static t_int *bowedbar_perform(t_int *w) { t_bowedbar *x = (t_bowedbar *)(w[1]); float bp = x->x_bp; float bpos = x->x_bpos; float bv = x->x_bv; float GAIN = x->x_GAIN; float integration_const_ = x->x_integration_const_; float fr = x->x_freq; t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[2]); long n = w[3]; float temp, input, data; long k; if(fr != x->fr_save) { setFreq(x, fr); x->fr_save = fr; } x->bowTabl.slope = bp; x->slope = bp; setStrikePosition(x, bpos); while(n--) { data = 0.0; input = 0.0; if(integration_const_ == 0.0) x->velinput = 0.0; else x->velinput = integration_const_ * x->velinput; for(k=0; k<x->NR_MODES; k++) { x->velinput += GAIN * x->delay[k].lastOutput; } input = bv - x->velinput; input = input * BowTabl_lookup(&x->bowTabl, input); input = input/(float)x->NR_MODES; for(k=0; k<x->NR_MODES; k++) { BiQuad_tick(&x->bandpass_[k], input*x->gains[k] + GAIN * x->delay[k].lastOutput); DLineN_tick(&x->delay[k], x->bandpass_[k].lastOutput); data += x->bandpass_[k].lastOutput; } *out++ = data * 4.0; } return w + 4; }
MYFLT LipFilt_tick(LipFilt *p, MYFLT mouthSample, MYFLT boreSample) /* Perform "Table Lookup" By Polynomial Calculation */ { MYFLT temp; MYFLT output; temp = mouthSample - boreSample; /* Differential pressure */ temp = BiQuad_tick(p, temp); /* Force -> position */ temp = temp*temp; /* Simple position to area mapping */ if (temp > FL(1.0)) temp = FL(1.0); /* Saturation at + 1.0 */ output = temp * mouthSample; /* Assume mouth input = area */ output += (FL(1.0)-temp) * boreSample; /* and Bore reflection is compliment */ return output; }
static MYFLT Modal4_tick(Modal4 *m) { MYFLT temp,temp2; int32 itemp; MYFLT temp_time, alpha, lastOutput; int length = (int)m->wave->flen; m->w_time += m->w_rate; /* Update current time */ if (m->w_time >= length) { /* Check for end of sound */ m->w_time = (MYFLT)(length-1); /* stick at end */ m->w_allDone = 1; /* Information for one-shot use */ } else if (m->w_time < FL(0.0)) /* Check for end of sound */ m->w_time = FL(0.0); /* stick at beg */ temp_time = m->w_time; #ifdef phase_offset if (m->w_phaseOffset != FL(0.0)) { temp_time += m->w_phaseOffset; /* Add phase offset */ if (temp_time >= length) /* Check for end of sound */ temp_time = length-1; /* stick at end */ else if (temp_time < FL(0.0)) /* check for end of sound */ temp_time = FL(0.0); /* stick at beg */ } #endif itemp = (int32) temp_time; /* Integer part of time address */ alpha = temp_time - (MYFLT)itemp; /* fractional part of time address */ lastOutput = m->wave->ftable[itemp]; /* Do linear interpolation */ lastOutput = lastOutput + /* same as alpha*data[temp+1] */ (alpha * (m->wave->ftable[itemp+1] - lastOutput)); /* + (1-alpha)data[temp] */ temp = m->masterGain * OnePole_tick(&m->onepole, lastOutput * Envelope_tick(&m->envelope)); temp2 = BiQuad_tick(&m->filters[0], temp); temp2 += BiQuad_tick(&m->filters[1], temp); temp2 += BiQuad_tick(&m->filters[2], temp); temp2 += BiQuad_tick(&m->filters[3], temp); temp2 = temp2 - (temp2 * m->directGain); temp2 += m->directGain * temp; if (m->vibrGain != 0.0) { /* Tick on vibrato table */ m->v_time += m->v_rate; /* Update current time */ while (m->v_time >= m->vibr->flen) /* Check for end of sound */ m->v_time -= m->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ while (m->v_time < FL(0.0)) /* Check for end of sound */ m->v_time += m->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ temp_time = m->v_time; #ifdef phase_offset if (m->v_phaseOffset != FL(0.0)) { temp_time += m->v_phaseOffset; /* Add phase offset */ while (temp_time >= m->vibr->flen) /* Check for end of sound */ temp_time -= m->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ while (temp_time < FL(0.0)) /* Check for end of sound */ temp_time += m->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ } #endif itemp = (int32) temp_time; /* Integer part of time address */ /* fractional part of time address */ alpha = temp_time - (MYFLT)itemp; lastOutput = m->vibr->ftable[itemp]; /* Do linear interpolation */ /* same as alpha*data[itemp+1] + (1-alpha)data[temp] */ lastOutput = /*m->v)*/lastOutput + (alpha * (m->vibr->ftable[itemp+1] - lastOutput)); /* End of vibrato tick */ temp = FL(1.0) + (lastOutput * m->vibrGain); /* Calculate AM */ temp2 = temp * temp2; /* and apply to master out */ } return (temp2 + temp2); }
