コード例 #1
void DirectFBGeometryBuffer::appendGeometry(const Vertex* const vbuff,
                                            uint vertex_count)
    IDirectFBSurface* t =
        d_activeTexture ? d_activeTexture->getDirectFBSurface() : 0;

    // create a new batch if there are no batches yet, or if the active texture
    // differs from that used by the current batch.
    if (d_batches.empty() || (t != d_batches.back().first))
        d_batches.push_back(BatchInfo(t, 0));

    // update size of current batch
    d_batches.back().second += vertex_count;

    // buffer these vertices
    DFBVertex vd;
    const Vertex* vs = vbuff;
    for (uint i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i, ++vs)
        // copy vertex info the buffer, converting from CEGUI::Vertex to
        // something directly usable by DirectFB as needed.
        vd.x       = vs->position.d_x;
        vd.y       = vs->position.d_y;
        vd.z       = vs->position.d_z;
        vd.w       = 1.0f;
        //vd.diffuse = vs->colour_val.getARGB();
        vd.s       = vs->tex_coords.d_x;
        vd.t       = vs->tex_coords.d_y;
コード例 #2
void Direct3D10GeometryBuffer::appendGeometry(const Vertex* const vbuff,
                                              uint vertex_count)
    const ID3D10ShaderResourceView* srv =
        d_activeTexture ? d_activeTexture->getDirect3DShaderResourceView() : 0;

    // create a new batch if there are no batches yet, or if the active texture
    // differs from that used by the current batch.
    if (d_batches.empty() || (srv != d_batches.back().first))
        d_batches.push_back(BatchInfo(srv, 0));

    // update size of current batch
    d_batches.back().second += vertex_count;

    // buffer these vertices
    D3DVertex vd;
    const Vertex* vs = vbuff;
    for (uint i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i, ++vs)
        // copy vertex info the buffer, converting from CEGUI::Vertex to
        // something directly usable by D3D as needed.
        vd.x       = vs->position.d_x;
        vd.y       = vs->position.d_y;
        vd.z       = vs->position.d_z;
        vd.diffuse = vs->colour_val.getARGB();
        vd.tu      = vs->tex_coords.d_x;
        vd.tv      = vs->tex_coords.d_y;

    d_bufferSynched = false;
コード例 #3
void IrrlichtGeometryBuffer::appendGeometry(const Vertex* const vbuff,
                                            uint vertex_count)
    // see if we should start a new batch
    irr::video::ITexture* t =
        d_activeTexture ? d_activeTexture->getIrrlichtTexture() : 0;

    if (d_batches.empty() || d_batches.back().first != t)
        d_batches.push_back(BatchInfo(t, 0));

    // buffer these vertices
    const irr::u16 idx_start = d_batches.back().second;
    irr::video::S3DVertex v;
    for (uint i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i)
        const Vertex& vs = vbuff[i];
        v.Pos.X     = vs.position.d_x + d_texelOffset;
        v.Pos.Y     = vs.position.d_y + d_texelOffset;
        v.Pos.Z     = vs.position.d_z;
        v.TCoords.X = vs.tex_coords.d_x;
        v.TCoords.Y = vs.tex_coords.d_y;
        d_indices.push_back(idx_start + i);

    // update size of current batch
    d_batches.back().second += vertex_count;
コード例 #4
void Direct3D9GeometryBuffer::performBatchManagement()
    const LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 t = d_activeTexture ?
                                 d_activeTexture->getDirect3D9Texture() : 0;

    // create a new batch if there are no batches yet, or if the active texture
    // differs from that used by the current batch.
    if (d_batches.empty() || (t != d_batches.back().first))
        d_batches.push_back(BatchInfo(t, 0));
コード例 #5
void OpenGLGeometryBuffer::performBatchManagement()
    const GLuint gltex = d_activeTexture ?
                            d_activeTexture->getOpenGLTexture() : 0;

    // create a new batch if there are no batches yet, or if the active texture
    // differs from that used by the current batch.
    if (d_batches.empty() || (gltex != d_batches.back().first))
        d_batches.push_back(BatchInfo(gltex, 0));
コード例 #6
ファイル: ceggeometrybuffer.cpp プロジェクト: bilgili/FlowVR
	void FlowVRCegGeometryBuffer::setActiveTexture(Texture* texture)
//		std::cout << "FlowVRCegGeometryBuffer[" << this << "]::setActiveTexture() -- " << this << " changed texture from: " << m_activeTexture
//				  << " [" << (m_activeTexture ? static_cast<FlowVRCegTexture*>(m_activeTexture)->getFileName():"NULL") << "] to texture @ " << texture
//				  << " [" << (texture ? static_cast<FlowVRCegTexture*>(texture)->getFileName():"NULL") << "]" << std::endl;
		m_activeTexture = texture;

		if( m_activeTexture )
			BATCHMAP::iterator cit = m_batchInfos.find( m_activeTexture );
			if( cit == m_batchInfos.end() )
				m_batchInfos[ m_activeTexture ] = BatchInfo();
				activeBatch = &m_batchInfos[ m_activeTexture ];
				activeBatch = &(*cit).second;
			activeBatch = NULL;