( ksp_inner );
    KSPSolve( ksp_inner, t, u );       /* Solve, then restore default tolerance and initial guess */          

    a11SingleSolveTime = MPI_Wtime() - a11SingleSolveTime;            /* ------------------ Final V Solve */

    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "\n\nSCR Solver Summary:\n\n");
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "  Multigrid setup:        = %.4g secs \n", mgSetupTime);

    KSPGetIterationNumber( ksp_S, &iterations);
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,     "  Pressure Solve:         = %.4g secs / %d its\n", scrSolveTime, iterations);
    KSPGetIterationNumber( ksp_inner, &iterations);
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,     "  Final V Solve:          = %.4g secs / %d its\n\n", a11SingleSolveTime, iterations);
    /* Analysis of solution:
       This can be somewhat time consuming as it requires allocation / de-allocation, 
       computing vector norms etc. So we make it optional..
       This should be put into a proper KSP  monitor now?
    flg = PETSC_TRUE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-scr_ksp_solution_summary", &flg, &found );
    if(flg) {
        solutionAnalysisTime = MPI_Wtime();
        VecGetSize( u, &uSize ); 
        VecGetSize( p, &pSize );
        VecDuplicate( u, &t2 );
        MatMult( K, u, t2);
        VecAYPX( t2, -1.0, t ); /* t2 <- -t2 + t  ... should be the formal residual vector */
        VecNorm( t2, NORM_2, &rNorm );      
        VecNorm( f,  NORM_2, &fNorm );      
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  |f - K u - G p|/|f|     = %.6e\n", rNorm/fNorm );
        VecDuplicate( p, &q );
        MatMult( D, u, q );
        VecNorm( u, NORM_2, &uNorm );       
        VecNorm( q, NORM_2, &rNorm );       
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  |G^T u|_2/|u|_2         = %.6e\n", sqrt( (double) uSize / (double) pSize ) * rNorm / uNorm);
        VecNorm( q, NORM_INFINITY, &rNorm );
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  |G^T u|_infty/|u|_2     = %.6e\n", sqrt( (double) uSize ) * rNorm / uNorm);

        VecNorm( u, NORM_INFINITY, &uNormInf );
        VecNorm( u, NORM_2,        &uNorm );
        VecGetSize( u, &uSize );
        VecNorm( p, NORM_INFINITY, &pNormInf );
        VecNorm( p, NORM_2,        &pNorm );
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  |u|_{\\infty}  = %.6e , u_rms = %.6e\n", 
                     uNormInf, uNorm / sqrt( (double) uSize ) );
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  |p|_{\\infty}  = %.6e , p_rms = %.6e\n",
                     pNormInf, pNorm / sqrt( (double) pSize ) );

        VecMax( u, &lmax, &max );
        VecMin( u, &lmin, &min );
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  min/max(u)    = %.6e [%d] / %.6e [%d]\n",min,lmin,max,lmax);

        VecMax( p, &lmax, &max );
        VecMin( p, &lmin, &min );
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  min/max(p)    = %.6e [%d] / %.6e [%d]\n",min,lmin,max,lmax);
        VecSum( p, &p_sum );
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "  \\sum_i p_i    = %.6e \n", p_sum );
        solutionAnalysisTime = MPI_Wtime() - solutionAnalysisTime;
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "\n  Time for this analysis  = %.4g secs\n\n",solutionAnalysisTime);
        Stg_VecDestroy(&t2 );
        Stg_VecDestroy(&q );
    if(bsscrp_self->mg) {
        //MG_inner_solver_pcmg_shutdown( pcInner );

    Stg_VecDestroy(&t );

//      KSPLogDestroyMonitor( ksp_S );
    Stg_KSPDestroy(&ksp_S );
    //Stg_KSPDestroy(&ksp_inner );
    Stg_VecDestroy(&h_hat );
    Stg_MatDestroy(&S );