int bowed(CSOUND *csound, BOWED *p) { MYFLT *ar = p->ar; uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset; uint32_t early = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end; uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS; MYFLT amp = (*p->amp)*AMP_RSCALE; /* Normalise */ MYFLT maxVel; int freq_changed = 0; if (amp != p->lastamp) { p->maxVelocity = FL(0.03) + (FL(0.2) * amp); p->lastamp = amp; } maxVel = p->maxVelocity; if (p->lastpress != *p->bowPress) p->bowTabl.slope = p->lastpress = *p->bowPress; /* Set Frequency if changed */ if (p->lastfreq != *p->frequency) { /* delay - approx. filter delay */ if (p->limit<=*p->frequency) p->lastfreq = *p->frequency; else { p->lastfreq = p->limit; csound->Warning(csound, Str("frequency too low, set to minimum")); } p->baseDelay = CS_ESR / p->lastfreq - FL(4.0); freq_changed = 1; } if (p->lastbeta != *p->betaRatio || freq_changed) { /* Reset delays if changed */ p->lastbeta = *p->betaRatio; DLineL_setDelay(&p->bridgeDelay, /* bow to bridge length */ p->baseDelay * p->lastbeta); DLineL_setDelay(&p->neckDelay, /* bow to nut (finger) length */ p->baseDelay *(FL(1.0) - p->lastbeta)); } p->v_rate = *p->vibFreq * p->vibr->flen * csound->onedsr; if (p->kloop>0 && p->h.insdshead->relesing) p->kloop=1; if ((--p->kloop) == 0) { ADSR_setDecayRate(csound, &p->adsr, (FL(1.0) - p->adsr.value) * FL(0.005)); p-> = FL(0.0); p->adsr.rate = p->adsr.releaseRate; p->adsr.state = RELEASE; } if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT)); if (UNLIKELY(early)) { nsmps -= early; memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT)); } for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) { MYFLT bowVelocity; MYFLT bridgeRefl=FL(0.0), nutRefl=FL(0.0); MYFLT newVel=FL(0.0), velDiff=FL(0.0), stringVel=FL(0.0); MYFLT lastOutput; bowVelocity = maxVel * ADSR_tick(&p->adsr); /* Bridge Reflection */ bridgeRefl = - OnePole_tick(&p->reflFilt, p->bridgeDelay.lastOutput); nutRefl = - p->neckDelay.lastOutput; /* Nut Reflection */ stringVel = bridgeRefl + nutRefl; /* Sum is String Velocity */ velDiff = bowVelocity - stringVel; /* Differential Velocity */ /* Non-Lin Bow Function */ newVel = velDiff * BowTabl_lookup(csound, &p->bowTabl, velDiff); DLineL_tick(&p->neckDelay, bridgeRefl + newVel); /* Do string */ DLineL_tick(&p->bridgeDelay, nutRefl + newVel); /* propagations */ if (*p->vibAmt > FL(0.0)) { int32 temp; MYFLT temp_time, alpha; /* Tick on vibrato table */ p->v_time += p->v_rate; /* Update current time */ while (p->v_time >= p->vibr->flen) /* Check for end of sound */ p->v_time -= p->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ while (p->v_time < FL(0.0)) /* Check for end of sound */ p->v_time += p->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ temp_time = p->v_time; #ifdef phase_offset if (p->v_phaseOffset != FL(0.0)) { temp_time += p->v_phaseOffset; /* Add phase offset */ while (temp_time >= p->vibr->flen) /* Check for end of sound */ temp_time -= p->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ while (temp_time < FL(0.0)) /* Check for end of sound */ temp_time += p->vibr->flen; /* loop back to beginning */ } #endif temp = (int32) temp_time; /* Integer part of time address */ /* fractional