コード例 #1
SupportVectorMachine::predictSlidingWindow(const Feature &feat, CFloatImage &response) const
    response.ReAllocate(CShape(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1));

    /******** BEGIN TODO ********/
    // Sliding window prediction.
    // In this project we are using a linear SVM. This means that
    // it's classification function is very simple, consisting of a
    // dot product of the feature vector with a set of weights learned
    // during training, followed by a subtraction of a bias term
    //          pred <- dot(feat, weights) - bias term
    // Now this is very simple to compute when we are dealing with
    // cropped images, our computed features have the same dimensions
    // as the SVM weights. Things get a little more tricky when you
    // want to evaluate this function over all possible subwindows of
    // a larger feature, one that we would get by running our feature
    // extraction on an entire image.
    // Here you will evaluate the above expression by breaking
    // the dot product into a series of convolutions (remember that
    // a convolution can be though of as a point wise dot product with
    // the convolution kernel), each one with a different band.
    // Convolve each band of the SVM weights with the corresponding
    // band in feat, and add the resulting score image. The final
    // step is to subtract the SVM bias term given by this->getBiasTerm().
    // Hint: you might need to set the origin for the convolution kernel
    // in order to get the result from convoltion to be correctly centered
    // Useful functions:
    // Convolve, BandSelect, this->getWeights(), this->getBiasTerm()

Feature weights = this->getWeights();
	int nWtBands = weights.Shape().nBands;
	// Set the center of the window as the origin for the conv. kernel
	for (int band = 0; band < nWtBands; band++)
		// Select a band
		CFloatImage featBand;
		CFloatImage weightBand;
		BandSelect(feat, featBand, band, 0);
		BandSelect(weights, weightBand, band, 0);

		// Set the origin of the kernel
		weightBand.origin[0] = weights.Shape().width / 2;
		weightBand.origin[1] = weights.Shape().height / 2;
		// Compute the dot product
		CFloatImage dotproduct;
		Convolve(featBand, dotproduct, weightBand);

		// Add the resulting score image
		for (int y = 0; y < feat.Shape().height; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < feat.Shape().width; x++)
				response.Pixel(x, y, 0) += dotproduct.Pixel(x, y, 0);
			// End of x loop
		// End of y loop
	// End of band loop
	// Substract the SVM bias term
	for (int y = 0; y < feat.Shape().height; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < feat.Shape().width; x++)
			response.Pixel(x, y, 0) -= this->getBiasTerm();
		// End of x loop
	// End of y loop

    /******** END TODO ********/
コード例 #2
SupportVectorMachine::predictSlidingWindow(const Feature& feat) const
	CFloatImage score(CShape(feat.Shape().width,feat.Shape().height,1));

	/******** BEGIN TODO ********/
	// Sliding window prediction.
	// In this project we are using a linear SVM. This means that 
	// it's classification function is very simple, consisting of a
	// dot product of the feature vector with a set of weights learned
	// during training, followed by a subtraction of a bias term
	//          pred <- dot(feat, weights) - bias term
	// Now this is very simple to compute when we are dealing with
	// cropped images, our computed features have the same dimensions
	// as the SVM weights. Things get a little more tricky when you
	// want to evaluate this function over all possible subwindows of
	// a larger feature, one that we would get by running our feature
	// extraction on an entire image. 
	// Here you will evaluate the above expression by breaking
	// the dot product into a series of convolutions (remember that
	// a convolution can be though of as a point wise dot product with
	// the convolution kernel), each one with a different band.
	// Convolve each band of the SVM weights with the corresponding
	// band in feat, and add the resulting score image. The final
	// step is to subtract the SVM bias term given by this->getBiasTerm().
	// Hint: you might need to set the origin for the convolution kernel
	// in order to get the result from convoltion to be correctly centered
	// Useful functions:
	// Convolve, BandSelect, this->getWeights(), this->getBiasTerm()

	//printf("TODO: SupportVectorMachine.cpp:273\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); 
	Feature weights = getWeights();
	for (int b=0; b<feat.Shape().nBands; b++){
		CFloatImage currentBandWeights = CFloatImage(weights.Shape().width, weights.Shape().height, 1);
		CFloatImage currentBandFeatures = CFloatImage(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1);
		CFloatImage convolved = CFloatImage(CShape(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1));
		CFloatImage final(CShape(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1));
		BandSelect(weights, currentBandWeights, b, 0);
		BandSelect(feat, currentBandFeatures, b, 0);
		currentBandWeights.origin[0] = weights.origin[0];
		currentBandWeights.origin[1] = weights.origin[1];
		Convolve(feat, convolved, currentBandWeights);
		BandSelect(convolved, final, b, 0);
		score += final;
		} catch (CError err) {
			printf("OH NOES: the final chapter!");
	/******** END TODO ********/

	return score;