    /* Destroy nullspace vector if it exists. */
    //been_here = 1;
コード例 #2
PetscErrorCode BSSCR_DRIVER_auglag( KSP ksp, Mat stokes_A, Vec stokes_x, Vec stokes_b, Mat approxS,
                                          MatStokesBlockScaling BA, PetscTruth sym, KSP_BSSCR * bsscrp_self )
    AugLagStokes_SLE *    stokesSLE = (AugLagStokes_SLE*)bsscrp_self->solver->st_sle;
    PetscTruth uzawastyle, KisJustK=PETSC_TRUE, restorek, change_A11rhspresolve;
    PetscTruth usePreviousGuess, useNormInfStoppingConditions, useNormInfMonitor, found, forcecorrection;
    PetscTruth change_backsolve, mg_active;
    PetscErrorCode ierr;
    //PetscInt monitor_index;
    PetscInt max_it,min_it;
    KSP ksp_inner, ksp_S, ksp_new_inner;
    PC pc_S, pcInner;
    Mat K,G,D,C, S, K2;// Korig;
    Vec u,p,f,f2=0,f3=0,h, h_hat,t;
    MGContext mgCtx;
    double mgSetupTime, scrSolveTime, a11SingleSolveTime, penaltyNumber;// hFactor;
    static int been_here = 0;  /* Ha Ha Ha !! */

    char name[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char matname[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char suffix[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char str[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
    PetscTruth flg, extractMats;
    PetscLogDouble flopsA,flopsB;

    //if( bsscrp_self->solver->st_sle->context->loadFromCheckPoint ){
    //    been_here=1;
    /* get sub matrix / vector objects */
    /* note that here, the matrix D should always exist. It is set up in  _StokesBlockKSPInterface_Solve in StokesBlockKSPInterface.c */
    /* now extract K,G etc from a MatNest object */
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 0,0, &K );
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 0,1, &G );
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 1,0, &D );if(!D){ PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "D does not exist but should!!\n"); exit(1); }
    MatNestGetSubMat( stokes_A, 1,1, &C );  
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_x, 0, &u );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_x, 1, &p );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_b, 0, &f );
    VecNestGetSubVec( stokes_b, 1, &h );
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "\n\n----------  AUGMENTED LAGRANGIAN K2 METHOD ---------\n\n" );
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,      "----------- Penalty = %f\n\n", bsscrp_self->solver->penaltyNumber );

    PetscOptionsGetString( PETSC_NULL, "-matsuffix", suffix, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1, &extractMats );

    PetscOptionsGetString( PETSC_NULL, "-matdumpdir", name, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1, &flg );
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"K%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteMat( K, matname,str, "Writing K matrix in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"G%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteMat( G, matname,str, "Writing G matrix in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"D%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteMat( D, matname,str, "Writing D matrix in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"f%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteVec( f, matname,str, "Writing f vector in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"h%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteVec( h, matname,str, "Writing h vector in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"Shat%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteMat( approxS, matname,str, "Writing Shat matrix in al Solver");
          sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"C%s",suffix);
          bsscr_dirwriteMat( C, matname,str, "Writing C matrix in al Solver");

    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL ,"-A11_mg_active", &mg_active, &found );

    penaltyNumber = bsscrp_self->solver->penaltyNumber;
    //hFactor = stokesSLE->hFactor;
    /******  GET K2   ****************************************************************************************/
    if(penaltyNumber > 1e-10 && bsscrp_self->k2type){
        PetscOptionsGetString( PETSC_NULL, "-matdumpdir", name, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1, &flg );
            sprintf(str,"%s/",name);   sprintf(matname,"K2%s",suffix);
            bsscr_dirwriteMat( bsscrp_self->K2, matname,str, "Writing K2 matrix in al Solver");
        scrSolveTime = MPI_Wtime();
        ierr=MatAXPY(K,penaltyNumber,K2,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);CHKERRQ(ierr);/* Computes K = penaltyNumber*K2 + K */
        scrSolveTime =  MPI_Wtime() - scrSolveTime;
        PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\n\t* K+p*K2 in time: %lf seconds\n\n", scrSolveTime);
        PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL ,"-force_correction", &forcecorrection, &found );
            if(bsscrp_self->f2 && forcecorrection){ 
                ierr=VecAXPY(f,penaltyNumber,f2);/*  f <- f +a*f2 */
                switch (bsscrp_self->k2type) {
                case (K2_GG):
                    VecDuplicate( u, &f3 );
                    MatMult( G, h, f3);   ierr=VecAXPY(f,penaltyNumber,f3);/*  f <- f +a*f2 */
                case (K2_GMG):
                    Mat M;
                    Vec Mdiag;
                    VecDuplicate( u, &f3 );
                    M = bsscrp_self->solver->mStiffMat->matrix;
                    MatGetVecs( M, &Mdiag, PETSC_NULL );
                    MatGetDiagonal( M, Mdiag );
                    MatMult( G, Mdiag, f3);   ierr=VecAXPY(f,penaltyNumber,f3);/*  f <- f +a*f2 */
                case (K2_DGMGD):
                    Mat M;
                    Vec Mdiag;
                    VecDuplicate( u, &f3 );
                    M = bsscrp_self->solver->mStiffMat->matrix;
                    MatGetVecs( M, &Mdiag, PETSC_NULL );
                    MatGetDiagonal( M, Mdiag );
                    MatMult( G, Mdiag, f3);   ierr=VecAXPY(f,penaltyNumber,f3);/*  f <- f +a*f2 */
                case (K2_NULL):
                case (K2_SLE):