part of time address */ alpha = temp_time - (MYFLT)temp; p->v_lastOutput = p->vibr->ftable[temp]; /* Do linear interpolation */ /* same as alpha*data[temp+1] + (1-alpha)data[temp] */ p->v_lastOutput = p->v_lastOutput + (alpha * (p->vibr->ftable[temp+1] - p->v_lastOutput)); /* End of vibrato tick */ DLineL_setDelay(&p->neckDelay, (p->baseDelay * (FL(1.0) - p->lastbeta)) + (p->baseDelay * *p->vibAmt * p->v_lastOutput)); } else DLineL_setDelay(&p->neckDelay, (p->baseDelay * (FL(1.0) - p->lastbeta))); lastOutput = BiQuad_tick(&p->bodyFilt, p->bridgeDelay.lastOutput); ar[n] = lastOutput*AMP_SCALE * amp *FL(1.8); } return OK; }
int bowedbar(CSOUND *csound, BOWEDBAR *p) { MYFLT *ar = p->ar; uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset; uint32_t early = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end; uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS; MYFLT amp = (*p->amp)*AMP_RSCALE; /* Normalise */ int32 k; int i; MYFLT maxVelocity; MYFLT integration_const = *p->integration_const; if (p->lastpress != *p->bowPress) p->bowTabl.slope = p->lastpress = *p->bowPress; if (p->freq != *p->frequency) { p->freq = *p->frequency; if (p->freq > FL(1568.0)) p->freq = FL(1568.0); p->length = (int)(CS_ESR/p->freq); p->nr_modes = NR_MODES; /* reset for frequency shift */ for (i = 0; i<NR_MODES; i++) { if ((int)(p->length/p->modes[i]) > 4) DLineN_setDelay(csound, &p->delay[i], (int)(p->length/p->modes[i])); else { p->nr_modes = i; break; } } if (p->nr_modes==0) return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Bowedbar: cannot have zero modes\n")); for (i=0; i<p->nr_modes; i++) { MYFLT R = FL(1.0) - p->freq * p->modes[i] * csound->pidsr; BiQuad_clear(&p->bandpass[i]); BiQuad_setFreqAndReson(p->bandpass[i], p->freq * p->modes[i], R); BiQuad_setEqualGainZeroes(p->bandpass[i]); BiQuad_setGain(p->bandpass[i], (FL(1.0)-R*R)*FL(0.5)); } } /* Bow position as well */ if (*p->position != p->lastpos) { MYFLT temp2 = *p->position * PI_F; p->gains[0] = FABS(SIN(temp2 * FL(0.5))) /* * pow(0.9,0))*/; p->gains[1] = FABS(SIN(temp2) * FL(0.9)); p->gains[2] = FABS(SIN(temp2 * FL(1.5)) * FL(0.9)*FL(0.9)); p->gains[3] = FABS(SIN(temp2 * FL(2.0)) * FL(0.9)*FL(0.9)*FL(0.9)); p->lastpos = *p->position; } if (*p->bowposition != p->lastBowPos) { /* Not sure what this control is? */ p->bowTarg += FL(0.02) * (*p->bowposition - p->lastBowPos); p->lastBowPos = *p->bowposition; ADSR_setTarget(csound, &p->adsr, p->lastBowPos); p->lastBowPos = *p->bowposition; } if (p->kloop>0 && p->h.insdshead->relesing) p->kloop=1; if ((--p->kloop) == 0) { ADSR_setReleaseRate(csound, &p->adsr, (FL(1.0) - amp) * FL(0.005)); p-> = FL(0.0); p->adsr.rate = p->adsr.releaseRate; p->adsr.state = RELEASE; } maxVelocity = FL(0.03) + (FL(0.5) * amp); if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT)); if (UNLIKELY(early)) { nsmps -= early; memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT)); } for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) { MYFLT data = FL(0.0); MYFLT input = FL(0.0); if (integration_const == FL(0.0)) p->velinput = FL(0.0); else p->velinput = integration_const * p->velinput; for (k=0; k<p->nr_modes; k++) { p->velinput += *p->GAIN * p->delay[k].lastOutput; } if (*p->trackVel) { p->bowvel *= FL(0.9995); p->bowvel += p->bowTarg; p->bowTarg *= FL(0.995); } else p->bowvel = ADSR_tick(&p->adsr)*maxVelocity; input = p->bowvel - p->velinput; input = input * BowTabl_lookup(csound, &p->bowTabl, input); input = input/(MYFLT)p->nr_modes; for (k=0; k<p->nr_modes; k++) { BiQuad_tick(&p->bandpass[k], input*p->gains[k] + *p->GAIN * p->delay[k].lastOutput); DLineN_tick(&p->delay[k], p->bandpass[k].lastOutput); data += p->bandpass[k].lastOutput; } ar[n] = data * AMP_SCALE * FL(20.0); /* 20 is an experimental value */ } return OK; }