    /* Create Schur complement matrix */
    MatCreateSchurComplement(K,K,G,D,C, &S);
    MatSchurComplementGetKSP( S, &ksp_inner);
    KSPGetPC( ksp_inner, &pcInner );
    /*********    SET PREFIX FOR INNER/VELOCITY KSP    *************************************************************/
    KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_inner, "A11_" );
    KSPSetFromOptions( ksp_inner );
    Stg_KSPSetOperators(ksp_inner, K, K, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);

    useNormInfStoppingConditions = PETSC_FALSE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL ,"-A11_use_norm_inf_stopping_condition", &useNormInfStoppingConditions, &found );
        BSSCR_KSPSetNormInfConvergenceTest( ksp_inner ); 

    useNormInfMonitor = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-A11_ksp_norm_inf_monitor", &useNormInfMonitor, &found );
    if(useNormInfMonitor)  KSPMonitorSet( ksp_inner, BSSCR_KSPNormInfMonitor, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL );

    useNormInfMonitor = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-A11_ksp_norm_inf_to_norm_2_monitor", &useNormInfMonitor, &found );
    if(useNormInfMonitor)  KSPMonitorSet( ksp_inner, BSSCR_KSPNormInfToNorm2Monitor, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL );
    /* If multigrid is enabled, set it now. */
    change_A11rhspresolve = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-change_A11rhspresolve", &change_A11rhspresolve, &found );

    if(bsscrp_self->solver->mg_active && !change_A11rhspresolve) { mgSetupTime=setupMG( bsscrp_self, ksp_inner, pcInner, K, &mgCtx ); }
    /* create right hand side */
      //Stg_KSPDestroy(&ksp_inner );
      KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp_new_inner);
      Stg_KSPSetOperators(ksp_new_inner, K, K, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
      KSPSetOptionsPrefix(ksp_new_inner, "rhsA11_");
      MatSchurComplementSetKSP( S, ksp_new_inner );/* this call destroys the ksp_inner that is already set on S */
      KSPGetPC( ksp_inner, &pcInner );
      KSPSetFromOptions(ksp_inner); /* make sure we are setting up our solver how we want it */
    MatGetVecs( S, PETSC_NULL, &h_hat );
    Vec f_tmp;
    /* It may be the case that the current velocity solution might not be bad guess for f_tmp? <-- maybe not */
    MatGetVecs( K, PETSC_NULL, &f_tmp );
    scrSolveTime = MPI_Wtime();
    KSPSolve(ksp_inner, f, f_tmp);
    scrSolveTime =  MPI_Wtime() - scrSolveTime;
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\n\t*  KSPSolve for RHS setup Finished in time: %lf seconds\n\n", scrSolveTime);
    MatMult(D, f_tmp, h_hat);
    VecAYPX(h_hat, -1.0, h); /* Computes y = x + alpha y.  h_hat -> h - Gt*K^(-1)*f*/

    if(bsscrp_self->solver->mg_active && change_A11rhspresolve) {
      //Stg_KSPDestroy(&ksp_inner );
      KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp_new_inner);
      Stg_KSPSetOperators(ksp_new_inner, K, K, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
      KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_new_inner, "A11_" );
      MatSchurComplementSetKSP( S, ksp_new_inner );
      //MatSchurSetKSP( S, ksp_inner );
      KSPGetPC( ksp_inner, &pcInner );
      KSPSetFromOptions( ksp_inner );
      mgSetupTime=setupMG( bsscrp_self, ksp_inner, pcInner, K, &mgCtx ); 
    /* create solver for S p = h_hat */
    KSPCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp_S );
    KSPSetOptionsPrefix( ksp_S, "scr_");
    /* By default use the UW approxS Schur preconditioner -- same as the one used by the Uzawa solver */
    /* Note that if scaling is activated then the approxS matrix has been scaled already */
    /* so no need to rebuild in the case of scaling as we have been doing */
    if(!approxS){ PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD,  "WARNING approxS is NULL\n"); }
    Stg_KSPSetOperators( ksp_S, S, S, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN );
    KSPSetType( ksp_S, "cg" );
    KSPGetPC( ksp_S, &pc_S );
    BSSCR_BSSCR_StokesCreatePCSchur2( K,G,D,C,approxS, pc_S, sym, bsscrp_self );

    PetscOptionsGetString( PETSC_NULL, "-NN", name, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1, &flg );
      Mat Smat, Pmat;                                                                                                 
      //MatStructure mstruct;  
      Stg_PCGetOperators( pc_S, &Smat, &Pmat, NULL );
      sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"Pmat%s",suffix);
      bsscr_dirwriteMat( Pmat, matname,str, "Writing Pmat matrix in al Solver");
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-uzawa_style", &uzawastyle, &found );
        /* now want to set up the ksp_S->pc to be of type ksp (gmres) by default to match Uzawa */
        KSP pc_ksp;
        KSPGetPC( ksp_S, &pc_S );
        PCKSPGetKSP( pc_S, &pc_ksp);
        KSPSetType(pc_ksp, "gmres" );
        KSPSetOptionsPrefix( pc_ksp, "scrPCKSP_");
        KSPSetFromOptions( pc_ksp );
    KSPSetFromOptions( ksp_S );
    /* Set specific monitor test */
    KSPGetTolerances( ksp_S, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, &max_it );
    // Weirdness with petsc 3.2 here...look at it later
    //BSSCR_KSPLogSetMonitor( ksp_S, max_it, &monitor_index );

    /* Pressure / Velocity Solve */     
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\t* Pressure / Velocity Solve \n");
    usePreviousGuess = PETSC_FALSE; 
        PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-scr_use_previous_guess", &usePreviousGuess, &found );
    if(usePreviousGuess) {   /* Note this should actually look at checkpoint information */
        KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( ksp_S, PETSC_TRUE ); }
    else {
        KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( ksp_S, PETSC_FALSE ); }
    /*******     SET CONVERGENCE TESTS     *************************************************************************/
    useNormInfStoppingConditions = PETSC_FALSE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL ,"-scr_use_norm_inf_stopping_condition", &useNormInfStoppingConditions, &found );

    useNormInfMonitor = PETSC_FALSE; 
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-scr_ksp_norm_inf_monitor", &useNormInfMonitor, &found );
        KSPMonitorSet( ksp_S, BSSCR_KSPNormInfToNorm2Monitor, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL );
    /*******   PRESSURE SOLVE   ************************************************************************************/
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\t* KSPSolve( ksp_S, h_hat, p )\n");
    /* if h_hat needs to be fixed up ..take out any nullspace vectors here */
    /* we want to check that there is no "noise" in the null-space in the h vector */
    /* this causes problems when we are trying to solve a Jacobian system when the Residual is almost converged */
        bsscrp_self->buildPNS(ksp);/* build and set nullspace vectors on bsscr - which is on ksp (function pointer is set in KSPSetUp_BSSCR) */

    PetscScalar hnorm, gnorm;
    VecNorm(h_hat, NORM_2, &hnorm);

    if((hnorm < 1e-6) && (hnorm > 1e-20)){
    /* test to see if v or t are in nullspace of G and orthogonalize wrt h_hat if needed */
    KSPRemovePressureNullspace_BSSCR(ksp, h_hat);
    /* set convergence test to use min_it */
    found = PETSC_FALSE;
    min_it = 0;
    PetscOptionsGetInt( PETSC_NULL,"-scr_ksp_set_min_it_converge", &min_it, &found);
    if(found && min_it > 0){
        BSSCR_KSPSetConvergenceMinIts(ksp_S, min_it, bsscrp_self);

    /** Pressure Solve **/
    scrSolveTime = MPI_Wtime();
    KSPSolve( ksp_S, h_hat, p );
    scrSolveTime =  MPI_Wtime() - scrSolveTime;
    PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "\n\t* KSPSolve( ksp_S, h_hat, p )  Solve Finished in time: %lf seconds\n\n", scrSolveTime);

    if((hnorm < 1e-6) && (hnorm > 1e-20)){
    KSPRemovePressureNullspace_BSSCR(ksp, p);

    /* restore K and f for the Velocity back solve */
    found = PETSC_FALSE;
    restorek = PETSC_FALSE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-restore_K", &restorek, &found);
    //PetscOptionsGetString( PETSC_NULL, "-restore_K", name, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1, &flg );
    if(penaltyNumber > 1e-10 && bsscrp_self->k2type){
            penaltyNumber = -penaltyNumber;
            if(f2) { ierr=VecAXPY(f,penaltyNumber,f2); }/*  f <- f +a*f2 */
            if(f3) { ierr=VecAXPY(f,penaltyNumber,f3); }/*  f <- f +a*f3 */
            ierr=MatAXPY(K,penaltyNumber,K2,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);CHKERRQ(ierr);/* Computes K = penaltyNumber*K2 + K */
            Stg_KSPSetOperators(ksp_inner, K, K, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
    if(f3){ Stg_VecDestroy(&f3 ); } /* always destroy this local vector if was created */

    /* obtain solution for u */
    VecDuplicate( u, &t );   MatMult( G, p, t);  VecAYPX( t, -1.0, f ); /*** t <- -t + f   = f - G*p  ***/
    MatSchurComplementGetKSP( S, &ksp_inner );
    a11SingleSolveTime = MPI_Wtime();           /* ----------------------------------  Final V Solve */
    if(usePreviousGuess) KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( ksp_inner, PETSC_TRUE );

    /*******   VELOCITY SOLVE   ************************************************************************************/
    /** Easier to just create a new KSP here if we want to do backsolve diffferently. (getting petsc errors now when switching from fgmres) */
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-change_backsolve", &change_backsolve, &found );
      //Stg_KSPDestroy(&ksp_inner );
      KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp_new_inner);
      Stg_KSPSetOperators(ksp_new_inner, K, K, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
      KSPSetOptionsPrefix(ksp_new_inner, "backsolveA11_");
      KSPSetFromOptions(ksp_new_inner); /* make sure we are setting up our solver how we want it */
      MatSchurComplementSetKSP( S, ksp_new_inner );/* need to give the Schur it's inner ksp back for when we destroy it at end */

    KSPSolve(ksp_inner, t, u);         /* Solve, then restore default tolerance and initial guess */
    a11SingleSolveTime = MPI_Wtime() - a11SingleSolveTime;              /* ------------------ Final V Solve */

    PetscOptionsGetString( PETSC_NULL, "-solutiondumpdir", name, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1, &flg );
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"p%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteVec( p, matname,str, "Writing p vector in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"u%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteVec( u, matname,str, "Writing u vector in al Solver");
        sprintf(str,"%s/",name); sprintf(matname,"h_hat%s",suffix);
        bsscr_dirwriteVec( h_hat, matname,str, "Writing h_hat vector in al Solver");


    found = PETSC_FALSE;
    restorek = PETSC_FALSE;
    PetscOptionsGetTruth( PETSC_NULL, "-restore_K_after_solve", &restorek, &found);
    if(penaltyNumber > 1e-10 && bsscrp_self->k2type){
            penaltyNumber = -penaltyNumber;
            ierr=MatAXPY(K,penaltyNumber,K2,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);CHKERRQ(ierr);/* Computes K = penaltyNumber*K2 + K */
    /******     SOLUTION SUMMARY      ******************************************************************************/
    bsscr_summary(bsscrp_self,ksp_S,ksp_inner,K,K2,D,G,C,u,p,f,h,t,penaltyNumber,KisJustK, mgSetupTime, scrSolveTime, a11SingleSolveTime);
    //bsscr_summary(bsscrp_self,ksp_S,ksp_inner,K,Korig,K2,D,G,C,u,p,f,h,t,penaltyNumber,KisJustK, mgSetupTime, scrSolveTime, a11SingleSolveTime);
    Stg_VecDestroy(&t );
    Stg_KSPDestroy(&ksp_S );
    Stg_VecDestroy(&h_hat );
    Stg_MatDestroy(&S );//This will destroy ksp_inner: also.. pcInner == pc_MG and is destroyed when ksp_inner is 
    been_here = 1;